{ module Language.HERMIT.Parser ( parseStmtsH , unparseExprH , numStmtsH , ExprH(..) ) where import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (intercalate) import Language.HERMIT.Syntax (isScriptInfixIdChar, isScriptIdFirstChar, isScriptIdChar) } %name parser %tokentype { Token } %error { parseError } %monad { Either String } { >>= } { return } %token '(' { ParenLeft } ')' { ParenRight } '{' { ScopeStart } '}' { ScopeEnd } '[' { ListStart } ',' { ListDelim } ']' { ListEnd } ';' { StmtEnd } '\'' { Tick } core { CoreString $$ } quoted { Quote $$ } ident { Ident $$ } infixop { InfixOp $$ } %% scoped : '{' scoped { CmdName "{" : $2 } | '}' scoped { CmdName "}" : $2 } | slist { $1 } slist : stmts { $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } -- | Be really liberal about where ';' can be! -- Recall that newlines are lexed as ';' stmts : ExprH { [$1] } | ExprH '}' scoped { [$1, CmdName "}"] ++ $3 } | ExprH ';' scoped { $1 : $3 } | ';' scoped { $2 } -- | Top level expression term. -- Infix operators bind less tightly than application. ExprH : e2 infixop ExprH { AppH (AppH (CmdName $2) $1) $3 } | e2 { $1 } -- | Expressions without infix operators in them. e2 : e2 arg { AppH $1 $2 } | arg { $1 } -- | Expressions that can be arguments in an application. arg : '\'' ident { SrcName $2 } | '\'' infixop { SrcName $2 } | '\'' quoted { SrcName $2 } | quoted { CmdName $1 } | core { CoreH $1 } | '[' elist ']' { ListH $2 } | '(' ExprH ')' { $2 } | ident { CmdName $1 } elist : exprs { $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } exprs : ExprH { [$1] } | ExprH ',' exprs { $1 : $3 } { parseError :: [Token] -> Either String a parseError ts = Left $ "parse error: " ++ show ts -- | A simple expression language AST, for things parsed from 'String' or JSON structures. data ExprH = SrcName String -- ^ Variable names (refers to source code). | CmdName String -- ^ Commands (to be looked up in 'Language.HERMIT.Dictionary'). | AppH ExprH ExprH -- ^ Application. | CoreH String -- ^ Core Fragment | ListH [ExprH] -- ^ List of expressions deriving (Eq, Show) data Token = ParenLeft | ParenRight | ScopeStart | ScopeEnd | ListStart | ListDelim | ListEnd | StmtEnd | Tick | CoreString String | Quote String | Ident String | InfixOp String deriving (Eq, Show) lexer :: String -> Either String [Token] lexer [] = Right [] lexer ('\n':cs) = fmap (StmtEnd:) $ lexer cs lexer (';' :cs) = fmap (StmtEnd:) $ lexer cs lexer ('(' :cs) = fmap (ParenLeft:) $ lexer cs lexer (')' :cs) = fmap (ParenRight:) $ lexer cs lexer ('{' :cs) = fmap (ScopeStart:) $ lexer cs lexer ('}' :cs) = fmap (ScopeEnd:) $ lexer cs lexer ('\'':cs) = fmap (Tick:) $ lexer cs lexer ('\"':cs) = do (str,cs') <- lexString cs fmap (Quote str:) $ lexer cs' lexer ('[':'|':cs) = do (str,cs') <- lexCore cs fmap (CoreString str:) $ lexer cs' lexer ('-':'-':cs) = let (_,s') = span (/= '\n') cs in lexer s' lexer ('[' :cs) = fmap (ListStart:) $ lexer cs lexer (',' :cs) = fmap (ListDelim:) $ lexer cs lexer (']' :cs) = fmap (ListEnd:) $ lexer cs lexer s@(c:cs) | isSpace c = lexer cs | isScriptIdFirstChar c = let (i,s') = span isScriptIdChar s in fmap (Ident i:) $ lexer s' | isScriptInfixIdChar c = let (op,s') = span isScriptInfixIdChar s in fmap (InfixOp op:) $ lexer s' lexer s = Left $ "lexer: no match on " ++ s lexString :: String -> Either String (String,String) lexString ('\"':cs) = Right ([],cs) lexString ('\\':'\"':cs) = do (c',r) <- lexString cs return ('"':c',r) lexString (c:cs) = do (c',r) <- lexString cs return (c:c',r) lexString [] = Left "lexer: no matching quote" lexCore :: String -> Either String (String,String) lexCore ('|':']':rest) = Right ([],rest) lexCore (c:cs) = do (c',r) <- lexCore cs return (c:c',r) lexCore [] = Left "lexer: no closing |]" --------------------------------------------- -- | Use ghci Parser.hs to run this test function. test = do ln <- getLine case ln of "quit" -> return () _ -> do print $ lexer ln print $ parseStmtsH ln test parseStmtsH :: String -> Either String [ExprH] parseStmtsH s = lexer s >>= parser numStmtsH :: [ExprH] -> Int numStmtsH = length . filter isCounted where isCounted (CmdName "{") = False isCounted (CmdName "}") = False isCounted _ = True --------------------------------------------- unparseExprH :: ExprH -> String unparseExprH (SrcName nm) | nm /= "" && (all isScriptInfixIdChar nm || isScriptIdFirstChar (head nm) && all isScriptIdChar (tail nm)) = "'" ++ nm | otherwise = "'\"" ++ concatMap escape nm ++ "\"" where escape '\"' = "\\\"" escape c = [c] unparseExprH (CmdName nm) | nm == "{" = "{ " | nm == "}" = " }" | all isScriptIdChar nm = nm | otherwise = show nm -- with quotes unparseExprH (AppH (AppH (CmdName nm) e1) e2) | all isScriptInfixIdChar nm = unparseAtom e1 ++ " " ++ nm ++ " " ++ unparseAtom e2 unparseExprH (AppH e1 e2) = unparseExprH e1 ++ " " ++ unparseAtom e2 unparseExprH (CoreH s) = "[|" ++ s ++ "|]" unparseExprH (ListH es) = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map unparseExprH es) ++ "]" unparseAtom :: ExprH -> String unparseAtom e@(AppH {}) = "(" ++ unparseExprH e ++ ")" unparseAtom e = unparseExprH e --------------------------------------------- }