{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes #-} module HERMIT.Dictionary.Function ( externals , staticArgR , staticArgPosR , staticArgPredR , staticArgTypesR ) where import Control.Arrow import Data.List (nub, intercalate, intersect, partition, transpose) import HERMIT.Context import HERMIT.Core import HERMIT.Monad import HERMIT.Kure import HERMIT.External import HERMIT.GHC import HERMIT.Dictionary.Common externals :: [External] externals = [ external "static-arg" (promoteDefR staticArgR :: RewriteH Core) [ "perform the static argument transformation on a recursive function." ] , external "static-arg-types" (promoteDefR staticArgTypesR :: RewriteH Core) [ "perform the static argument transformation on a recursive function, only transforming type arguments." ] , external "static-arg-pos" (promoteDefR . staticArgPosR :: [Int] -> RewriteH Core) [ "perform the static argument transformation on a recursive function, only transforming the arguments specified (by index)." ] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Traditional Static Argument Transformation staticArgR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreDef staticArgR = staticArgPredR (return . map fst) -- | Static Argument Transformation that only considers type arguments to be static. staticArgTypesR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreDef staticArgTypesR = staticArgPredR (return . map fst . filter (isTyVar . snd)) -- | Static Argument Transformations which requires that arguments in the given position are static. staticArgPosR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c) => [Int] -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreDef staticArgPosR is' = staticArgPredR $ \ss' -> let is = nub is' ss = map fst ss' in if is == (is `intersect` ss) then return is else fail $ "args " ++ commas (filter (`notElem` ss) is) ++ " are not static." -- | Generalized Static Argument Transformation, which allows static arguments to be filtered. staticArgPredR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c) => ([(Int, Var)] -> HermitM [Int]) -- ^ given list of static args and positions, decided which to transform -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreDef staticArgPredR decide = prefixFailMsg "static-arg failed: " $ do Def f rhs <- idR let (bnds, body) = collectBinders rhs guardMsg (notNull bnds) "rhs is not a function" contextonlyT $ \ c -> do let bodyContext = foldl (flip addLambdaBinding) c bnds -- TODO: we convert an Id to string here, and callsT then uses cmpString2Var -- refactor to avoid intermediate string! callPats <- apply (callsT (var2String f) (callT >>> arr snd)) bodyContext (ExprCore body) let argExprs = transpose callPats numCalls = length callPats allBinds = zip [0..] bnds staticBinds = [ (i,b) | ((i,b),exprs) <- zip allBinds $ argExprs ++ repeat [] , length exprs == numCalls && isStatic b exprs ] -- ensure argument is present in every call (partial applications boo) isStatic _ [] = True -- all were static isStatic b ((Var b'):es) | b == b' = isStatic b es isStatic b ((Type (TyVarTy v)):es) | b == v = isStatic b es isStatic b ((Coercion (CoVarCo v)):es) | b == v = isStatic b es isStatic _ _ = False -- not a simple repass, so dynamic chosen <- decide staticBinds let choices = map fst staticBinds guardMsg (notNull chosen) "no arguments selected for transformation." guardMsg (all (`elem` choices) chosen) $ "args " ++ commas choices ++ " are static, but " ++ commas chosen ++ " were selected." let (chosenBinds, dynBinds) = partition ((`elem` chosen) . fst) allBinds (ps, dbnds) = unzip dynBinds unboundTys = concat [ [ (i,i') | (i',b') <- dynBinds, i' < i , b' `elem` fvs ] | (i,b) <- chosenBinds, let fvs = varSetElems (varTypeTyVars b) ] guardMsg (null unboundTys) $ "type variables in args " ++ commas (nub $ map fst unboundTys) ++ " would become unbound unless args " ++ commas (nub $ map snd unboundTys) ++ " are included in the transformation." wkr <- newIdH (var2String f ++ "'") (exprType (mkCoreLams dbnds body)) let replaceCall :: Monad m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr replaceCall = do (_,exprs) <- callT return $ mkApps (Var wkr) [ e | (p,e) <- zip [0..] exprs, (p::Int) `elem` ps ] ExprCore body' <- apply (callsR (var2String f) replaceCall) bodyContext (ExprCore body) return $ Def f $ mkCoreLams bnds $ Let (Rec [(wkr, mkCoreLams dbnds body')]) $ mkApps (Var wkr) (varsToCoreExprs dbnds) commas :: Show a => [a] -> String commas = intercalate "," . map show