{-| Module      :  RepairHeuristics
    License     :  GPL

    Maintainer  :  helium@cs.uu.nl
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Heuristics that supply additional hints with a type error how a program
    can be corrected.

module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.RepairHeuristics where

import Top.Types
import Top.Interface.TypeInference
import Top.Interface.Qualification hiding (contextReduction)
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax (Range)
import Helium.Utils.OneLiner (OneLineTree)
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Basics
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.ClassMonadic
import Data.Maybe
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.Messages (showNumber, ordinal, prettyAndList)
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.OnlyResultHeuristics
import Data.List
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.UHA_Source


type Siblings = [[(String, TpScheme)]]

class MaybeImported a where
   maybeImportedName :: a -> Maybe String

siblingFunctions :: (MaybeImported info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info, HasTypeGraph m info) 
                       => Siblings -> Selector m info
siblingFunctions siblings = 
   Selector ("Sibling functions", f) where
 f pair@(edge, info) =
   case maybeImportedName info of 
      Nothing   -> return Nothing
      Just name
         | null candidates -> return Nothing
         | otherwise -> 
              doWithoutEdge pair $ 
              do (_, mtp) <- getSubstitutedTypes info -- Determine types of endpoints of edge when the edge is not present.
                 subPreds <- allSubstPredicates       -- Which predicates must also be satisfied?
                 case mtp of 
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
                    Just contextTp  ->                       
                       do fits <- mapM (schemeFits contextTp subPreds . snd) candidates
                          case [ s | (True, (s, _)) <- zip fits candidates ] of
                             [] -> return Nothing
                             siblings' ->    -- TODO: put all siblings in the message
                                let siblingsTextual = orList siblings'
                                    hint = fixHint ("use "++siblingsTextual++" instead")
                                in return $ Just
                                       (10,"Sibling(s) "++siblingsTextual++" instead of "++show name, [edge], hint info)
        orList :: [String] -> String
        orList [s]    = s
        orList (x:xs) = foldr (\y1 y2-> y1 ++ ", " ++ y2) ("or "++x) xs
        orList []     = "this should never occur"
        candidates = 
           let fn list 
                  | name `notElem` map fst list = []
                  | otherwise = filter ( (name /=) . fst) list
           in concatMap fn siblings
        schemeFits contextTp sps scheme = 
           do synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms 
              classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
              let magicNumber = 123456789
                  (ps, itp)   = split (snd (instantiate magicNumber scheme))
              return (unifiableInContext classEnv synonyms (map Just ps ++ sps) contextTp itp)

class MaybeLiteral a where
   maybeLiteral :: a -> Maybe String  

siblingLiterals :: (HasTypeGraph m info, MaybeLiteral info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
siblingLiterals = 
   Selector ("Sibling literals", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info) =
   case maybeLiteral info of 
      Nothing      -> return Nothing
      Just literal ->

         doWithoutEdge pair $

            do _        <- getTypeSynonyms
               (_, mtp) <- getSubstitutedTypes info

               case (literal,mtp) of

                  ("Int", Just (TCon "Float"))
                       -> let hint = fixHint "use a float literal instead"
                          in return $ Just
                                (5, "Int literal should be a Float", [edge], hint info)

                  ("Float", Just (TCon "Int" ))
                       -> let hint = fixHint "use an int literal instead"
                          in return $ Just
                                (5, "Float literal should be an Int", [edge], hint info)

                  ("Char", Just (TApp (TCon "[]") (TCon "Char"))) 
                       -> let hint = fixHint "use a string literal instead"
                          in return $ Just
                                (5, "Char literal should be a String", [edge], hint info)

                  ("String", Just (TCon "Char"))   
                       -> let hint = fixHint "use a char literal instead"
                          in return $ Just
                                (5, "String literal should be a Char", [edge], hint info)

                  _ -> return Nothing 


similarNegation :: (HasTypeGraph m info, MaybeNegation info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
similarNegation  =
   Selector ("Similar negation", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info) =   
   case maybeNegation info of
      Nothing            -> return Nothing
      Just isIntNegation ->

         doWithoutEdge pair $

            do synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms
               (_, mtp) <- getSubstitutedTypes info
               case mtp of
                  Just tp
                     | floatNegationEdge && intNegation && not floatNegation
                        -> let hint = fixHint "use int negation (-) instead"
                           in return $ Just
                                 (6, "Int negation instead of float negation", [edge], hint info)

                     | intNegationEdge && not intNegation && floatNegation 
                        -> let hint = fixHint "use float negation (-.) instead"
                           in return $ Just
                                 (6, "Float negation instead of int negation", [edge], hint info)
                    where intNegation       = unifiable synonyms tp (intType .->. intType)
                          floatNegation     = unifiable synonyms tp (floatType .->. floatType)
                          intNegationEdge   = isIntNegation
                          floatNegationEdge = not isIntNegation                                         

                  _ -> return Nothing


-- Clean up this function: split into smaller heuristics, and remove duplicated code.
applicationHeuristic :: (HasTypeGraph m info, MaybeApplication info, IsPattern info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
applicationHeuristic =
   Selector ("Application heuristics", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info) =
   case maybeApplicationEdge info of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just (isBinary,tuplesForArguments) ->

       doWithoutEdge pair $

          do classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
             synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms                 
             (maybeFunctionType, maybeExpectedType) <- getSubstitutedTypes info
             subPreds <- allSubstPredicates     
             case (maybeFunctionType, maybeExpectedType) of
               (Just functionType, Just expectedType) 
                  -- can a permutation of the arguments resolve the type inconsistency
                  -- of course, I need at least two arguments
                  | length argumentPermutations == 1 && length (concat argumentPermutations) > 1 -> 
                       let p = head argumentPermutations
                         if p==[1,0] && isBinary
                                 let hint = fixHint "swap the two arguments"
                                 in return $ Just
                                       (3, "swap the two arguments", [edge], hint info)
                                  let hint = fixHint "re-order arguments"
                                  in return $ Just
                                        (1, "application: permute with "++show p, [edge], hint info)
                  -- is there one particular argument that is inconsistent
                  | length incorrectArguments == 1  ->
                      do let (t1, _) = getTwoTypes info
                         mtp <- substituteTypeSafe t1
                         case mtp of 
                            Nothing -> return Nothing
                            Just fullTp -> 
                               let i = head incorrectArguments
                                   {- bug fix 25 september 2003: don't forget to expand the type synonyms -}
                                   expandedTp  = expandType (snd synonyms) fullTp
                                   (source,tp) = tuplesForArguments !! i
                                   range       = rangeOfSource source
                                   oneLiner    = oneLinerSource source
                                   infoFun     = typeErrorForTerm (isBinary,isPatternApplication) i oneLiner (tp,expargtp) range
                                   expargtp    = fst (functionSpine expandedTp) !! i
                               in return $ Just 
                                     (3, "incorrect argument of application="++show i, [edge], infoFun info)

                  -- too many arguments are given
                  | maybe False (< numberOfArguments) maximumForFunction && not isPatternApplication ->
                       case typesZippedWithHoles of
                          -- there is only one possible set to remove arguments 
                          [is] | not isBinary && maybe True (>= 1) maximumForFunction
                              -> let hint = fixHint ("remove "++prettyAndList (map (ordinal True . (+1)) is)++" argument")
                                 in return $ Just
                                       (4, "too many arguments are given: "++show is, [edge], hint info)

                          _    -- the expression to which arguments are given does not have a function type
                               | maybe False (<= 0) maximumForFunction && not isBinary && not (isPattern info) ->                       
                                    let hint = becauseHint "it is not a function"
                                    in return $ Just
                                          (6, "not a function", [edge], hint info)

                               -- function used as infix that expects < 2 arguments
                               | maybe False (<= 1) maximumForFunction && isBinary && not (isPattern info) ->
                                    let hint = becauseHint "it is not a binary function"
                                    in return $ Just
                                          (6, "no binary function", [edge], hint info)

                          -- more than one or no possible set of arguments to be removed
                               | otherwise -> 
                                    let hint = becauseHint "too many arguments are given"
                                    in return $ Just
                                          (2, "too many arguments are given", [edge], hint info)
                  -- not enough arguments are given
                  | minimumForContext > numberOfArguments && not isPatternApplication && contextIsUnifiable ->
                       case typesZippedWithHoles of

                          [is] | not isBinary 
                              -> let hint = fixHint ("insert a "++prettyAndList (map (ordinal True . (+1)) is)++" argument")
                                 in return $ Just
                                       (4, "not enough arguments are given"++show is, [edge], hint info)

                          _   -> let hint = becauseHint "not enough arguments are given"
                                 in return $ Just
                                       (2, "not enough arguments are given", [edge], hint info)
                where unifiableTypes :: Tp -> Tp -> Bool
                      unifiableTypes = 
                         unifiableInContext classEnv synonyms subPreds
                      unifiableTypeLists :: Tps -> Tps -> Bool
                      unifiableTypeLists xs ys = 
                         unifiableTypes (tupleType xs) (tupleType ys)

                      -- number of arguments for this function application
                      numberOfArguments = length tuplesForArguments         
                      -- (->) spines for function type and expected type for the given number of arguments
                      (functionArguments, functionResult) = functionSpineOfLength numberOfArguments (expandType (snd synonyms) functionType)
                      (expectedArguments, expectedResult) = functionSpineOfLength numberOfArguments (expandType (snd synonyms) expectedType)

                      -- (->) spines for function type and expected type ignoring the given number of arguments                      
                      (allFunctionArgs, allFunctionRes) = functionSpine functionType
                      (allExpectedArgs, allExpectedRes) = functionSpine expectedType
                      -- maximum number of arguments for the function type (result type should not be polymorphic!)
                      --   e.g.: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]             yields (Just 2)
                      --         (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b     yields Nothing
                      maximumForFunction = case functionSpine (expandType (snd synonyms) functionType) of
                                              (_, TVar _) -> Nothing
                                              (tps, _   ) -> Just (length tps)
                      -- minimum number of arguments that should be applied to the function to meet the expected context type
                      minimumForContext = length allFunctionArgs + numberOfArguments - length allExpectedArgs
                      -- is the context unifiable?
                      contextIsUnifiable    = unifiable synonyms expectedResult (snd (functionSpineOfLength minimumForContext functionType))

                      -- is there one argument in particular that is incorrect?                                  
                      incorrectArguments = [ i 
                                           | length functionArguments == length expectedArguments 
                                           , i <- [0..numberOfArguments-1]
                                           , not (unifiableTypes (functionArguments !! i) (expectedArguments !! i))
                                           , unifiableTypeLists (functionResult : deleteIndex i functionArguments) 
                                                                (expectedResult : deleteIndex i expectedArguments)
                      -- is there a permutation of the arguments that resolves the type inconsistency?
                      argumentPermutations = [ p 
                                             | length functionArguments == length expectedArguments 
                                             , p <- take heuristicsMAX (permutationsForLength numberOfArguments)
                                             , unifiableTypeLists (functionResult : functionArguments) 
                                                                  (expectedResult : permute p expectedArguments) 

                      -- at which locations should an extra argument be inserted?
                      typesZippedWithHoles  = [ is 
                                              | (is,zl) <- take heuristicsMAX (zipWithHoles allFunctionArgs allExpectedArgs)
                                              , let (as,bs) = unzip zl
                                              , unifiableTypeLists (allFunctionRes : as) 
                                                                   (allExpectedRes : bs)
                      isPatternApplication = isPattern info

               (Just functionType, _)
                  -- the expression to which arguments are given does not have a function type
                  | maybe False (<= 0) maximumForFunction && not isBinary && not (isPattern info) ->                       
                       let hint = becauseHint "it is not a function"
                       in return $ Just
                             (6, "not a function", [edge], hint info)

                  -- function used as infix that expects < 2 arguments
                  | maybe False (<= 1) maximumForFunction && isBinary && not (isPattern info) ->
                       let hint = becauseHint "it is not a binary function"
                       in return $ Just
                             (6, "no binary function", [edge], hint info)

                  -- too many arguments are given
                  | maybe False (< length tuplesForArguments) maximumForFunction && not (isPattern info) ->
                       let hint = becauseHint "too many arguments are given"
                       in return $ Just
                             (2, "too many arguments are given", [edge], hint info)
                where -- copy/paste :-(
                      maximumForFunction   = case functionSpine (expandType (snd synonyms) functionType) of
                                                (_, TVar _) -> Nothing
                                                (tps, _   ) -> Just (length tps)                       
               _ -> return Nothing


class IsTupleEdge a where
   isTupleEdge :: a -> Bool

tupleHeuristic :: (HasTypeGraph m info, IsTupleEdge info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
tupleHeuristic =
   Selector ("Tuple heuristics", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info)    
   | not (isTupleEdge info) = return Nothing
   | otherwise              =
   doWithoutEdge pair $ 
      do classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
         synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms                         
         (mTupleTp, mExpectedTp) <- getSubstitutedTypes info
         subPreds <- allSubstPredicates             
         case (fmap leftSpine mTupleTp,fmap leftSpine mExpectedTp) of 
          (Just (TCon s,tupleTps),Just (TCon t,expectedTps)) | isTupleConstructor s && isTupleConstructor t ->
            case compare (length tupleTps) (length expectedTps) of
               EQ -> -- try if a permutation can make the tuple types equivalent
                  let perms = take heuristicsMAX (permutationsForLength (length tupleTps))
                      notUnifiable = not (unifiableInContext classEnv synonyms subPreds (tupleType tupleTps) (tupleType expectedTps))
                      test perm = 
                         let t1 = tupleType tupleTps
                             t2 = tupleType (permute perm expectedTps)
                         in unifiableInContext classEnv synonyms subPreds t1 t2
                  in case filter test perms of
                        p:_ | notUnifiable -> -- a permutation is possible!
                           let hint = fixHint "re-order elements of tuple"
                           in return $ Just 
                                   (4, "tuple: permute with "++show p ++ show (mTupleTp, mExpectedTp), [edge], hint info)
                        _ -> return Nothing
               compareVal -> case [ is 
                               | (is,zl) <- take heuristicsMAX (zipWithHoles tupleTps expectedTps)
                               , let (xs, ys) = unzip zl in unifiable synonyms (tupleType xs) (tupleType ys)
                               ] of
                       [is] -> case compareVal of
                                 LT -> let hint = fixHint ("insert a "++prettyAndList (map (ordinal True. (+1)) is)++" element to the tuple")
                                       in return $ Just 
                                             (4, "tuple:insert "++show is, [edge], hint info)
                                 GT -> let hint = fixHint ("remove "++prettyAndList (map (ordinal True . (+1)) is)++" element of tuple")
                                       in return $ Just 
                                             (4, "tuple:remove "++show is, [edge], hint info)
                                 EQ -> error "this cannot occur"            
                       _    -> let hint = becauseHint ("a "++show (length tupleTps)++"-tuple does not match a "++show (length expectedTps)++"-tuple")
                               in return $ Just 
                                     (2, "different sizes of tuple", [edge], hint info)
          _ -> return Nothing  


class IsFunctionBinding a where
   isExplicitlyTyped    :: a -> Bool
   maybeFunctionBinding :: a -> Maybe Int

fbHasTooManyArguments :: (HasTypeGraph m info, IsFunctionBinding info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
fbHasTooManyArguments =
   Selector ("Function binding heuristics", f) where

 f (edge, info)   
   | not (isExplicitlyTyped info) = return Nothing
   | otherwise                    =

      do synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms
         let (t2,t1)         = getTwoTypes info
             maximumExplicit = arityOfTp (expandType (snd synonyms) t1)
             tvar            = if null (ftv t2) then (-1) else head (ftv t2) -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
         edgeList <- edgesFrom (VertexId tvar)      
         let maybeNumberOfPatterns = 
                case mapMaybe (maybeFunctionBinding . snd) edgeList of 
                   [i] -> Just i
                   _   -> Nothing
         case maybeNumberOfPatterns of
            Just n | n > maximumExplicit -> 
               let msg = "the function binding has "++prettyPat n++", but its type signature "++prettyArg maximumExplicit
                   prettyPat i = if i == 1 then "1 pattern" else show i++" patterns"
                   prettyArg 0 = "does not allow patterns"
                   prettyArg x = "allows at most "++show x
                   hint = becauseHint msg
               in return $ Just 
                     (8, "function binding has too many arguments", [edge], hint info)
            _ -> return Nothing


class IsExprVariable a where
   isExprVariable          :: a -> Bool
   isEmptyInfixApplication :: a -> Bool

variableFunction :: (HasTypeGraph m info, IsExprVariable info, MaybeApplication info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Selector m info
variableFunction =
   Selector ("Variable function", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info)      
   | not (isExprVariable info)
        = return Nothing
   | otherwise 
        = doWithoutEdge pair $ 
           do synonyms   <- getTypeSynonyms
              (mt1, mt2) <- getSubstitutedTypes info
              -- is this variable involved in an application?
              let EdgeId v1 v2 _ = edge
              edges1 <- edgesFrom v1
              edges2 <- edgesFrom v2
              let fn (EdgeId vertex1 vertex2 _, _) = [vertex1,vertex2]
                  special = concatMap fn (filter (isEmptyInfixApplication . snd) (edges1 ++ edges2)) \\ [v1,v2]
              edges3 <- mapM edgesFrom special
              let isApplicationEdge = isJust . maybeApplicationEdge
                  application = any (\(_, edgeInfo) -> isApplicationEdge edgeInfo) (edges1 ++ edges2 ++ concat edges3)                                                               
              case (mt1, mt2) of
                 (Just functionType, Just expectedType) | not application -> 
                    let maxArgumentsForFunction = length (fst (functionSpine functionType))
                        minArgumentsForContext  = maxArgumentsForFunction - length (fst (functionSpine expectedType)) 
                        contextIsUnifiable      = unifiable synonyms 
                                                     (snd $ functionSpineOfLength minArgumentsForContext functionType)
                    in if minArgumentsForContext <= 0 || not contextIsUnifiable
                         then return Nothing
                         else let hint = fixHint ("insert "++showNumber minArgumentsForContext++" argument"++
                                              if minArgumentsForContext <= 1 then "" else "s")
                              in return $ Just 
                                    (4, "insert arguments to function variable", [edge], hint info)
                 _ -> return Nothing


class MaybeUnaryMinus a where
   maybeUnaryMinus :: a -> Maybe (Either Int Float)

unaryMinus :: (HasTypeGraph m info, MaybeApplication info, MaybeUnaryMinus info, HasTwoTypes info, WithHints info) => Bool -> Selector m info
unaryMinus overloading = 
   Selector ("Unary minus", f) where

 f pair@(edge, info) =
   case maybeApplicationEdge info of
      Just (isInfix, tuplesForArguments) | isInfix && length tuplesForArguments == 2 -> 
         case maybeUnaryMinus info of
            Just someLiteral ->
               doWithoutEdge pair $ 
               do synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms 
                  let leftBeta = snd (head tuplesForArguments)
                  leftType <- substituteTypeSafe leftBeta
                  (_, mt2) <- getSubstitutedTypes info
                  let contextType = fmap (snd . functionSpineOfLength 2 . expandType (snd synonyms)) mt2
                  case (someLiteral, leftType, contextType) of
                     (Left int, Just leftTp, Just contextTp) 
                        | unifiable synonyms leftTp (intType .->. contextTp) -> 
                             let hint = possibleHint ("Insert parentheses to negate the int literal: (-"++show int++")")
                             in return $ Just 
                                   (5, "Unary minus for int", [edge], hint info)
                     (Right float, Just leftTp, Just contextTp) 
                        | unifiable synonyms leftTp (floatType .->. contextTp) && not overloading -> 
                             let hint = possibleHint ("Insert parentheses to negate the float literal: (-."++show float++")")
                             in return $ Just 
                                   (5, "Unary minus for float", [edge], hint info)
                        | unifiable synonyms leftTp (floatType .->. contextTp) && overloading -> 
                             let hint = possibleHint ("Insert parentheses to negate the float literal: (-"++show float++")")
                             in return $ Just 
                                   (5, "Unary minus for float (overloading)", [edge], hint info)
                     _ -> return Nothing
            _ -> return Nothing
      _ -> return Nothing
-- REST 

heuristicsMAX :: Int
heuristicsMAX = 120

zipWithHoles :: [a] -> [b] -> [ ( [Int] , [(a,b)] ) ] 
zipWithHoles = rec_ 0 where

   rec_ i [] bs = [ (take (length bs) [i..] , []) ]
   rec_ i as [] = [ (take (length as) [i..] , []) ]
   rec_ i (a:as) (b:bs) = case compare (length as) (length bs) of
         LT -> [ (  is,(a,b):zl) | (is,zl) <- rec_ (i+1) as     bs ]
            ++ [ (i:is,      zl) | (is,zl) <- rec_ (i+1) (a:as) bs ]
         EQ -> [ ([],zip (a:as) (b:bs)) ] 
         GT -> [ (  is,(a,b):zl) | (is,zl) <- rec_ (i+1) as bs     ]
            ++ [ (i:is,      zl) | (is,zl) <- rec_ (i+1) as (b:bs) ]

type Permutation = [Int]

permutationsForLength :: Int -> [Permutation]
permutationsForLength 0 = [ [] ]
permutationsForLength i = [ ys | xs <- permutationsForLength (i-1), ys <- insertSomewhere (i-1) xs ]
   insertSomewhere j []     = [ [j] ]
   insertSomewhere j (x:xs) = (j:x:xs) : map (x:) (insertSomewhere j xs)
deleteIndex :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
deleteIndex _ []     = []
deleteIndex 0 (_:as) = as
deleteIndex i (a:as) = a : deleteIndex (i-1) as

permute :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permute is as = map (as !!) is

class WithHints a where
   addHint          :: String -> String -> a -> a
   typeErrorForTerm :: (Bool,Bool) -> Int -> OneLineTree -> (Tp,Tp) -> Range -> a -> a

fixHint, becauseHint, possibleHint :: WithHints a => String -> a -> a
fixHint      = addHint "probable fix"
becauseHint  = addHint "because"
possibleHint = addHint "possible fix"


unifiableInContext :: ClassEnvironment -> OrderedTypeSynonyms -> [Maybe Predicate] -> Tp -> Tp -> Bool
unifiableInContext classEnv synonyms mps t1 t2
   | any isNothing mps = False
   | otherwise = 
        case mguWithTypeSynonyms synonyms t1 t2 of
           Left _         -> False
           Right (_, sub) ->
              let ps        = catMaybes mps
                  (_, errs) = contextReduction synonyms classEnv (sub |-> ps)
              in null errs

allSubstPredicates :: (HasTypeGraph m info) => m [Maybe Predicate]
allSubstPredicates =
   do _        <- getTypeSynonyms
      allPreds <- allQualifiers
      let f (Predicate s tp) = 
             do mtp <- substituteTypeSafe tp
                return (fmap (Predicate s) mtp)
      mapM f allPreds
predicatesFit :: (HasTypeGraph m info) => Predicates -> m Bool
predicatesFit ps = 
   do bs <- mapM predicateFits ps
      return (and bs)
predicateFits :: (HasTypeGraph m info) => Predicate -> m Bool        
predicateFits (Predicate s tp) =
   do synonyms <- getTypeSynonyms
      classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
      mtp      <- substituteTypeSafe tp
      case mtp of
         Nothing  -> return False
         Just tp' -> 
            let (_, errs) = contextReduction synonyms classEnv [Predicate s tp']
            in return (null errs)