{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}

{-| Module      :  SelectConstraintSolver
    License     :  GPL

    Maintainer  :  helium@cs.uu.nl
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Select the type constraint solver of your own liking

module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Inferencers.SelectConstraintSolver (selectConstraintSolver) where

import Helium.Main.Args (Option(..))
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.ConstraintInfo
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.TypeConstraints
import Helium.ModuleSystem.ImportEnvironment (ImportEnvironment, getSiblings)
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.ListOfHeuristics (listOfHeuristics)
import Top.Types
import Top.Solver
import Top.Ordering.TreeWalk
import Top.Ordering.Tree
import Top.Solver.Greedy
import Top.Solver.TypeGraph
import Top.Solver.PartitionCombinator
import Top.Solver.SwitchCombinator
import Top.Interface.Substitution (makeSubstConsistent)

type TreeSolver = ClassEnvironment -> OrderedTypeSynonyms -> Int 
                       -> Tree (TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo) -> (SolveResult ConstraintInfo, LogEntries)

selectConstraintSolver :: [Option] -> ImportEnvironment -> TreeSolver
selectConstraintSolver options importenv classEnv synonyms unique constraintTree =
   solve selectedOptions constraints selectedSolver

       -- spread type constraints or not (i.e., map some type constraints to a 
       -- corresponding node in the constraint tree)
       -- spreading is enabled by default 
          | NoSpreading `elem` options = id
          | otherwise                  = spreadTree spreadFunction
       -- choose your treewalk to flatten the constraint tree
       -- the default treewalk is TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost (similar to 'W')
          | TreeWalkTopDown             `elem` options = topDownTreeWalk
          | TreeWalkBottomUp            `elem` options = bottomUpTreeWalk
          | TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre  `elem` options = inorderTopFirstPreTreeWalk
          | TreeWalkInorderTopLastPre   `elem` options = inorderTopLastPreTreeWalk
          | TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPost `elem` options = inorderTopFirstPostTreeWalk
          | otherwise                                  = inorderTopLastPostTreeWalk   
          | RightToLeft `elem` options = reverseTreeWalk simpleTreeWalk
          | otherwise                  = simpleTreeWalk
       phases       = phaseTree (TCOper "MakeConsistent" makeSubstConsistent)        
       flattening   = flattenTree selectedTreeWalk . phases . spreadingOrNot
       constraints      = flattening constraintTree
       chunkConstraints = chunkTree . phases . spreadTree spreadFunction $ constraintTree
       siblings         = getSiblings importenv
       selectedOptions :: SolveOptions
       selectedOptions = 
          solveOptions { uniqueCounter    = unique 
                       , typeSynonyms     = synonyms
                       , classEnvironment = classEnv
       selectedSolver :: ConstraintSolver (TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo) ConstraintInfo
          | SolverSimple      `elem` options = greedySimpleConstraintSolver 
          | SolverGreedy      `elem` options = greedyConstraintSolver                                                        
          | SolverTypeGraph   `elem` options = typegraphConstraintSolver heuristics
          | SolverCombination `elem` options = combinedSolver             
          | otherwise = 
               solveChunkConstraints polySubst combinedSolver (flattenTree selectedTreeWalk) chunkConstraints
       combinedSolver =
          -- (if SignatureWarnings `elem` options then warnForTooSpecificSignatures runGreedy else runGreedy)   
          greedyConstraintSolver |>>| typegraphConstraintSolver heuristics

       heuristics = listOfHeuristics options siblings

warnForTooSpecificSignatures :: SolverX (TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo) ConstraintInfo Predicates Warnings -> SolverX (TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo) ConstraintInfo Predicates Warnings
warnForTooSpecificSignatures solver classEnv synonyms unique constraints =
   let -- split the constraints that come from an explicit type signature from the others.
       -- (only for the definition, not for the uses)
       (explicits, normalConstraints) = partition (isJust . maybeExplicitlyTyped) constraints
       -- make new (equality) constraints for the explicits
       newConstraints = concatMap makeNewConstraint
                      . groupBy (\x y -> fst x    ==     fst y)
                      . sortBy  (\x y -> fst x `compare` fst y)
                      $ map (fromJust . maybeExplicitlyTyped) explicits
       -- first solve the new constraint set and the "normal" constraints. Try to determine an "inferred" and more general
       -- type from this result. Then, solve the explicit constraints that were skipped to make the final substitution as
       -- it would be originally.
       result1 = solver classEnv synonyms unique (newConstraints ++ normalConstraints)
       result2 = solver classEnv synonyms (uniqueFromResult result1) (substitutionFromResult result1 |-> explicits)
       -- make the warnings
       warnings =
          let f (monos, name, tp, signature) =
                 let ms  = substitutionFromResult result1 |-> monos
                     ps  = qualifiersFromResult result1 
                     ts  = makeScheme (ftv ms) ps (substitutionFromResult result1 |-> tp)
                     b1  = genericInstanceOf synonyms classEnv signature ts
                     b2  = genericInstanceOf synonyms classEnv ts signature
                 in [ SignatureTooSpecific name signature ts | b1 && not b2 ] 

          in [ warning | Just x <- map splitExplicit explicits, warning <- f x ]    
   in (result1 { extensionFromResult = warnings ++ extensionFromResult result1 }) `plus` result2

   makeNewConstraint :: [(NameWithRange, Tp)] -> [TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo]
   makeNewConstraint [] = []
   makeNewConstraint ((name, t1):rest) = 
      let info = cinfoSameBindingGroup (nameWithRangeToName name)
      in [ (t1 .==. t2) info | (_, t2) <- rest ]

   maybeExplicitlyTyped :: TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo -> Maybe (NameWithRange, Tp)
   maybeExplicitlyTyped (TC3 (Skolemize tp _ info)) = 
      do (monos, name) <- maybeExplicitTypedDefinition info
         return (NameWithRange name, tp)
   maybeExplicitlyTyped _ = Nothing
   splitExplicit :: TypeConstraint ConstraintInfo -> Maybe (Tps, Name, Tp, TpScheme)
   splitExplicit (TC3 (Skolemize tp (_, SigmaScheme tpscheme) info))
      | isExplicitTypedBinding info =
           do (monos, name) <- maybeExplicitTypedDefinition info
              return (monos, name, tp, tpscheme)
   splitExplicit _ = Nothing
instance Show Warning where show _ = "<warning>"
instance IsState Warnings -}