Name: hermit Version: Synopsis: Haskell Equational Reasoning Model-to-Implementation Tunnel Description: HERMIT uses Haskell to express semi-formal models, efficient implementations, and provide a bridging DSL to describe via stepwise refinement the connection between these models and implementations. The key transformation in the bridging DSL is the worker/wrapper transformation. . This is a pre-alpha `please give feedback' release. Shortcomings/gotchas include: . * Command line completion is ad hoc at the moment. . * log command prints linearly, even if command history is a tree. . * The fold rewrite can only fold syntactically alpha-equivalent (up to parameters of the function you are folding) expressions. . * RULES have issues with forall types. . * Different core comes out depending on whether you ascribe explicit type signatures. . * A number of rewrites don't enforce preconditions. ex: cast elimination always works, even if the cast is necessary . Examples can be found in the examples sub-directory. . @ $ cd examples/reverse @ . Example of running a script. . @ $ hermit Reverse.hs Reverse.hss resume [starting HERMIT v0.1.8.0 on Reverse.hs] % ghc Reverse.hs -fforce-recomp -O2 -dcore-lint -fexpose-all-unfoldings -fsimple-list-literals -fplugin=HERMIT -fplugin-opt=HERMIT:Main:Reverse.hss -fplugin-opt=HERMIT:Main:resume [1 of 2] Compiling HList ( HList.hs, HList.o ) Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done. ... Loading package hermit- ... linking ... done. [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Reverse.hs, Reverse.o ) Linking Reverse ... $ ./Reverse .... @ . Example of interactive use. . @ $ hermit Reverse.hs [starting HERMIT v0.1.8.0 on Reverse.hs] % ghc Reverse.hs -fforce-recomp -O2 -dcore-lint -fexpose-all-unfoldings -fsimple-list-literals -fplugin=HERMIT -fplugin-opt=HERMIT:Main: [1 of 2] Compiling HList ( HList.hs, HList.o ) Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done. ... Loading package hermit- ... linking ... done. [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Reverse.hs, Reverse.o ) module main:Main where \ \ rev ∷ ∀ a . [a] -> [a] \ \ unwrap ∷ ∀ a . ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> H a \ \ wrap ∷ ∀ a . ([a] -> H a) -> [a] -> [a] \ \ main ∷ IO () \ \ main ∷ IO () hermit\<0\> ... @ . To resume compilation, use resume. . @ ... hermit\<0\> resume hermit\<0\> Linking Reverse ... $ @ Category: Language, Formal Methods, Optimization, Transformation, Refactoring, Reflection License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Andrew Farmer, Andy Gill, Ed Komp, Neil Sculthorpe Maintainer: Andy Gill Stability: pre-alpha build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.14 extra-source-files: examples/WWSplitTactic.hss examples/concatVanishes/ConcatVanishes.hss examples/concatVanishes/Flatten.hs examples/concatVanishes/Flatten.hss examples/concatVanishes/HList.hs examples/concatVanishes/QSort.hs examples/concatVanishes/QSort.hss examples/concatVanishes/Rev.hs examples/concatVanishes/Rev.hss examples/evaluation/Eval.hs examples/evaluation/Eval.hss examples/factorial/Fac.hs examples/factorial/Fac.hss examples/fib-stream/Fib.hs examples/fib-stream/Fib.hss examples/fib-stream/Nat.hs examples/fib-stream/Stream.hs examples/fib-tuple/Fib.hs examples/fib-tuple/Fib.hss examples/flatten/HList.hs examples/flatten/Flatten.hs examples/flatten/Flatten.hss examples/hanoi/Hanoi.hs examples/hanoi/Hanoi.hss examples/last/Last.hs examples/last/Last.hss examples/mean/Mean.hs examples/mean/Mean.hss examples/qsort/HList.hs examples/qsort/QSort.hs examples/qsort/QSort.hss examples/reverse/HList.hs examples/reverse/Reverse.hs examples/reverse/Reverse.hss Library ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, ansi-terminal >= 0.5.5, array, containers >=, data-default >= 0.5.0, ghc >= 7.6, haskeline >=, kure >= 2.6.22, marked-pretty >= 0.1, mtl >= 2.1.2, operational >=, stm >= 2.4, template-haskell >=, transformers default-language: Haskell2010 Exposed-modules: HERMIT HERMIT.Driver Language.HERMIT.Context Language.HERMIT.Core Language.HERMIT.Dictionary Language.HERMIT.External Language.HERMIT.GHC Language.HERMIT.Interp Language.HERMIT.Kernel Language.HERMIT.Kernel.Scoped Language.HERMIT.Kure Language.HERMIT.Monad Language.HERMIT.Optimize Language.HERMIT.Parser Language.HERMIT.ParserCore Language.HERMIT.Plugin Language.HERMIT.Primitive.AlphaConversion Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Debug Language.HERMIT.Primitive.FixPoint Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Fold Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Inline Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Kure Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Let Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Case Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Cast Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Navigation Language.HERMIT.Primitive.New Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Unfold Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.AST Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Clean Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common Language.HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.GHC Language.HERMIT.Shell.Command Other-modules: Language.HERMIT.Syntax Paths_hermit Hs-Source-Dirs: src Executable hermit Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, directory >=, hermit, process default-language: Haskell2010 Main-Is: Main.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: driver Ghc-Options: source-repository head   type: git   location: git://