{-| Contains all data structures and functions for creating and stepping animations. -}
module FRP.Helm.Animation (
  -- * Types
  -- * Creating
  -- * Animating
) where

import Prelude hiding (length)

import FRP.Elerea.Simple
import Control.Applicative
import FRP.Helm.Graphics (Form)
import FRP.Helm.Time (Time)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List (find)

{-| A type describing a single frame in an animation. A frame consists of a time at
    which the frame takes place in an animation and the form which is how the frame
    actually looks when rendered. -}
type Frame = (Time, Form)

{-| A type describing an animation consisting of a list of frames. -}
newtype Animation = Animation [Frame] deriving (Show, Eq)

{-| Creates an animation from a list of frames. The time value in each frame
    is absolute to the entire animation, i.e. each time value is the time
    at which the frame takes place relative to the starting time of the animation.
    The list of frames should never be empty.
absolute :: [Frame] -> Animation
absolute = Animation

{-| Creates an animation from a list of frames. The time value in each frame
    is relative to other frames, i.e. each time value is the difference
    in time from the last frame. The list of frames should never be empty.

    > relative [(100, picture1), (100, picture2), (300, picture3)] == absolute [(100, picture1), (200, picture2), (500, picture3)]
relative :: [Frame] -> Animation
relative frames = Animation $ scanl1 (\acc x -> (fst acc + fst x, snd x)) frames

{-| Creates a signal contained in a generator that returns the current form in the animation when sampled from
    a specific animation. The second argument is a signal generator containing a signal that
    returns the time to setup the animation forward when sampled. The third argument is a
    signal generator containing a signal that returns true to continue animating
    or false to stop animating when sampled. -}
animate :: Animation -> SignalGen (Signal Time) -> SignalGen (Signal Bool) -> SignalGen (Signal Form)
animate anim dt cont = do
  dt1 <- dt
  cont1 <- cont
  progress <- transfer2 0 (\t r animT -> if r then t else resetThisAnim (animT + t)) dt1 cont1

  return $ (formAt anim) <$> progress
      resetThisAnim = resetOnEnd anim

{-| The form that will be rendered for a specific time in an animation. -}
formAt :: Animation -> Time -> Form
formAt (Animation anim) t = snd $ fromJust $ find (\frame -> t < (fst frame)) anim

{-| The amount of time one cycle of the animation takes. -}
length :: Animation -> Time
length = maximum . times

{-| A list of all the time values of each frame in the animation. -}
times :: Animation -> [Time]
times (Animation anim) = map fst anim

{-| Given an animation, a function is created which resets the time of the animation
    if the animation was finished. -}
resetOnEnd :: Animation -> (Time -> Time)
resetOnEnd anim = resetOnEnd' (length anim)

{-| Helper function which resets a timer if the timer got bigger than a given number. -}
resetOnEnd' :: Time -> Time -> Time
resetOnEnd' l t
  | t >= l = 0
  | otherwise = t