{-| Contains all the data structures and functions for composing pieces of formatted text. -} module FRP.Helm.Text ( -- * Elements plainText, asText, text, -- * Composing defaultText, toText, -- * Formatting bold, italic, color, monospace, typeface, header, height ) where import FRP.Helm.Color (Color, black) import FRP.Helm.Graphics (Element(TextElement), Text(..)) import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo {-| Creates the default text. By default the text is black sans-serif with a height of 14px. -} defaultText :: Text defaultText = Text { textUTF8 = "", textColor = black, textTypeface = "sans-serif", textHeight = 14, textWeight = Cairo.FontWeightNormal, textSlant = Cairo.FontSlantNormal } {-| Creates a text from a string. -} toText :: String -> Text toText utf8 = defaultText { textUTF8 = utf8 } {-| Creates a text element from a string. -} plainText :: String -> Element plainText utf8 = text $ toText utf8 {-| Creates a text element from any showable type, defaulting to the monospace typeface. -} asText :: Show a => a -> Element asText val = text $ monospace $ toText $ show val {-| Creates an element from a text. -} text :: Text -> Element text = TextElement {- TODO: centered justified righted underline strikeThrough overline -} {-| Sets the weight of a piece of text to bold. -} bold :: Text -> Text bold txt = txt { textWeight = Cairo.FontWeightBold } {-| Sets the slant of a piece of text to italic. -} italic :: Text -> Text italic txt = txt { textSlant = Cairo.FontSlantItalic } {-| Sets the color of a piece of text. -} color :: Color -> Text -> Text color col txt = txt { textColor = col } {-| Sets the typeface of the text to monospace. -} monospace :: Text -> Text monospace txt = txt { textTypeface = "monospace" } {-| Sets the typeface of the text. Only fonts supported by Cairo's toy font API are currently supported. -} typeface :: String -> Text -> Text typeface face txt = txt { textTypeface = face } {-| Sets the size of a text noticeably large. -} header :: Text -> Text header = height 32 {-| Sets the size of a piece of text. -} height :: Double -> Text -> Text height size txt = txt { textHeight = size }