#include "hexml.h" #include #include #include #include #include typedef int bool; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TYPES static inline int end(str s) { return s.start + s.length; } static inline str start_length(int32_t start, int32_t length) { assert(start >= 0 && length >= 0); str res; res.start = start; res.length = length; return res; } static inline str start_end(int32_t start, int32_t end) { return start_length(start, end - start); } typedef struct { int size; int used; attr* attrs; // dynamically allocated buffer attr* alloc; // what to call free on } attr_buffer; typedef struct { // have a cursor at the front, which is all the stuff I have written out, final // have a cursor at the end, which is stack scoped, so children write out, then I do // when you commit, you copy over from end to front // nodes int size; int used_front; // front entries, stored for good int used_back; // back entries, stack based, copied into front node* nodes; // dynamically allocated buffer node* alloc; // what to call free on } node_buffer; struct document { const char* body; // pointer to initial argument, not owned by us // things only used while parsing const char* cursor; // pointer to where we are in body const char* end; // pointer to one past the last char // if cursor is > end we have gone past the end char* error_message; node_buffer nodes; attr_buffer attrs; }; static inline int doc_length(const document* d) { return (int) (d->end - d->body); } static inline int doc_position(const document* d) { return (int) (d->cursor - d->body); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RENDER CODE typedef struct { const document* d; char* buffer; int length; int cursor; } render; static inline void render_char(render* r, char c) { if (r->cursor < r->length) r->buffer[r->cursor] = c; r->cursor++; } static inline void bound(int idx, int mn, int mx) { assert(idx >= mn && idx <= mx); } static inline void bound_str(str s, int mn, int mx) { assert(s.length >= 0); bound(s.start, mn, mx); bound(end(s), mn, mx); } void render_str(render* r, str s) { bound_str(s, 0, doc_length(r->d)); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) render_char(r, r->d->body[s.start + i]); } void render_tag(render* r, const node* n); void render_content(render* r, const node* n) { bound_str(n->inner, 0, doc_length(r->d)); bound_str(n->nodes, 0, r->d->nodes.used_front); bound_str(n->attrs, 0, r->d->attrs.used); int done = n->inner.start; for (int i = 0; i < n->nodes.length; i++) { node* x = &r->d->nodes.nodes[n->nodes.start + i]; render_str(r, start_end(done, x->outer.start)); done = end(x->outer); render_tag(r, x); } render_str(r, start_end(done, end(n->inner))); } void render_tag(render* r, const node* n) { render_char(r, '<'); render_str(r, n->name); for (int i = 0; i < n->attrs.length; i++) { attr* x = &r->d->attrs.attrs[n->attrs.start + i]; render_char(r, ' '); render_str(r, x->name); render_char(r, '='); render_char(r, '\"'); render_str(r, x->value); render_char(r, '\"'); } render_char(r, '>'); render_content(r, n); render_char(r, '<'); render_char(r, '/'); render_str(r, n->name); render_char(r, '>'); } int node_render(const document* d, const node* n, char* buffer, int length) { render r; r.d = d; r.buffer = buffer; r.length = length; r.cursor = 0; // The root node (and only the root node) has an empty length, so just render its innards if (n->name.length == 0) render_content(&r, n); else render_tag(&r, n); return r.cursor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOT THE PARSER char* document_error(const document* d){return d->error_message;} node* document_node(const document* d){return &d->nodes.nodes[0];} void document_free(document* d) { free(d->error_message); free(d->nodes.alloc); free(d->attrs.alloc); free(d); } node* node_children(const document* d, const node* n, int* res) { *res = n->nodes.length; return &d->nodes.nodes[n->nodes.start]; } attr* node_attributes(const document* d, const node* n, int* res) { *res = n->attrs.length; return &d->attrs.attrs[n->attrs.start]; } attr* node_attributeBy(const document* d, const node* n, const char* s, int slen) { if (slen == -1) slen = (int) strlen(s); const int limit = end(n->attrs); for (int i = n->attrs.start; i < limit; i++) { attr* r = &d->attrs.attrs[i]; if (r->name.length == slen && memcmp(s, &d->body[r->name.start], slen) == 0) return r; } return NULL; } // Search for given strings within a node node* node_childBy(const document* d, const node* parent, const node* prev, const char* s, int slen) { if (slen == -1) slen = (int) strlen(s); int i = prev == NULL ? parent->nodes.start : (int) (prev + 1 - d->nodes.nodes); const int limit = end(parent->nodes); for (; i < limit; i++) { node* r = &d->nodes.nodes[i]; if (r->name.length == slen && memcmp(s, &d->body[r->name.start], slen) == 0) return r; } return NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARSE TABLE const char tag_name1 = 0x1; const char tag_name = 0x2; const char tag_space = 0x4; char parse_table[256]; void init_parse_table() { static bool done = 0; if (done) return; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { bool name1 = i == ':' || i == '_' || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z'); bool name = name1 || i == '-' || (i >= '0' && i <= '9'); bool space = i == ' ' || i == '\t' || i == '\r' || i == '\n'; parse_table[i] = (name1 ? tag_name1 : 0) | (name ? tag_name : 0) | (space ? tag_space : 0); } done = 1; } static inline bool is(char c, char tag) { return parse_table[c] & tag; } static inline bool is_name1(char c) { return is(c, tag_name1); } static inline bool is_name(char c) { return is(c, tag_name); } static inline bool is_space(char c) { return is(c, tag_space); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARSER COMBINATORS static inline char peekAt(const document* d, int i) { return d->cursor[i]; } static inline char peek(const document* d) { return peekAt(d, 0); } static inline void skip(document* d, int i) { d->cursor += i; } static inline char get(document* d) { char c = peek(d); skip(d, 1); return c; } // Remove whitespace characters from the cursor while they are still whitespace static inline void trim(document* d) { while (is_space(peek(d))) skip(d, 1); } // Find this character form the cursor onwards, if true adjust the cursor to that char, otherwise leave it at the end bool find(document* d, char c) { char* x = memchr(d->cursor, c, d->end - d->cursor); if (x == NULL) { d->cursor = d->end; return 0; } else { d->cursor = x; return 1; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARSING CODE static inline void node_alloc(node_buffer* b, int ask) { int space = b->size - b->used_back - b->used_front; if (space >= ask) return; int size2 = (b->size + 1000 + ask) * 2; node* buf2 = malloc(size2 * sizeof(node)); assert(buf2); memcpy(buf2, b->nodes, b->used_front * sizeof(node)); memcpy(&buf2[size2 - b->used_back], &b->nodes[b->size - b->used_back], b->used_back * sizeof(node)); free(b->alloc); b->size = size2; b->nodes = buf2; b->alloc = buf2; } static inline void attr_alloc(attr_buffer* b, int ask) { int space = b->size - b->used; if (space >= ask) return; int size2 = (b->size + 1000 + ask) * 2; attr* buf2 = malloc(size2 * sizeof(attr)); assert(buf2); memcpy(buf2, b->attrs, b->used * sizeof(attr)); free(b->alloc); b->size = size2; b->attrs = buf2; b->alloc = buf2; } void set_error(document* d, const char* msg) { if (d->error_message != NULL) return; // keep the first error message d->error_message = malloc(strlen(msg)+1); assert(d->error_message); strcpy(d->error_message, msg); } // you now expect a name, perhaps preceeded by whitespace // the name may be empty static inline str parse_name(document* d) { int start = doc_position(d); if (!is_name1(peek(d))) return start_length(start, 0); skip(d, 1); while (is_name(peek(d))) skip(d, 1); return start_end(start, doc_position(d)); } static inline str parse_attrval(document* d) { trim(d); if (peek(d) != '=') { set_error(d, "Expected = in attribute, but missing"); return start_length(0, 0); } skip(d, 1); trim(d); char c = peek(d); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { skip(d, 1); int start = doc_position(d); if (!find(d, c)) { set_error(d, "Couldn't find closing attribute bit"); return start_length(0, 0); } skip(d, 1); return start_end(start, doc_position(d) - 1); } else { set_error(d, "Invalid attribute"); return start_length(0, 0); } } // seen a tag name, now looking for attributes terminated by > // puts the attributes it finds in the attribute buffer static inline str parse_attributes(document* d) { int start = d->attrs.used; while (d->error_message == NULL) { trim(d); str name = parse_name(d); if (name.length == 0) break; attr_alloc(&d->attrs, 1); d->attrs.attrs[d->attrs.used].name = name; d->attrs.attrs[d->attrs.used].value = parse_attrval(d); d->attrs.used++; } return start_end(start, d->attrs.used); } str parse_content(document* d); // Add a new entry into tag, am at a '<' static inline void parse_tag(document* d) { node_alloc(&d->nodes, 1); d->nodes.used_back++; node* me = &d->nodes.nodes[d->nodes.size - d->nodes.used_back]; me->outer.start = doc_position(d); char c = get(d); assert(c == '<'); if (peek(d) == '?') skip(d, 1); me->name = parse_name(d); if (me->name.length == 0) { set_error(d, "Missing tag name"); return; } me->attrs = parse_attributes(d); if (d->error_message != NULL) return; c = peek(d); if ((c == '/' || c == '?') && peekAt(d, 1) == '>') { skip(d, 2); me->nodes = start_length(0, 0); me->outer.length = start_end(me->outer.start, doc_position(d)).length; me->inner = start_length(doc_position(d), 0); return; } else if (c != '>') { set_error(d, "Gunk at the end of the tag"); return; } else skip(d, 1); me->inner.start = doc_position(d); str content = parse_content(d); // parse_content may have allocated more nodes, so recompute me me = &d->nodes.nodes[d->nodes.size - d->nodes.used_back]; me->nodes = content; me->inner.length = start_end(me->inner.start, doc_position(d)).length; if (d->error_message != NULL) return; if (peek(d) == '<' && peekAt(d, 1) == '/') { skip(d, 2); if (d->end - d->cursor >= me->name.length && memcmp(d->cursor, &d->body[me->name.start], me->name.length) == 0) { skip(d, me->name.length); trim(d); if (get(d) == '>') { me->outer.length = start_end(me->outer.start, doc_position(d)).length; return; } } set_error(d, "Mismatch in closing tags"); return; } set_error(d, "Weirdness when trying to close tags"); } // Parser until nodes.used_back; while (d->error_message == NULL) { // only < can have any impact if (!find(d, '<')) { break; } else if (peekAt(d, 1) == '/') { // have found a ')) { set_error(d, "Didn't get a closing comment"); return start_end(0, 0); } skip(d, 1); if (peekAt(d, -3) == '-' && peekAt(d, -2)) break; } } else { parse_tag(d); } } int diff = d->nodes.used_back - before; node_alloc(&d->nodes, diff); str res = start_length(d->nodes.used_front, diff); for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) d->nodes.nodes[d->nodes.used_front + i] = d->nodes.nodes[d->nodes.size - d->nodes.used_back + diff - 1 - i]; d->nodes.used_front += diff; d->nodes.used_back -= diff; return res; } // Based on looking at ~50Kb XML documents, they seem to have ~700 attributes // and ~300 nodes, so size appropriately to cope with that. typedef struct { document document; attr attrs[1000]; node nodes[500]; } buffer; document* document_parse(const char* s, int slen) { if (slen == -1) slen = (int) strlen(s); assert(s[slen] == 0); init_parse_table(); buffer* buf = malloc(sizeof(buffer)); assert(buf); document* d = &buf->document; d->body = s; d->cursor = s; d->end = &s[slen]; d->error_message = NULL; d->attrs.size = 1000; d->attrs.used = 0; d->attrs.attrs = buf->attrs; d->attrs.alloc = NULL; d->nodes.size = 500; d->nodes.used_back = 0; d->nodes.used_front = 1; d->nodes.nodes = buf->nodes; d->nodes.alloc = NULL; d->nodes.nodes[0].name = start_length(0, 0); d->nodes.nodes[0].outer = start_length(0, slen); d->nodes.nodes[0].inner = start_length(0, slen); d->nodes.nodes[0].attrs = start_length(0, 0); // Introduce an intermediate result, otherwise behaviour is undefined // because there is no guaranteed ordering between LHS and RHS evaluation str content = parse_content(d); d->nodes.nodes[0].nodes = content; if (d->cursor < d->end) set_error(d, "Trailing junk at the end of the document"); return d; }