{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing -funbox-strict-fields #-} {-| This module contains the routines to turn a song into a stream of floating point samples. Some intermediate structures are also made available to allow more fine-grain control over playback. -} module Sound.Hemkay.Mixer ( -- * Output format sampleFrequency , Sample(..) -- * Player and mixer state , PlayState(..) , startState , ChannelState(..) , ChunkMixState , SongMixState -- * Sample-level mixing routines , prepareMix , mixToBuffer , nextSample -- * Mixing whole songs , mixSong , mixChunk , performSong , flattenSong , performTicks ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.List --import Prelude hiding (replicate,head,concat,map,(++),take,span,null,drop,last, -- concatMap,zipWith,(!!),tail,scanl,zip,splitAt,length) --import Data.List.Stream import Data.Maybe import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Sound.Hemkay.Music import Text.Printf type ChunkMixState = (Int, [(WaveData, Float, Int, Float, Float, Float)]) type SongMixState = [ChunkMixState] data Sample = Smp { leftChannel :: !Float, rightChannel :: !Float } baseFrequency :: Float baseFrequency = 3546894.6 -- | The frequency at which mixer output should be played back. For -- the time being, this is a fixed value. sampleFrequency :: Float sampleFrequency = 44100 -- | The state of the player upon entering a tick. data PlayState = PS { psTempo :: Int -- ^ The current tempo , psBPM :: Int -- ^ The current BPM , psRow :: Maybe [Note] -- ^ The current row during its first tick, 'Nothing' in subsequent ticks , psChannels :: [ChannelState] -- ^ The state of the channels } instance Show PlayState where show (PS _ _ Nothing _) = "" show (PS t b (Just r) _) = printf " | %s%2d/%3d\n" (concatMap show r) t b -- | The state of a channel upon entering a tick. data ChannelState = CS { csWaveData :: WaveData , csPeriod :: Int , csFineTune :: Float , csSubSample :: Float , csSampleStep :: Float , csVolume :: Float , csInstrument :: Instrument , csEffect :: [Effect] , csPanning :: Float , csPortaDown :: Int , csPortaUp :: Int , csFinePorta :: Int , csTonePortaEnd :: Int , csTonePortaSpeed :: Int , csVolumeSlide :: Float , csFineVolumeSlide :: Float , csVibratoSpeed :: Int , csVibratoAmp :: Float , csVibratoWave :: [Float] , csTremoloSpeed :: Int , csTremoloAmp :: Float , csTremoloWave :: [Float] , csTremoloDiff :: Float , csDelayedPeriod :: Int , csDelayedInstrument :: Instrument } instance Show ChannelState where show cs = printf "<%s %02d %02d %s>" (periodName (csPeriod cs)) (ident (csInstrument cs)) (round (csVolume cs*99) :: Int) (show (csEffect cs)) -- | The initial state of the player given the number of channels. startState :: Int -> PlayState startState numChn = PS { psTempo = 6 , psBPM = 125 , psRow = Nothing , psChannels = map chn [0..numChn] } where chn n = CS { csWaveData = [] , csPeriod = 0 , csFineTune = 1 , csSubSample = 0 , csSampleStep = 0 , csVolume = 1 , csInstrument = emptyInstrument , csEffect = [] , csPanning = if (n+3) `mod` 4 < 2 then 0.8 else 0.2 , csPortaDown = 0 , csPortaUp = 0 , csFinePorta = 0 , csTonePortaEnd = 0 , csTonePortaSpeed = 0 , csVolumeSlide = 0 , csFineVolumeSlide = 0 , csVibratoSpeed = 0 , csVibratoAmp = 0 , csVibratoWave = snd (head waveForms) , csTremoloSpeed = 0 , csTremoloAmp = 0 , csTremoloWave = snd (head waveForms) , csTremoloDiff = 0 , csDelayedPeriod = 0 , csDelayedInstrument = emptyInstrument } -- | Create a mixer state from a player state. This basically strips -- away a lot of unnecessary information and throws away the channels -- that don't contribute to the output in the given chunk. prepareMix :: PlayState -> ChunkMixState prepareMix state = (tickLength (psBPM state), channels) where channels = [(wd, csSubSample cs, stepi, stepf, vol, csPanning cs) | cs <- psChannels state, let wd = csWaveData cs vol = clampVolume (csVolume cs + csTremoloDiff cs) / fromIntegral (length (psChannels state)) (stepi,stepf) = properFraction (csSampleStep cs), not (null wd), vol > 0.001] -- | Given a pointer to a float buffer and a number of samples desired -- (n), mix the appropriate amount of the song and return the mix -- state for the remainder or 'Nothing' if finished. This is the most -- efficient way to render a song. Note that each sample consists of -- two floats, so the buffer has to be able to hold 2*n floats. The -- initial song mix state can be simply created by @'map' 'prepareMix' -- . 'performSong'@. mixToBuffer :: Ptr Float -> Int -> SongMixState -> IO (Maybe SongMixState) mixToBuffer _ _ [] = return Nothing mixToBuffer ptr len ((cnt,dat):rest) = do let mixLen = min len cnt pokeArray ptr $ replicate (mixLen*2) 0 dat' <- forM dat $ \d@(wd,wcnt,stepi,stepf,vol,pan) -> if null wd then return d else do flip fix (mixLen,0,wd,wcnt) $ \fill (len,idx,wd,wcnt) -> if null wd || len == 0 then return (wd,wcnt,stepi,stepf,vol,pan) else do let wsmp = head wd*vol acc = wsmp*pan wcnt' = wcnt+stepf (wd'',wcnt'') = if wcnt' < 1 then (drop stepi wd,wcnt') else (drop (stepi+1) wd,wcnt'-1) ml <- peekElemOff ptr idx pokeElemOff ptr idx (ml+wsmp-acc) mr <- peekElemOff ptr (idx+1) pokeElemOff ptr (idx+1) (mr+acc) fill (len-1,idx+2,wd'',wcnt'') if mixLen == len then return $ Just ((cnt-mixLen,dat'):rest) else mixToBuffer (advancePtr ptr (mixLen*2)) (len-mixLen) rest -- | Mix a single sample given a chunk mix state. Returns 'Nothing' -- at the end of the chunk. nextSample :: ChunkMixState -> Maybe (Sample, ChunkMixState) nextSample (0, _) = Nothing nextSample (cnt, dat) = cnt' `seq` dat' `seq` smp `seq` Just (smp, (cnt', dat')) where cnt' = cnt-1 (smp, dat') = accum dat [] (Smp 0 0) accum [] cs acc = (acc,cs) accum (d@(wd,wcnt,stepi,stepf,vol,pan):dat) cs acc@(Smp ml mr) = if null wd then accum dat (d:cs) acc else acc' `seq` c `seq` accum dat (c:cs) acc' where c = wd'' `seq` wcnt'' `seq` (wd'',wcnt'',stepi,stepf,vol,pan) wsmp = head wd*vol acc' = Smp (ml+wsmp*(1-pan)) (mr+wsmp*pan) wcnt' = wcnt+stepf (wd'',wcnt'') = if wcnt' < 1 then (drop stepi wd,wcnt') else (drop (stepi+1) wd,wcnt'-1) -- | Mix a whole song in chunks, pairing up the play states with the -- respective chunks. mixSong :: Song -> [(PlayState, [Sample])] mixSong = map (id &&& mixChunk) . performSong -- | Mix a single chunk given a play state. It's equivalent to -- @'unfoldr' 'nextSample' . 'prepareMix'@. mixChunk :: PlayState -> [Sample] mixChunk = unfoldr nextSample . prepareMix {- mixChunk :: PlayState -> [Sample] mixChunk state = mixedChannels where mixedChannels = foldl' addChannel emptyChannel (psChannels state) emptyChannel = replicate (tickLength (psBPM state)) (Smp 0 0) addChannel mix cs = if vol < 0.0001 then mix else mixChannel mix (csWaveData cs) (csSubSample cs) where (stepi,stepf) = properFraction (csSampleStep cs) vol = clampVolume (csVolume cs + csTremoloDiff cs) * volFact volFact = 1 / fromIntegral (length (psChannels state)) pan = csPanning cs mixChannel [] _ _ = [] mixChannel ms [] _ = ms mixChannel (Smp ml mr:ms) wd wcnt = smp `seq` smp : mixChannel ms wd'' wcnt'' where wsmp = head wd*vol smp = Smp (ml+wsmp*(1-pan)) (mr+wsmp*pan) wcnt' = wcnt+stepf (wd'',wcnt'') = if wcnt' < 1 then (drop stepi wd,wcnt') else (drop (stepi+1) wd,wcnt'-1) -} -- | Turn a song into a series of play states, one for each tick. -- It's a shorthand for @'performTicks' . 'flattenSong'@. performSong :: Song -> [PlayState] performSong = performTicks . flattenSong -- | Turn a song into a series of pattern rows. This includes -- handling control structures like pattern breaks, delays and loops. -- Order jumps are ignored. flattenSong :: Song -> [[Note]] flattenSong = concat . map handleLoops . map handleDelays . handleBreaks 0 . patterns where handleBreaks _ [] = [] handleBreaks row (pat:pats) = (pat' ++ take 1 rest) : handleBreaks row' pats where (pat',rest) = span (null . getBreaks) (drop row pat) row' = maybe 0 (last . getBreaks) (listToMaybe (take 1 rest)) getBreaks row = [b | [PatternBreak b] <- map effect row] handleDelays = concatMap (\l -> replicate (delayCount l) l) where delayCount row = last (1:[d | [PatternDelay d] <- map effect row]) handleLoops pat = pat' ++ if null rest' then loop else rest'' where (pat',rest) = span noLoopStart pat (loop,rest') = span (isNothing . getLoopEnd) rest loopLast:loopRest = rest' rest'' = case getLoopEnd loopLast of Just cnt -> concat (replicate (cnt+1) (loop ++ [loopLast])) ++ handleLoops loopRest Nothing -> loop noLoopStart row = null [() | [PatternLoop Nothing] <- map effect row] getLoopEnd row = listToMaybe [cnt | [PatternLoop (Just cnt)] <- map effect row] -- | Turn a list of rows into a list of play states. Each row gives -- birth to a number of play states equal to the tempo on that row. performTicks :: [[Note]] -> [PlayState] performTicks flatSong = unfoldr performRow (0, startState . length . head $ flatSong, flatSong) where performRow (0,_,[]) = Nothing performRow (0,PS tempo bpm _ channels,(row:rows)) = Just (state,(tick',state',rows)) where tempo' = last (tempo:[x | [SetTempo x] <- map effect row]) bpm' = last (bpm:[x | [SetBPM x] <- map effect row]) tick' = if tempo > 1 then 1 else 0 state = PS tempo' bpm' (Just row) $ zipWith processNote row channels state' = advanceSamples state performRow (tick,PS tempo bpm _ channels,rows) = Just (state,(tick',state',rows)) where tick' = if tick < tempo-1 then tick+1 else 0 state = PS tempo bpm Nothing $ map (processChannel tick) channels state' = advanceSamples state advanceSamples state = state { psChannels = map advanceSample (psChannels state) } where tickLen = tickLength (psBPM state) advanceSample cs = cs { csWaveData = drop wdstep (csWaveData cs) , csSubSample = smp' } where (wdstep,smp') = properFraction (csSubSample cs+csSampleStep cs*fromIntegral tickLen) tickLength :: Int -> Int tickLength bpm = round (sampleFrequency*2.5) `div` bpm processNote :: Note -> ChannelState -> ChannelState processNote (Note per ins eff) cs = cs''' where ins' = fromMaybe (csInstrument cs) ins insStays = isNothing ins || ins == Just (csInstrument cs) vol' = if isJust ins then volume ins' else csVolume cs -- Handling the new note cs' = if per == 0 then cs { csInstrument = ins' , csVolume = vol' , csFineTune = fineTune ins' , csWaveData = if insStays then csWaveData cs else wave ins' } else cs { csInstrument = ins' , csVolume = vol' , csFineTune = fineTune ins' , csWaveData = case eff of [SampleOffset o] -> drop o (wave ins') _ -> wave ins' , csPeriod = per } -- Setting up the new effect cs'' = case eff of (TonePortamento _:_) -> cs' { csWaveData = if insStays then csWaveData cs else wave ins' , csPeriod = csPeriod cs , csTonePortaEnd = if per == 0 then csTonePortaEnd cs else per } (Vibrato spd amp:_) -> cs' { csVibratoSpeed = fromMaybe (csVibratoSpeed cs') spd , csVibratoAmp = maybe (csVibratoAmp cs') ((*2).fromIntegral) amp } (Tremolo spd amp:_) -> cs' { csTremoloSpeed = fromMaybe (csTremoloSpeed cs') spd , csTremoloAmp = maybe (csTremoloAmp cs') ((/64).fromIntegral) amp } [FinePanning p] -> cs' { csPanning = p } [SetVolume v] -> cs' { csVolume = v } [FinePortamento (Porta p)] -> (addPeriod cs' p) { csFinePorta = abs p } [FinePortamento LastUp] -> addPeriod cs' (-csFinePorta cs') [FinePortamento LastDown] -> addPeriod cs' (csFinePorta cs') [SetVibratoWaveform wf] -> cs' { csVibratoWave = (snd.fromJust) (find ((==wf).fst) waveForms) } [SetTremoloWaveform wf] -> cs' { csTremoloWave = (snd.fromJust) (find ((==wf).fst) waveForms) } [FineVolumeSlide x] -> let slide = fromMaybe (csFineVolumeSlide cs') x in cs' { csVolume = max 0 $ min 1 $ csVolume cs' + slide , csFineVolumeSlide = slide } [FineTuneControl ft] -> addPeriod cs' { csFineTune = ft } 0 [NoteDelay _] -> if per == 0 then cs' else cs' { csInstrument = csInstrument cs , csVolume = csVolume cs , csFineTune = csFineTune cs , csWaveData = csWaveData cs , csDelayedPeriod = per , csDelayedInstrument = ins' } _ -> cs' -- Finalising state and handling vibrato effects cs''' = handleVibs (addPeriod cs'' 0) { csEffect = eff, csTremoloDiff = 0 } handleVibs cs = case eff of (Vibrato _ _:_) -> let period = clampPeriod (csPeriod cs + round (head (csVibratoWave cs) * csVibratoAmp cs)) in cs { csSampleStep = sampleStep period (csFineTune cs) , csVibratoWave = drop (csVibratoSpeed cs) (csVibratoWave cs) } (Tremolo _ _:_) -> cs { csTremoloDiff = head (csTremoloWave cs) * csTremoloAmp cs , csTremoloWave = drop (csTremoloSpeed cs) (csTremoloWave cs) } _ -> cs processChannel :: Int -> ChannelState -> ChannelState processChannel tick cs = foldl' addEffect cs (csEffect cs) where addEffect cs eff = case eff of Arpeggio n1 n2 -> cs { csSampleStep = sampleStep (csPeriod cs) (csFineTune cs) * ([1,n1,n2] !! (tick `mod` 3)) } Portamento (Porta p) -> (addPeriod cs p) { csPortaDown = if p > 0 then p else csPortaDown cs , csPortaUp = if p < 0 then p else csPortaUp cs } Portamento LastUp -> addPeriod cs (csPortaUp cs) Portamento LastDown -> addPeriod cs (csPortaDown cs) TonePortamento (Just p) -> targetPeriod cs { csTonePortaSpeed = p } TonePortamento Nothing -> targetPeriod cs Vibrato _ _ -> let period = clampPeriod (csPeriod cs + round (head (csVibratoWave cs) * csVibratoAmp cs)) in cs { csSampleStep = sampleStep period (csFineTune cs) , csVibratoWave = drop (csVibratoSpeed cs) (csVibratoWave cs) } Tremolo _ _ -> cs { csTremoloDiff = head (csTremoloWave cs) * csTremoloAmp cs , csTremoloWave = drop (csTremoloSpeed cs) (csTremoloWave cs) } VolumeSlide x -> let slide = fromMaybe (csVolumeSlide cs) x in cs { csVolume = clampVolume (csVolume cs + slide) , csVolumeSlide = slide } RetrigNote r -> if tick `mod` r == 0 then cs { csWaveData = wave (csInstrument cs) } else cs NoteCut c -> if tick == c then cs { csVolume = 0 } else cs NoteDelay d -> if tick /= d then cs else let ins = csDelayedInstrument cs in flip addPeriod 0 cs { csInstrument = ins , csVolume = volume ins , csFineTune = fineTune ins , csWaveData = wave ins , csPeriod = csDelayedPeriod cs } _ -> cs addPeriod :: ChannelState -> Int -> ChannelState addPeriod cs p = cs { csPeriod = period , csSampleStep = sampleStep period (csFineTune cs) } where period = clampPeriod (csPeriod cs + p) targetPeriod :: ChannelState -> ChannelState targetPeriod cs = cs { csPeriod = period , csSampleStep = sampleStep period (csFineTune cs) } where period = if csPeriod cs > csTonePortaEnd cs then max (csTonePortaEnd cs) (csPeriod cs-csTonePortaSpeed cs) else min (csTonePortaEnd cs) (csPeriod cs+csTonePortaSpeed cs) sampleStep :: Int -> Float -> Float sampleStep p ft = baseFrequency / (fromIntegral p * sampleFrequency) * ft clampPeriod :: Int -> Int clampPeriod = min 1712 . max 57 clampVolume :: Float -> Float clampVolume = max 0 . min 1