{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}

module HERMIT.Shell.ScriptToRewrite
    ( -- * Converting Scripts to Rewrites
    , loadAndRun
    , lookupScript
    , parseScriptCLT
    , performScriptEffect
    , popScriptLine
    , runScript
    , scriptToRewrite
    , setRunningScript
    , ScriptEffect(..)
    ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception hiding (catch)

import Data.Dynamic

import HERMIT.Context(LocalPathH)
import HERMIT.Kernel.Scoped
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.External
import HERMIT.Parser(Script, ExprH, unparseExprH, parseScript, unparseScript)

import HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common(TransformCoreTCDocHBox(..))

import HERMIT.Shell.KernelEffect
import HERMIT.Shell.Interpreter
import HERMIT.Shell.ShellEffect
import HERMIT.Shell.Types


type RewriteName = String

data ScriptEffect
    = DefineScript ScriptName String
    | LoadFile ScriptName FilePath  -- load a file on top of the current node
    | RunScript ScriptName
    | SaveFile FilePath
    | SaveScript FilePath ScriptName
    | ScriptToRewrite RewriteName ScriptName
    | SeqMeta [ScriptEffect]
    deriving Typeable

instance Extern ScriptEffect where
    type Box ScriptEffect = ScriptEffect
    box i = i
    unbox i = i

-- | A composite meta-command for running a loaded script immediately.
--   The script is given the same name as the filepath.
loadAndRun :: FilePath -> ScriptEffect
loadAndRun fp = SeqMeta [LoadFile fp fp, RunScript fp]

runScript :: MonadState CommandLineState m => (ExprH -> m ()) -> m ()
runScript run = go
    where go = popScriptLine >>= maybe (return ()) (\e -> run e >> go)

popScriptLine :: MonadState CommandLineState m => m (Maybe ExprH)
popScriptLine = gets cl_running_script >>= maybe (return Nothing) (\case []     -> setRunningScript Nothing >> return Nothing
                                                                         (e:es) -> setRunningScript (Just es) >> return (Just e))

performScriptEffect :: (MonadCatch m, MonadError CLException m, MonadIO m, MonadState CommandLineState m) => (ExprH -> m ()) -> ScriptEffect -> m ()
performScriptEffect runner = go
    where go (SeqMeta ms) = mapM_ go ms
          go (LoadFile scriptName fileName) = do
            putStrToConsole $ "Loading \"" ++ fileName ++ "\"..."
            res <- liftIO $ try (readFile fileName)
            case res of
                Left (err :: IOException) -> fail ("IO error: " ++ show err)
                Right str -> do 
                    script <- parseScriptCLT str
                    modify $ \ st -> st {cl_scripts = (scriptName,script) : cl_scripts st}
                    putStrToConsole ("Script \"" ++ scriptName ++ "\" loaded successfully from \"" ++ fileName ++ "\".")

          go (SaveFile fileName) = do
            version <- gets cl_version
            putStrToConsole $ "[saving " ++ fileName ++ "]"
            -- no checks to see if you are clobering; be careful
            liftIO $ writeFile fileName $ showGraph (vs_graph version) (vs_tags version) (SAST 0)

          go (ScriptToRewrite rewriteName scriptName) = do
            script <- lookupScript scriptName
            addScriptToDict rewriteName script
            putStrToConsole ("Rewrite \"" ++ rewriteName ++ "\" defined successfully.")

          go (DefineScript scriptName str) = do
            script <- parseScriptCLT str
            modify $ \ st -> st {cl_scripts = (scriptName,script) : cl_scripts st}
            putStrToConsole ("Script \"" ++ scriptName ++ "\" defined successfully.")

          go (RunScript scriptName) = do
            script <- lookupScript scriptName
            running_script_st <- gets cl_running_script
            setRunningScript $ Just script
            runScript runner `catchError` (\ err -> setRunningScript running_script_st >> throwError err)
            setRunningScript running_script_st
            putStrToConsole ("Script \"" ++ scriptName ++ "\" ran successfully.")

          go (SaveScript fileName scriptName) = do 
            script <- lookupScript scriptName
            putStrToConsole $ "Saving script \"" ++ scriptName ++ "\" to file \"" ++ fileName ++ "\"."
            liftIO $ writeFile fileName $ unparseScript script
            putStrToConsole $ "Save successful."

lookupScript :: MonadState CommandLineState m => ScriptName -> m Script
lookupScript scriptName = do scripts <- gets cl_scripts
                             case lookup scriptName scripts of
                               Nothing     -> fail $ "No script of name " ++ scriptName ++ " is loaded."
                               Just script -> return script

parseScriptCLT :: Monad m => String -> m Script
parseScriptCLT = either fail return . parseScript


data UnscopedScriptR
              = ScriptBeginScope
              | ScriptEndScope
              | ScriptPrimUn PrimScriptR
              | ScriptUnsupported String

data ScopedScriptR
              = ScriptScope [ScopedScriptR]
              | ScriptPrimSc ExprH PrimScriptR

data PrimScriptR
       = ScriptRewriteHCore (RewriteH Core)
       | ScriptPath PathH
       | ScriptTransformHCorePath (TransformH Core LocalPathH)

-- TODO: Hacky parsing, needs cleaning up
unscopedToScopedScriptR :: forall m. Monad m => [(ExprH, UnscopedScriptR)] -> m [ScopedScriptR]
unscopedToScopedScriptR = parse
    parse :: [(ExprH, UnscopedScriptR)] -> m [ScopedScriptR]
    parse []     = return []
    parse (y:ys) = case y of
                     (e, ScriptUnsupported msg) -> fail $ mkMsg e msg
                     (e, ScriptPrimUn pr)       -> (ScriptPrimSc e pr :) <$> parse ys
                     (_, ScriptBeginScope)      -> do (rs,zs) <- parseUntilEndScope ys
                                                      (ScriptScope rs :) <$> parse zs
                     (_, ScriptEndScope)        -> fail "unmatched end-of-scope."

    parseUntilEndScope :: Monad m => [(ExprH, UnscopedScriptR)] -> m ([ScopedScriptR], [(ExprH, UnscopedScriptR)])
    parseUntilEndScope []     = fail "missing end-of-scope."
    parseUntilEndScope (y:ys) = case y of
                                  (_, ScriptEndScope)        -> return ([],ys)
                                  (_, ScriptBeginScope)      -> do (rs,zs)  <- parseUntilEndScope ys
                                                                   first (ScriptScope rs :) <$> parseUntilEndScope zs
                                  (e, ScriptPrimUn pr)       -> first (ScriptPrimSc e pr :) <$> parseUntilEndScope ys
                                  (e, ScriptUnsupported msg) -> fail $ mkMsg e msg

    mkMsg :: ExprH -> String -> String
    mkMsg e msg = "script cannot be converted to a rewrite because it contains the following " ++ msg ++ ": " ++ unparseExprH e


interpScriptR :: [Interp UnscopedScriptR]
interpScriptR =
  [ interp (\ (RewriteCoreBox r)           -> ScriptPrimUn $ ScriptRewriteHCore r)
  , interp (\ (RewriteCoreTCBox _)         -> ScriptUnsupported "rewrite that traverses types and coercions") -- TODO
  , interp (\ (BiRewriteCoreBox br)        -> ScriptPrimUn $ ScriptRewriteHCore $ whicheverR br)
  , interp (\ (CrumbBox cr)                -> ScriptPrimUn $ ScriptPath [cr])
  , interp (\ (PathBox p)                  -> ScriptPrimUn $ ScriptPath (snocPathToPath p))
  , interp (\ (TransformCorePathBox t)     -> ScriptPrimUn $ ScriptTransformHCorePath t)
  , interp (\ (effect :: KernelEffect)     -> case effect of
                                                BeginScope -> ScriptBeginScope
                                                EndScope   -> ScriptEndScope
                                                _          -> ScriptUnsupported "Kernel effect" )
  , interp (\ (_ :: ShellEffect)           -> ScriptUnsupported "shell effect")
  , interp (\ (_ :: QueryFun)              -> ScriptUnsupported "query")
  , interp (\ (TransformCoreStringBox _)   -> ScriptUnsupported "query")
  , interp (\ (TransformCoreTCStringBox _) -> ScriptUnsupported "query")
  , interp (\ (TransformCoreTCDocHBox _)   -> ScriptUnsupported "query")
  , interp (\ (TransformCoreCheckBox _)    -> ScriptUnsupported "predicate")
  , interp (\ (StringBox _)                -> ScriptUnsupported "message")


scopedScriptsToRewrite :: [ScopedScriptR] -> RewriteH Core
scopedScriptsToRewrite []        = idR
scopedScriptsToRewrite (x : xs)  = let rest = scopedScriptsToRewrite xs
                                       failWith e = prefixFailMsg ("Error in script expression: " ++ unparseExprH e ++ "\n")
                                   in case x of
                                        ScriptScope ys    -> scopedScriptsToRewrite ys >>> rest
                                        ScriptPrimSc e pr -> case pr of
                                                              ScriptRewriteHCore r       -> failWith e r >>> rest
                                                              ScriptPath p               -> failWith e $ pathR p rest
                                                              ScriptTransformHCorePath t -> do p <- failWith e t
                                                                                               localPathR p rest


scriptToRewrite :: MonadState CommandLineState m => Script -> m (RewriteH Core)
scriptToRewrite scr = do
    unscoped <- mapM (interpExprH interpScriptR) scr
    scoped   <- unscopedToScopedScriptR $ zip scr unscoped
    return $ scopedScriptsToRewrite scoped


-- | Insert a script into the 'Dictionary'.
addScriptToDict :: MonadState CommandLineState m => ScriptName -> Script -> m ()
addScriptToDict nm scr = do
    r <- scriptToRewrite scr

    let ext = external nm r [ "User-loaded script." ]

    modify $ \ st -> st { cl_externals = ext : cl_externals st } 


-- I find it annoying that Functor is not a superclass of Monad.
(<$>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(<$>) = liftM
{-# INLINE (<$>) #-}
