{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-| Module      :  HeuristicsInfo
    License     :  GPL

    Maintainer  :  helium@cs.uu.nl
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable
    Contains instance declarations. he type graph heuristics can be deployed 
	using the additional information that is stored by the Helium compiler for 
	each type constraint

module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.HeuristicsInfo where

import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.ConstraintInfo
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.RepairHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.TieBreakerHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.OnlyResultHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.UnifierHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.DoublyLinkedTree
import Helium.Utils.OneLiner
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.UHA_Source
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.Messages
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.HeliumMessages ()
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.TypeErrors
import Helium.Utils.Utils (internalError)
import Top.Types
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M

instance HasTrustFactor ConstraintInfo where
   trustFactor cinfo =
      let ntFactor = case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
                        UHA_Pat  _ -> 3.0
                        UHA_Decl _ -> 3.0
                        UHA_FB   _ -> 3.0
                        _          -> 1.0
      in product (ntFactor : [ factor | HasTrustFactor factor <- properties cinfo ])

instance HasDirection ConstraintInfo where
   isTopDown cinfo = or [ True | FolkloreConstraint <- properties cinfo ]

instance MaybeImported ConstraintInfo where
   maybeImportedName cinfo = 
      case [ name | IsImported name <- properties cinfo ] of
         []  -> Nothing
         n:_ -> Just (show n)

instance HasTwoTypes ConstraintInfo where
   getTwoTypes = typepair

instance MaybeLiteral ConstraintInfo where
   maybeLiteral cinfo = 
      let literalType x = 
             case x of 
                Literal_Int    _ _ -> "Int"
                Literal_Char   _ _ -> "Char"
                Literal_String _ _ -> "String"
                Literal_Float  _ _ -> "Float"
      in case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
            UHA_Expr (Expression_Literal _ literal ) -> Just (literalType literal)
            UHA_Pat  (Pattern_Literal    _ literal ) -> Just (literalType literal)
            _                                        -> Nothing

instance IsPattern ConstraintInfo where
   isPattern cinfo = 
      case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of 
         UHA_Pat _ -> True
         _         -> False

instance MaybeApplication ConstraintInfo where
   maybeNumberOfArguments = 
      fmap (length . snd) . maybeApplicationEdge
   maybeApplicationEdge cinfo = 
      let list = [ (b, zip (map self infoTrees) (map fromJust tps))
                 | ApplicationEdge b infoTrees <- properties cinfo
                 , let tps = map assignedType infoTrees
                 , all isJust tps
      in case list of 
            []      -> Nothing
            tuple:_ -> Just tuple

instance MaybeUnaryMinus ConstraintInfo where
   maybeUnaryMinus cinfo = 
      case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
         UHA_Expr (Expression_InfixApplication _
              (MaybeExpression_Just _)
              (Expression_Variable _ name)
              (MaybeExpression_Just (Expression_Literal _ literal)))
            | show name == "-" ->
                 case literal of
                    Literal_Int _ s -> Just (Left (read s))
                    _               -> Nothing
            | show name == "-." ->
                 case literal of
                    Literal_Float _ s -> Just (Right (read s))
                    _                 -> Nothing 
         _  -> Nothing
instance MaybeNegation ConstraintInfo where
   maybeNegation cinfo = 
      case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
         UHA_Expr (Expression_Negate      _ _) -> Just True
         UHA_Expr (Expression_NegateFloat _ _) -> Just False
         _                                     -> Nothing

instance IsExprVariable ConstraintInfo where -- misleading name?
   isExprVariable cinfo =
      case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
         UHA_Expr (Expression_Variable _ _) -> 
            not $ null [ () | InstantiatedTypeScheme _ <- properties cinfo ]
         _ -> False
   isEmptyInfixApplication cinfo =
      case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
         UHA_Expr (Expression_InfixApplication _ MaybeExpression_Nothing _ MaybeExpression_Nothing) -> True
         _  -> False

instance IsFunctionBinding ConstraintInfo where
   isExplicitlyTyped cinfo = 
      or [ True | ExplicitTypedBinding <- properties cinfo ]
   maybeFunctionBinding cinfo = 
      case [ t | FuntionBindingEdge t <- properties cinfo ] of
         []  -> Nothing
         t:_ -> Just t 
instance IsTupleEdge ConstraintInfo where
   isTupleEdge cinfo = 
     case (self . attribute . localInfo) cinfo of
         UHA_Expr (Expression_Tuple _ _) -> True
         UHA_Pat  (Pattern_Tuple _ _)    -> True
         _                               -> False
instance WithHints ConstraintInfo where
  addHint descr str = addProperty (WithHint (descr, MessageString str))
  typeErrorForTerm  = specialApplicationTypeError

instance IsUnifier ConstraintInfo where
   typeErrorForUnifier = specialUnifierTypeError
   isUnifier cinfo = 
      case [ (u, t) | Unifier u t <- properties cinfo ] of
         []  -> Nothing
         t:_ -> Just t

makeUnifier :: Name -> String -> M.Map Name Tp -> InfoTree -> Property
makeUnifier name location' environment infoTree = 
   let unifier = maybe (-1) (head . ftv) (M.lookup name environment)
       tuple   = ("variable of "++location', attribute (findVariableInPat name infoTree), "variable")
   in Unifier unifier tuple
specialApplicationTypeError :: (Bool,Bool) -> Int -> OneLineTree -> (Tp,Tp) -> Range -> ConstraintInfo -> ConstraintInfo
specialApplicationTypeError (isInfixApplication,isPatternApplication) argumentNumber termOneLiner (t1, t2) range cinfo =
   let typeError = TypeError [range] [oneLiner] table []
       oneLiner  = MessageOneLiner (MessageString ("Type error in " ++ location cinfo))
       table     = [ description1     <:> MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source1)
                   , description2     <:> MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source2)
                   , "type"           >:> MessageType functionType
                   , description3     <:> MessageOneLineTree termOneLiner
                   , "type"           >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t1)
                   , "does not match" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t2)
       (description1, source1, source2) =
          case convertSources (sources cinfo) of
             [(d1,s1), (_, s2)] -> (d1, s1, s2)
             _ -> internalError "ConstraintInfo" "specialApplicationTypeError" "expected two elements in list"
          | isPatternApplication   = "constructor"
          | not isInfixApplication = "function"
          | otherwise =  
               case show (MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource source2)) of
                  c:_ | isLower c -> "function"
                      | isUpper c -> "constructor"
                  _               -> "operator"
       functionType = toTpScheme (fst (typepair cinfo))
          | isInfixApplication = if argumentNumber == 0 then "left operand" else "right operand"
          | otherwise          = ordinal False (argumentNumber + 1) ++ " argument"
   in setTypeError typeError (setTypePair (t1, t2) cinfo)
specialUnifierTypeError ::  (Tp, Tp) -> (ConstraintInfo, ConstraintInfo) -> ConstraintInfo
specialUnifierTypeError (t1, t2) (info1, info2) =
   let typeError = TypeError [range] [oneLiner] table hints
       range     = rangeOfSource source 
       oneLiner  = MessageOneLiner (MessageString ("Type error in " ++ loc1))
       table     = [ description <:> maybeAddLocation source
                   , descr1      <:> source1
                   , "type"      >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t1)
                   , descr2      <:> source2
                   , "type"      >:> MessageType (toTpScheme t2)
       description = descriptionOfSource source
       (loc1, localInfo', descr1) = snd (fromJust (isUnifier info1))
       (_   ,_         , descr2) = snd (fromJust (isUnifier info2))
       source = self localInfo'
       (source1, source2) = 
          let f (src, msrc) = maybeAddLocation (fromMaybe src msrc)
          in (f (sources info1), f (sources info2))
       hints = [] -- [("because", MessageString "these two types cannot be unified")]
   in setTypeError typeError (setTypePair (t1,t2 ) info1)

skip_UHA_FB_RHS :: InfoTree -> InfoTree
skip_UHA_FB_RHS tree = 
   case self (attribute tree) of
      UHA_FB _  -> maybe tree skip_UHA_FB_RHS (parent tree) 
      UHA_RHS _ -> maybe tree skip_UHA_FB_RHS (parent tree)
      _        -> tree
findVariableInPat :: Name -> InfoTree -> InfoTree
findVariableInPat name tree = 
   case children tree of
      [] -> tree
      cs -> let p x = case self (attribute x) of
                         UHA_Pat pat -> hasVariable name pat
                         _ -> False
            in case filter p cs of
                  [] -> tree
                  child:_ -> findVariableInPat name child

hasVariable :: Name -> Pattern -> Bool
hasVariable name pattern =
   case pattern of
      Pattern_Variable _ n -> name == n
      Pattern_As _ n pat   -> name == n || hasVariable name pat
      Pattern_Parenthesized _ pat -> hasVariable name pat
      Pattern_InfixConstructor _ pat1 _ pat2 -> hasVariable name pat1 || hasVariable name pat2
      Pattern_Constructor _ _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
      Pattern_List _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
      Pattern_Tuple _ pats -> any (hasVariable name) pats
      _ -> False

maybeAddLocation :: UHA_Source -> MessageBlock
maybeAddLocation src
   | match = 
           [ MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource src)
           , MessageString " at "
           , MessageRange (rangeOfSource src)
   | otherwise =  
        MessageOneLineTree (oneLinerSource src)

 where match =
          case src of
             UHA_Expr (Expression_Variable _ _) -> True
             UHA_Pat  (Pattern_Variable _ _)    -> True
             _ -> False