-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. > {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} >module HFusion.Internal.Inline ( > inline > ,showHylo > ,ShowDocA > ,CoalgebraPrintable > ,applyHyloWithCntArgs > ) where > import List > import HFusion.Internal.HyloFace > import HFusion.Internal.HyloRep() -- importing class instances only > import HFusion.Internal.HsPretty > import HFusion.Internal.Utils > import Data.Char(isAlpha,isLower,isDigit) > import Control.Monad.State(get,put,State,runState,evalState) > import Control.Monad.Reader(Reader,runReader,ask,local) > import Control.Monad.Identity(Identity(..)) > import Control.Arrow((***)) > import qualified Data.Map as M(lookup) import Debug.Trace sss' t = trace (show t) > class Inlineable a where > getInline :: [Term] -> a -> Term Type class for inline algebra components. let phi = phi_1 \/...\/ phi_n, getInline [t_1,...,t_n] phi_i is the term representing the beta-reduction of phi_i (t_1,...,t_n). > class CAInlineable c where > caGetInline :: [Term] -> Term -> Coalgebra c -> VarGenState Term Type class for inline coalgebra components. let psi = \l->case t0 of p1 -> t1';...;pn -> tn' caGetInline [t_1,...,t_n] a psi is more or less the term representing (case t0 of p1 -> t_1;...;pn -> t_n)[a/l] caGetInline [] a psi is more or less the term representing (case t0 of p1 -> t1';...;pn -> tn')[a/l] This is not the exact behavior for coalgebras in sigma form, we may document the behavior for these in the future. > instance CAInlineable Psi where > caGetInline ts arg (bv,t0,Psi psis) > | null ts = return$ delCases$ substitution (zipTree [bvtuple bv] [arg])$ Tcase (toTerm t0) ps (map getCaTerm psis) > | otherwise = return$ delCases$ substitution (zipTree [bvtuple bv] [arg])$ Tcase (toTerm t0) ps ts > where getCaTerm =Ttuple False . map getTerm.getTerms > ps=map (toPattern . getPatterns) psis > toTerm [t] = t > toTerm ts = Ttuple False ts > toPattern [p] = p > toPattern ps = Ptuple ps > instance CAInlineable Sigma where > caGetInline ts arg (bv,t0s,coalgebra) = > do t<-inlineSigma t0s coalgebra ts > return . substitution (zipTree [bvtuple bv] [arg]) . delCases$ t > splitList :: [a] -> [Int] -> [[a]] > splitList ls (i:is) = ls' : splitList lss is > where (ls',lss) = splitAt i ls > splitList _ [] = [] > insertRecvarCases :: [Term] -> [[PatternS]] -> Term -> Term > insertRecvarCases ts pss t = foldr insertCase t (zip ts (head pss)) > where insertCase (t0t@(Tvar t0),p) t > | t0/=v = Tcase t0t [Pvar v] [t] > | otherwise = t > where v = pvar p > insertCase (t0,p) t = Tcase t0 [Pvar (pvar p)] [t] > matchSigmaTerms :: [Term] -> [[PatternS]] -> [(Variable,Term)] > matchSigmaTerms ts pss = zipWith matchCase ts (head pss) > where matchCase t p = (pvar p,t) > pvar :: PatternS -> Variable > pvar (Ppattern v _) = v > pvar (PcaseR _ v _ _ _) = v > pvar (PcaseSana _ v _ _) = v > pvar (PcaseS v _ _) = v > pvar Pdone = error$ "pvar: unexpected PatterS: Pdone" > zipTree :: [Boundvar] -> [Term] -> [(Variable, Term)] > zipTree bvs ts = maybe (error ("zipTree: No coinciden las listas."++show bvs++show ts)) id$ zipTree' bvs ts > data InlST = InlST {fterms::[(Constructor,[[Term]->VarGenState Term])],gi::VarGen} > inlineSigma :: [Term] -> Sigma -> [Term] -> VarGenState Term > inlineSigma t0s (Sigma (casemap,ts,pss,hss)) ts' = > do t<-inlineTHS (reorganizeSigma$ weaveTermS (splitList initialTerms casemap) pss) > return$ insertRecvarCases t0s pss t > where inlineTHS = inlineTermS inlWCA (\ia ih -> lookupfapp ih (hss!!ia)) (matchSigmaTerms t0s pss) > getCaTerm = Ttuple False . map getTerm > initialTerms | null ts' = map getCaTerm ts > | otherwise = ts' > inlWCA :: Int -> Int -> [(Variable,Term)] -> Variable -> > (Acomponent InF->(Term->Term,[Term])->State InlST Term)->State InlST Term > inlWCA ia ih sust t0 f = > do let Just hss' = hss!!ia > Just (_,inFs,etas,wca,_) = find (\(i,_,_,_,_)->ih==i) hss' > k<-get > let (wca',i')=runState (renamePatternVars wca) (gi k) -- rename pattern variables > put (k {gi=i'}) > ts<-sequence$ zipWith f inFs (inlEtas wca' sust etas) > k<-get > let (t,i')=runState (inlCA wca' (substitution sust (Tvar t0)) ts) (gi k) > put (k {gi=i'}) > return t > inlEtas wca sust etas = zipWith reduceTrans (map (map (substitution sust . getTerm))$ getComponentTerms wca) etas > inlCA (WCApsi c) t0 ts = caGetInline ts t0 c > inlCA (WCAoutF c) t0 ts = caGetInline ts t0 c > inlCA (WCAsigma c) t0 ts = caGetInline ts t0 c > lookupfapp i (Just hss') = maybe (error "lookupfapp: unexpected case") (\(_,_,_,_,fapp) -> fapp i) > $ find (\(i',_,_,_,fapp)->i==i') hss' > lookupfapp _ _ = error "lookupfapp: unexpected case in recursive argument data" > inlineTermS inlWCA fapp sust t = > case t of > TtermS t -> return t > TcaseS t0 p t a -> do t'<-inlS t > a'<-inlS a > return$ Tcase (substitution sust (Tvar t0)) (conda a p pany) (conda a t' a') > TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t a -> do t'<-inlS t > a'<-inlS a > return$ Tcase (fapp ia ih (substitution sust (Tvar t0))) > (conda a p pany) (conda a t' a') > TcaseR ia ih t0 ps a -> do let fts'=map inlAlt' ps > a'<-inlS a > i<-get > let (res,k)=runState (inlWCA ia ih sust t0$ inlA (inlTermS a'))$ InlST fts' i > put (gi k) > return res > TbottomS -> return$ Tbottom > where conda TbottomS t1 _ = [t1] > conda _ t1 t2 = [t1,t2] > inlS = inlineTermS inlWCA fapp sust > inlAlt' (c,vrs,ts) = (c,map (inlAlt vrs) ts) > inlAlt :: [Variable] -> (TermS,[Variable]) -> [Term] -> VarGenState Term > inlAlt vrs (t,nrs) ts = do let (recs,nrecs) = partition (flip notElem nrs.fst)$ zip vrs ts > t'<-inlineTermS inlWCA fapp (sust++recs) t > return (foldr (\(u,t0) ti->Tcase t0 [(Pvar u)] [ti]) t' nrecs) > inlTermS a (InF (c',_)) ts _ = > do k<-get > case lookup c' (fterms k) of > Just fts -> do k<-get > let (t,i')=runState (head fts ts) (gi k) > put (k {fterms=inlstupd c' (tail fts) (fterms k),gi=i'}) > return t > Nothing -> return a > inlstupd _ _ [] = [] > inlstupd c l (h@(c',_):as) | c==c' = (c,l):as > | otherwise = h: inlstupd c l as It follows a representation of the term woven from PatternSs. > data TermS = TcaseS Variable Pattern TermS TermS [| TcaseS v p t1 t2 |] = case v of p -> [| t1 |]; _ -> [| t2 |] > | TcaseSana Int Int Variable Pattern TermS TermS [| TcaseSana ia ih v p t1 t2 |] = case ana(beta) v of p -> [| t1 |]; _ -> [| t2 |] ia is the argument index, which coalgebra is being applied here. ih is the index of the coalgebra term to select from the mutual hylo. > | TcaseR Int Int Variable [(Constructor,[Variable],[(TermS,[Variable])])] TermS [| TcaseR ia ih v alts t2 |] = case beta v of [| alts |]; _ -> [| t2 |] [| (c,args,[(t1,_), ... ,(tn,_)]) |] = (c1,args)->[| t1 |]; ...;(cn,args)->[|tn|] ia is the argument index, which coalgebra is being applied here. ih is the index of the coalgebra term to select from the mutual hylo. > | TtermS Term [| TtermS t |] = t > | TbottomS [| TbottomS |] = _|_ > deriving Show It follows a function to weave a TermS from a lists PatternSs. waveTermS [t1...tn] [[p11...p1n]...[[pm1...pmn]] is a case term like case (v1,...,vn) of (p11,...,pm1) -> t1 ... (p1n,...,pmn) -> tn > weaveTermS :: [[Term]] -> [[PatternS]] -> TermS > weaveTermS tss pss = foldr (\(ps,ts) tb -> fst$ runState (toTermS 0 ps tb) ts) TbottomS (zip pss tss) > where toTermS :: Int -> [PatternS] -> TermS -> State [Term] TermS > toTermS i (p:ps) tb = toTermS' i p (toTermS (i+1) ps tb) tb > toTermS _ [] _ = do ts<-get > put (tail ts) > return$ TtermS (head ts) > toTermS' :: Int -> PatternS -> State [Term] TermS -> TermS -> State [Term] TermS > toTermS' ia (PcaseS t0 p t1) t tb = > do t'<-toTermS' ia t1 t tb > return$ TcaseS t0 p t' tb > toTermS' ia (PcaseSana ih t0 p t1) t tb = > do t'<-toTermS' ia t1 t tb > return$ TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t' tb > toTermS' _ (PcaseR _ _ _ _ []) _ tb = return tb > toTermS' ia (PcaseR ih v c vrs ts) t tb = > do ts' <- mapM (toTermSalts' ia t tb) ts > return$ TcaseR ia ih v [(c,vrs,ts')] tb > toTermS' _ (Ppattern v p) t tb = t >>= \t -> return$ TcaseS v p t tb > toTermS' _ Pdone t _ = t > toTermSalts' ia t tb (t',recs) = toTermS' ia t' t tb >>= \r-> return (r,recs) We eliminate with the following function spurious cases that appear when inlining the patterns of sigma. By analyzing the code it is possible to decide which branches will be taken in many cases. This routine also saves a lot of variables. This type represents what we know from the context of a given term. We know that we are under an alternative of a case on variable v, the specific alternative is Just (constructor,choice index), or nothing if we are on a default alternative; for every alternative of that case we store the constructor, the variables used as arguments, and which term corresponded for those alternatives. > type NodeDown = (Variable,Either (Maybe (Constructor,Int),[(Constructor,[Variable],[(TermS,[Variable])])]) > (Pattern,Bool)) (v,c,i,alts) v es la variable sobre la que se aplica la coalgebra argumento. c es el constructor que resulto de aplicar la coalgebra argumento. i es la alternativa corespondiente del constructor (0-based) alts son las alternativas del case en que se obtuvo el constructor c. > type NodeUp = (Variable,[(Constructor,[Variable],[(TermS,[Variable])])]) > reorganizeSigma :: TermS -> TermS > reorganizeSigma = snd . rs [] [] > where rs :: [NodeDown] -> [Either (TermS->TermS) Variable] -> TermS -> ([NodeUp],TermS) > rs _ _ t@(TtermS _) = ([],t) > rs ns ctx (TcaseS t0 p t _) | not (isRefusable p) = > let (adds',t') = rs ns (Left (\t->TcaseS t0 p t TbottomS):ctx) t > in (adds', TcaseS t0 p t' TbottomS) > rs ns ctx (TcaseS t0 p t a) = > case lookup t0 ns of > Just (Right (p',True)) > | matches p' p -> > case matchingSubsts (Just t0) p' p of > Just sust -> > let mkTermS t = foldr (\(t0r,p) tr->TcaseS t0r p tr TbottomS) t sust > (adds',t')=rs ((t0,Right (p,True)):ns) (Left mkTermS:ctx) t > in (adds',mkTermS t') > Nothing -> let (adds',t')=rs ((t0,Right (p,True)):ns) (Left (\t->TcaseS t0 p t TbottomS):ctx) t > in (adds',TcaseS t0 p t' TbottomS) > | otherwise -> rs ns ctx a > Just (Right (p',False)) | matches p p' -> rs ns ctx a > _ -> > let (adds',t')=rs ((t0,Right (p,True)):ns) (Left (\t->TcaseS t0 p t a'):ctx) t > (adds'',a')=rs ((t0,Right (p,False)):ns) ctx a > in (adds' ++ adds'',TcaseS t0 p t' a') > rs ns ctx (TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t _) | not (isRefusable p) = > let (adds',t') = rs ns (Left (\t->TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t TbottomS):ctx) t > in (adds', TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t' TbottomS) > rs ns ctx (TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t a) = > let (adds',t')=rs ns (Left (\t->TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t a'):ctx) t > (adds'',a')=rs ns ctx a > in (adds' ++ adds'',TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t' a') > rs ns ctx (TcaseR ia ih t0 ps a) = > case lookup t0 ns of > Just (Left (Just (c,i),ps')) -> > case find (\(c',_,_)->c==c') ps of > Just (_,vrs',ts') -> let (_,vrs,_)= maybe (error ("reorganizeSigma: i have a problem with constructor "++c)) > id $ find (\(c',_,_)->c==c') ps' > in rs ns (Right t0:ctx) . substituteTerms (zip vrs' vrs) . fst . (ts'!!) $ i > Nothing -> rs ns ctx a > Just (Left (Nothing,ps')) -> let d=ps `diff` ps' > (adds,d')= applyCtx t0 ctx$ recurse t0 ns ctx d > r@(addsa,da)=rs ns ctx a > in if null d then r else ((t0,d'):(addsa++adds),da) > _ -> let ctx' = Right t0:ctx > (adds,ps') = recurse t0 ns ctx' ps > (adds',a') = rs ((t0,Left (Nothing,ps)):ns) ctx' a > (addnow,pass) = partition ((==t0).fst) (adds++adds') > in (pass,TcaseR ia ih t0 (ps'++concat (map snd addnow)) a') > rs _ _ TbottomS = ([],TbottomS) > recurse v ns ctx ps = let (addss,ps')=unzip $ map (rs' v ns ctx ps) ps > in (concat addss,ps') > isRefusable (Pas _ p) = isRefusable p > isRefusable (Pvar _) = False > isRefusable _ = True > applyCtx v ctx (adds,d) = (adds,map (\ (c,vs,ts)-> (c,vs,map (appCtx v ctx) ts)) d) > appCtx v ctx (s,pos) = (foldl appf s (takeWhile (either (const True) (v/=)) ctx),pos) > appf s (Left f) = f s > appf s _ = s > rs' v ns ctx ps (c,vrs,ts) = let (addss,ts')=unzip $ map (rs'' v c ns ctx ps) (zip ts [0..]) > in (concat addss,(c,vrs,ts')) > rs'' v c ns ctx ps ((t,pos),i) = let (adds,t')=rs ((v,Left (Just (c,i),ps)):ns) ctx t > in (adds,(t',pos)) > diff l1 l2 = let notinl2 (c,_,_) = maybe True (const False) $ find (\(c',_,_)->c==c') l2 > in filter notinl2 l1 matches p0 p1 returns True iff all expressions matching p0 also match p1. > matches (Pas _ p) p' = matches p p' > matches p (Pas _ p') = matches p p' > matches _ (Pvar _) = True > matches (Pvar _) _ = False > matches (Ptuple ps) (Ptuple ps') = length ps == length ps' && and (zipWith matches ps ps') > matches (Pcons c ps) (Pcons c' ps') = c==c' && length ps == length ps' && and (zipWith matches ps ps') > matches (Plit l) (Plit l') = l==l' > matches _ _ = False matchingSubsts v p0 p1 returns (Just sustst) iff all expressions matching p0 also match p1, provided that the given matches in susts can be done. v is the variable the patterns are checked against. > matchingSubsts :: Maybe Variable -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Maybe [(Variable,Pattern)] > matchingSubsts _ (Pas vp p) p' = matchingSubsts (Just vp) p p' > matchingSubsts _ (Pvar vp) p = Just [(vp,p)] > matchingSubsts (Just v) _ p1@(Pvar _) = Just [(v,p1)] > matchingSubsts _ (Ptuple ps) (Ptuple ps') > | length ps == length ps' = > sequence (zipWith (matchingSubsts Nothing) ps ps') >>= return . concat > matchingSubsts _ (Pcons c ps) (Pcons c' ps') > | c==c' && length ps == length ps' = > sequence (zipWith (matchingSubsts Nothing) ps ps') >>= return . concat > matchingSubsts _ (Plit l) (Plit l') | l==l' = Just [] > matchingSubsts _ _ _ = Nothing safeMatch p returns true if there is no way to have pattern matching of p fail. > substituteTerms :: [(Variable,Variable)]->TermS->TermS > substituteTerms susts (TtermS t) = TtermS (substitution (map (\(v1,v2)->(v1,Tvar v2)) susts) t) > substituteTerms susts (TcaseS t0 p t a) = > case lookup t0 susts of > Just v -> TcaseS v p (substituteTerms susts t) (substituteTerms susts a) > Nothing -> TcaseS t0 p (substituteTerms susts t) (substituteTerms susts a) > substituteTerms susts (TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t a) = > case lookup t0 susts of > Just v -> TcaseSana ia ih v p (substituteTerms susts t) (substituteTerms susts a) > Nothing -> TcaseSana ia ih t0 p (substituteTerms susts t) (substituteTerms susts a) > substituteTerms susts (TcaseR ia ih t0 ps a) = > let recf (c,vrs,ts) = (c,vrs,map (\(t,pos)->(substituteTerms susts t,pos)) ts) > in case lookup t0 susts of > Just v -> TcaseR ia ih v (map recf ps) (substituteTerms susts a) > Nothing -> TcaseR ia ih t0 (map recf ps) (substituteTerms susts a) > substituteTerms _ TbottomS = TbottomS > instance CAInlineable OutF where > caGetInline ts arg (bv,t0:_,OutF psis) > | null ts = return$ substitution (zipTree [bvtuple bv] [arg])$ Tcase t0 ps (map getCaTerm psis) > | otherwise = return$ substitution (zipTree [bvtuple bv] [arg])$ Tcase t0 ps ts > where getCaTerm =Ttuple False . map getTerm.getTerms > ps=map (toPattern . getPatterns) psis > toPattern [p] = p > toPattern ps = Ptuple ps > caGetInline _ _ (_,[],OutF _) = error$ "caGetInline: unexpected empty list of terms" > instance (Inlineable a) => Inlineable (Acomponent a) where > getInline terminosEntrada (Acomp (vs, termwrapper)) = maybe nop ok$ zipTree' vs terminosEntrada > where ok parejasSubstituciones = substitution parejasSubstituciones$ getInline terminosEntrada termwrapper > nop = Tcase (ttuple terminosEntrada) [ptuple (map bv2pat vs)] [getInline (map bv2term vs) termwrapper] > instance (Inlineable a) => Inlineable (TauTerm a) where > getInline terminosEntrada (Taucons _ ts phi etai) = > let tsinlines = map (getInline terminosEntrada) ts > (fts,newts) = reduceTrans tsinlines etai > in fts$ getInline newts phi > getInline _ (Tausimple t) = t > getInline terminosEntrada (Taucata ft t) = ft (getInline terminosEntrada t) > getInline terminosEntrada (Taupair term tauTerm) = > let tauTermInline = getInline terminosEntrada tauTerm > in Ttuple False [term, tauTermInline] > instance Inlineable Phii where > getInline _ t = t > instance Inlineable Tau where > getInline terminosEntrada (Tauphi phi) = > getInline terminosEntrada phi > getInline terminosEntrada (TauinF inf) = > getInline terminosEntrada inf > getInline terminosEntrada (Tautau tau) = > getInline terminosEntrada tau > instance Inlineable InF where > getInline _ (InF (cons, ts)) = > (Tcapp cons ts) > instance (Inlineable a) => Inlineable (TermWrapper a) where > getInline terminosEntrada (TWcase term patterns termWrappers) = > let > terminos = map (getInline terminosEntrada) termWrappers > in > Tcase term patterns terminos [| TWcase t0 ps ts |] = case t0 of ps[i] -> [| ts[i] |] > getInline terminosEntrada (TWeta termWrapper etai) = > let (fts,resultadosEta) = reduceTrans terminosEntrada etai > in fts$ getInline resultadosEta termWrapper [| TWeta a eta |] = a.eta > getInline terminosEntrada (TWsimple a) = > getInline terminosEntrada a [| TWsimple a |] = [| a |] > getInline terminosEntrada (TWacomp acomponent) = > getInline terminosEntrada acomponent [| TWacomp a |] = [| a |] > getInline _ (TWbottom) = > (Tlamb (Bvtuple False []) Tbottom) -- bottom [| TWbottom |] = \_ -> _|_ A function used for debugging purposes showRawTW :: TermWrapper a -> Doc showRawTW (TWcase t0 ps tw) = (text "case"<+>showDoc t0<+> text "of") $$ vcat (zipWith (\p t -> showDoc p<+>text "->"<+>showRawTW t) ps tw) showRawTW (TWeta tw e) = showRawTW tw <+>text "."<+>showDoc e showRawTW (TWsimple a) = text "TWsimple a" showRawTW (TWacomp a) = text "TWacomp "<+>text (show (getVars a))<+>showRawTW (unwrapA a) showRawTW TWbottom = text "TWbottom" > inline :: (CHylo h, CAInlineable ca, Inlineable a, HasComponents ca) => [h a ca] -> h a ca -> VarGenState Def > inline hs hylo = > let > (boundvar, _, coalgebra) = getCoalgebra hylo > algebra = getAlgebra hylo > eta = getEta hylo > functor = getFunctor hylo > tupleTerms = getComponentTerms coalgebra > terminosAlternativas = map (map getTerm) tupleTerms > etaResults = map (flip reduceTrans)$ zipWith3 (\e tts fnc -> e `rightCompose` inlineDelta hs tts fnc) eta tupleTerms functor > phis = zipWith (\ etaRes algebrai terminos -> > let (etaf,ts) = etaRes terminos > in etaf (getInline ts algebrai)) > etaResults algebra > in do i<-get > let cainl=caGetInline (zipWith ($) phis terminosAlternativas) > (bv2term (bvtuple boundvar)) (getCoalgebra hylo) > (cainlres,i') = runState cainl i > put i' > return$ Defvalue (getName hylo)$ removeHyloApps$ nullPatternVariables$ mergeCasePatterns$ > foldr Tlamb cainlres$ concat$ (map flattenBv)$ boundvar > where flattenBv (Bvtuple True bvs) = concat$ map flattenBv bvs > flattenBv bv = [bv] Creates a term resembling a natural transformation, but it is not as it injects the explicit recursive calls. > inlineDelta :: CHylo h => [h a ca] -> [TupleTerm] -> HFunctor -> EtaOp > inlineDelta hs tts fnc = > let ps=map (\tt -> let p=getPosition tt in (p,getRecIndex fnc p)) tts > in EOsust (map fst ps) > (zipWith mksust ps (map (expanded fnc.fst) ps)) > (map (Bvar . fst) ps) > where mksust (rv,ri) pf = let tp = Tvar rv > in mapStructure (applyHylo (hs!!maybe 0 id ri) tp) tp pf > applyHylo h t = applyHyloWithCntArgs h [] Nothing t > applyHyloWithCntArgs :: CHylo h => h a ca -> [Term] -> Maybe [Int] -> Term -> Term > applyHyloWithCntArgs h cntargs cntpos t = Thyloapp (getName h) (sum$ map countArgs bvs) cntargs cntpos t > where (bvs,_,_)=getCoalgebra h > countArgs (Bvtuple True bvs) = sum (map countArgs bvs) > countArgs _ = 1 > instance Show EtaOp where > show = render.showDoc > instance ShowDoc EtaOp where > showDoc (EOgeneral bvs tts) = text "(\\"<>showTuple bvs<>text "->"<>showTuple tts<>char ')' > showDoc EOid = text "id" > showDoc (EOsust vs ts vss) = text "(\\"<>showTuple vss<>text "->"<>showTuple (map (sust$ zip vs ts) vss)<>char ')' > where sust vts (Bvar v) = maybe (Tvar v) id$ lookup v vts > sust vts (Bvtuple b vs) = Ttuple b$ map (sust vts) vs > showDoc (EOlet t0s ps vs ts) = text "(\\"<>showTuple vs > <>text "->case"<+>showTuple t0s<+>text "of"$$ > (showTuple ps<+>text "->"<>showTuple ts<>char ')') > etaop2term (EOgeneral bvs tts) = Tlamb (bvtuple bvs) (ttuple tts) > etaop2term EOid = Tfapp (Vuserdef "id") [] > etaop2term (EOsust vs ts vss) = Tlamb (bvtuple vss) (ttuple (map (sust$ zip vs ts) vss)) > where sust vts (Bvar v) = maybe (Tvar v) id$ lookup v vts > sust vts (Bvtuple b vs) = Ttuple b$ map (sust vts) vs > etaop2term (EOlet t0s ps vs ts) = Tlamb (bvtuple (map Bvar vs)) (Tcase (ttuple t0s) [ptuple ps] [ttuple ts]) > etai2term (Etai ([],[])) = etaop2term EOid > etai2term (Etai (el,er)) = foldl1 (\t0 t1 -> Tfapp (Vuserdef ".") [t0, t1])$ map etaop2term$ el ++ reverse er > removeHyloApps :: Term -> Term > removeHyloApps = transformTerm remHApp > where remHApp _ (Thyloapp v i ts pos t) = Tfapp v (thyloArgs i ts pos t) > remHApp _ (Tlamb (Bvtuple True bv) t) = foldr Tlamb t$ concat$ map flattenbv bv > remHApp _ t = t > flattenbv (Bvtuple True bvs) = concat$ map flattenbv bvs > flattenbv bv = [bv] Inlining of natural transformations. Receives the input terms, the nat transformation to apply, and returns a function and the terms of the tuple which results from applying the natural transformation. The function is expected to be applied to the terms resulting from several natural transformations applied in sequence. > reduceTrans :: [Term] -> Etai -> (Term->Term,[Term]) > reduceTrans ts (Etai (etasIzq, etasDer)) = (ftr.fti,tsall) > where (fti,tsall)=reduceFromRight etasIzq tsr > (ftr,tsr)=reduceFromRight (reverse etasDer) ts > reduceFromRight etas tr = foldr atomicOperation' (id,tr) etas > atomicOperation' etaop (ft,ts) = let (ft',ts')=atomicOperation etaop ts > in (ft.ft',ts') > atomicOperation :: EtaOp -> [Term] -> (Term->Term,[Term]) > atomicOperation eta terminosContexto = > case eta of > EOid -> (id,terminosContexto) > EOgeneral vs ts -> case zipTree' vs terminosContexto of > Just sust -> (id,map (substitution sust) ts) > _ -> (Tcase (ttuple terminosContexto) [Ptuple (map bv2pat vs)].(:[]),ts) > EOsust vks ts vs -> > let termino = map (substitution ((zip vks ts))) (map bv2term vs) > in case zipTree' vs terminosContexto of > Just zips -> (id,map (substitution zips) termino) > _ -> (Tcase (ttuple terminosContexto) [Ptuple (map bv2pat vs)].(:[]),termino) > EOlet t0s ps vs ts -> let sust = zip vs terminosContexto in > (Tcase (ttuple (map (substitution sust) t0s)) [ptuple ps].(:[]), map (substitution sust) ts) > data InlAEnv = InlAEnv {terms::[Term], susts::[(Variable,Term)]} Inlining de componentes de algebra. > inlA :: Monad m => (a->[Term]->[(Variable,Term)]->m Term) -> Acomponent a -> (Term->Term,[Term]) -> m Term > inlA f inF (fts,ts) = maybe bad ok (zipTree' (getVars inF) ts) > where ok sts = runReader (inlTW f$ unwrapA inF) (InlAEnv ts sts) >>= return . fts > bad = do t<-runReader (inlTW f$ unwrapA inF)$ InlAEnv ts [] > return$ fts$ Tcase (ttuple ts) [ptuple (map bv2pat (getVars inF))] [t] Inlining of things containing 'TermWrapper' values. > inlTW :: Monad m => (a->[Term]->[(Variable,Term)]->m Term) -> TermWrapper a -> Reader InlAEnv (m Term) > inlTW = inlTW' False > inlTW' :: Monad m => Bool -> (a->[Term]->[(Variable,Term)]->m Term) -> TermWrapper a -> Reader InlAEnv (m Term) > inlTW' b f tw = foldTW hcase (if b then heta' else heta) hsimple hacomp (return (return Tbottom)) tw > where hcase t0 ps ts = do env<-ask > ts'<-sequence ts > return (do ts''<-sequence ts';return (Tcase (substitution (susts env) t0) ps ts'')) > --heta t eta = local (\k->k {terms=reduceTrans (terms k) eta}) t > heta = heta' > heta' mmt eta = do env<-ask > let (ft,ts)=reduceTrans (terms env) eta > local (\k->k {terms=ts}) (do mt<-mmt;return (do t<-mt;return (ft t))) > hsimple inf = do env<-ask; return$ f inf (terms env) (susts env) > hacomp inF = do env<-ask; maybe (bad env) (ok env)$ zipTree' (getVars inF) (terms env) > where ok _ sts = local (\k->k {susts=sts})$ inlTW f (unwrapA inF) > bad env = local (\k->k {susts=filter (flip notElem (vars (getVars inF)).fst) (susts k)}) $ > do m<-inlTW f (unwrapA inF) > return$ do t<-m > return$ Tcase (ttuple (terms env)) [ptuple (map bv2pat (getVars inF))] [t] > termS2Term :: (Int->Int->[Term]->Term)->TermS->Term > termS2Term _ TbottomS = Tbottom > termS2Term f (TcaseS t0 p t v) = > case v of > TbottomS -> Tcase (Tvar t0) [p] [termS2Term f t] > _ -> Tcase (Tvar t0) [p,pany] [termS2Term f t,termS2Term f v] > termS2Term f (TcaseSana ia ih t0 p t v) = > case v of > TbottomS -> Tcase (applyana (Tvar t0)) [p] [termS2Term f t] > _ -> Tcase (Tvar t0) [p,pany] [termS2Term f t,termS2Term f v] > where applyana = Tapp (Tlit$Lint$ "[("++(show$ f ia ih [])++")]") > termS2Term f (TcaseR ia ih t0 ps v) = > case v of > TbottomS -> Tcase (f ia ih [Tvar t0]) (concat (map mkPattern ps)) (concat (map mkTerm ps)) > _ -> Tcase (f ia ih [Tvar t0]) (concat (map mkPattern ps)++[pany]) (concat (map mkTerm ps)++[termS2Term f v]) > where pf (c,vrs) i = Ptuple [Pvar (Vuserdef (c++show i)),Ptuple (map Pvar vrs)] > alt2Term _ (t,_) = termS2Term f t > mkPattern (c,vrs,ts) = zipWith pf (replicate (length ts) (c,vrs)) [1..] > mkTerm (_,vrs,ts) = map (alt2Term vrs) ts > termS2Term _ (TtermS t) = t Replaces unused variables with "_" in patterns. > nullPatternVariables :: Term -> Term > nullPatternVariables = transformTerm f > where f _ (Tcase t0 ps ts) = Tcase t0 (zipWith subst ps ts) ts > f _ t = t > subst p t = alphaConvert [] (zip (filter (isLegalStart . head . show) (vars p \\ vars t)) (repeat (Vuserdef "_"))) p > isLegalStart c = isAlpha c && isLower c || isDigit c Pretty printing hylomorphism-shaped > showHylo :: (CHylo hylo,ShowDocA a,HasComponents ca,CoalgebraPrintable ca) => Bool -> VarGen -> hylo a ca -> String > showHylo _ i h = > let s = text "--------------" > in render $ > text ("Hylo "++show (getContext h)) $$ > nest 2 (s $$ > (showDocA i (getAlgebra h)) $$ s $$ > (vcat (map showDoc (getEta h))) $$ s $$ > (if deltaToPrint tts (getFunctor h) > then printDeltas tts (getFunctor h) > else empty > ) $$ > printCA 0 0 vsm t0 coalg $$ s $$ > (showFunctor coalg (getFunctor h))) > where > (vsm,t0,coalg) = getCoalgebra h > tts=getComponentTerms coalg > showFunctor _ fncs= > let fcts=zipWith printProds tts fncs > in if not (null tts) then foldl ((<+>).(<+>char '+')) (head fcts) (tail fcts) else empty > printProds [] _ = text "1" > printProds tts fnc = let prods=map (printFnc fnc.getPosition) tts > in if not (null prods) then foldl ((<>).(<>char 'x')) (head prods) (tail prods) else empty > printFnc fnc p = maybe (char 'C') (\i->showDocPF i (expanded fnc p))$ getRecIndex fnc p > printDeltas (tts:ttss) (f:fncs) = > text "delta" $$ > nest 4 (vcat ( > (if isDeltaId tts f then text "id" else printDelta tts f) > : zipWith printDelta ttss fncs) > ) > $$ text "end delta" > printDeltas _ _ = empty > deltaToPrint tts fncs = any (not . uncurry isDeltaId)$ zip tts fncs > isDeltaId tts fnc = all (foldPF (const True) (const True) (const False) . expanded fnc)$ map getPosition tts > printDelta tts fnc = let vs = map getPosition tts > in showDoc$ Tlamb (Bvtuple False (map Bvar vs)) > (Ttuple False (map (\v->mapStructure (Tvar v) (Tvar v)$ expanded fnc v) vs)) Class for printing coalgebras. The first Int argument specifies how nested is the coalgebra; it is mainly used for generating names like sigma0, sigma1, .... > class CoalgebraPrintable a where > printCA :: Int -> Int -> [Boundvar] -> [Term] -> a -> Doc > instance CoalgebraPrintable WrappedCA where > printCA i ia v t wac = > case wac of > WCApsi (_,_,wa) -> f wa > WCAoutF (_,_,wa) -> f wa > WCAsigma (_,_,wa) -> f wa > where f wa=printCA i ia v t wa > showDocWCA i ia wac = > case wac of > WCApsi wa -> f wa > WCAoutF wa -> f wa > WCAsigma wa -> f wa > where f (v,t0,a) = printCA i ia v t0 a > instance CoalgebraPrintable Sigma where > printCA i ia v t0s coalg = showDocSigma i ia v t0s coalg > instance CoalgebraPrintable Psi where > printCA _ _ vsm t0 coalg = char '\\'<>text (show (bvtuple vsm))<>text "->case" > <+>showDoc (Ttuple False t0)<+>text "of"$$ nest 4 (showDoc coalg) > instance CoalgebraPrintable OutF where > printCA _ _ vsm t0 coalg = char '\\'<>text (show (bvtuple vsm))<>text "->case" > <+>showDoc (Ttuple False t0)<+>text "of"$$ nest 4 (showDoc coalg) > showDocPF i (PFprod (p:ps)) = char '('<>hcat (showDocPF i p:map ((char 'x'<>).showDocPF i) ps)<>char ')' > showDocPF _ (PFprod _) = text "()" > showDocPF i (PFid _) = text ("PI_"++show i) > showDocPF _ (PFcnt _) = char 'C' > instance ShowDoc Psi where > showDoc (Psi alts) = > vcat$ zipWith (\i a->showDoc (toPattern . getPatterns$ a)<+>text "->"<+> > (showDoc (Ttuple False [Tlit (Lint (show i)), Ttuple False .map getTerm$ getTerms a]))) [1..] alts > where toPattern [p] = p > toPattern ps = Ptuple ps > instance ShowDoc OutF where > showDoc (OutF alts) = > vcat$ zipWith (\i (OutFc (c,vs,tts))->showDoc (Pcons c (map Pvar vs)) <+> text "->" <+> > (showDoc (Ttuple False [Tlit (Lint (show i)),(Ttuple False .map getTerm$ tts)]))) [1..] alts > showDocSigma i ia bvs t0s (Sigma (casemap,tts,pss,hss)) = > (text ("Sigma_"++show i) <> catArgs (map catArgs sigmaargs) > $$) . nest 2 . (text "where" <+>) $ > (((text ("Sigma_"++show i++" =") <+>) . showDoc . > Tlamb (Bvtuple False [ Bvtuple False [ Bvar (beta ia ih) | (ih,_,_,_,_) <- hss' ] | (ia,Just hss')<-zip [0..] hss ]) . > Tlamb (bvtuple bvs) . nullPatternVariables . delCases . insertRecvarCases t0s pss . > termS2Term (\ia ih ->Tfapp (beta ia ih)) . > reorganizeSigma . weaveTermS (zipWith (zipWith mksum) > (splitList [1..] casemap) > (zipWith replicate casemap tts))$ pss ) > $$ vcat [ showCA ia h | (ia,Just hss')<-zip [0..] hss , h<-hss' ]) > where catArgs = cat . (text "(" :) . (++[text ")"]) . map (nest 2) . uncurry (++) . (id *** map (text ","<+>)) . splitAt 1 > sigmaargs = [ [ text (eta' ia ih++"."++eta'' ia ih++"."++psi ia ih) | (ih,_,_,_,_)<-hss' ] > | (ia,Just hss')<-zip [0..] hss > ] > showCA ia (ih,acomps,etas,ca,_) = > text (eta' ia ih) <+> char '=' <+> vcat (map showDoc (evalState (mapM buildeta' acomps) [])) > $$ text (eta'' ia ih) <+> char '=' <+> vcat (map showDoc etas) > $$ innerPrefix ca ia ih <+> showDocWCA (i+1) ia ca > psi ia ih = "psi_"++show ia++"_"++show ih++"'" > eta' ia ih = "eta_"++show ia++"_"++show ih++"'" > eta'' ia ih = "eta_"++show ia++"_"++show ih++"''" > innerPrefix (WCAsigma _) _ _ = empty > innerPrefix _ ia ih = text (psi ia ih++" =") > mksum i tts = Ttuple False [Tlit (Lint (show i)),Ttuple False$ map getTerm tts] > beta ia ih = Vuserdef ("@beta_"++show ia++"_"++show ih) > buildeta' acomp = do let bvs=getVars acomp > t<-inlA inF2Term acomp (id,map bv2term bvs) > return$ Tlamb (Bvtuple False bvs) t > inF2Term:: InF -> [Term] -> [(Variable,Term)] -> State [(Constructor,Int)] Term > inF2Term (InF (c,_)) ts _ = do i<-geti c; return$ Ttuple False [Tlit $ Lint $ c++show i,Ttuple False ts] > geti :: Constructor->State [(Constructor,Int)] Int > geti c = get >>= \st-> maybe (put ((c,1):st) >> return 1) (\i->put (upd c st) >> return (i+1)) $ lookup c st > upd c ((_,i):cs) = (c,i+1):cs > upd c [] = [(c,1)] > class ShowDocA a where > showDocA :: VarGen -> Algebra a -> Doc > instance ShowDocA InF where > showDocA _ ls = vcat (map (showDoc.acomp2term) ls) > instance ShowDocA Phii where > showDocA _ ls = vcat (map (showDoc.acomp2term) ls) > class Acomp2Term a where > acomp2term :: Acomponent a -> Term > instance Acomp2Term InF where > acomp2term = a2term tinF > where tinF (InF (c,_)) ts _ = Tcapp c ts > instance Acomp2Term Phii where > acomp2term = a2term tphii > where tphii t _ sust = substitution sust t > instance Acomp2Term Tau where > acomp2term = a2term ttau > where ttau tau ts sust = let f tw=tw2term ts sust tterm tw > in foldTau f f f tau > tterm t ts sust= tterm' t ts sust > tterm' t ts sust = let tt t=tterm' t ts sust > in case t of > Taucons _ taus a eta -> > let (fts,ets) = reduceTrans (map tt taus) eta > in fts$ Tapp (acomp2term a) (Ttuple False ets) > Taupair t tau -> Ttuple False [t,tt tau] > Taucata ft tau -> ft (tt tau) > Tausimple t -> substitution sust t > instance ShowDocA Tau where > showDocA di ls = vcat (map (showDoc.a2term (ttau csalg)) ls) > $$ text "--" > $$ vcat (map showcsalg csalg) > where i = maybe 0 id$ M.lookup "a" di > csalg::[(Constructor,(Int,(Term,Etai)))] > csalg = zip cons$ zip [i..] as > (cons,as)=unzip$ evalState (do mapM_ (collect.unwrapA) ls;get) [] > showcsalg (_,(i,(a,eta))) = showDoc (Vgen "a" i) <+> text "= (" <> showDoc a <> text ") ." <+> showDoc eta > collect = foldTWM hcase (const.const (return ())) colTau (collect.unwrapA) (return ()) > colTau = foldTau collect' collect' collect' > collect' tw= foldTWM hcase (const.const (return ())) tc (collect'.unwrapA) (return ()) tw > hcase _ _ _ = return () > tc (Taucons c _ a eta) = > do ls<-get > case lookup c ls of > Nothing -> put ((c,(acomp2term a,eta)):ls) > Just _ -> return () > tc (Taupair _ tau) = tc tau > tc _ = return () > ttau csalg tau ts sust = let f tw=tw2term ts sust (tau2term csalg) tw > in foldTau f f f tau > a2term :: (a ->[Term] -> [(Variable,Term)] -> Term) -> Acomponent a -> Term > a2term f a =Tlamb (bvs (getVars a)) (tw2term (map bv2term (getVars a)) [] f$ unwrapA a) > where bvs [bv]=bv > bvs ls = Bvtuple False ls > tw2term :: [Term] -> [(Variable,Term)] -> (a -> [Term] -> [(Variable,Term)] -> Term) -> TermWrapper a -> Term > tw2term ts sust f tw = runIdentity$ runReader (inlTW' True (\a b->Identity . f a b) tw)$ InlAEnv ts sust > tau2term :: [(Constructor,(Int,c))] -> TauTerm a -> [Term] -> [(Variable,Term)] ->Term > tau2term ls t ts sust = > let tt t=tau2term ls t ts sust > in case t of > Taucons c taus _ _ -> Tfapp (maybe (error "tau2term: No se encuentra el constructor") (Vgen "a" . fst)$ lookup c ls) > [Ttuple False (map tt taus)] > Taupair t tau -> Ttuple False [t,tt tau] > Taucata ft tau -> > let cs=map (Vgen "a".fst.snd) ls > showcomma (a:as) = concat$ show a : map ((',':).show) as > showcomma _ = [] > applycata=Tapp .Tlit .Lint .("(|"++).(++"|)").showcomma$ cs > t=tt tau > in case ft t of > Ttuple b _ -> Ttuple b [t,applycata t] > _ -> applycata t > Tausimple t -> substitution sust t > instance ShowDoc TupleTerm where > showDoc (Tterm t p) = char '('<>showDoc t<+>char ','<+>(text$ show p)<>char ')' > instance Show Etai where > show = render.showDoc > instance ShowDoc Etai where > showDoc e@(Etai (l1,l2)) > | isIdEta e = text "id" > | otherwise = sep$ uncurry (++)$ (id *** map (char '.'<>))$ splitAt 1$ map showDoc $ l1++reverse l2