{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Let
       ( -- * Rewrites on Let Expressions
       , letElim
       , letIntro
       , letFloatApp
       , letFloatArg
       , letFloatLet
       , letFloatLam
       , letFloatCase
       , letFloatCast
       , letFloatExpr
       , letFloatLetTop
       , letNonRecElim
       , letRecElim
       , letToCase
       , letUnfloat
       , letUnfloatApp
       , letUnfloatCase
       , letUnfloatLam
       , reorderNonRecLets

import GhcPlugins

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad

import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (member, notMember, unions, intersection, fromList, toList)
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Language.HERMIT.Core
import Language.HERMIT.Context
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.GHC

import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC hiding (externals)
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.AlphaConversion hiding (externals)

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH


-- | Externals relating to Let expressions.
externals :: [External]
externals =
    [ external "let-intro" (promoteExprR . letIntro :: TH.Name -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "e => (let v = e in v), name of v is provided" ]                      .+ Shallow .+ Introduce
    , external "dead-let-elimination" (promoteExprR letElim :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "dead-let-elimination removes an unused let binding."
        , "(let v = e1 in e2) ==> e2, if v is not free in e2."
        , "condition: let is not-recursive" ]                                   .+ Eval .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "dead-code-elimination" (promoteExprR letElim :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Synonym for dead-let-elimination [deprecated]" ]                     .+ Eval .+ Shallow .+ Deprecated -- TODO: delete this at some point
--    , external "let-constructor-reuse" (promoteR $ not_defined "constructor-reuse" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = C v1..vn in ... C v1..vn ... ==> let v = C v1..vn in ... v ..., fails otherwise" ] .+ Eval
    , external "let-float-app" (promoteExprR letFloatApp :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "(let v = ev in e) x ==> let v = ev in e x" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-arg" (promoteExprR letFloatArg :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "f (let v = ev in e) ==> let v = ev in f e" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-lam" (promoteExprR letFloatLam :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "(\\ v1 -> let v2 = e1 in e2)  ==>  let v2 = e1 in (\\ v1 -> e2), if v1 is not free in e2."
        , "If v1 = v2 then v1 will be alpha-renamed." ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-let" (promoteExprR letFloatLet :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = (let w = ew in ev) in e ==> let w = ew in let v = ev in e" ] .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-case" (promoteExprR letFloatCase :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "case (let v = ev in e) of ... ==> let v = ev in case e of ..." ]     .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Eval .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-cast" (promoteExprR letFloatCast :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "cast (let bnds in e) co ==> let bnds in cast e co" ]                 .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-top" (promoteProgR letFloatLetTop :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "v = (let w = ew in ev) : bds ==> w = ew : v = ev : bds" ]            .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float" (promoteProgR letFloatLetTop <+ promoteExprR letFloatExpr :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Float a Let whatever the context." ]                                 .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-to-case" (promoteExprR letToCase :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of v -> e" ]                             .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ PreCondition
--    , external "let-to-case-unbox" (promoteR $ not_defined "let-to-case-unbox" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of C v1..vn -> let v = C v1..vn in e" ]
    , external "let-unfloat" (promoteExprR letUnfloat :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Unfloat a let if possible." ]                                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-unfloat-app" ((promoteExprR letUnfloatApp >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in f a ==> (let v = ev in f) (let v = ev in a)" ]         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-unfloat-case" ((promoteExprR letUnfloatCase >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in case s of p -> e ==> case (let v = ev in s) of p -> let v = ev in e"
        , "if v does not shadow a pattern binder in p" ]                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-unfloat-lam" ((promoteExprR letUnfloatLam >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in \\ x -> e ==> \\ x -> let v = ev in e"
        , "if v does not shadow x" ]                                            .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "reorder-lets" (promoteExprR . reorderNonRecLets :: [TH.Name] -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings."
        , "The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order." ]


-- | @e@ ==> @(let v = e in v)@, name of v is provided
letIntro :: TH.Name -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letIntro nm = prefixFailMsg "Let-introduction failed: " $
              contextfreeT $ \ e -> do guardMsg (not $ isTypeArg e) "let expressions may not return a type."
                                       v <- newIdH (show nm) (exprTypeOrKind e)
                                       return $ Let (NonRec v e) (Var v)

letElim :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letElim = letNonRecElim <+ letRecElim

-- | Remove an unused non-recursive let binding.
--   @let v = E1 in E2@ ==> @E2@, if @v@ is not free in @E2@
letNonRecElim :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letNonRecElim = prefixFailMsg "Dead-let-elimination failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
                do Let (NonRec v _) e <- idR
                   guardMsg (v `notMember` coreExprFreeVars e) "let-bound variable appears in the expression."
                   return e

-- TODO: find the GHC way to do this, as this implementation will be defeated by mutual recursion
-- | Remove all unused recursive let bindings in the current group.
letRecElim :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letRecElim = prefixFailMsg "Dead-let-elimination failed: " $ do
    Let (Rec bnds) body <- idR
    (vsAndFrees, bodyFrees) <- letRecDefT (\ _ -> (idR,freeVarsT)) freeVarsT (,)
    -- binder is alive if it is found free anywhere but its own rhs
    let living = [ v
                 | (v,_) <- vsAndFrees
                 , v `member` bodyFrees || v `member` unions [ fs | (v',fs) <- vsAndFrees, v' /= v ]
    if null living
        then return body
        else if length living == length bnds
                then fail "no dead code."
                else return $ Let (Rec [ (v,rhs) | (v,rhs) <- bnds, v `elem` living ]) body

-- | @let v = ev in e@ ==> @case ev of v -> e@
letToCase :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letToCase = prefixFailMsg "Converting Let to Case failed: " $
            withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
  do Let (NonRec v ev) _ <- idR
     guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg ev) "cannot case on a type or coercion."
     nameModifier <- freshNameGenT Nothing
     caseBndr <- constT (cloneVarH nameModifier v)
     letT mempty (replaceVarR v caseBndr) $ \ () e' -> Case ev caseBndr (varType v) [(DEFAULT, [], e')]


-- | @(let v = ev in e) x@ ==> @let v = ev in e x@
letFloatApp :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatApp = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App function failed: " $
  do vs <- appT (liftM fromList letVarsT) freeVarsT intersection
     let letAction = if S.null vs then idR else alphaLet
     appT letAction idR $ \ (Let bnds e) x -> Let bnds $ App e x

-- | @f (let v = ev in e)@ ==> @let v = ev in f e@
letFloatArg :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatArg = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App argument failed: " $
  do vs <- appT freeVarsT (liftM fromList letVarsT) intersection
     let letAction = if S.null vs then idR else alphaLet
     appT idR letAction $ \ f (Let bnds e) -> Let bnds $ App f e

-- | @let v = (let w = ew in ev) in e@ ==> @let w = ew in let v = ev in e@
letFloatLet :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatLet = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Let failed: " $
  do vs <- letNonRecT mempty (liftM fromList letVarsT) freeVarsT (\ () -> intersection)
     let bdsAction = if S.null vs then idR else nonRecAllR idR alphaLet
     letT bdsAction idR $ \ (NonRec v (Let bds ev)) e -> Let bds $ Let (NonRec v ev) e

-- | @(\ v1 -> let v2 = e1 in e2)@  ==>  @let v2 = e1 in (\ v1 -> e2)@
--   Fails if @v1@ occurs in @e1@.
--   If @v1@ = @v2@ then @v1@ will be alpha-renamed.
letFloatLam :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatLam = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Lam failed: " $
              withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Lam v1 (Let (NonRec v2 e1) e2)") $
  do Lam v1 (Let (NonRec v2 e1) e2) <- idR
     guardMsg (v1 `notMember` coreExprFreeVars e1) $ var2String v1 ++ " occurs in the definition of " ++ var2String v2 ++ "."
     if v1 == v2
      then alphaLam Nothing >>> letFloatLam
      else return (Let (NonRec v2 e1) (Lam v1 e2))

-- | @case (let bnds in e) of wild alts@ ==> @let bnds in (case e of wild alts)@
--   Fails if any variables bound in @bnds@ occurs in @alts@.
letFloatCase :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatCase = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Case failed: " $
  do captures <- caseT letVarsT
                       (\ _ -> altFreeVarsExclWildT)
                       (\ vs wild _ fs -> fromList vs `intersection` unions (map ($ wild) fs))
     caseT (if S.null captures then idR else alphaLetVars $ toList captures)
           (const idR)
           (\ (Let bnds e) wild ty alts -> Let bnds (Case e wild ty alts))

-- | @cast (let bnds in e) co@ ==> @let bnds in cast e co@
letFloatCast :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letFloatCast = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Cast failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Cast (Let bnds e) co") $
  do Cast (Let bnds e) co <- idR
     return (Let bnds (Cast e co))

-- | Float a 'Let' through an expression, whatever the context.
letFloatExpr :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatExpr = setFailMsg "Unsuitable expression for Let floating." $
               letFloatArg <+ letFloatApp <+ letFloatLet <+ letFloatLam <+ letFloatCase <+ letFloatCast

-- | @ProgCons (NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev)) p@ ==> @ProgCons (NonRec w ew) (ProgCons (NonRec v ev) p)@
letFloatLetTop :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreProg
letFloatLetTop = prefixFailMsg "Let floating to top level failed: " $
                 withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev) `ProgCons` p") $
  do NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev) `ProgCons` p <- idR
     guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg ew) "type and coercion bindings are not allowed at the top level."
     return (NonRec w ew `ProgCons` NonRec v ev `ProgCons` p)


-- | Unfloat a 'Let' if possible.
letUnfloat :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letUnfloat = letUnfloatCase <+ letUnfloatApp <+ letUnfloatLam

-- | @let v = ev in case s of p -> e@ ==> @case (let v = ev in s) of p -> let v = ev in e@,
--   if @v@ does not shadow a pattern binder in @p@
letUnfloatCase :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letUnfloatCase = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from case failed: " $
                 withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Case s w ty alts)") $
  do Let bnds (Case s w ty alts) <- idR
     captured <- letT bindVarsT caseVarsT intersect
     guardMsg (null captured) "let bindings would capture case pattern bindings."
     unbound <- letT bindVarsT (caseT mempty mempty freeTyVarsT (const mempty) $ \ () () vs (_::[()]) -> toList vs) intersect
     guardMsg (null unbound) "type variables in case signature would become unbound."
     return $ Case (Let bnds s) w ty $ mapAlts (Let bnds) alts

-- | @let v = ev in f a@ ==> @(let v = ev in f) (let v = ev in a)@
letUnfloatApp :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letUnfloatApp = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from app failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (App e1 e2)") $
  do Let bnds (App e1 e2) <- idR
     return $ App (Let bnds e1) (Let bnds e2)

-- | @let v = ev in \ x -> e@ ==> @\x -> let v = ev in e@
--   if @v@ does not shadow @x@
letUnfloatLam :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letUnfloatLam = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from lambda failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Lam v e)") $
  do Let bnds (Lam v e) <- idR
     safe <- letT bindVarsT lamVarT $ flip notElem
     guardMsg safe "let bindings would capture lambda binding."
     return $ Lam v $ Let bnds e


-- | Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings.
--   The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order.
reorderNonRecLets :: MonadCatch m => [TH.Name] -> Rewrite c m CoreExpr
reorderNonRecLets ns = prefixFailMsg "Reorder lets failed: " $
                 do guardMsg (not $ null ns) "no names given."
                    guardMsg (nodups ns) "duplicate names given."
                    e <- idR
                    (ves,x) <- setFailMsg "insufficient non-recursive lets." $ takeNonRecLets (length ns) e
                    guardMsg (noneFreeIn ves) "some of the bound variables appear in the right-hand-sides."
                    e' <- mkNonRecLets `liftM` mapM (lookupName ves) ns `ap` return x
                    guardMsg (not $ exprEqual e e') "bindings already in specified order."
                    return e'

    takeNonRecLets :: Monad m => Int -> CoreExpr -> m ([(Var,CoreExpr)],CoreExpr)
    takeNonRecLets 0 x                      = return ([],x)
    takeNonRecLets n (Let (NonRec v1 e1) x) = first ((v1,e1):) `liftM` takeNonRecLets (n-1) x
    takeNonRecLets _ _                      = fail "insufficient non-recursive lets."

    noneFreeIn :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> Bool
    noneFreeIn ves = let (vs,es) = unzip ves
                      in all (`notMember` unions (map coreExprFreeVars es)) vs

    lookupName :: Monad m => [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> TH.Name -> m (Var,CoreExpr)
    lookupName ves nm = case filter (cmpTHName2Var nm . fst) ves of
                          []   -> fail $ "name " ++ show nm ++ " not matched."
                          [ve] -> return ve
                          _    -> fail $ "multiple matches for " ++ show nm ++ "."

    mkNonRecLets :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
    mkNonRecLets []          x  = x
    mkNonRecLets ((v,e):ves) x  = Let (NonRec v e) (mkNonRecLets ves x)
