hermit- Haskell Equational Reasoning Model-to-Implementation Tunnel

Safe HaskellNone




Local Structural Manipulations

externals :: [External]Source

Externals for local structural manipulations. (Many taken from Chapter 3 of Andre Santos' dissertation.)

Case Expressions

Cast Expressions

Let Expressions


abstract :: (ReadBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Name -> Rewrite c m CoreExprSource

Abstract over a variable using a lambda. e ==> ( x. e) x

nonrecToRec :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreBindSource

NonRec v e ==> Rec [Def v e]

betaReduce :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExprSource

((\ v -> e1) e2) ==> (let v = e2 in e1) This form of beta-reduction is safe if e2 is an arbitrary expression (won't duplicate work).

betaReducePlus :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExprSource

Perform one or more beta-reductions.

betaExpand :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExprSource

(let v = e1 in e2) ==> (\ v -> e2) e1

etaReduce :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExprSource

(\ v -> e1 v) ==> e1

etaExpand :: String -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExprSource

e1 ==> (\ v -> e1 v)

multiEtaExpand :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c) => [String] -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExprSource

Perform multiple eta-expansions.

flattenModule :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, Monad m) => Rewrite c m ModGutsSource

Flatten all the top-level binding groups in the module to a single recursive binding group.

flattenProgramR :: Monad m => Rewrite c m CoreProgSource

Flatten all the top-level binding groups in a program to a program containing a single recursive binding group.

flattenProgramT :: Monad m => Translate c m CoreProg CoreBindSource

Flatten all the top-level binding groups in a program to a single recursive binding group.