-- Main file of the hevm CLI program {-# Language CPP #-} {-# Language DataKinds #-} {-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# Language DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# Language FlexibleInstances #-} {-# Language DeriveGeneric #-} {-# Language GADTs #-} {-# Language LambdaCase #-} {-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# Language TypeOperators #-} {-# Language RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import EVM (StorageModel(..)) import qualified EVM import EVM.Concrete (createAddress, wordValue) import EVM.Symbolic (litWord, forceLitBytes, litAddr, len, forceLit) import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule import qualified EVM.Fetch import qualified EVM.Flatten import qualified EVM.Stepper import qualified EVM.TTY import qualified EVM.Emacs import EVM.Dev (interpretWithTrace) #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(1, 0, 0) import qualified EVM.VMTest as VMTest #endif import EVM.SymExec import EVM.Debug import EVM.ABI import EVM.Solidity import EVM.Types hiding (word) import EVM.UnitTest (UnitTestOptions, coverageReport, coverageForUnitTestContract) import EVM.UnitTest (runUnitTestContract) import EVM.UnitTest (getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables, testNumber) import EVM.Dapp (findUnitTests, dappInfo, DappInfo, emptyDapp) import EVM.Format (showTraceTree, showTree', renderTree, showBranchInfoWithAbi, showLeafInfo) import EVM.RLP (rlpdecode) import qualified EVM.Patricia as Patricia import Data.Map (Map) import qualified EVM.Facts as Facts import qualified EVM.Facts.Git as Git import qualified EVM.UnitTest import GHC.IO.Encoding import GHC.Stack import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, waitCatch) import Control.Lens hiding (pre, passing) import Control.Monad (void, when, forM_, unless) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (execStateT, liftIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List (intercalate, isSuffixOf) import Data.Tree import Data.Text (unpack, pack) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Text.IO (hPutStr) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Data.DoubleWord (Word256) import Data.SBV hiding (Word, solver, verbose, name) import Data.SBV.Control hiding (Version, timeout, create) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout, stderr) import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory, listDirectory) import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(..)) import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.Process (callProcess) import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), (.:)) import Data.Aeson.Lens hiding (values) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Data.SBV as SBV import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified System.Timeout as Timeout import qualified Paths_hevm as Paths import Options.Generic as Options -- This record defines the program's command-line options -- automatically via the `optparse-generic` package. data Command w = Symbolic -- Symbolically explore an abstract program, or specialized with specified env & calldata -- vm opts { code :: w ::: Maybe ByteString "Program bytecode" , calldata :: w ::: Maybe ByteString "Tx: calldata" , address :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: address" , caller :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: caller" , origin :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: origin" , coinbase :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Block: coinbase" , value :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: Eth amount" , nonce :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Nonce of origin" , gas :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas amount" , number :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: number" , timestamp :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: timestamp" , gaslimit :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas limit" , gasprice :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas price" , create :: w ::: Bool "Tx: creation" , maxcodesize :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: max code size" , difficulty :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: difficulty" , chainid :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Env: chainId" -- remote state opts , rpc :: w ::: Maybe URL "Fetch state from a remote node" , block :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block state is be fetched from" , state :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to state repository" , cache :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to rpc cache repository" -- symbolic execution opts , jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)" , dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )" , storageModel :: w ::: Maybe StorageModel "Select storage model: ConcreteS, SymbolicS (default) or InitialS" , sig :: w ::: Maybe Text "Signature of types to decode / encode" , arg :: w ::: [String] "Values to encode" , debug :: w ::: Bool "Run interactively" , getModels :: w ::: Bool "Print example testcase for each execution path" , showTree :: w ::: Bool "Print branches explored in tree view" , smttimeout :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Timeout given to SMT solver in milliseconds (default: 30000)" , maxIterations :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point" , solver :: w ::: Maybe Text "Used SMT solver: z3 (default) or cvc4" , smtdebug :: w ::: Bool "Print smt queries sent to the solver" , assertions :: w ::: Maybe [Word256] "Comma seperated list of solc panic codes to check for (default: everything except arithmetic overflow)" } | Equivalence -- prove equivalence between two programs { codeA :: w ::: ByteString "Bytecode of the first program" , codeB :: w ::: ByteString "Bytecode of the second program" , sig :: w ::: Maybe Text "Signature of types to decode / encode" , smttimeout :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Timeout given to SMT solver in milliseconds (default: 30000)" , maxIterations :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point" , solver :: w ::: Maybe Text "Used SMT solver: z3 (default) or cvc4" , smtoutput :: w ::: Bool "Print verbose smt output" , smtdebug :: w ::: Bool "Print smt queries sent to the solver" } | Exec -- Execute a given program with specified env & calldata { code :: w ::: Maybe ByteString "Program bytecode" , calldata :: w ::: Maybe ByteString "Tx: calldata" , address :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: address" , caller :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: caller" , origin :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Tx: origin" , coinbase :: w ::: Maybe Addr "Block: coinbase" , value :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: Eth amount" , nonce :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Nonce of origin" , gas :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas amount" , number :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: number" , timestamp :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: timestamp" , gaslimit :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas limit" , gasprice :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Tx: gas price" , create :: w ::: Bool "Tx: creation" , maxcodesize :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: max code size" , difficulty :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block: difficulty" , chainid :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Env: chainId" , debug :: w ::: Bool "Run interactively" , jsontrace :: w ::: Bool "Print json trace output at every step" , trace :: w ::: Bool "Dump trace" , state :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to state repository" , cache :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to rpc cache repository" , rpc :: w ::: Maybe URL "Fetch state from a remote node" , block :: w ::: Maybe W256 "Block state is be fetched from" , jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)" , dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )" } | DappTest -- Run DSTest unit tests { jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)" , dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )" , debug :: w ::: Bool "Run interactively" , jsontrace :: w ::: Bool "Print json trace output at every step" , fuzzRuns :: w ::: Maybe Int "Number of times to run fuzz tests" , depth :: w ::: Maybe Int "Number of transactions to explore" , replay :: w ::: Maybe (Text, ByteString) "Custom fuzz case to run/debug" , rpc :: w ::: Maybe URL "Fetch state from a remote node" , verbose :: w ::: Maybe Int "Append call trace: {1} failures {2} all" , coverage :: w ::: Bool "Coverage analysis" , state :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to state repository" , cache :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to rpc cache repository" , match :: w ::: Maybe String "Test case filter - only run methods matching regex" , smttimeout :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Timeout given to SMT solver in milliseconds (default: 30000)" , maxIterations :: w ::: Maybe Integer "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point" , solver :: w ::: Maybe Text "Used SMT solver: z3 (default) or cvc4" , smtdebug :: w ::: Bool "Print smt queries sent to the solver" , ffi :: w ::: Bool "Allow the usage of the hevm.ffi() cheatcode (WARNING: this allows test authors to execute arbitrary code on your machine)" } | BcTest -- Run an Ethereum Blockhain/GeneralState test { file :: w ::: String "Path to .json test file" , test :: w ::: [String] "Test case filter - only run specified test method(s)" , debug :: w ::: Bool "Run interactively" , jsontrace :: w ::: Bool "Print json trace output at every step" , diff :: w ::: Bool "Print expected vs. actual state on failure" , timeout :: w ::: Maybe Int "Execution timeout (default: 10 sec.)" } | Compliance -- Run Ethereum Blockhain compliance report { tests :: w ::: String "Path to Ethereum Tests directory" , group :: w ::: Maybe String "Report group to run: VM or Blockchain (default: Blockchain)" , match :: w ::: Maybe String "Test case filter - only run methods matching regex" , skip :: w ::: Maybe String "Test case filter - skip tests containing string" , html :: w ::: Bool "Output html report" , timeout :: w ::: Maybe Int "Execution timeout (default: 10 sec.)" } | Flatten -- Concat all dependencies for a given source file { sourceFile :: w ::: String "Path to solidity source file e.g. src/contract.sol" , jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)" , dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )" } | Emacs | Version | Rlp -- RLP decode a string and print the result { decode :: w ::: ByteString "RLP encoded hexstring" } | Abiencode { abi :: w ::: Maybe String "Signature of types to decode / encode" , arg :: w ::: [String] "Values to encode" } | MerkleTest -- Insert a set of key values and check against the given root { file :: w ::: String "Path to .json test file" } | StripMetadata -- Remove metadata from contract bytecode { code :: w ::: Maybe ByteString "Program bytecode" } deriving (Options.Generic) type URL = Text -- For some reason haskell can't derive a -- parseField instance for (Text, ByteString) instance Options.ParseField (Text, ByteString) deriving instance Options.ParseField Word256 deriving instance Options.ParseField [Word256] instance Options.ParseRecord (Command Options.Wrapped) where parseRecord = Options.parseRecordWithModifiers Options.lispCaseModifiers optsMode :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> Mode optsMode x = if debug x then Debug else if jsontrace x then JsonTrace else Run applyCache :: (Maybe String, Maybe String) -> IO (EVM.VM -> EVM.VM) applyCache (state, cache) = let applyState = flip Facts.apply applyCache' = flip Facts.applyCache in case (state, cache) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> do pure id (Nothing, Just cachePath) -> do facts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt cachePath) pure $ applyCache' facts (Just statePath, Nothing) -> do facts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt statePath) pure $ applyState facts (Just statePath, Just cachePath) -> do cacheFacts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt cachePath) stateFacts <- Git.loadFacts (Git.RepoAt statePath) pure $ (applyState stateFacts) . (applyCache' cacheFacts) unitTestOptions :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> String -> Query UnitTestOptions unitTestOptions cmd testFile = do let root = fromMaybe "." (dappRoot cmd) srcInfo <- liftIO $ readSolc testFile >>= \case Nothing -> error "Could not read .sol.json file" Just (contractMap, sourceCache) -> pure $ dappInfo root contractMap sourceCache vmModifier <- liftIO $ applyCache (state cmd, cache cmd) params <- liftIO $ getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables (rpc cmd) state <- queryState let testn = testNumber params block' = if 0 == testn then EVM.Fetch.Latest else EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber testn pure EVM.UnitTest.UnitTestOptions { EVM.UnitTest.oracle = case rpc cmd of Just url -> EVM.Fetch.oracle (Just state) (Just (block', url)) True Nothing -> EVM.Fetch.oracle (Just state) Nothing True , EVM.UnitTest.maxIter = maxIterations cmd , EVM.UnitTest.smtTimeout = smttimeout cmd , EVM.UnitTest.solver = solver cmd , EVM.UnitTest.smtState = Just state , EVM.UnitTest.verbose = verbose cmd , EVM.UnitTest.match = pack $ fromMaybe ".*" (match cmd) , EVM.UnitTest.maxDepth = depth cmd , EVM.UnitTest.fuzzRuns = fromMaybe 100 (fuzzRuns cmd) , EVM.UnitTest.replay = do arg' <- replay cmd return (fst arg', LazyByteString.fromStrict (hexByteString "--replay" $ strip0x $ snd arg')) , EVM.UnitTest.vmModifier = vmModifier , EVM.UnitTest.testParams = params , EVM.UnitTest.dapp = srcInfo , EVM.UnitTest.allowFFI = ffi cmd } main :: IO () main = do cmd <- Options.unwrapRecord "hevm -- Ethereum evaluator" let root = fromMaybe "." (dappRoot cmd) case cmd of Version {} -> putStrLn (showVersion Paths.version) Symbolic {} -> assert cmd Equivalence {} -> equivalence cmd Exec {} -> launchExec cmd Abiencode {} -> print . ByteStringS $ abiencode (abi cmd) (arg cmd) BcTest {} -> launchTest cmd DappTest {} -> withCurrentDirectory root $ do testFile <- findJsonFile (jsonFile cmd) runSMTWithTimeOut (solver cmd) (smttimeout cmd) (smtdebug cmd) $ query $ do testOpts <- unitTestOptions cmd testFile case (coverage cmd, optsMode cmd) of (False, Run) -> dappTest testOpts testFile (cache cmd) (False, Debug) -> liftIO $ EVM.TTY.main testOpts root testFile (False, JsonTrace) -> error "json traces not implemented for dappTest" (True, _) -> liftIO $ dappCoverage testOpts (optsMode cmd) testFile Compliance {} -> case (group cmd) of Just "Blockchain" -> launchScript "/run-blockchain-tests" cmd Just "VM" -> launchScript "/run-consensus-tests" cmd _ -> launchScript "/run-blockchain-tests" cmd Flatten {} -> withCurrentDirectory root $ do theJson <- findJsonFile (jsonFile cmd) readSolc theJson >>= \case Just (contractMap, cache) -> do let dapp = dappInfo "." contractMap cache EVM.Flatten.flatten dapp (pack (sourceFile cmd)) Nothing -> error ("Failed to read Solidity JSON for `" ++ theJson ++ "'") Emacs -> EVM.Emacs.main Rlp {} -> case rlpdecode $ hexByteString "--decode" $ strip0x $ decode cmd of Nothing -> error "Malformed RLP string" Just c -> print c MerkleTest {} -> merkleTest cmd StripMetadata {} -> print . ByteStringS . stripBytecodeMetadata . hexByteString "bytecode" . strip0x $ fromJust $ code cmd launchScript :: String -> Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () launchScript script cmd = withCurrentDirectory (tests cmd) $ do dataDir <- Paths.getDataDir callProcess "bash" [ dataDir ++ script , "." , show (html cmd) , fromMaybe "" (match cmd) , fromMaybe "" (skip cmd) , show $ fromMaybe 10 (timeout cmd) ] findJsonFile :: Maybe String -> IO String findJsonFile (Just s) = pure s findJsonFile Nothing = do outFiles <- listDirectory "out" case filter (isSuffixOf ".sol.json") outFiles of [x] -> pure ("out/" ++ x) [] -> error $ concat [ "No `*.sol.json' file found in `./out'.\n" , "Maybe you need to run `dapp build'.\n" , "You can specify a file with `--json-file'." ] xs -> error $ concat [ "Multiple `*.sol.json' files found in `./out'.\n" , "Specify one using `--json-file'.\n" , "Files found: " , intercalate ", " xs ] dappTest :: UnitTestOptions -> String -> Maybe String -> Query () dappTest opts solcFile cache = do out <- liftIO $ readSolc solcFile case out of Just (contractMap, _) -> do let unitTests = findUnitTests (EVM.UnitTest.match opts) $ Map.elems contractMap results <- concatMapM (runUnitTestContract opts contractMap) unitTests let (passing, vms) = unzip results case cache of Nothing -> pure () Just path -> -- merge all of the post-vm caches and save into the state let cache' = mconcat [view EVM.cache vm | vm <- vms] in liftIO $ Git.saveFacts (Git.RepoAt path) (Facts.cacheFacts cache') liftIO $ unless (and passing) exitFailure Nothing -> error ("Failed to read Solidity JSON for `" ++ solcFile ++ "'") equivalence :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () equivalence cmd = do let bytecodeA = hexByteString "--code" . strip0x $ codeA cmd bytecodeB = hexByteString "--code" . strip0x $ codeB cmd maybeSignature <- case sig cmd of Nothing -> return Nothing Just sig' -> do method' <- functionAbi sig' return $ Just (view methodSignature method', snd <$> view methodInputs method') void . runSMTWithTimeOut (solver cmd) (smttimeout cmd) (smtdebug cmd) . query $ equivalenceCheck bytecodeA bytecodeB (maxIterations cmd) maybeSignature >>= \case Right vm -> do io $ putStrLn "Not equal!" io $ putStrLn "Counterexample:" showCounterexample vm maybeSignature io exitFailure Left (postAs, postBs) -> io $ do putStrLn $ "Explored: " <> show (length postAs) <> " execution paths of A and: " <> show (length postBs) <> " paths of B." putStrLn "No discrepancies found." -- cvc4 sets timeout via a commandline option instead of smtlib `(set-option)` runSMTWithTimeOut :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Integer -> Bool -> Symbolic a -> IO a runSMTWithTimeOut solver maybeTimeout smtdebug symb | solver == Just "cvc4" = runwithcvc4 | solver == Just "z3" = runwithz3 | solver == Nothing = runwithz3 | otherwise = error "Unknown solver. Currently supported solvers; z3, cvc4" where timeout = fromMaybe 30000 maybeTimeout runwithz3 = runSMTWith z3{SBV.verbose=smtdebug} $ (setTimeOut timeout) >> symb runwithcvc4 = do setEnv "SBV_CVC4_OPTIONS" ("--lang=smt --incremental --interactive --no-interactive-prompt --model-witness-value --tlimit-per=" <> show timeout) a <- runSMTWith cvc4{SBV.verbose=smtdebug} symb setEnv "SBV_CVC4_OPTIONS" "" return a checkForVMErrors :: [EVM.VM] -> [String] checkForVMErrors [] = [] checkForVMErrors (vm:vms) = case view EVM.result vm of Just (EVM.VMFailure EVM.UnexpectedSymbolicArg) -> ("Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: " <> maybe "??" show (EVM.vmOp vm) <> ". Not supported (yet!)" ) : checkForVMErrors vms _ -> checkForVMErrors vms getSrcInfo :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO DappInfo getSrcInfo cmd = let root = fromMaybe "." (dappRoot cmd) in case (jsonFile cmd) of Nothing -> pure emptyDapp Just json -> readSolc json >>= \case Nothing -> pure emptyDapp Just (contractMap, sourceCache) -> pure $ dappInfo root contractMap sourceCache -- Although it is tempting to fully abstract calldata and give any hints about -- the nature of the signature doing so results in significant time spent in -- consulting z3 about rather trivial matters. But with cvc4 it is quite -- pleasant! -- If function signatures are known, they should always be given for best results. assert :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () assert cmd = do srcInfo <- getSrcInfo cmd let block' = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber (block cmd) rpcinfo = (,) block' <$> rpc cmd treeShowing :: Tree BranchInfo -> Query () treeShowing tree = when (showTree cmd) $ do consistentTree tree >>= \case Nothing -> io $ putStrLn "No consistent paths" -- unlikely Just tree' -> let showBranch = showBranchInfoWithAbi srcInfo renderTree' = renderTree showBranch (showLeafInfo srcInfo) in io $ setLocaleEncoding utf8 >> putStrLn (showTree' (renderTree' tree')) maybesig <- case sig cmd of Nothing -> return Nothing Just sig' -> do method' <- functionAbi sig' let typ = snd <$> view methodInputs method' name = view methodSignature method' return $ Just (name,typ) if debug cmd then runSMTWithTimeOut (solver cmd) (smttimeout cmd) (smtdebug cmd) $ query $ do preState <- symvmFromCommand cmd smtState <- queryState io $ void $ EVM.TTY.runFromVM (maxIterations cmd) srcInfo (EVM.Fetch.oracle (Just smtState) rpcinfo True) preState else runSMTWithTimeOut (solver cmd) (smttimeout cmd) (smtdebug cmd) $ query $ do preState <- symvmFromCommand cmd let errCodes = fromMaybe defaultPanicCodes (assertions cmd) verify preState (maxIterations cmd) rpcinfo (Just $ checkAssertions errCodes) >>= \case Right tree -> do io $ putStrLn "Assertion violation found." showCounterexample preState maybesig treeShowing tree io $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1) Left tree -> do io $ putStrLn $ "Explored: " <> show (length tree) <> " branches without assertion violations" treeShowing tree let vmErrs = checkForVMErrors $ leaves tree unless (null vmErrs) $ io $ do putStrLn $ "However, " <> show (length vmErrs) <> " branch(es) errored while exploring:" print vmErrs -- When `--get-models` is passed, we print example vm info for each path when (getModels cmd) $ forM_ (zip [(1:: Integer)..] (leaves tree)) $ \(i, postVM) -> do resetAssertions constrain (sAnd (fst <$> view EVM.constraints postVM)) io $ putStrLn $ "-- Branch (" <> show i <> "/" <> show (length tree) <> ") --" checkSat >>= \case DSat _ -> error "assert: unexpected SMT result" Unk -> io $ do putStrLn "Timed out" print $ view EVM.result postVM Unsat -> io $ do putStrLn "Inconsistent path conditions: dead path" print $ view EVM.result postVM Sat -> do showCounterexample preState maybesig io $ putStrLn "-- Pathconditions --" io $ print $ snd <$> view EVM.constraints postVM case view EVM.result postVM of Nothing -> error "internal error; no EVM result" Just (EVM.VMFailure (EVM.Revert "")) -> io . putStrLn $ "Reverted" Just (EVM.VMFailure (EVM.Revert msg)) -> io . putStrLn $ "Reverted: " <> show (ByteStringS msg) Just (EVM.VMFailure err) -> io . putStrLn $ "Failed: " <> show err Just (EVM.VMSuccess (ConcreteBuffer msg)) -> if ByteString.null msg then io $ putStrLn "Stopped" else io $ putStrLn $ "Returned: " <> show (ByteStringS msg) Just (EVM.VMSuccess (SymbolicBuffer msg)) -> do out <- mapM (getValue.fromSized) msg io . putStrLn $ "Returned: " <> show (ByteStringS (ByteString.pack out)) dappCoverage :: UnitTestOptions -> Mode -> String -> IO () dappCoverage opts _ solcFile = readSolc solcFile >>= \case Just (contractMap, sourceCache) -> do let unitTests = findUnitTests (EVM.UnitTest.match opts) $ Map.elems contractMap covs <- mconcat <$> mapM (coverageForUnitTestContract opts contractMap sourceCache) unitTests let dapp = dappInfo "." contractMap sourceCache f (k, vs) = do putStr "***** hevm coverage for " putStrLn (unpack k) putStrLn "" forM_ vs $ \(n, bs) -> do case ByteString.find (\x -> x /= 0x9 && x /= 0x20 && x /= 0x7d) bs of Nothing -> putStr "..... " Just _ -> case n of -1 -> putStr ";;;;; " 0 -> putStr "##### " _ -> putStr " " Char8.putStrLn bs putStrLn "" mapM_ f (Map.toList (coverageReport dapp covs)) Nothing -> error ("Failed to read Solidity JSON for `" ++ solcFile ++ "'") launchExec :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () launchExec cmd = do dapp <- getSrcInfo cmd vm <- vmFromCommand cmd case optsMode cmd of Run -> do vm' <- execStateT (EVM.Stepper.interpret fetcher . void $ EVM.Stepper.execFully) vm when (trace cmd) $ hPutStr stderr (showTraceTree dapp vm') case view EVM.result vm' of Nothing -> error "internal error; no EVM result" Just (EVM.VMFailure (EVM.Revert msg)) -> do print $ ByteStringS msg exitWith (ExitFailure 2) Just (EVM.VMFailure err) -> do print err exitWith (ExitFailure 2) Just (EVM.VMSuccess buf) -> do let msg = case buf of SymbolicBuffer msg' -> forceLitBytes msg' ConcreteBuffer msg' -> msg' print $ ByteStringS msg case state cmd of Nothing -> pure () Just path -> Git.saveFacts (Git.RepoAt path) (Facts.vmFacts vm') case cache cmd of Nothing -> pure () Just path -> Git.saveFacts (Git.RepoAt path) (Facts.cacheFacts (view EVM.cache vm')) Debug -> void $ EVM.TTY.runFromVM Nothing dapp fetcher vm JsonTrace -> void $ execStateT (interpretWithTrace fetcher EVM.Stepper.runFully) vm where fetcher = maybe EVM.Fetch.zero (EVM.Fetch.http block') (rpc cmd) block' = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber (block cmd) data Testcase = Testcase { _entries :: [(Text, Maybe Text)], _root :: Text } deriving Show parseTups :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser [(Text, Maybe Text)] parseTups (JSON.Array arr) = do tupList <- mapM parseJSON (V.toList arr) mapM (\[k, v] -> do rhs <- parseJSON v lhs <- parseJSON k return (lhs, rhs)) tupList parseTups invalid = JSON.typeMismatch "Malformed array" invalid parseTrieTest :: JSON.Object -> JSON.Parser Testcase parseTrieTest p = do kvlist <- p .: "in" entries <- parseTups kvlist root <- p .: "root" return $ Testcase entries root instance FromJSON Testcase where parseJSON (JSON.Object p) = parseTrieTest p parseJSON invalid = JSON.typeMismatch "Merkle test case" invalid parseTrieTests :: Lazy.ByteString -> Either String (Map String Testcase) parseTrieTests = JSON.eitherDecode' merkleTest :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () merkleTest cmd = do parsed <- parseTrieTests <$> LazyByteString.readFile (file cmd) case parsed of Left err -> print err Right testcases -> mapM_ runMerkleTest testcases runMerkleTest :: Testcase -> IO () runMerkleTest (Testcase entries root) = case Patricia.calcRoot entries' of Nothing -> error "Test case failed" Just n -> case n == strip0x (hexText root) of True -> putStrLn "Test case success" False -> error ("Test case failure; expected " <> show root <> " but got " <> show (ByteStringS n)) where entries' = fmap (\(k, v) -> (tohexOrText k, tohexOrText (fromMaybe mempty v))) entries tohexOrText :: Text -> ByteString tohexOrText s = case "0x" `Char8.isPrefixOf` encodeUtf8 s of True -> hexText s False -> encodeUtf8 s -- | Creates a (concrete) VM from command line options vmFromCommand :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO EVM.VM vmFromCommand cmd = do withCache <- applyCache (state cmd, cache cmd) (miner,ts,blockNum,diff) <- case rpc cmd of Nothing -> return (0,0,0,0) Just url -> EVM.Fetch.fetchBlockFrom block' url >>= \case Nothing -> error "Could not fetch block" Just EVM.Block{..} -> return (_coinbase , wordValue $ forceLit _timestamp , wordValue _number , wordValue _difficulty ) contract <- case (rpc cmd, address cmd, code cmd) of (Just url, Just addr', Just c) -> do EVM.Fetch.fetchContractFrom block' url addr' >>= \case Nothing -> error $ "contract not found: " <> show address' Just contract' -> -- if both code and url is given, -- fetch the contract and overwrite the code return $ EVM.initialContract (codeType $ hexByteString "--code" $ strip0x c) & set EVM.storage (view EVM.storage contract') & set EVM.balance (view EVM.balance contract') & set EVM.nonce (view EVM.nonce contract') & set EVM.external (view EVM.external contract') (Just url, Just addr', Nothing) -> EVM.Fetch.fetchContractFrom block' url addr' >>= \case Nothing -> error $ "contract not found: " <> show address' Just contract' -> return contract' (_, _, Just c) -> return $ EVM.initialContract (codeType $ hexByteString "--code" $ strip0x c) (_, _, Nothing) -> error "must provide at least (rpc + address) or code" return $ VMTest.initTx $ withCache (vm0 miner ts blockNum diff contract) where decipher = hexByteString "bytes" . strip0x block' = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber (block cmd) value' = word value 0 caller' = addr caller 0 origin' = addr origin 0 calldata' = ConcreteBuffer $ bytes calldata "" codeType = (if create cmd then EVM.InitCode else EVM.RuntimeCode) . ConcreteBuffer address' = if create cmd then addr address (createAddress origin' (word nonce 0)) else addr address 0xacab vm0 miner ts blockNum diff c = EVM.makeVm $ EVM.VMOpts { EVM.vmoptContract = c , EVM.vmoptCalldata = (calldata', litWord (num $ len calldata')) , EVM.vmoptValue = w256lit value' , EVM.vmoptAddress = address' , EVM.vmoptCaller = litAddr caller' , EVM.vmoptOrigin = origin' , EVM.vmoptGas = word gas 0 , EVM.vmoptGaslimit = word gas 0 , EVM.vmoptCoinbase = addr coinbase miner , EVM.vmoptNumber = word number blockNum , EVM.vmoptTimestamp = w256lit $ word timestamp ts , EVM.vmoptBlockGaslimit = word gaslimit 0 , EVM.vmoptGasprice = word gasprice 0 , EVM.vmoptMaxCodeSize = word maxcodesize 0xffffffff , EVM.vmoptDifficulty = word difficulty diff , EVM.vmoptSchedule = FeeSchedule.berlin , EVM.vmoptChainId = word chainid 1 , EVM.vmoptCreate = create cmd , EVM.vmoptStorageModel = ConcreteS , EVM.vmoptTxAccessList = mempty -- TODO: support me soon , EVM.vmoptAllowFFI = False } word f def = fromMaybe def (f cmd) addr f def = fromMaybe def (f cmd) bytes f def = maybe def decipher (f cmd) symvmFromCommand :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> Query EVM.VM symvmFromCommand cmd = do (miner,blockNum,diff) <- case rpc cmd of Nothing -> return (0,0,0) Just url -> io $ EVM.Fetch.fetchBlockFrom block' url >>= \case Nothing -> error "Could not fetch block" Just EVM.Block{..} -> return (_coinbase , wordValue _number , wordValue _difficulty ) caller' <- maybe (SAddr <$> freshVar_) (return . litAddr) (caller cmd) ts <- maybe (var "Timestamp" <$> freshVar_) (return . w256lit) (timestamp cmd) callvalue' <- maybe (var "CallValue" <$> freshVar_) (return . w256lit) (value cmd) (calldata', cdlen, pathCond) <- case (calldata cmd, sig cmd) of -- fully abstract calldata (up to 256 bytes) (Nothing, Nothing) -> do cd <- sbytes256 len' <- freshVar_ return (SymbolicBuffer cd, var "CALLDATALENGTH" len', (len' .<= 256, Todo "len < 256" [])) -- fully concrete calldata (Just c, Nothing) -> let cd = ConcreteBuffer $ decipher c in return (cd, litWord (num $ len cd), (sTrue, Todo "" [])) -- calldata according to given abi with possible specializations from the `arg` list (Nothing, Just sig') -> do method' <- io $ functionAbi sig' let typs = snd <$> view methodInputs method' (cd, cdlen) <- symCalldata (view methodSignature method') typs (arg cmd) return (SymbolicBuffer cd, litWord (num cdlen), (sTrue, Todo "" [])) _ -> error "incompatible options: calldata and abi" store <- case storageModel cmd of -- InitialS and SymbolicS can read and write to symbolic locations -- ConcreteS cannot (instead values can be fetched from rpc!) -- Initial defaults to 0 for uninitialized storage slots, -- whereas the values of SymbolicS are unconstrained. Just InitialS -> EVM.Symbolic [] <$> freshArray_ (Just 0) Just ConcreteS -> return (EVM.Concrete mempty) Just SymbolicS -> EVM.Symbolic [] <$> freshArray_ Nothing Nothing -> EVM.Symbolic [] <$> freshArray_ (if create cmd then (Just 0) else Nothing) withCache <- io $ applyCache (state cmd, cache cmd) contract' <- case (rpc cmd, address cmd, code cmd) of (Just url, Just addr', _) -> io (EVM.Fetch.fetchContractFrom block' url addr') >>= \case Nothing -> error "contract not found." Just contract' -> return contract'' where contract'' = case code cmd of Nothing -> contract' -- if both code and url is given, -- fetch the contract and overwrite the code Just c -> EVM.initialContract (codeType $ decipher c) & set EVM.origStorage (view EVM.origStorage contract') & set EVM.balance (view EVM.balance contract') & set EVM.nonce (view EVM.nonce contract') & set EVM.external (view EVM.external contract') (_, _, Just c) -> return (EVM.initialContract . codeType $ decipher c) (_, _, Nothing) -> error "must provide at least (rpc + address) or code" return $ (VMTest.initTx $ withCache $ vm0 miner ts blockNum diff cdlen calldata' callvalue' caller' contract') & over EVM.constraints (<> [pathCond]) & set (EVM.env . EVM.contracts . (ix address') . EVM.storage) store where decipher = hexByteString "bytes" . strip0x block' = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber (block cmd) origin' = addr origin 0 codeType = (if create cmd then EVM.InitCode else EVM.RuntimeCode) . ConcreteBuffer address' = if create cmd then addr address (createAddress origin' (word nonce 0)) else addr address 0xacab vm0 miner ts blockNum diff cdlen calldata' callvalue' caller' c = EVM.makeVm $ EVM.VMOpts { EVM.vmoptContract = c , EVM.vmoptCalldata = (calldata', cdlen) , EVM.vmoptValue = callvalue' , EVM.vmoptAddress = address' , EVM.vmoptCaller = caller' , EVM.vmoptOrigin = origin' , EVM.vmoptGas = word gas 0xffffffffffffffff , EVM.vmoptGaslimit = word gas 0xffffffffffffffff , EVM.vmoptCoinbase = addr coinbase miner , EVM.vmoptNumber = word number blockNum , EVM.vmoptTimestamp = ts , EVM.vmoptBlockGaslimit = word gaslimit 0 , EVM.vmoptGasprice = word gasprice 0 , EVM.vmoptMaxCodeSize = word maxcodesize 0xffffffff , EVM.vmoptDifficulty = word difficulty diff , EVM.vmoptSchedule = FeeSchedule.berlin , EVM.vmoptChainId = word chainid 1 , EVM.vmoptCreate = create cmd , EVM.vmoptStorageModel = fromMaybe SymbolicS (storageModel cmd) , EVM.vmoptTxAccessList = mempty , EVM.vmoptAllowFFI = False } word f def = fromMaybe def (f cmd) addr f def = fromMaybe def (f cmd) launchTest :: HasCallStack => Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO () launchTest cmd = do #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(1, 0, 0) parsed <- VMTest.parseBCSuite <$> LazyByteString.readFile (file cmd) case parsed of Left "No cases to check." -> putStrLn "no-cases ok" Left err -> print err Right allTests -> let testFilter = if null (test cmd) then id else filter (\(x, _) -> elem x (test cmd)) in mapM_ (runVMTest (diff cmd) (optsMode cmd) (timeout cmd)) $ testFilter (Map.toList allTests) #else putStrLn "Not supported" #endif #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(1, 0, 0) runVMTest :: HasCallStack => Bool -> Mode -> Maybe Int -> (String, VMTest.Case) -> IO Bool runVMTest diffmode mode timelimit (name, x) = do let vm0 = VMTest.vmForCase x putStr (name ++ " ") hFlush stdout result <- do action <- async $ case mode of Run -> Timeout.timeout (1000000 * (fromMaybe 10 timelimit)) $ execStateT (EVM.Stepper.interpret EVM.Fetch.zero . void $ EVM.Stepper.execFully) vm0 Debug -> Just <$> EVM.TTY.runFromVM Nothing emptyDapp EVM.Fetch.zero vm0 JsonTrace -> Just <$> execStateT (interpretWithTrace EVM.Fetch.zero EVM.Stepper.runFully) vm0 waitCatch action case result of Right (Just vm1) -> do ok <- VMTest.checkExpectation diffmode x vm1 putStrLn (if ok then "ok" else "") return ok Right Nothing -> do putStrLn "timeout" return False Left e -> do putStrLn $ "error: " ++ if diffmode then show e else (head . lines . show) e return False #endif parseAbi :: (AsValue s) => s -> (Text, [AbiType]) parseAbi abijson = (signature abijson, snd <$> parseMethodInput <$> V.toList (fromMaybe (error "Malformed function abi") (abijson ^? key "inputs" . _Array))) abiencode :: (AsValue s) => Maybe s -> [String] -> ByteString abiencode Nothing _ = error "missing required argument: abi" abiencode (Just abijson) args = let (sig', declarations) = parseAbi abijson in if length declarations == length args then abiMethod sig' $ AbiTuple . V.fromList $ zipWith makeAbiValue declarations args else error $ "wrong number of arguments:" <> show (length args) <> ": " <> show args