module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.Messages where
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Range
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Utils ()
import Top.Types
import Helium.Utils.OneLiner
import Helium.Utils.Similarity (similar)
import Helium.Utils.Utils (internalError)
import Data.List (sortBy, partition)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Function
type Message = [MessageLine]
data MessageLine = MessageOneLiner MessageBlock
| MessageTable [(Bool, MessageBlock, MessageBlock)]
| MessageHints String MessageBlocks
type MessageBlocks = [MessageBlock]
data MessageBlock = MessageString String
| MessageRange Range
| MessageType TpScheme
| MessagePredicate Predicate
| MessageOneLineTree OneLineTree
| MessageCompose MessageBlocks
class HasMessage a where
getRanges :: a -> [Range]
getMessage :: a -> Message
getRanges _ = []
instance (HasMessage a, HasMessage b) => HasMessage (Either a b) where
getRanges = either getRanges getRanges
getMessage = either getMessage getMessage
instance Substitutable MessageLine where
sub |-> ml = case ml of
MessageOneLiner mb -> MessageOneLiner (sub |-> mb)
MessageTable table -> MessageTable [ (b, sub |-> mb1, sub |-> mb2) | (b, mb1, mb2) <- table ]
MessageHints s mbs -> MessageHints s (sub |-> mbs)
ftv ml = case ml of
MessageOneLiner mb -> ftv mb
MessageTable table -> ftv [ [mb1, mb2] | (_, mb1, mb2) <- table ]
MessageHints _ mbs -> ftv mbs
instance Substitutable MessageBlock where
sub |-> mb = case mb of
MessageType tp -> MessageType (sub |-> tp)
MessagePredicate p -> MessagePredicate (sub |-> p)
MessageCompose mbs -> MessageCompose (sub |-> mbs)
_ -> mb
ftv mb = case mb of
MessageType tp -> ftv tp
MessagePredicate p -> ftv p
MessageCompose mbs -> ftv mbs
_ -> []
infixl 1 <:>, >:>
(<:>) :: String -> MessageBlock -> (Bool, MessageBlock, MessageBlock)
s <:> mb = (False, MessageString s, mb)
(>:>) :: String -> MessageBlock -> (Bool, MessageBlock, MessageBlock)
s >:> mb = (True, MessageString s, mb)
data Entity = TypeSignature
| TypeVariable
| TypeConstructor
| Definition
| Constructor
| Variable
| Import
| ExportVariable
| ExportModule
| ExportConstructor
| ExportTypeConstructor
| Fixity
deriving Eq
sortMessages :: HasMessage a => [a] -> [a]
sortMessages = let f x y = compare (getRanges x) (getRanges y)
in sortBy f
sortNamesByRange :: Names -> Names
sortNamesByRange names =
let tupleList = [ (name, getNameRange name) | name <- names ]
(xs,ys) = partition (isImportRange . snd) tupleList
in map fst (sortBy (compare `on` snd ) ys ++ xs)
ordinal :: Bool -> Int -> String
ordinal b i
| i >= 1 && i <= 10 && b = table !! (i 1)
| i >= 0 = show i ++ extension i
| otherwise = internalError "Messages.hs"
"can't show numbers smaller than 0"
table =
[ "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth","seventh"
, "eighth", "ninth", "tenth"
extension j
| j > 3 && i < 20 = "th"
| j `mod` 10 == 1 = "st"
| j `mod` 10 == 2 = "nd"
| j `mod` 10 == 3 = "rd"
| otherwise = "th"
showNumber :: Int -> String
showNumber i | i <= 10 && i >=0 = list !! i
| otherwise = show i
where list = [ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"
, "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"
prettyOrList :: [String] -> String
prettyOrList [] = ""
prettyOrList [s] = s
prettyOrList xs = foldr1 (\x y -> x++", "++y) (init xs) ++ " or "++last xs
prettyAndList :: [String] -> String
prettyAndList [] = ""
prettyAndList [s] = s
prettyAndList xs = foldr1 (\x y -> x++", "++y) (init xs) ++ " and "++last xs
prettyNumberOfParameters :: Int -> String
prettyNumberOfParameters 0 = "no parameters"
prettyNumberOfParameters 1 = "1 parameter"
prettyNumberOfParameters n = show n++" parameters"
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
findSimilar :: Name -> Names -> Names
findSimilar n = filter (\x -> show n `similar` show x)
instance Show Entity where
show entity =
case entity of
TypeSignature -> "type signature"
TypeVariable -> "type variable"
TypeConstructor -> "type constructor"
Definition -> "definition"
Constructor -> "constructor"
Variable -> "variable"
Import -> "import"
ExportVariable -> "exported variable"
ExportModule -> "exported module"
-> "exported constructor"
-> "exported type constructor"
Fixity -> "infix declaration"