{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} module Hercules.CLI.Nix where import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently) import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (unliftIO) import Data.Has (Has) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Hercules.API.Agent.Evaluate.EvaluateEvent.InputDeclaration (InputDeclaration (SiblingInput)) import qualified Hercules.API.Agent.Evaluate.EvaluateEvent.InputDeclaration as InputDeclaration import Hercules.API.Attribute (attributePathFromString, attributePathToString) import qualified Hercules.API.Inputs.ImmutableGitInput as API.ImmutableGitInput import Hercules.API.Projects (getJobSource) import Hercules.Agent.NixFile (getVirtualValueByPath) import qualified Hercules.Agent.NixFile.GitSource as GitSource import Hercules.Agent.NixFile.HerculesCIArgs (CISystems (CISystems), HerculesCIArgs) import qualified Hercules.Agent.NixFile.HerculesCIArgs as HerculesCIArgs import Hercules.CLI.Client (HerculesClientEnv, HerculesClientToken, determineDefaultApiBaseUrl, runHerculesClient) import Hercules.CLI.Common (runAuthenticated) import Hercules.CLI.Git (getGitRoot, getRef, getRev, getUpstreamURL, guessForgeTypeFromURL) import Hercules.CLI.Options (scanOption) import Hercules.CLI.Project (ProjectPath (projectPathProject), getProjectPath, projectPathReadM, projectResourceClientByPath) import Hercules.CNix (Store) import Hercules.CNix.Expr as Expr (EvalState, Match (IsAttrs), NixAttrs, RawValue, Value, getAttr, getAttrs, getFlakeFromGit, init, isDerivation, match', toValue, withEvalState, withStore) import qualified Hercules.CNix.Util as CNix.Util import qualified Hercules.CNix.Verbosity as CNix.Verbosity import Options.Applicative as Optparse import Options.Applicative.Types (unReadM) import Protolude hiding (evalState) import RIO (RIO) import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO, UnliftIO (UnliftIO), askUnliftIO) createHerculesCIArgs :: Maybe Text -> IO HerculesCIArgs createHerculesCIArgs passedRef = do gitRoot <- getGitRoot gitRev <- getRev ref <- computeRef passedRef upstreamURL <- getUpstreamURL let remoteHttpUrl = upstreamURL <$ guard ("http" `T.isPrefixOf` upstreamURL) remoteSshUrl = upstreamURL <$ guard (not ("http" `T.isPrefixOf` upstreamURL)) guessWebUrlFromHttpUrl url = T.stripSuffix ".git" url & fromMaybe url let gitSource = GitSource.GitSource { outPath = toS gitRoot, ref = ref, rev = gitRev, shortRev = GitSource.shortRevFromRev gitRev, branch = GitSource.branchFromRef ref, tag = GitSource.tagFromRef ref, remoteHttpUrl = remoteHttpUrl, remoteSshUrl = remoteSshUrl, webUrl = guessWebUrlFromHttpUrl <$> remoteHttpUrl, forgeType = guessForgeTypeFromURL upstreamURL, owner = Nothing {- TODO; agent only for now -}, name = Nothing {- TODO; agent only for now -} } url <- determineDefaultApiBaseUrl pure $ HerculesCIArgs.fromGitSource gitSource HerculesCIArgs.HerculesCIMeta {apiBaseUrl = url, ciSystems = CISystems Nothing} computeRef :: Maybe Text -> IO Text computeRef Nothing = getRef computeRef (Just passedRef) = pure passedRef resolveInputs :: (Has HerculesClientToken r, Has HerculesClientEnv r) => UnliftIO (RIO r) -> Ptr EvalState -> Maybe ProjectPath -> Map ByteString InputDeclaration -> IO (Value NixAttrs) resolveInputs uio evalState projectMaybe inputs = do projectPath <- unliftIO uio $ getProjectPath projectMaybe let resolveInput :: ByteString -> InputDeclaration -> IO RawValue resolveInput _name (SiblingInput input) = unliftIO uio do let resourceClient = projectResourceClientByPath (projectPath {projectPathProject = InputDeclaration.project input}) jobNames = [] immutableGitInput <- runHerculesClient (getJobSource resourceClient (InputDeclaration.ref input) jobNames) liftIO $ mkImmutableGitInputFlakeThunk evalState immutableGitInput resolveInput _name InputDeclaration.BogusInput {} = panic "resolveInput: not implemented yet" inputs & M.mapWithKey (,) & mapConcurrently (uncurry resolveInput) & (>>= toValue evalState) refBranchToRef :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text refBranchToRef ref branch = ref <|> (("refs/heads/" <>) <$> branch) withNix :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => (Store -> Ptr EvalState -> m b) -> m b withNix f = do liftIO do Expr.init CNix.Util.installDefaultSigINTHandler UnliftIO uio <- askUnliftIO liftIO $ withStore \store -> withEvalState store (uio . f store) mkSemanticTextCompleter :: (Text -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, Text)]) -> Completer mkSemanticTextCompleter f = mkTextCompleter ( \input -> do let startsEscape = input & T.reverse & T.takeWhile (== '\\') & T.length & odd innerCompleter = isoCompleter decodeBash encodeBash f if startsEscape then do r <- innerCompleter (T.dropEnd 1 input) -- Requiring input to be a prefix of the suggestions prevents corrections, -- so we only filter when necessary. pure [ item | item@(_, suggestionText) <- r, input `T.isPrefixOf` suggestionText ] else innerCompleter input ) mkAttributePathCompleter :: (([Text], Text) -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, ([Text], Bool))]) -> Completer mkAttributePathCompleter f = mkSemanticTextCompleter ( \input -> do let startsEscape = (input & T.reverse & T.takeWhile (== '\\') & T.length & odd) || (".\"" `T.isSuffixOf` input) decode s | ".\"\"" `T.isSuffixOf` s = (attributePathFromString s, "") decode s = let path = attributePathFromString s in (initSafe path, lastMay path & fromMaybe "") encode (path, dot) = attributePathToString path <> if dot then "." else "" innerCompleter = nestedCompleter decode encode f if startsEscape then do r <- innerCompleter (T.dropEnd 1 input) -- Requiring input to be a prefix of the suggestions prevents corrections, -- so we only filter when necessary. pure [ item | item@(_, suggestionText) <- r, input `T.isPrefixOf` suggestionText ] else innerCompleter input ) isoCompleter :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, a)]) -> (b -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, b)]) isoCompleter = nestedCompleter nestedCompleter :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, c)]) -> (a -> IO [(CompletionItemOptions, d)]) nestedCompleter parse unparse f = fmap (fmap (fmap unparse)) . f . parse encodeBash :: Text -> Text encodeBash = toS . f . toS where f ('"' : s) = '\\' : '"' : f s f ('\'' : s) = '\\' : '\'' : f s f ('\\' : s) = '\\' : '\\' : f s f (' ' : s) = '\\' : ' ' : f s f (c : s) = c : f s f "" = "" decodeBash :: Text -> Text decodeBash = toS . g . toS where g ('\\' : c : s) = c : g s g (c : s) = c : g s g "" = "" ciNixAttributeCompleter :: Optparse.Completer ciNixAttributeCompleter = mkAttributePathCompleter \(partialPath, partialComponent) -> do withNix \_store evalState -> do CNix.Verbosity.setVerbosity CNix.Verbosity.Error ref <- do ref <- liftA2 (<|>) (scanOption "--as-ref") (scanOption "--pretend-ref") branch <- liftA2 (<|>) (scanOption "--as-branch") (scanOption "--pretend-branch") pure $ refBranchToRef ref branch projectMaybe <- scanOption "--project" <&> \maybeStr -> do s <- maybeStr rightToMaybe (runExcept (runReaderT (unReadM projectPathReadM) (toS s))) args <- createHerculesCIArgs ref runAuthenticated do uio <- askUnliftIO liftIO $ getVirtualValueByPath evalState (toS $ GitSource.outPath $ HerculesCIArgs.primaryRepo args) args (resolveInputs uio evalState projectMaybe) (encodeUtf8 <$> partialPath) >>= \case Nothing -> pure [] Just focusValue -> do match' evalState focusValue >>= \case IsAttrs attrset -> do attrs <- getAttrs evalState attrset isDeriv <- isDerivation evalState focusValue if isDeriv then pure [(mempty {Optparse.cioFiles = False}, (partialPath, False))] else let matches = attrs & M.keys & map decodeUtf8 & filter (/= "recurseForDerivations") & filter (T.isPrefixOf partialComponent) in case matches of [singleMatch] -> do ma <- getAttr evalState attrset (encodeUtf8 singleMatch) matchIsDeriv <- ma & traverse (isDerivation evalState) <&> fromMaybe False pure $ matches & map (\match -> (mempty {Optparse.cioAddSpace = matchIsDeriv, Optparse.cioFiles = False}, (partialPath ++ [match], not matchIsDeriv))) _ -> pure $ matches & map (\match -> (mempty {Optparse.cioAddSpace = False, Optparse.cioFiles = False}, (partialPath ++ [match], False))) _ -> pure [] attrByPath :: Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> [ByteString] -> IO (Maybe RawValue) attrByPath _ v [] = pure (Just v) attrByPath evalState v (a : as) = do match' evalState v >>= \case IsAttrs attrs -> getAttr evalState attrs a >>= traverse (\attrValue -> attrByPath evalState attrValue as) & fmap join _ -> pure Nothing mkTextCompleter :: (Text -> IO [(Optparse.CompletionItemOptions, Text)]) -> Completer mkTextCompleter f = Optparse.mkCompleterWithOptions (fmap (fmap (uncurry CompletionItem . fmap toS)) . f . toS) mkImmutableGitInputFlakeThunk :: Ptr EvalState -> API.ImmutableGitInput.ImmutableGitInput -> IO RawValue mkImmutableGitInputFlakeThunk evalState git = do -- TODO: allow picking ssh/http url getFlakeFromGit evalState (API.ImmutableGitInput.httpURL git) (API.ImmutableGitInput.ref git) (API.ImmutableGitInput.rev git)