{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} -- | Exports predefined Cirqs. module Data.Cirq.Utils where import Data.Cirq.Base as Cq {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} import Control.Arrow as Arr cqTotal :: forall a. Num a => Cirq a a cqTotal = cqAccum 0 (+) -- ^ Keeps track of the total of numbers passed to it. -- When a number is passed to it, the replacement function will add that number to its number, -- and so on. cqTotalM :: forall a. Monoid a => Cirq a a cqTotalM = cqAccum mempty mappend -- ^ Like total, but with arbitrary monoids instead of number and addition cqProd :: forall a. Num a => Cirq a a cqProd = cqAccum 1 (*) -- ^ Like total, but with multiplication -- The multiplicative dentity is 1, so it starts with 1. cqIndex :: forall a b. Num b => b -> Cirq a b cqIndex n = Cirq $ \_ -> (cqIndex (n + 1), n) -- ^ Ignores input and returns parameter, replacement Cirq returns a value one higher than the previous value. -- Effectively indexes when applied to lists using runCq. cqMean :: forall a. Fractional a => Cirq a a cqMean = (cqTotal &&& cqIndex 1) >>> arr (uncurry (/)) -- ^ Keeps two accumulators, one keeping a total and another keeping an index, -- then divides total by the index. -- Effectively calculates the mean of number passed so far when applied using runCq. -- ! The concept of Cirq and many functions here are lifted from the Arrow Tutorial from Wikibooks' Hasell book.