-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. > {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} >module HFusion.Internal.FunctorRep where > import HFusion.Internal.HyloRep > import HFusion.Internal.Parsing.HyloContext > import HFusion.Internal.HyloFace > import List > import Maybe(catMaybes) > import HFusion.Internal.Utils > import HFusion.Internal.RenVars > import Control.Monad.Error(throwError) > import Control.Monad.State(runState,get,put,State) > import Control.Monad.Trans(lift) > import Control.Monad(zipWithM) > import qualified Data.Map as M(lookup,adjust,insert) > import HFusion.Internal.Messages import Debug.Trace > import HFusion.Internal.Inline > import HFusion.Internal.HsPretty sss t = trace (show t) > cargs h1 h2 = setContext (combineContexts (getContext h1) (getContext h2)) > remap :: CHylo h => [[(Position,Int)]] -> h a b -> h a b > remap idxs h = setFunctor (zipWith remapPositions idxs (getFunctor h)) h This functions tries to derive outF for a hilomorfism. It calls basicCAR (see below for an explanation) and rearrange patterns if possible. Patterns must be non nested aplications of constructors to variables, if this is not the case, nested positions are replaced by a variable an the pattern is move to a natural transformation (the position is made non recursive if necessary). > getCata :: CHylo h => [h a Psi] -> h a Psi -> FusionState (h a OutF) > getCata hs h' =let (vsm,t0,Psi psis)=getCoalgebra h in > if length t0 /= 1 || length vsm /= 1 then throwError NotOutF > else if repitePatron (map (head . getPatterns) psis)|| distinct (head vsm) (head t0) > then throwError NotOutF > else do res<-sequence$ zipWith3 analizePsii (getFunctor h) (getEta h) psis > let (etas,outF,fncs)=unzip3 res > return$ setEta etas.setFunctor fncs.setCoalgebra (vsm,t0,OutF outF)$ h > where > h=basicCAR hs h' > analizePsii fnc etai psii = > let analizePattern (Pvar v) = return (Right v,[]) > analizePattern p = do u<-lift$ getFreshVar "p" > return (Left (u,p),vars p) > ts = getTerms psii > in case (head . getPatterns) psii of > Pcons c ps -> do res<-mapM analizePattern ps > let (ps',vs)=unzip res > (change,nchange)=partition (flip elem (concat vs).t2v.getTerm) ts > vss = map getPosition change > (vt0s,pi)=unzip$ getvt0pi ps' > t0s=zipWith tupleterm vt0s (map Tvar vt0s) > inputs=map (either fst id) ps' > applyH p = maybe id (\i->applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) (hs!!i))$ getRecIndex fnc p > para p = mapStructure (applyH p (Tvar p)) (Tvar p)$ expanded fnc p > return$ (etai `rightCompose` EOsust vss (map para vss) (map (Bvar .getPosition) ts) > `rightCompose` EOlet (map getTerm t0s) pi (vt0s++map getPosition nchange) > (map (getTermLet change) ts), > OutFc (c,inputs,t0s++nchange), > makePosNR vss fnc) > _ -> throwError NotOutF > getvt0pi (Left p:ps) = p:getvt0pi ps > getvt0pi (_:ps) = getvt0pi ps > getvt0pi [] = [] > getTermLet change tt = if elem tt change then getTerm tt else Tvar (getPosition tt) > distinct (Bvar v) (Tvar v') = v/=v' > distinct _ _ = True > repitePatron (Pcons c _:ps) = any (has c) ps || repitePatron ps > repitePatron [] = False > repitePatron _ = True > has c (Pcons c' _) = c==c' > has c _ = True > tt2v ts v = filter ((v==).t2v.getTerm) ts > t2v (Tvar v) = v > t2v _ = error$ coalgebra_Should_Not_Return_Terms_Diffrent_From_Vars Coalgebra positions which are not variables and are recursive must be converted to none recursive positions in order to call outF to the coalgebra. We also check that each recursion of multiple functions is made over different arguments, if this is not the case we make non recursive all but one of the conflicting calls. > basicCAR :: CHylo h => [h a b] -> h a Psi -> h a Psi > basicCAR hs h = let (etas,psis',fncs)=unzip3$ zipWith3 analizePsii (getFunctor h) (getEta h) psis > in setEta etas.setFunctor fncs.setCoalgebra (vsm,t0s,Psi psis')$ h > where > (vsm,t0s,Psi psis)=getCoalgebra h > analizePsii fnc etai psii = > let isNonVarRec tt = case getTerm tt of > Tvar v -> False > Ttuple _ ts | all isVar ts && length ts==length t0s -> False > t -> isRec fnc$ getPosition tt > isVar (Tvar _) = True > isVar _ = False > ts = getTerms psii > (change,nchange)=partition isNonVarRec ts > pos=map getPosition change++posToNR > posToNR = let ts1 = filter (maybe False (const True).fst) $ map (\t->(getRecIndex fnc (getPosition t),t)) (ts\\change) > ts2 = nubBy (\(i1,t1) (i2,t2)-> (i1/=i2) && (getTerm t1==getTerm t2)) ts1 > in map (getPosition.snd) (ts1\\ts2) > nuevas = nub.concat.map (filter (flip elem (vars$ (head . getPatterns) psii)).vars.getTerm)$ change > para tt = let p=getPosition tt > t = if elem tt change then getTerm tt else Tvar p > applyH = maybe id (\i->applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) (hs!!i))$ getRecIndex fnc p > in if elem p pos then mapStructure (applyH t) t$ expanded fnc p > else t > nuevastts = zipWith tupleterm nuevas (map Tvar nuevas) > in (etai `rightCompose` if null pos then EOid else EOgeneral (map Bvar$ nuevas++map getPosition nchange) (map para ts), > setTerms (nuevastts++nchange) psii, > makePosNR pos fnc) > getAna :: CHylo h => [h Phii ca] -> h Phii ca -> FusionState (h InF ca) > getAna hs h = let phis = getAlgebra h in > do res<-sequence$ zipWith (\phii fnc->analizePhii (getVars phii) fnc (unwrapA phii)) phis (getFunctor h) > let (inF,fncs)=unzip res > return$ setFunctor fncs.setAlgebra (zipWith (wrapA.getVars) phis inF)$ h > where > analizePhii :: [Boundvar] -> HFunctor -> TermWrapper Phii -> FusionState (TermWrapper InF,HFunctor) > analizePhii inputs fnc t = do (vs,inF)<-mapTWaccM inputs (analizePhii' fnc) concat [] t > return (inF,makePosNR vs fnc) > analizePhii' fnc inputs t = > let analizeTerm (Tvar _) = [] > analizeTerm t = foldl (\r (v,m)->maybe r (\i->(v,i):r) m) []$ map (\v->(v,getRecIndex fnc v))$ vars t > in case t of > Tcapp c ts -> let pvs=concat$ map analizeTerm ts > vs = map fst pvs > eta=(EOgeneral inputs ts) `leftCompose` > EOsust vs (map (\ (v,i)->applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) (hs!!i) (Tvar v)) pvs) inputs `leftCompose` idEta > in return (vs,(if isIdEta eta then id else flip TWeta eta) (TWsimple$ InF (c,ts))) > Tcase t0 ps ts -> do res<-mapM (analizePhii' fnc inputs)$ ts > let (vs,inFs)=unzip res > return$ ((concat vs++).filter (isRec fnc).vars$ t0,TWcase t0 ps inFs) > t -> let pvs = analizeTerm t > vs = map fst pvs > eta=EOgeneral inputs [t] `leftCompose` > EOsust vs (map (\ (v,i)->applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) (hs!!i) (Tvar v)) pvs) inputs `leftCompose` idEta > in do u<-case t of Tvar v -> return v; _ -> lift$ getFreshVar "v" > return (vs,(if isIdEta eta then id else flip TWeta eta) (TWsimple$ InF ("_",[Tvar u]))) A function used for debugging purposes showRawTW :: TermWrapper a -> Doc showRawTW (TWcase t0 ps tw) = (text "case"<+>showDoc t0<+> text "of") $$ vcat (zipWith (\p t -> showDoc p<+>text "->"<+>showRawTW t) ps tw) <+> text "EndCase" -- $$ showRawTW (TWeta tw e) = showRawTW tw <+>text "."<+>showDoc e showRawTW (TWsimple a) = text "TWsimple a" showRawTW (TWacomp a) = text "TWacomp "<+>text (show (getVars a))<+>showRawTW (unwrapA a)<+> text "EndTWacomp" showRawTW TWbottom = text "TWbottom" Builds a natural transformation for a paramorphism wich makes copies of recursive variables, it can apply some function over the copies. > etaPara :: (Term -> Term) -> HFunctor -> [Boundvar] -> (TupleTerm -> Term) -> [TupleTerm] -> EtaOp > etaPara h fnc input sel output = EOgeneral input (map applyh output) > where applyh tt = let seltt=sel tt > in if any (isRec fnc).t2positions$ tt > then mapStructure seltt (h seltt) (expanded fnc (getPosition tt)) > else mapStructure seltt seltt (expanded fnc (getPosition tt)) > t2positions tt = > case getTerm tt of > Tvar vt -> getPositions output vt > Ttuple _ ts | all isVar ts -> concat . map (getPositions output) . nub . vars $ ts > t -> error ("FunctorRep: etaPara: unexpected tuple term: "++show t) > isVar (Tvar _) = True > isVar _ = False > fst3 (a,_,_)=a > snd3 (_,a,_)=a > thrd3 (_,_,a)=a buildParaStructure applies function calls over non-recursive uses of recursive variables in a hylomorfism. This works for cata-ana fusion for the algebra side of the fusion result. > buildParaStructure :: (Int->Term -> Term) -> HFunctor -> [(Variable,(Int,ParaFunctor))] > -> [Variable] -> [TupleTerm] -> EtaOp > buildParaStructure h fnc mvs input output = EOgeneral (map buildInput input) (map buildOutput output) > where buildInput v = maybe (Bvar v) (buildBv v .snd)$ lookup v mvs > buildOutput tt = let pf = case expanded fnc (getPosition tt) of > p@(PFcnt _) -> maybe p (maybe (PFcnt vt) id . getInnermostNonRecVar . snd)$ lookup vt mvs > pf' -> pf' > t@(Tvar vt)=getTerm tt > in maybe (foldPF (const t) (const t) (Ttuple False) pf) (\(i,_)->foldPF Tvar (h i.Tvar) (Ttuple False) pf)$ lookup vt mvs > buildBv v (PFprod []) = Bvar v > buildBv _ pf = foldPF Bvar Bvar (Bvtuple False) pf > getInnermostNonRecVar (PFprod pfl) | all (not . isPFprod) pfl = find isPFcnt pfl > | otherwise = case catMaybes (map getInnermostNonRecVar pfl) of > p:_ -> Just p > [] -> Nothing > getInnermostNonRecVar _ = Nothing > isPFcnt (PFcnt _) = True > isPFcnt _ = False > isPFprod (PFprod _) = True > isPFprod _ = False paraMKNR applies function calls over positiones that are beign made non recursive in a hylomorfism. This works for cata-ana fusion for the algebra side of the fusion result. > paraMKNR :: (Int->Term->Term) -> HFunctor -> [Position] -> [Boundvar] -> EtaOp > paraMKNR applyHList fnc pos inputs = > let applyH p = maybe (Tvar p) (flip applyHList (Tvar p))$ getRecIndex fnc p > genInputs bv@(Bvar v) | isRec fnc v = foldPF Bvar Bvar (Bvtuple False) (expanded fnc v) > | otherwise = bv > genInputs (Bvtuple b bvs) = Bvtuple b (map genInputs bvs) > susts p = foldPF (:[]) (const []) concat (expanded fnc p) > pos' = concat$ map susts pos > in EOsust pos' (map applyH pos') (map genInputs inputs) > applyHyloList hs h i i' | i==i' = applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) h > | otherwise = applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h) (hs!!i') > applyHyloListCtx hs h ctx i i' | i==i' = applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs ctx h > | otherwise = applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs ctx (hs!!i') > applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs ctx h t = applyHyloWithCntArgs h (map Tvar (getConstantArgs ctx)) (getCntArgPos ctx) t > fusionarSimple :: (CHylo hylo,Vars a, AlphaConvertible a, Vars ca, AlphaConvertible ca, VarsB ca,VarsB a,TermWrappable a,HasComponents ca) => > [hylo a OutF] -> Int -> [hylo InF ca] -> Int -> FusionState (Int,[hylo a ca]) > fusionarSimple hs1 i1 hs2 i2 = fusionarSimpleAcc [((i1,i2),0)] [(i1,i2)] > where > fusionarSimpleAcc accfi@((_,acci):_) is = > do res<-mapM (\(i1,i2)->do (h1,h2)<-lift$ renameVariables (hs1!!i1) (hs2!!i2) [];fusionarSimple' h1 i1 h2 i2) is > let (ws,hs,hused) = unzip3 res > nused = nub [ p | ll<-hused, l<-ll, (_,p)<-l, all ((/=p).fst) accfi] > lnused = length nused+acci > accfi'= zip nused [acci+1..lnused]++accfi > recmaps = map (map (map (\(v,p)->maybe (error "fusionarSimple: recmaps") (\i->(v,i))$ lookup p accfi'))) hused > hs'=zipWith remap recmaps hs > in if null nused then return (sum ws,hs') > else do (w,hss)<-fusionarSimpleAcc accfi' nused > return (w+sum ws,hs'++hss) > fusionarSimpleAcc [] is = error$ "fusionarSimpleAcc: unexpected empty request list" > fusionarSimple' :: (CHylo hylo,HasComponents ca,TermWrappable a) => hylo a OutF -> Int -> hylo InF ca -> Int > -> FusionState (Int,hylo a ca,[[(Position,(Int,Int))]]) > fusionarSimple' h1 i1 h2 i2 = > do res<-zipWithM (fusionar lines) inF fncs2 > let (acc,phis,hused)=unzip3 res > (matches,fncs2')=unzip acc > return (sum matches,cargs h1 h2.setAlgebra phis.setFunctor fncs2'$ h2,hused) > where > inF=getAlgebra h2 > fncs2 = getFunctor h2 > (_,_,OutF outF)=getCoalgebra h1 > lines= zip4 (getAlgebra h1) (getEta h1) (getFunctor h1) outF > fusionar :: TermWrappable a => [(Acomponent a,Etai,HFunctor,OutFi)]->Acomponent InF->HFunctor > -> FusionState ((Int,HFunctor),Acomponent a,[(Position,(Int,Int))]) > fusionar lines1 inf fnc2 = > do let accumCase acc = let (is,ls,hused)=unzip3 acc > in (sum is,concat ls,concat hused) > ((i,mvs,hused),tw)<-mapTWaccM (getVars inf) (buildAlg lines1 fnc2) accumCase (0,[],[]) (unwrapA inf) > return ((i,expandPositions mvs$ fnc2),wrapA (getVars inf) tw,hused) > buildAlg :: TermWrappable a => [(Acomponent a,Etai,HFunctor,OutFi)]->HFunctor->[Boundvar]->InF > -> FusionState ((Int,[(ParaFunctor,Position)],[(Position,(Int,Int))]),TermWrapper a) > buildAlg lines1 fnc2 input2 (InF ("_",[t@(Tvar v)])) > | Just i2<-getRecIndex fnc2 v = return ((1,[],[(v,(i1,i2))]),TWacomp$ wrapA [Bvar v] (TWsimple (wrapTerm t))) > | otherwise = return ((0,[],[]),TWacomp$ wrapA [Bvar v] (TWsimple (wrapTerm (applyHyloList hs1 h1 i1 i1 t)))) > buildAlg lines1 fnc2 input2 (InF (c,inFoutput))= > case find (fbranch c) lines1 of > Just (phi1,eta1,fnc1,OutFc (_,input1,outFoutput))-> > do res<-zipWithM (match fnc1 fnc2 outFoutput) input1 inFoutput > let (matches,mvs,izqs,hused)=unzip4 res > cizqs=concat izqs > cmvs=concat mvs > cmvs'=map (\(a,_,i,(pf,_))->(a,(i,pf))) cmvs > toVar (Tvar v)=v > toVar t = error$ "buildAlg: toVar: unexpected term: "++show t > mkNRh1= paraMKNR (applyHyloList hs1 h1 i1) fnc1 cizqs (map (Bvar .getPosition) outFoutput) > epara= buildParaStructure (applyHyloList hs2 h2 i2) (makePosNR cizqs fnc1) cmvs' input1 outFoutput > return ((sum matches,map (\(_,_,_,a)->a) cmvs,concat hused), > phi1 `composeEta` eta1 `rightCompose` mkNRh1 `rightCompose` epara) > _ -> return ((0,[],[]),TWbottom) > fbranch cn (_,_,_,OutFc (cn',_,_)) = cn'==cn > match :: HFunctor -> HFunctor -> [TupleTerm] -> Variable->Term-> > FusionState (Int,[(Variable,[Position],Int,(ParaFunctor,Position))],[Position],[(Position,(Int,Int))]) > match fnc1 fnc2 out v t = > let posv=getPositions out v > in case t of > Tvar vt | Just i2<-getRecIndex fnc2 vt -> > let hused= map (\i->(vt,(i,i2))) $ catMaybes$ map (getRecIndex fnc1) posv > freshConstVar (PFcnt _) = getFreshVar "v" >>= return . PFcnt > freshConstVar pf = return pf > in do expds<-lift$ mapM freshConstVar$ map (expanded fnc1) posv > return (length (filter (isRec fnc1) posv),[(v,posv,i2,(mkpf' expds,vt))],[],hused) > _ -> return (0,[],posv,[]) > mkpf' [bv] = bv > mkpf' bvs = PFprod bvs > fusionarTau :: (CHylo h,WrapTau a,HasComponents cb,VarsB cb,AlphaConvertible cb,Vars cb,VarsB a,AlphaConvertible a,Vars a) => > [h a OutF] -> Int -> [h Phii cb] -> Int -> VarGenState (Int,[h Tau cb]) > fusionarTau hs1 i1 hs2 i2 = fusionarTauAcc [((i1,i2),0)] [(i1,i2)] > where > fusionarTauAcc accfi@((_,acci):_) is = > do res<-mapM fusionarTau' is > let (ws,hs,hused) = unzip3 res > nused = nub$ map snd$ concat$ map (concat . map (filter (\(_,pair)->all ((/=pair).fst) accfi))) hused > lnused = length nused+acci > accfi'= zip nused [acci+1..lnused]++accfi > recmaps = map (map (map (\(v,p)->maybe (error "fusionarTau: recmaps") (\i->(v,i))$ lookup p accfi'))) hused > hs'=zipWith remap recmaps hs > if null nused then return (sum ws,hs') > else fusionarTauAcc accfi' nused >>= (\(w,hss)->return (w+sum ws,hs'++hss)) > fusionarTauAcc [] is = error$ "fusionarTauAcc: unexpected empty request list" > fusionarTau' (i1,i2) = > do (h1,h2')<-renameVariables (hs1!!i1) (hs2!!i2) [] > h2<-toPara hs2 h2' i2 > let psitts=getComponentTerms.(\(_,_,a)->a).getCoalgebra$ h2 > lines h1=let (_,_,OutF outF)=getCoalgebra h1 in zip4 (getAlgebra h1) (getEta h1) (getFunctor h1) outF > linesh=map lines hs1 > phis=getAlgebra h2 > gt eta2 fnc2 phii psitts= > do ((matches,ders,hused),tau)<-getTau linesh i1 fnc2 phii > let mkNRh2=paraMKNR (applyHyloList hs2 h2 i2) fnc2 ders$ map (Bvar .getPosition) psitts > return (matches,tau,eta2 `rightCompose` mkNRh2, > makePosNR ders fnc2,hused) > res<-sequence$ zipWith4 gt (getEta h2) (getFunctor h2) phis psitts > let (matches,taus,etas,fncs,hused)=unzip5 res > st<-get > return (sum matches,cargs (head hs1) h2.setAlgebra (zipWith (\p t->wrapA (getVars p) (TWsimple .wrapTau$ t)) phis taus). > setEta etas.setFunctor fncs$ h2, hused) > getTau :: [[(a,Etai,HFunctor,OutFi)]]->Int->HFunctor->Acomponent Phii > ->VarGenState ((Int,[Position], [(Position,(Int,Int))]),TermWrapper (TauTerm a)) > getTau psis ih1 fnc2 phi = > mapTWvars (getVars' phi) (buildTW psis ih1 fnc2) > ((\ (ms,ps,hused)->(sum ms,concat ps,concat hused)).unzip3) (0,[],[]) (unwrapA phi) > getVars' phi = concat (map two (getVars phi)) > two (Bvtuple False [Bvar a,Bvar b]) = [(a,b)] > two _ = [] > h1 = hs1 !! i1 > fapp i1 t =Ttuple False [t,applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h1) h1 t] > pi2 t = case t of Taupair _ t2 -> t2 > Taucata ft tau -> Taucata (pi2'.ft) tau > _ -> error "fusionarTau: pi2: No se esperaba el termino." > pi2' t= case t of Ttuple _ [t1,t2] -> t2;_ -> error "fusionarTau: pi2': No se esperaba el termino." > buildTW psis ih1 fnc2 pairs t = > case t of > Tcase t0 ps ts -> do res<-mapM (buildTW psis ih1 fnc2 pairs) ts > let (acc,taus)=unzip res > (matches,ders,hused)=unzip3 acc > return ((sum matches,concat ders,concat hused),TWcase t0 ps taus) > _ -> do (acc,tau)<-buildTauTerm psis ih1 fnc2 pairs t; return (acc,TWsimple (pi2 tau)) > buildTauTerm psis ih1 fnc2 pairs t = > case t of > Tcapp c ts -> > case find (fbranch c) (psis!!ih1) of > Just (phii,etai,fnc1,ca@(OutFc (_,input,output))) -> > do res<-sequence$ zipWith (match fnc1 fnc2 output) input ts > let (acc,taus)=unzip res > (matches,ders,hused)=unzip3 acc > inFapply = Tcapp c (map getCnt taus) > epara<-etaParaTau fnc1 input output > return ((sum matches,concat ders,concat hused), > (Taupair inFapply (Taucons c taus phii (etai `rightCompose` epara) > ))) > Nothing -> return ((0,[],[]),Taupair Tbottom (Tausimple Tbottom)) > Tvar v -> return$ maybe ((0,[],[]),Taucata (fapp ih1) (Tausimple t)) > (\ih2->((1,[],[(v,(ih1,ih2))]),Taupair (Tvar$ replv v) (Tausimple t))) > $ getRecIndex fnc2 v > _ -> return ((0,filter (isRec fnc2)$ vars t,[]),Taucata (fapp ih1) (Tausimple t)) > where > replv v = maybe (error (fuse_Tau_Operation_Label ++ ":" ++ {-show pairs++show v++-} var_Rec_Not_Binded)) > fst (find ((v==).snd) pairs) > fbranch cn (_,_,_,OutFc (cn',_,_)) = cn'==cn > match fnc1 fnc2 out v t = > case find (maybe False (const True))$ map (getRecIndex fnc1) (getPositions out v) of > Just (Just ih1') -> buildTauTerm psis ih1' fnc2 pairs t > _ -> return ((0,filter (isRec fnc2)$ vars t,[]),Tausimple t) > getCnt (Tausimple t) = t > getCnt (Taupair t _) = t > getCnt (Taucata _ t) = getCnt t > getCnt _ = error (fuse_Tau_Operation_Label ++ ":" ++ unexpected_Constructed_Pair) > etaParaTau :: HFunctor -> [Variable] -> [TupleTerm] -> VarGenState EtaOp > etaParaTau fnc input output = > do ps<-parear fnc output input > let selectV (Tvar x) = Tvar .maybe x id.flip lookup ps$ x > selectV t = error$ "selectV: unexpected term: "++show t > return$ etaPara selectV fnc (map (buildInput ps) input) getTerm output > where -- find which positions must be duplicated, they are paired with fresh variables. > parear fnc output lst = > let parear' v | any (isRec fnc) (getPositions output v) = do u<-getFreshVar (varPrefix v); return [(v,u)] > | otherwise = return [] > in do l<-mapM parear' input > return (concat l) > buildInput ps v = maybe (Bvar v) (Bvtuple False .(:[Bvar v]).Bvar) .flip lookup ps$ v > mapTWvars:: [(Variable,Variable)]->([(Variable,Variable)]->a->VarGenState (c,TermWrapper b))->([c]->c) > ->c->TermWrapper a->VarGenState (c,TermWrapper b) > mapTWvars lst f1 f2 f3 = foldTWM (\t0 ps ->(\(cs',ts')-> return (f2 cs',TWcase t0 ps ts')).unzip) > (\(c,tw) e-> return (c,TWeta tw e)) > (f1 lst) > (\a->do (c,tw)<-mapTWvars (getPairs$ getVars a) f1 f2 f3.unwrapA$ a > return (c,TWacomp (wrapA (getVars a) tw))) > (return (f3,TWbottom)) > where getPairs = concat.map getPair > getPair (Bvtuple _ [Bvar v1,Bvar v2]) = [(v1,v2)] > getPair bv = [] This function is apropriate for converting a hilomorfism into a paramorfism when it is about to beign fused with another hilomorfism on the left using cata-paragen law. > toPara :: (CHylo h,HasComponents ca) => [h a ca] -> h a ca -> Int -> VarGenState (h a ca) > toPara hs h ih = > do let (_,_,cas)=getCoalgebra h > res <- sequence$ zipWith4 splitRecPos (getAlgebra h) (getEta h) (getFunctor h) (getComponentTerms cas) > let (alg,etas,fncs)=unzip3 res > return. setAlgebra alg . setEta etas. setFunctor fncs$ h > where splitRecPos a eta fnc tts = > do (_,TWacomp a',ps)<-handleAcomp a > let changeVars = map ((\(PFprod (PFcnt v:_))->v).fst) ps > fnc'=expandPositions ps fnc > e = EOsust changeVars (zipWith applyMutualHylo (map snd ps) changeVars) (inputList fnc') > return (a',eta `rightCompose` e,fnc') > where inputList fnc' = map (foldPF Bvar Bvar (Bvtuple False) . expanded fnc') (map getPosition tts) > inside :: TermWrapper a -> VarGenState (Bool,TermWrapper a,[(ParaFunctor,Position)]) > inside = foldTWM handleCase (\(b,tw,ps) e->return (b,TWeta tw e,ps)) (\a->return (False,TWsimple a,[])) > handleAcomp (return (True,TWbottom,[])) > handleCase t0 ps bs = let (bools,tws,pairs)=unzip3 bs > in return (and bools,TWcase t0 ps tws,concat pairs) > handleAcomp :: Acomponent a -> VarGenState (Bool,TermWrapper a,[(ParaFunctor,Position)]) > handleAcomp a = > do (b,tw,ps)<-inside (unwrapA a) > if b then return (b,TWacomp (wrapA (getVars a) tw),ps) > else do res<-mapM pair (getVars a) > let (bvs,pairs)=unzip res > return (True,TWacomp (wrapA bvs tw),concat pairs++ps) > pair bv@(Bvar v) > | isRec fnc v = do u<-getFreshVar (varPrefix v) > return (Bvtuple False [Bvar u,bv],[(PFprod [PFcnt u,PFid v],v)]) > | otherwise = return (Bvar v,[]) > pair _ = error (fuse_Tau_Operation_Label ++ ":" ++ " toPara: " ++ unexpected_Non_Variables) > applyMutualHylo p v = maybe (Tvar v) (\i->applyHyloList hs h ih i (Tvar v))$ getRecIndex fnc p This function removes nested patterns by introducing cascade cases on the coalgebra, it also abstracts calls to outF. > data STfl = STfl {ivar::VarGen,matches::Int} > deriveSigmaPatterns :: Int -> Int -> [(PatternS,[TupleTerm],HFunctor)] > -> [[(Acomponent InF,HFunctor)]] -> VarGenState (Int,[PatternS],[[((Position,Int),(Int,Int))]]) > deriveSigmaPatterns ih2 ia pts inF = > do i<-get > let (pshused,STfl i' matches) = runState (mapM (derivePattern' inF)$ pts) (STfl i 0) > let (ps,hused) = unzip pshused > put i' > return (matches,ps,concat hused) > where getFreshVar pr = do k<-get > case M.lookup pr (ivar k) of > Just i -> put (k {ivar=M.adjust (+1) "v" (ivar k)}) >> return (Vgen pr i) > _ -> put (k {ivar=M.insert "v" 1 (ivar k)}) >> return (Vgen pr 0) > derivePattern' inF (Ppattern v p,tts,fnc1) = derivePattern ih2 v inF p tts fnc1 Pdone > derivePattern' inF (p,_,_) = error$ "deriveSigmaPatterns: derivePattern': unexpected pattern: "++show p > derivePattern :: Int -> Variable -> [[(Acomponent InF,HFunctor)]] -> Pattern -> [TupleTerm] > -> HFunctor -> PatternS -> State STfl (PatternS,[[((Position,Int),(Int,Int))]]) > derivePattern ih2 t0 inF (Pcons c ps) tts fnc1 t = > do let cocs = collectC c (inF!!ih2) > args<-mapM generateVars ps > let ps' = map removePas ps > ts<- mapM (buildAlt (zip args ps')) cocs > let (ts',hused)=unzip (concat ts) > return (PcaseR ih2 t0 c args ts',concat hused) > where > generateVars (Pvar v) | not (isPany v) = getFreshVar (varPrefix v) > generateVars (Pas v _) | not (isPany v) = getFreshVar (varPrefix v) > generateVars _ = getFreshVar "v" > isPany (Vuserdef "_") = True > isPany _ = False > removePas (Pas _ p) = p > removePas p = p > buildAlt args (inFs,fnc2) = mapM (checkArg args fnc2) $ inFs > checkArg args fnc2 (InF (c,ts)) = > do (t,izqs,hused)<-foldrM (buildCase2 fnc2) (t,[],[[]]) (zip args ts) > return ((t,izqs),hused) > getr fnc2 t = case t of (Tvar vt) -> getRecIndex fnc2 vt; _ -> Nothing > getrecindex fnc2 (Tvar vt) = getRecIndex fnc2 vt > getrecindex _ t = error$ "getrecindex: unexpected term: "++show t > buildCase2 :: HFunctor -> ((Variable,Pattern),Term) -> > (PatternS,[Variable],[[((Position,Int),(Int,Int))]]) -> > State STfl (PatternS,[Variable],[[((Position,Int),(Int,Int))]]) > buildCase2 fnc2 ((u,p),t) (sigOk,nrec,hused0) = > let vp = vars p in > maybe (return (PcaseS u p sigOk, u:nrec, hused0)) > (\i2-> do (t',hused1)<-derivePattern i2 u inF p tts fnc1 sigOk > return (t',nrec, [ l1++l2 | l1<-hused0, l2<-hused1])) > $ getr fnc2 t > derivePattern ih2 t0 inF p@(Pvar vp) tts fnc1 t = > let pos = getTupletermsWithArgIndexes tts vp > ipos = [ (i,ppos) | ppos@(tt,_)<-pos, Just i<-[getRecIndex fnc1 (getPosition tt)], isValidRecArg fnc1 vp tt ] > in if null ipos then return (PcaseSana ih2 t0 p t,[[]]) > else do k<-get > put (k {matches=matches k+length ipos}) > return (PcaseS t0 p t,[[ ((getPosition tt,i1),(ia,ih2)) | (i1,(tt,ias))<-ipos, ia<-ias ]]) > derivePattern ih2 t0 inF p _ _ t = return (PcaseSana ih2 t0 p t,[[]]) > isValidRecArg fnc1 vp tt = all (isValidInPos vp)$ (termToList (getTerm tt)) > isValidInPos vp (Tvar _) = True > isValidInPos vp t = notElem vp (vars t) > termToList (Ttuple _ ts) = ts > termToList t = [t] > collectC :: Constructor -> [(Acomponent InF,HFunctor)] -> [([InF],HFunctor)] > collectC c inFs = map collect' inFs > where collect' :: (Acomponent InF,HFunctor) -> ([InF],HFunctor) > collect' (inF,fnc2) = (collect'' inF,fnc2) > collect'' :: Acomponent InF -> [InF] > collect'' = foldTW (\_ _ is->concat is) const isC collect'' [] . unwrapA > isC i@(InF (c',_)) | c==c' = [i] > | otherwise = [] Returns for a given pattern the amount of cases it spawns. > countCases :: PatternS -> Int > countCases p = > case p of > Pdone -> 1 > PcaseS t0 p t -> countCases t > PcaseSana i t0 p t -> countCases t > PcaseR i t0 c vrs ps -> sum$ map (countCases . fst) ps > _ -> error$ "FunctorRep: countCases: " ++ (unexpected_Pattern p) Constructs sigma. Returns the branches of the corresponding hylomorphism. > getSigma :: (CHylo h, HasComponents b, TermWrappable a ) => [h a ca] -> [[(Acomponent InF,HFunctor)]] -> > h a Sigma -> Int -> Int -> [h InF b] -> h InF b -> Int -> [(Acomponent a,Etai,HFunctor)] -> > FusionState (Int,Coalgebra Sigma,[(Acomponent a,Etai,HFunctor)],[[((Position,Int),(Int,Int))]]) > getSigma hs1 inF h1 ih1 ia hs2 h2 ih2 as = > do > let etas2 h2=zipWith3 applypara (getEta h2) (getFunctor h2).getComponentTerms.(\(_,_,ca)->ca).getCoalgebra$ h2 > applypara etai2 fnc2 tts = > let para2 p = mapStructure (Tvar p) (Tvar p)$ expanded fnc2 p > pos=map getPosition tts > in etai2 `rightCompose` EOgeneral (map Bvar pos) (map para2 pos) > v0s'' <-lift$ mapM regenVars v0s' > (pss,tts',fcn1s',as',casemap)<-addInFNoConstructorCase (pss'!!ia) pss' tts (getFunctor h1) as casemap' h2 > (matches,sps,hused)<-lift$ deriveSigmaPatterns ih2 ia (zip3 (pss!!ia) tts' fcn1s') inF > let t0t = bv2term (recbvtuple v0s'') > caseCounts = map countCases$ sps > joined = replicateList (replicateList casemap caseCounts) (zip as' (replicateList casemap (zip (transpose pss) tts'))) > (psb',psa') = splitAt ia pss > (hsb',hsa') = splitAt ia hss > return$ (matches,(v0b++recbvtuple v0s'':tail v0a,t0b++t0t:tail t0a,Sigma (zipWith (*) casemap caseCounts,tts', > transpose (psb'++sps:(tail psa')), > hsb'++ > Just (ih2,getAlgebra h2,etas2 h2,wrapSigma (getCoalgebra h2), applyHyloWithCtxCntArgs (getContext h2).(hs2!!)) > : tail hsa' > )), > map fst joined, hused) > where (v0,t0s,Sigma (casemap',tts,pss'',hss))=getCoalgebra h1 > (v0b,v0a) = break ((head t0a==) . bv2term) v0 > (t0b,t0a) = splitAt ia t0s > (v0s',_,_) = getCoalgebra h2 > pss' = transpose pss'' > regenVars (Bvar v) = getFreshVar (varPrefix v) >>= return . Bvar > regenVars (Bvtuple b bvs) = mapM regenVars bvs >>= return . Bvtuple b > recbvtuple [bv] = bv > recbvtuple bvs = Bvtuple True bvs > addInFNoConstructorCase ps@(Ppattern u0 _:_) pss tts fcn1s as casemap h2 | not (null inFs) = > if all noNestedCons ps then > do us<-lift$ zipWithM getPpatternVar t0s pss > u1<-lift$ getFreshVar (varPrefix u0) > let acomp = wrapA [Bvar u1] (TWsimple (wrapTerm (Tvar u1))) > fnc = HF [(u1,ih1,map (:[]) [0..length us-1],PFid u1)] > eqPRow (Ppattern _ (Pcons _ _),_,prow,_,_,_) (Ppattern _ (Pcons _ _),_,prow',_,_,_) = > and$ zipWith matchPattern (take ia prow) (take ia prow') > eqPRow _ _ = False > matchPattern p0 p1 = nullPatternS p0 == nullPatternS p1 > to5 (_,a,b,c,d,e) = (a,b,c,d,e) > ignorePattern (Ppattern _ _) u = Ppattern u (Pvar u) > ignorePattern _ u = PcaseS u (Pvar u) Pdone > addInFCons ls@((Ppattern _ (Pcons _ _),_,psrow,_,_,_):_) = > map to5 ls ++ [((acomp,Etai ([],[]),fnc), > take ia psrow++ Ppattern u0 (Pcons "_" [Pvar u1]) : drop (ia+1) (zipWith ignorePattern psrow us), > [tupleterm u1 (Ttuple True$ zipWith (\i u->Tvar (if i==ia then u1 else u)) [0..] us)], > fnc,1)] > addInFCons ls = map to5 ls > (as',pss',tts',fcn1s',casemap') = unzip5$ concat$ map addInFCons$ > groupBy eqPRow (zip6 (pss!!ia) as (transpose pss) tts fcn1s casemap) > return (transpose pss',tts',fcn1s',as',casemap') > else throwError NotInF > where inFs = filter (not.null.fst)$ collectC "_" (zip (getAlgebra h2) (getFunctor h2)) > noNestedCons (Ppattern _ (Pcons _ ps)) = all isVar ps > noNestedCons (Ppattern _ (Pvar _)) = True > noNestedCons (Ppattern _ p) = False > noNestedCons _ = False > isVar (Pvar _) = True > isVar _ = False > getPpatternVar (Tvar v) _ = return v > getPpatternVar _ (Ppattern v _:_) = return v > getPpatternVar _ (PcaseR _ v _ _ _:_) = return v > getPpatternVar _ (PcaseS v _ _:_) = return v > getPpatternVar _ (PcaseSana _ v _ _:_) = return v > getPpatternVar _ _ = getFreshVar "v" > addInFNoConstructorCase ps pss tts fnc1s as casemap _ = return (pss,tts,fnc1s,as,casemap) > replicateList :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a] > replicateList is = concat . zipWith replicate is > nullPatternS :: PatternS -> PatternS > nullPatternS (Ppattern _ p) = Ppattern (Vuserdef "") (nullPVariables p) > nullPatternS (PcaseR _ _ c _ alts) = PcaseR 0 (Vuserdef "") c [] (map (\(p,_)->(nullPatternS p,[])) alts) > nullPatternS (PcaseS _ p pts) = PcaseS (Vuserdef "") (nullPVariables p) (nullPatternS pts) > nullPatternS (PcaseSana _ _ p pts) = PcaseSana 0 (Vuserdef "") (nullPVariables p) (nullPatternS pts) > nullPatternS Pdone = Pdone > nullPVariables (Pvar _) = Pvar (Vuserdef "") > nullPVariables p@(Plit _) = p > nullPVariables (Pcons c ps) = Pcons c (map nullPVariables ps) > nullPVariables (Ptuple ps) = Ptuple (map nullPVariables ps) > nullPVariables (Pas _ p) = Pas (Vuserdef "") (nullPVariables p) Builds a natural transformation for a paramorphism wich applies a given function in copies of recursive positions. > etaParaSigma :: [Variable] -> [Boundvar] -> Int -> Int -> [(Position,Int)] -> (Int -> Term -> Term) -> > HFunctor -> HFunctor -> [TupleTerm] -> VarGenState EtaOp > etaParaSigma bs v0s ia defaultIndex vis h fncOld fnc tts = > do vts' <- if nr>1 then mapM (expandHyloMutipleArgs fncOld fnc . getPosition) tts > else return$ map (Bvar . getPosition) tts > -- variables which are recursive with respect to the ia argument > let rs = (vars (v0s!!ia) \\ bs) ++ (concat$ map (recvars ia) tts) > return$ EOgeneral vts' (zipWith (applyh rs) vts' tts) > where nr = length v0s > recvars ia tt = vars$ map (\(i,_)->filter isVar [termToList (getTerm tt)!!i])$ filter (elem ia.snd)$ zip [0..]$ > getArgIndexes fnc (getPosition tt) > applyh :: [Variable] -> Boundvar -> TupleTerm -> Term > applyh recs bv tt = > let seltt = bv2term bv > ih = maybe defaultIndex snd$ find (recPosFor tt) vis > in if (not . null . intersect recs . vars . getTerm$ tt) > then mapStructureBv bv2term (buildHyloApp (h ih) recs (getTerm tt)) bv$ expanded fnc (getPosition tt) > else mapStructure seltt seltt (expanded fnc (getPosition tt)) > isVar (Tvar _) = True > isVar _ = False > expandHyloMutipleArgs fncOld fnc1 v > | isRec fncOld v = let expArgs v = do bvs<-sequence$ replicate nr (getFreshVar (varPrefix v)) > return$ bvtuple (map Bvar bvs) > in foldPFM (return.Bvar) expArgs (return.Bvtuple False)$ expanded fnc1 v > | otherwise = return$ Bvar v > buildHyloApp h recs (Tvar v) (Bvar bv) | elem v recs = h (Tvar bv) > buildHyloApp h recs (Ttuple b ts) (Bvtuple _ bvs) = Ttuple b (zipWith (buildHyloApp h recs) ts bvs) > buildHyloApp h recs _ bv = bv2term bv > termToList (Ttuple _ ts) = ts > termToList t = [t] > recPosFor tt (v,_) = any (elem v) (map (getPositions tts) (vars (getTerm tt))) > mapStructureBv :: (Boundvar->Term) -> (Boundvar->Term) -> Boundvar -> ParaFunctor -> Term > mapStructureBv fid fconst bv (PFcnt _) = fconst bv > mapStructureBv fid fconst bv (PFid _) = fid bv > mapStructureBv fid fconst (Bvtuple b bvs) (PFprod pfs) = Ttuple b$ zipWith (mapStructureBv fid fconst) bvs pfs > mapStructureBv fid fconst bv pf = error$ "etaParaSigma: internal structures do not match: "++show bv++" "++show pf > psiToSigma :: CHylo hylo => [hylo a Psi] -> FusionState [hylo a Sigma] > psiToSigma hs = mapM (psiToSigma' hs) hs > where psiToSigma' hs1 h1 = > let (v0s,t0s,Psi psis)=getCoalgebra h1 > pss = map getPatterns psis > tts = map getTerms psis > in do pss'<-zipWithM pattern2Ppattern t0s (transpose pss) > return$ setCoalgebra (v0s,t0s,Sigma (map (const 1) tts,tts,transpose pss',map (const Nothing) v0s)) h1 > pattern2Ppattern (Tvar t0) ps = mapM (return . Ppattern t0) ps > pattern2Ppattern _ ps = lift (getFreshVar "v") >>= \u-> mapM (return . Ppattern u) ps > fusionarSigma :: (CHylo hylo,HasComponents ca,VarsB ca, AlphaConvertible ca, Vars ca,Vars a,TermWrappable a, VarsB a,AlphaConvertible a) => > [hylo a Sigma] -> Int -> Int -> [hylo InF ca] -> Int -> FusionState (Int,[hylo a Sigma]) > fusionarSigma hs1 i1 ia' hs2 i2 = fusionarSigmaAcc [((i1,[(ia,i2)]),0)] [(i1,[(ia,i2)])] > where > (v0s',t0s',_)=getCoalgebra (hs1!!i1) > ia = max 0 (min (length v0s'-1) ia') > fusionarSigmaAcc accfi@((_,acci):_) is = > do res<-mapM fusionarSigma' is > let (ws,hs,hused) = unzip3 res > hused' :: [[[(Position,(Int,[(Int,Int)]))]]] > hused' = map (map joinHylos) hused > nused = nub$ map snd$ concat$ map (concat . map (filter (\(_,pair)->all ((/=pair).fst) accfi))) hused' > lnused = length nused+acci > accfi'= zip nused [acci+1..lnused]++accfi > recmaps = map (map (map (\(v,p)->maybe (error "fusionarSigma: recmaps") (\i->(v,i))$ lookup p accfi'))) hused' > hs'=zipWith remap recmaps hs > if null nused then return (sum ws,hs') > else fusionarSigmaAcc accfi' nused >>= (\(w,hss)->return (w+sum ws,hs'++hss)) > fusionarSigmaAcc [] is = error$ "fusionarSigmaAcc: unexpected empty request list" > -- join requests for fusion of the same hylo with different arguments > joinHylos us@(((v,ih1),_):_) = (v,(ih1,sort$ map snd us')) : joinHylos uss > where (us',uss) = partition ((==v).fst.fst) us > joinHylos [] = [] > fusionarSigma' (i1,is) = > do (s,h,hused) <- foldrM (fusionarSigma'' i1) (0,hs1!!i1,repeat []) is > h' <- lift$ updateHylo h hused > return (s,cargs h' (head hs2) h',hused) > where updateHylo h hused = let (v0,_,Sigma (casemap,tts,pss,_)) = getCoalgebra h > reptts = replicateList casemap tts > (etas1,fncs) = unzip$ zipWith3 (paraMKNRSigma hs1 (hs1!!i1) (getContext h) i1) > (map (nub.map (fst.fst)) hused) > (getFunctor h) reptts > updPara :: [HFunctor] -> (Int,Int) -> [[EtaOp]] -> VarGenState [[EtaOp]] > updPara fncs (ia,ih2) etas = > do etas'<-mapM (upd ia ih2 v0)$ zip5 (getFunctor h) fncs > (map (nub . map (\((a,_),(_,d))->(a,d))) hused) > (replicateList casemap pss) > reptts > return$ zipWith (:) etas' etas > in do etas2<-foldrM (updPara fncs) (replicate (length fncs) []) is > return$ setEta (zipWith3 composeEtas (getEta h) etas1 etas2)$ setFunctor fncs h > upd ia ih2 v0 (fnc1,fnc1',indexes,ps,tts) = > etaParaSigma (vars ps) v0 ia ih2 indexes (applyHyloList hs2 (hs2!!ih2) ih2) fnc1 fnc1' tts > composeEtas eta e1 es2 = foldl rightCompose (eta `rightCompose` e1) es2 > paraMKNRSigma :: CHylo h => [h a ca] -> h a ca -> Context -> Int -> [Position] -> HFunctor -> [TupleTerm] -> (EtaOp,HFunctor) > paraMKNRSigma hs1 h1 ctx ih1 recs fnc1 tts = > let vts = map getPosition tts > izqs = nub (vts\\recs) > in (paraMKNR (applyHyloListCtx hs1 h1 ctx ih1) fnc1 izqs (map Bvar vts), makePosNR izqs fnc1) > fusionarSigma'' i1 (ia',i2) (s,h1'',oldhused) = > do let h2'' = hs2!!i2 > (h1,h2')<-lift$ renameVariables h1'' (setContext emptyContext h2'') (getConstantArgs (getContext h2'')) > let h2 = setContext (getContext h2'') h2' > ia = max 0 (min (length v0s-1) ia') > --h1=basicCARSigma hs1 ia h1' > (v0s,t0s,Sigma (_,_,pss,_))=getCoalgebra h1 > fncs1=getFunctor h1 > etas1=getEta h1 > alg1=getAlgebra h1 > lines1=zip3 alg1 etas1 fncs1 > iabv = v0s!!ia > if all (\(t,i)-> i/=ia && null (intersect (vars iabv) (vars t)) > || i==ia && bv2term iabv==t0s!!ia) (zip t0s [0..]) > && all (isPpattern . (!!ia)) pss then > do (matches,caS,branches,hused)<-getSigma hs1 inF h1 i1 ia hs2 h2 i2 lines1 > let (alg1',etai1',fncs1')=unzip3 branches > return$ (matches+s,setContext (getContext h1)$ consHylo alg1' etai1' fncs1' caS, > zipWith (++) hused oldhused) > else throwError NotSigma > inF=map (\h2->zip (getAlgebra h2) (getFunctor h2)) hs2 > isPpattern (Ppattern _ _) = True > isPpattern _ = False > instance Vars PatternS where > vars (PcaseS t0 pat termS) = vars termS ++ vars pat > vars (PcaseSana _ t0 pat termS) = t0 : vars termS ++ vars pat > vars (PcaseR _ t0 _ vrs ts) = t0 : vrs ++ concat (map (vars.fst) ts) > vars (Ppattern v p) = vars p > vars Pdone = []