{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, InstanceSigs #-}

module HERMIT.Dictionary.Navigation
       ( -- * Navigation
       , occurrenceOfT
       , bindingOfT
       , bindingGroupOfT
       , rhsOfT
       , parentOfT
       , occurrenceOfTargetsT
       , bindingOfTargetsT
       , bindingGroupOfTargetsT
       , rhsOfTargetsT
       , Considerable(..)
       , considerables
       , considerConstructT
       , nthArgPath

import Data.Monoid

import Control.Arrow

import HERMIT.Core
import HERMIT.Context
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.External
import HERMIT.GHC hiding ((<>))

import HERMIT.Dictionary.Navigation.Crumbs


-- | 'External's involving navigating to named entities.
externals :: [External]
externals = crumbExternals ++ map (.+ Navigation)
            [ external "rhs-of" (rhsOfT . cmpString2Var :: String -> TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "Find the path to the RHS of the binding of the named variable." ]
            , external "binding-group-of" (bindingGroupOfT . cmpString2Var :: String -> TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
                [ "Find the path to the binding group of the named variable." ]
            , external "binding-of" (bindingOfT . cmpString2Var :: String -> TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
                [ "Find the path to the binding of the named variable." ]
            , external "occurrence-of" (occurrenceOfT . cmpString2Var :: String -> TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
                [ "Find the path to the first occurrence of the named variable." ]
            , external "consider" (considerConstruct :: String -> TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "consider <c> focuses on the first construct <c>.",
            , external "arg" (promoteExprT . nthArgPath :: Int -> TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "arg n focuses on the (n-1)th argument of a nested application." ]
            , external "lams-body" (promoteExprT lamsBodyT :: TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "Descend into the body after a sequence of lambdas." ]
            , external "lets-body" (promoteExprT letsBodyT :: TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "Descend into the body after a sequence of let bindings." ]
            , external "prog-end" (promoteModGutsT gutsProgEndT <+ promoteProgT progEndT :: TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "Descend to the end of a program." ]

            , external "parent-of" (parentOfT :: TransformH Core LocalPathH -> TransformH Core LocalPathH)
                [ "Focus on the parent of another focal point." ]
            , external "parent-of" (parentOfT :: TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH -> TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
                [ "Focus on the parent of another focal point." ]


-- | Discard the last crumb of a non-empty 'LocalPathH'.
parentOfT :: MonadCatch m => Transform c m g LocalPathH -> Transform c m g LocalPathH
parentOfT t = withPatFailMsg "Path points to origin, there is no parent." $
              do SnocPath (_:p) <- t
                 return (SnocPath p)


-- | Find the path to the RHS of a binding.
rhsOfT :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => (Var -> Bool) -> Transform c m Core LocalPathH
rhsOfT p = prefixFailMsg ("rhs-of failed: ") $
           do lp <- onePathToT (arr $ bindingOf p . inject)
              case lastCrumb lp of
                Just crumb -> case crumb of
                                Rec_Def _     -> return (lp @@ Def_RHS)
                                Let_Bind      -> return (lp @@ NonRec_RHS)
                                ProgCons_Head -> return (lp @@ NonRec_RHS)
                                _             -> fail "does not have a RHS."
                Nothing -> defOrNonRecT successT lastCrumbT (\ () cr -> mempty @@ cr)

-- | Find the path to the binding group of a variable.
bindingGroupOfT :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => (Var -> Bool) -> Transform c m CoreTC LocalPathH
bindingGroupOfT p = prefixFailMsg ("binding-group-of failed: ") $
                    oneNonEmptyPathToT (promoteBindT $ arr $ bindingGroupOf p)

-- | Find the path to the binding of a variable.
bindingOfT :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => (Var -> Bool) -> Transform c m CoreTC LocalPathH
bindingOfT p = prefixFailMsg ("binding-of failed: ") $
               oneNonEmptyPathToT (arr $ bindingOf p)

-- | Find the path to the first occurrence of a variable.
occurrenceOfT :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => (Var -> Bool) -> Transform c m CoreTC LocalPathH
occurrenceOfT p = prefixFailMsg ("occurrence-of failed: ") $
                  oneNonEmptyPathToT (arr $ occurrenceOf p)


bindingGroupOf :: (Var -> Bool) -> CoreBind -> Bool
bindingGroupOf p = any p . bindVars


bindingOf :: (Var -> Bool) -> CoreTC -> Bool
bindingOf p = any p . varSetElems . binders

binders :: CoreTC -> VarSet
binders (Core core)              = bindersCore core
binders (TyCo (TypeCore ty))     = binderType ty
binders (TyCo (CoercionCore co)) = binderCoercion co

bindersCore :: Core -> VarSet
bindersCore (BindCore bnd)  = binderBind bnd
bindersCore (DefCore def)   = binderDef def
bindersCore (ExprCore expr) = binderExpr expr
bindersCore (AltCore alt)   = mkVarSet (altVars alt)
bindersCore _               = emptyVarSet

binderBind :: CoreBind -> VarSet
binderBind (NonRec v _) = unitVarSet v
binderBind _            = emptyVarSet

binderDef :: CoreDef -> VarSet
binderDef = unitVarSet . defId

binderExpr :: CoreExpr -> VarSet
binderExpr (Lam v _)      = unitVarSet v
binderExpr (Case _ w _ _) = unitVarSet w
binderExpr _              = emptyVarSet

binderType :: Type -> VarSet
binderType (ForAllTy v _) = unitVarSet v
binderType _              = emptyVarSet

binderCoercion :: Coercion -> VarSet
binderCoercion (ForAllCo v _) = unitVarSet v
binderCoercion _              = emptyVarSet


occurrenceOf :: (Var -> Bool) -> CoreTC -> Bool
occurrenceOf p = maybe False p . varOccurrence

varOccurrence :: CoreTC -> Maybe Var
varOccurrence (Core (ExprCore e))      = varOccurrenceExpr e
varOccurrence (TyCo (TypeCore ty))     = varOccurrenceType ty
varOccurrence (TyCo (CoercionCore co)) = varOccurrenceCoercion co
varOccurrence _                        = Nothing

varOccurrenceExpr :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Var
varOccurrenceExpr (Var v)       = Just v
varOccurrenceExpr _             = Nothing

varOccurrenceType :: Type -> Maybe Var
varOccurrenceType (TyVarTy v) = Just v
varOccurrenceType _           = Nothing

varOccurrenceCoercion :: Coercion -> Maybe Var
varOccurrenceCoercion (CoVarCo v) = Just v
varOccurrenceCoercion _           = Nothing


-- | Find all possible targets of 'occurrenceOfT'.
occurrenceOfTargetsT :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreTC VarSet
occurrenceOfTargetsT = allT $ crushbuT (arr varOccurrence >>> projectT >>^ unitVarSet)

-- | Find all possible targets of 'bindingOfT'.
bindingOfTargetsT :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreTC VarSet
bindingOfTargetsT = allT $ crushbuT (arr binders)

-- | Find all possible targets of 'bindingGroupOfT'.
bindingGroupOfTargetsT :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreTC VarSet
bindingGroupOfTargetsT = allT $ crushbuT (promoteBindT $ arr (mkVarSet . bindVars))

-- | Find all possible targets of 'rhsOfT'.
rhsOfTargetsT :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreTC VarSet
rhsOfTargetsT = crushbuT (promoteBindT (arr binderBind) <+ promoteDefT (arr binderDef))


-- | Language constructs that can be zoomed to.
data Considerable = Binding | Definition | CaseAlt | Variable | Literal | Application | Lambda | LetExpr | CaseOf | Casty | Ticky | TypeExpr | CoercionExpr

recognizedConsiderables :: String
recognizedConsiderables = "Recognized constructs are: " ++ show (map fst considerables)

-- | Lookup table for constructs that can be considered; the keys are the arguments the user can give to the \"consider\" command.
considerables ::  [(String,Considerable)]
considerables =   [ ("bind",Binding)
                  , ("def",Definition)
                  , ("alt",CaseAlt)
                  , ("var",Variable)
                  , ("lit",Literal)
                  , ("app",Application)
                  , ("lam",Lambda)
                  , ("let",LetExpr)
                  , ("case",CaseOf)
                  , ("cast",Casty)
                  , ("tick",Ticky)
                  , ("type",TypeExpr)
                  , ("coerce",CoercionExpr)

considerConstruct :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => String -> Transform c m Core LocalPathH
considerConstruct str = case string2considerable str of
                          Nothing -> fail $ "Unrecognized construct \"" ++ str ++ "\". Perhaps you meant \"binding-of '" ++ str ++ "\"? "
                                            ++ recognizedConsiderables ++ "."
                          Just c  -> considerConstructT c

-- | Find the path to the first matching construct.
considerConstructT :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Considerable -> Transform c m Core LocalPathH
considerConstructT con = oneNonEmptyPathToT (arr $ underConsideration con)

string2considerable :: String -> Maybe Considerable
string2considerable = flip lookup considerables

underConsideration :: Considerable -> Core -> Bool
underConsideration Binding      (BindCore _)               = True
underConsideration Definition   (BindCore (NonRec _ _))    = True
underConsideration Definition   (DefCore _)                = True
underConsideration CaseAlt      (AltCore _)                = True
underConsideration Variable     (ExprCore (Var _))         = True
underConsideration Literal      (ExprCore (Lit _))         = True
underConsideration Application  (ExprCore (App _ _))       = True
underConsideration Lambda       (ExprCore (Lam _ _))       = True
underConsideration LetExpr      (ExprCore (Let _ _))       = True
underConsideration CaseOf       (ExprCore (Case _ _ _ _))  = True
underConsideration Casty        (ExprCore (Cast _ _))      = True
underConsideration Ticky        (ExprCore (Tick _ _))      = True
underConsideration TypeExpr     (ExprCore (Type _))        = True
underConsideration CoercionExpr (ExprCore (Coercion _))    = True
underConsideration _            _                          = False


-- | Construct a path to the (n-1)th argument in a nested sequence of 'App's.
nthArgPath :: Monad m => Int -> Transform c m CoreExpr LocalPathH
nthArgPath n = contextfreeT $ \ e -> let funCrumbs = appCount e - 1 - n
                                      in if funCrumbs < 0
                                          then fail ("Argument " ++ show n ++ " does not exist.")
                                          else return (SnocPath (replicate funCrumbs App_Fun) @@ App_Arg)


instance HasEmptyContext c => HasEmptyContext (ExtendContext c (LocalPath Crumb)) where
  setEmptyContext :: ExtendContext c (LocalPath Crumb) -> ExtendContext c (LocalPath Crumb)
  setEmptyContext ec = ec { baseContext = setEmptyContext (baseContext ec)
                          , extraContext = mempty }

exhaustRepeatCrumbT :: (AddBindings c, ReadPath c Crumb, ExtendPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, Walker c CoreTC, MonadCatch m) => Crumb -> Transform c m CoreTC LocalPathH
exhaustRepeatCrumbT cr = let l = exhaustPathL (repeat cr)
                          in withLocalPathT (focusT l exposeLocalPathT)

-- | Construct a path to the body of a sequence of lambdas.
lamsBodyT :: (AddBindings c, ReadPath c Crumb, ExtendPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, Walker c CoreTC, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreExpr LocalPathH
lamsBodyT = extractT (exhaustRepeatCrumbT Lam_Body)

-- | Construct a path to the body of a sequence of let bindings.
letsBodyT :: (AddBindings c, ReadPath c Crumb, ExtendPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, Walker c CoreTC, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreExpr LocalPathH
letsBodyT = extractT (exhaustRepeatCrumbT Let_Body)

-- | Construct a path to end of a program.
progEndT :: (AddBindings c, ReadPath c Crumb, ExtendPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, Walker c CoreTC, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m CoreProg LocalPathH
progEndT = extractT (exhaustRepeatCrumbT ProgCons_Tail)

-- | Construct a path to teh end of a program, starting at the 'ModGuts'.
gutsProgEndT :: (AddBindings c, ReadPath c Crumb, ExtendPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c, Walker c CoreTC, MonadCatch m) => Transform c m ModGuts LocalPathH
gutsProgEndT = modGutsT progEndT (\ _ p -> (mempty @@ ModGuts_Prog) <> p)
