module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.HeuristicsInfo where
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.ConstraintInfo
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.RepairHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.TieBreakerHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.OnlyResultHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.UnifierHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.DoublyLinkedTree
import Helium.Utils.OneLiner
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.UHA_Source
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.Messages
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.HeliumMessages ()
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.TypeErrors
import Helium.Utils.Utils (internalError)
import Top.Types
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
instance HasTrustFactor ConstraintInfo where
trustFactor cinfo =
let ntFactor = case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Pat _ -> 3.0
UHA_Decl _ -> 3.0
UHA_FB _ -> 3.0
_ -> 1.0
in product (ntFactor : [ factor | HasTrustFactor factor <- properties cinfo ])
instance HasDirection ConstraintInfo where
isTopDown cinfo = or [ True | FolkloreConstraint <- properties cinfo ]
instance MaybeImported ConstraintInfo where
maybeImportedName cinfo =
case [ name | IsImported name <- properties cinfo ] of
[] -> Nothing
n:_ -> Just (show n)
instance HasTwoTypes ConstraintInfo where
getTwoTypes = typepair
instance MaybeLiteral ConstraintInfo where
maybeLiteral cinfo =
let literalType x =
case x of
Literal_Int _ _ -> "Int"
Literal_Char _ _ -> "Char"
Literal_String _ _ -> "String"
Literal_Float _ _ -> "Float"
in case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_Literal _ literal ) -> Just (literalType literal)
UHA_Pat (Pattern_Literal _ literal ) -> Just (literalType literal)
_ -> Nothing
instance IsPattern ConstraintInfo where
isPattern cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Pat _ -> True
_ -> False
instance MaybeApplication ConstraintInfo where
maybeNumberOfArguments =
fmap (length . snd) . maybeApplicationEdge
maybeApplicationEdge cinfo =
let list = [ (b, zip (map self infoTrees) (map fromJust tps))
| ApplicationEdge b infoTrees <- properties cinfo
, let tps = map assignedType infoTrees
, all isJust tps
in case list of
[] -> Nothing
tuple:_ -> Just tuple
instance MaybeUnaryMinus ConstraintInfo where
maybeUnaryMinus cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_InfixApplication _
(MaybeExpression_Just _)
(Expression_Variable _ name)
(MaybeExpression_Just (Expression_Literal _ literal)))
| show name == "-" ->
case literal of
Literal_Int _ s -> Just (Left (read s))
_ -> Nothing
| show name == "-." ->
case literal of
Literal_Float _ s -> Just (Right (read s))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
instance MaybeNegation ConstraintInfo where
maybeNegation cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_Negate _ _) -> Just True
UHA_Expr (Expression_NegateFloat _ _) -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
instance IsExprVariable ConstraintInfo where
isExprVariable cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_Variable _ _) ->
not $ null [ () | InstantiatedTypeScheme _ <- properties cinfo ]
_ -> False
isEmptyInfixApplication cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_InfixApplication _ MaybeExpression_Nothing _ MaybeExpression_Nothing) -> True
_ -> False
instance IsFunctionBinding ConstraintInfo where
isExplicitlyTyped cinfo =
or [ True | ExplicitTypedBinding <- properties cinfo ]
maybeFunctionBinding cinfo =
case [ t | FuntionBindingEdge t <- properties cinfo ] of
[] -> Nothing
t:_ -> Just t
instance IsTupleEdge ConstraintInfo where
isTupleEdge cinfo =
case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
UHA_Expr (Expression_Tuple _ _) -> True
UHA_Pat (Pattern_Tuple _ _) -> True
_ -> False
instance WithHints ConstraintInfo where
addHint descr str = addProperty (WithHint (descr, MessageString str))
typeErrorForTerm = specialApplicationTypeError
instance IsUnifier ConstraintInfo where
typeErrorForUnifier = specialUnifierTypeError
isUnifier cinfo =
case [ (u, t) | Unifier u t <- properties cinfo ] of
[] -> Nothing
t:_ -> Just t
makeUnifier :: Name -> String -> M.Map Name Tp -> InfoTree -> Property
makeUnifier name location' environment infoTree =
let unifier = maybe (1) (head . ftv) (M.lookup name environment)
tuple = ("variable of "++location', attribute (findVariableInPat name infoTree), "variable")
in Unifier unifier tuple
specialApplicationTypeError :: (Bool,Bool) -> Int -> OneLineTree -> (Tp,Tp) -> Range -> ConstraintInfo -> ConstraintInfo
specialApplicationTypeError (isInfixApplication,isPatternApplication) argumentNumber termOneLiner (t1, t2) range cinfo =
let typeError = TypeError [range] [oneLiner] table []
oneLiner = MessageOneLiner (MessageString ("Type error in " ++ location cinfo))
table = [ description1 <:> MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source1)
, description2 <:> MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source2)
, "type" >:> MessageType functionType
, description3 <:> MessageOneLineTree termOneLiner
, "type" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t1)
, "does not match" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t2)
(description1, source1, source2) =
case convertSources (sources cinfo) of
[(d1,s1), (_, s2)] -> (d1, s1, s2)
_ -> internalError "ConstraintInfo" "specialApplicationTypeError" "expected two elements in list"
| isPatternApplication = "constructor"
| not isInfixApplication = "function"
| otherwise =
case show (MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source2)) of
c:_ | isLower c -> "function"
| isUpper c -> "constructor"
_ -> "operator"
functionType = toTpScheme (fst (typepair cinfo))
| isInfixApplication = if argumentNumber == 0 then "left operand" else "right operand"
| otherwise = ordinal False (argumentNumber + 1) ++ " argument"
in setTypeError typeError (setTypePair (t1, t2) cinfo)
specialUnifierTypeError :: (Tp, Tp) -> (ConstraintInfo, ConstraintInfo) -> ConstraintInfo
specialUnifierTypeError (t1, t2) (info1, info2) =
let typeError = TypeError [range] [oneLiner] table hints
range = rangeOfSource source
oneLiner = MessageOneLiner (MessageString ("Type error in " ++ loc1))
table = [ description <:> maybeAddLocation source
, descr1 <:> source1
, "type" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t1)
, descr2 <:> source2
, "type" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t2)
description = descriptionOfSource source
(loc1, localInfo', descr1) = snd (fromJust (isUnifier info1))
(_ ,_ , descr2) = snd (fromJust (isUnifier info2))
source = self localInfo'
(source1, source2) =
let f (src, msrc) = maybeAddLocation (fromMaybe src msrc)
in (f (sources info1), f (sources info2))
hints = []
in setTypeError typeError (setTypePair (t1,t2 ) info1)
skip_UHA_FB_RHS :: InfoTree -> InfoTree
skip_UHA_FB_RHS tree =
case self (attribute tree) of
UHA_FB _ -> maybe tree skip_UHA_FB_RHS (parent tree)
UHA_RHS _ -> maybe tree skip_UHA_FB_RHS (parent tree)
_ -> tree
findVariableInPat :: Name -> InfoTree -> InfoTree
findVariableInPat name tree =
case children tree of
[] -> tree
cs -> let p x = case self (attribute x) of
UHA_Pat pat -> hasVariable name pat
_ -> False
in case filter p cs of
[] -> tree
child:_ -> findVariableInPat name child
hasVariable :: Name -> Pattern -> Bool
hasVariable name pattern =
case pattern of
Pattern_Variable _ n -> name == n
Pattern_As _ n pat -> name == n || hasVariable name pat
Pattern_Parenthesized _ pat -> hasVariable name pat
Pattern_InfixConstructor _ pat1 _ pat2 -> hasVariable name pat1 || hasVariable name pat2
Pattern_Constructor _ _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
Pattern_List _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
Pattern_Tuple _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
_ -> False
maybeAddLocation :: UHA_Source -> MessageBlock
maybeAddLocation src
| match =
[ MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource src)
, MessageString " at "
, MessageRange (rangeOfSource src)
| otherwise =
MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource src)
where match =
case src of
UHA_Expr (Expression_Variable _ _) -> True
UHA_Pat (Pattern_Variable _ _) -> True
_ -> False