{-| Contains miscellaneous utility functions and the main functions for interfacing with the engine. -} module FRP.Helm ( -- * Types Time, -- * Engine run, -- * Utilities radians, degrees, turns, -- * Prelude module Color, module Graphics, module Signal, ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.IORef import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr) import FRP.Elerea.Simple import FRP.Helm.Color as Color import FRP.Helm.Graphics as Graphics import FRP.Helm.Signal as Signal import FRP.Helm.Time (Time) import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo {-| Attempt to change the window dimensions (and initialize the video mode if not already). Will try to get a hardware accelerated window and then fallback to a software one. Throws an exception if the software mode can't be used as a fallback. -} requestDimensions :: Int -> Int -> IO SDL.Surface requestDimensions w h = do mayhaps <- SDL.trySetVideoMode w h 32 [SDL.HWSurface, SDL.DoubleBuf, SDL.Resizable] case mayhaps of Just screen -> return screen Nothing -> SDL.setVideoMode w h 32 [SDL.SWSurface, SDL.Resizable] {-| Converts radians into the standard angle measurement (radians). -} radians :: Double -> Double radians n = n {-| Converts degrees into the standard angle measurement (radians). -} degrees :: Double -> Double degrees n = n * pi / 180 {-| Converts turns into the standard angle measurement (radians). Turns are essentially full revolutions of the unit circle. -} turns :: Double -> Double turns n = 2 * pi * n {-| A data structure describing the current engine state. This may be in userland in the future, for setting window dimensions, title, etc. -} data EngineState = EngineState { smp :: IO Element, {- FIXME: we need this mutable state (unfortunately) because Cairo forces us to liftIO and can't return anything in the render function, where the lazy image loading takes place. There may be a way to do this nicely, I'm just not experienced enough with Haskell to know how. -} cache :: IORef (Map.Map FilePath Cairo.Surface) } {-| Creates a new engine state, spawning an empty cache spawned in an IORef. -} newEngineState :: IO Element -> IO EngineState newEngineState smp = do cache <- newIORef Map.empty return EngineState { smp = smp, cache = cache } {-| Initializes and runs the game engine. The supplied signal generator is constantly sampled for an element to render until the user quits. > import FRP.Helm > import qualified FRP.Helm.Window as Window > > render :: (Int, Int) -> Element > render (w, h) = collage w h [filled red $ rect (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)] > > main :: IO () > main = run $ fmap (fmap render) Window.dimensions -} run :: SignalGen (Signal Element) -> IO () run gen = finally SDL.quit $ do SDL.init [SDL.InitVideo, SDL.InitJoystick] requestDimensions 800 600 start gen >>= newEngineState >>= run' {-| A utility function called by 'run' that samples the element or quits the entire engine if SDL events say to do so. -} run' :: EngineState -> IO () run' state = do continue <- run'' when continue $ smp state >>= render state >> run' state {-| A utility function called by 'run\'' that polls all SDL events off the stack, returning true if the game should keep running, false otherwise. -} run'' :: IO Bool run'' = do event <- SDL.pollEvent case event of SDL.NoEvent -> return True SDL.Quit -> return False SDL.VideoResize w h -> requestDimensions w h >> run'' _ -> run'' {-| A utility function that renders a previously sampled element using an engine state. -} render :: EngineState -> Element -> IO () render state element = SDL.getVideoSurface >>= render' state element {-| A utility function called by 'render\'' that does the actual heavy lifting. -} render' :: EngineState -> Element -> SDL.Surface -> IO () render' state element screen = do pixels <- SDL.surfaceGetPixels screen Cairo.withImageSurfaceForData (castPtr pixels) Cairo.FormatRGB24 w h (w * 4) $ \surface -> Cairo.renderWith surface (render'' w h state element) SDL.flip screen where w = SDL.surfaceGetWidth screen h = SDL.surfaceGetHeight screen {-| A utility function called by 'render\'\'' that is called by Cairo when it's ready to do rendering. -} render'' :: Int -> Int -> EngineState -> Element -> Cairo.Render () render'' w h state element = do Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 0 0 Cairo.rectangle 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) Cairo.fill renderElement state element {-| A utility function that lazily grabs an image surface from the cache, i.e. creating it if it's not already stored in it. -} getSurface :: EngineState -> FilePath -> IO (Cairo.Surface, Int, Int) getSurface (EngineState { cache }) src = do cached <- Cairo.liftIO (readIORef cache) case Map.lookup src cached of Just surface -> do w <- Cairo.imageSurfaceGetWidth surface h <- Cairo.imageSurfaceGetHeight surface return (surface, w, h) Nothing -> do -- TODO: Use SDL_image to support more formats. I gave up after it was painful -- to convert between the two surface types safely. -- FIXME: Does this throw an error? surface <- Cairo.imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG src w <- Cairo.imageSurfaceGetWidth surface h <- Cairo.imageSurfaceGetHeight surface writeIORef cache (Map.insert src surface cached) >> return (surface, w, h) {-| A utility function for rendering a specific element. -} renderElement :: EngineState -> Element -> Cairo.Render () renderElement state (CollageElement w h centered forms) = do Cairo.save Cairo.rectangle 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) Cairo.clip when centered $ Cairo.translate (fromIntegral w / 2) (fromIntegral h / 2) mapM_ (renderForm state) forms Cairo.restore renderElement state (ImageElement (sx, sy) sw sh src stretch) = do (surface, w, h) <- Cairo.liftIO $ getSurface state (normalise src) Cairo.save Cairo.translate (-fromIntegral sx) (-fromIntegral sy) if stretch then Cairo.scale (fromIntegral sw / fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral sh / fromIntegral h) else Cairo.scale 1 1 Cairo.setSourceSurface surface 0 0 Cairo.translate (fromIntegral sx) (fromIntegral sy) Cairo.rectangle 0 0 (fromIntegral sw) (fromIntegral sh) Cairo.fill Cairo.restore renderElement _ (TextElement (Text { textColor = (Color r g b a), .. })) = do Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a Cairo.selectFontFace textTypeface textSlant textWeight Cairo.setFontSize textHeight Cairo.showText textUTF8 {-| A utility function that goes into a state of transformation and then pops it when finished. -} withTransform :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Cairo.Render () -> Cairo.Render () withTransform s t x y f = Cairo.save >> Cairo.scale s s >> Cairo.translate x y >> Cairo.rotate t >> f >> Cairo.restore {-| A utility function that sets the Cairo line cap based off of our version. -} setLineCap :: LineCap -> Cairo.Render () setLineCap cap = case cap of Flat -> Cairo.setLineCap Cairo.LineCapButt Round -> Cairo.setLineCap Cairo.LineCapRound Padded -> Cairo.setLineCap Cairo.LineCapSquare {-| A utility function that sets the Cairo line style based off of our version. -} setLineJoin :: LineJoin -> Cairo.Render () setLineJoin join = case join of Smooth -> Cairo.setLineJoin Cairo.LineJoinRound Sharp lim -> Cairo.setLineJoin Cairo.LineJoinMiter >> Cairo.setMiterLimit lim Clipped -> Cairo.setLineJoin Cairo.LineJoinBevel {-| A utility function that sets up all the necessary settings with Cairo to render with a line style and then strokes afterwards. Assumes that all drawing paths have already been setup before being called. -} setLineStyle :: LineStyle -> Cairo.Render () setLineStyle (LineStyle { lineColor = Color r g b a, .. }) = do Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a setLineCap lineCap setLineJoin lineJoin Cairo.setLineWidth lineWidth Cairo.setDash lineDashing lineDashOffset Cairo.stroke {-| A utility function that sets up all the necessary settings with Cairo to render with a fill style and then fills afterwards. Assumes that all drawing paths have already been setup before being called. -} setFillStyle :: EngineState -> FillStyle -> Cairo.Render () setFillStyle _ (Solid (Color r g b a)) = do Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a Cairo.fill setFillStyle state (Texture src) = do (surface, _, _) <- Cairo.liftIO $ getSurface state (normalise src) Cairo.setSourceSurface surface 0 0 Cairo.getSource >>= flip Cairo.patternSetExtend Cairo.ExtendRepeat Cairo.fill setFillStyle _ (Gradient (Linear (sx, sy) (ex, ey) points)) = Cairo.withLinearPattern sx sy ex ey $ \pattern -> setFillStyle' pattern points setFillStyle _ (Gradient (Radial (sx, sy) sr (ex, ey) er points)) = Cairo.withRadialPattern sx sy sr ex ey er $ \pattern -> setFillStyle' pattern points {-| A utility function that adds color stops to a pattern and then fills it. -} setFillStyle' :: Cairo.Pattern -> [(Double, Color)] -> Cairo.Render () setFillStyle' pattern points = do Cairo.setSource pattern mapM_ (\(o, Color r g b a) -> Cairo.patternAddColorStopRGBA pattern o r g b a) points Cairo.fill {-| A utility that renders a form. -} renderForm :: EngineState -> Form -> Cairo.Render () renderForm state Form { .. } = withTransform formScale formTheta formX formY $ case formStyle of PathForm style ~ps @ ((hx, hy) : _) -> do setLineStyle style Cairo.moveTo hx hy mapM_ (uncurry Cairo.lineTo) ps ShapeForm style shape -> do case shape of PolygonShape ~ps @ ((hx, hy) : _) -> do Cairo.newPath Cairo.moveTo hx hy mapM_ (uncurry Cairo.lineTo) ps Cairo.closePath RectangleShape (w, h) -> Cairo.rectangle (-w / 2) (-h / 2) w h ArcShape (cx, cy) a1 a2 r (sx, sy) -> do Cairo.scale sx sy Cairo.arc cx cy r a1 a2 Cairo.scale 1 1 either setLineStyle (setFillStyle state) style ElementForm element -> renderElement state element GroupForm mayhaps forms -> do Cairo.save forM_ mayhaps Cairo.setMatrix mapM_ (renderForm state) forms Cairo.restore