-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. > {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} >module HFusion.Internal.FsDeriv( > aA, -- derivation algorithm > ) where > > import List hiding (intersperse) > import HFusion.Internal.Utils > import HFusion.Internal.HsSyn > import HFusion.Internal.RenVars > import HFusion.Internal.HyloFace > import Control.Monad.Error(throwError) > import Control.Monad.Trans(lift) > import Maybe(catMaybes) import Debug.Trace sss l v = trace (l++": "++show v) v Error codes used here are defined in Utils. ===================================================================== Algorithm for replacing with fresh variables the recursive calls of a function. Used for deriving hylomorphisms. Restrictions: *Every occurrence of the function name must appear in a saturated application. ===================================================================== Algorithm aD takes the number of arguments over which recursion is performed, a term t1, two sets of variables vsis and c1, and variables which identify functions fs expected to be called recursively in term t1, together with their respective amount of arguments to check saturation. vsis is expected to contain the constant parameters of the function f. Values returned in the following triplet > type DReturnType = ([(Variable,Variable)], [(Variable, Int,[[Int]], [Term])], Term) are: * A set of free variables in t1 appearing in c1. These variables go paired with fresh variables. * A set of triplets (fresh variable,recursive function index, indexes of the arguments used to build the recursive argument, recursive arguments of the function appearing in t1). * A term constructed by substituting in t1 the recursive calls for the corresponding fresh variables. This algorithm expects to be invoked as aD (vars pi) fs t where vars pi are the variables bound by pattern pi. And pattern pi is the pattern of the case in the body of the function over which the derivation algorithm is applied. Errors: NotSaturated t: Thrown when a non-saturated recursive function application appears. This may be thrown also if the recursive arguments are not the last ones, or if non-recursive paramenters are not invariant from call to call. t is the term being processed when the error appeared. NotExpected t: Thrown when the algorithm is not defined for the given term. This happens if a term like Thylo appears. t is the unexpected term. > aD :: [(Int,[Variable])] -> [Variable] -> [(Variable,Int)] -> Term -> FusionState DReturnType > aD pvss c1 fs t = > let d = aD pvss c1 fs > except ex t = > -- I want to eliminate variables of vsis when examining > -- expressions in a let or lambda scope. > -- If the intersections of variables to eliminate and > -- vsis is non-empty, then if recursive calls appear in the > -- the term they are not saturated and so I must throw NotSaturated. > let vs = vars ex in > aD pvss (c1 \\ vs) fs t > in > case t of > Tvar v -> if elem v c1 then do u<-lift$ getFreshVar (varPrefix v); return ([(v,u)],[],Tvar u) > else return ([],[],t) > Tlit _ -> return ([],[],t) > Ttuple b ts -> do res<- mapM d ts > let (vs,ps,ts') = unzip3 res > return (foldr (++) [] vs, concat ps, Ttuple b ts') > Tlamb bv t -> do (c,p,t') <- except bv t > return (c,p,Tlamb bv t') > Tlet v t1 t0 -> do (s0,c0,t0') <- except v t0 > (s1,c1,t1') <- except v t1 > return (s0++s1, c0++c1, Tlet v t1' t0') > Tcase t0 ps ts -> let aux pi t = do (vs2,ps2,t') <- except pi t > return (vs2,ps2,t') > in > do res <- sequence$ zipWith aux ps ts > let (vs,pos,ts') = unzip3 res > (v0,p0,t0') <- d t0 > return ((v0++).foldr (++) []$ vs, > p0++concat pos, Tcase t0' ps ts') > Tfapp v ts -> > do res <- mapM d ts > let (vs,ps,ts') = unzip3 res > (v0,p0,_) <- d (Tvar v) > let retres = ((v0++).foldr (++) []$ vs, p0++concat ps, Tfapp v ts') > if any (not.null) ps then return retres > else case findIndex ((v==).fst) fs of > Just idx | Just nargs<-lookup v fs -> > -- All application parameters must be equal to the > -- variables in vsis, except the last arguments that > -- are the recursive ones. > if length ts==nargs then > do let tvs=vars ts > u<-lift$ getFreshVar (if null tvs then "v" else varPrefix (head tvs)) > return ([],[(u,idx,map (findArgumentIndexes pvss) ts,ts)],Tvar u) > else throwError (NotSaturated t) > _ -> return retres > > Tcapp cons ts -> do res <- mapM d ts > let (vs,ps,ts') = unzip3 res > return (foldr (++) [] vs, > concat ps, Tcapp cons ts') > > Tapp t1 t2 -> do (vs1,ps1,t1') <- d t1 > (vs2,ps2,t2') <- d t2 > return (vs1++vs2, ps1++ps2, Tapp t1' t2') > _ -> throwError (NotExpected t) > where findArgumentIndexes pvss t = map fst . filter (not . null . intersect (vars t) . snd)$ pvss ===================================================================== Algorithm for deriving hylomorphisms. Restrictions: *Every ocurrence of the name for the recursive function must appear in a saturated application (comes from the restriction in algorithm aD). ===================================================================== The algorithm aA takes terms ts and variables that identify functions $f_i$. The variables are the functions defined by each term in ts. > type InputLine = ([Pattern],DReturnType) > aA :: [Variable] -> [Term] -> FusionState [([Boundvar],[Term],[InputLine])] The returned value is a representation of each function as hilomorphism. Errors: Errors of algorithm aD belong to this algorithm. In addition, the following error is also thrown: NotExpected t: Thrown when any of the terms in ts is not a recursive lambda expresi?n. t is the term being processed when the error occurred. ----------- La implementaci?n ------------ Function aA calls aA', which collecs parameters from lambda expresions. > aA fs ts = sequence . zipWith (aA' id (zip fs (map countArgs ts))) fs$ ts > where countArgs (Tlamb _ t) = 1 + countArgs t > countArgs t = 0 Having found the last lambda expression, function aA'' is called > aA' :: ([Boundvar]->[Boundvar]) -> [(Variable,Int)] -> Variable -> Term -> FusionState ([Boundvar],[Term],[InputLine]) > aA' fvars fs f (Tlamb bv t) = > do res<-aA' (fvars.(bv:)) fs f t > return res > > aA' vsis fs f (Tcase t0 ps ts) = > aA'' fs f (vsis []) t0 ps ts It is supposed that a case comes after all the lambda expressions, but if not we improvise a dummy case: case () of ()->t to apply the algorithm anyway. This works for functions like repeat, which have no recursive argument > aA' vsis fs f t = > do res<-aA'' fs f (vsis []) (Ttuple False []) [pany] [t] > return res Being this the invocation of to function aA aA f (\vs1 \vs2 .. \vsm -> case t0 of alternatives) call to function aA'' looks like > aA'' :: [(Variable,Int)] -> Variable -> [Boundvar] -> Term -> > [Pattern] -> [Term] -> FusionState ([Boundvar],[Term],[InputLine]) > aA'' fs f recs'' t' ps' ts' = > do (recs,t,ps,ts) <- lift$ removePas recs'' t' ps' ts' > let recs' = splitVars t0s (\bv t -> not$ null$ intersect (vars t)$ vars$ bv) recs t0s -- variables to insert in the case > t0s = termToList t > t0s' = adaptTerms recs' t0s > ps' = map (adaptPattern recs' t0s) ps > if not (matchOrder recs t0s') > then throwError$ > Msg$ show f++": Order or ammount of recursive arguments " > ++"does not match with the main case."++show recs++" "++show t0s' > else do lines <- sequence (zipWith (appD recs) > ps' > ts) > return (recs,t0s',lines) > where matchOrder (Bvar bv:bvs) (Tvar v:ts) = bv==v && matchOrder bvs ts > matchOrder (_:bvs) (_:ts) = matchOrder bvs ts > matchOrder [] [] = True > matchOrder _ _ = False > -- calls aD. pis are the argument indexes for > -- each t0, recs are the recursive arguments, > -- pi is the pattern in a case alternative and ti the corresponding term. > appD recs pi ti = > let ps = patternToList pi > in do r<-aD [(i,vars r++vars p) | (i,Bvar r,p)<-zip3 [0..] recs ps] > (union (vars recs) (vars ps)) fs ti > return (ps,r) > adaptPattern recs [] p = ptuple$ map (toPat (vars p))$ concat$ recs > adaptPattern recs t0s p = > ptuple$ intersperse (map (map (toPat (vars p))) recs) (patternToList p) > toPat vps (Bvtuple _ bvs) = Ptuple (map (toPat vps) bvs) > toPat vps (Bvar v) | elem v vps = pany > | otherwise = Pvar v > adaptTerms recs t0s = intersperse (map (map bv2term) recs) t0s > eqTermBv (Tvar v) (Bvar v') = v==v' > eqTermBv (Ttuple _ bvs) (Bvtuple _ ts) = and . zipWith eqTermBv bvs$ ts > eqTermBv _ _ = False > splitVars :: [b] -> (a->b->Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> [[a]] > splitVars bst p [] bs = [] > splitVars bst p as [] = [as] > splitVars bst p as bs = let (as',ass) = break (flip any bst . p) as > (bs',bss) = break (p (head ass)) bs > tail' [] = [] > tail' ls = tail ls > in if null ass then [as'] > else as' : map (const []) bs' ++ splitVars bst p (tail' ass) (tail' bss) > intersperse :: [[a]] -> [a] -> [a] > intersperse (as:ass) (b:bs) = as ++ b : intersperse ass bs > intersperse ass [] = concat ass > intersperse [] bs = bs Removes @-patterns from top level patterns in the main case. \(v1,v2) -> case (v1,v2) of a@[] [] -> t1 b@(x:xs) _ -> t2 is converted to \(u,v2) -> case (u,v2) of [] [] -> t1[u/a] (x:xs) _ -> t2[u/b] > removePas :: [Boundvar] -> Term -> [Pattern] -> [Term] -> VarGenState ([Boundvar],Term,[Pattern],[Term]) > removePas bvs t0 ps ts = > do removeus <- sequence (zipWith removable t0s pss) > let catremoveus = catMaybes removeus > if null catremoveus then return (bvs,t0,ps,ts) > else let (pss',sustss)=unzip$ zipWith removePas' removeus pss > in return (map (alphaConvert [] catremoveus) bvs > ,substitution (map (\(v,u)->(v,Tvar u)) catremoveus) t0 > ,map ptuple$ transpose pss' > ,zipWith substitution (map catMaybes$ transpose sustss) ts) > where t0s = termToList t0 > pss = transpose$ map patternToList ps > removePas' (Just (_,u)) ps = (map remPas ps,map (getPas (Tvar u)) ps) > removePas' _ ps = (ps,[]) > removable :: Term -> [Pattern] -> VarGenState (Maybe (Variable,Variable)) > removable (Tvar v) ps = if any isPas ps then getFreshVar "t" >>= \u->return (Just (v,u)) else return Nothing > removable _ _ = return Nothing > remPas (Pas _ p) = p > remPas p = p > getPas u (Pas v _) = Just (v,u) > getPas u _ = Nothing > isPas (Pas _ _) = True > isPas _ = False > termToList (Ttuple _ t0s) = t0s > termToList t = [t] > patternToList (Ptuple ps) = ps > patternToList p = [p]