{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Text.Templating.Heist.Tests ( tests , quickRender ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Blaze.ByteString.Builder import Control.Monad.State import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Text (Text) import System.IO.Unsafe import Test.Framework (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import qualified Test.HUnit as H import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Text.Templating.Heist import Text.Templating.Heist.Internal import Text.Templating.Heist.Types import Text.Templating.Heist.Splices.Apply import Text.Templating.Heist.Splices.Ignore import Text.Templating.Heist.Splices.Markdown import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X import qualified Text.XmlHtml.Cursor as X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: [Test] tests = [ testProperty "heist/simpleBind" simpleBindTest , testProperty "heist/simpleApply" simpleApplyTest , testCase "heist/stateMonoid" monoidTest , testCase "heist/templateAdd" addTest , testCase "heist/hasTemplate" hasTemplateTest , testCase "heist/getDoc" getDocTest , testCase "heist/load" loadTest , testCase "heist/fsLoad" fsLoadTest , testCase "heist/renderNoName" renderNoNameTest , testCase "heist/doctype" doctypeTest , testCase "heist/attributeSubstitution" attrSubstTest , testCase "heist/bindAttribute" bindAttrTest , testCase "heist/markdown" markdownTest , testCase "heist/title_expansion" titleExpansion , testCase "heist/textarea_expansion" textareaExpansion , testCase "heist/div_expansion" divExpansion , testCase "heist/bind_param" bindParam , testCase "heist/markdownText" markdownTextTest , testCase "heist/apply" applyTest , testCase "heist/ignore" ignoreTest , testCase "heist/lookupTemplateContext" lookupTemplateTest ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simpleBindTest :: Property simpleBindTest = monadicIO $ forAllM arbitrary prop where prop :: Bind -> PropertyM IO () prop bind = do let template = buildBindTemplate bind let result = buildResult bind spliceResult <- run $ evalTemplateMonad (runNodeList template) (X.TextNode "") emptyTemplateState assert $ result == spliceResult ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ simpleApplyTest :: Property simpleApplyTest = monadicIO $ forAllM arbitrary prop where prop :: Apply -> PropertyM IO () prop apply = do let correct = calcCorrect apply result <- run $ calcResult apply assert $ correct == result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ monoidTest :: IO () monoidTest = do H.assertBool "left monoid identity" $ mempty `mappend` es == es H.assertBool "right monoid identity" $ es `mappend` mempty == es where es = emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ addTest :: IO () addTest = do H.assertEqual "lookup test" (Just []) $ fmap (X.docContent . dfDoc . fst) $ lookupTemplate "aoeu" ts H.assertEqual "splice touched" 0 $ Map.size (_spliceMap ts) where ts = addTemplate "aoeu" [] Nothing (mempty::TemplateState IO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hasTemplateTest :: H.Assertion hasTemplateTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" let tm = either (error "Error loading templates") _templateMap ets let ts = setTemplates tm emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO H.assertBool "hasTemplate ts" (hasTemplate "index" ts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getDocTest :: H.Assertion getDocTest = do d <- getDoc "bkteoar" H.assertBool "non-existent doc" $ isLeft d f <- getDoc "templates/index.tpl" H.assertBool "index doc" $ not $ isLeft f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loadTest :: H.Assertion loadTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" either (error "Error loading templates") (\ts -> do let tm = _templateMap ts H.assertBool "loadTest size" $ Map.size tm == 21 ) ets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fsLoadTest :: H.Assertion fsLoadTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" let tm = either (error "Error loading templates") _templateMap ets let ts = setTemplates tm emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO let f = g ts f isNothing "abc/def/xyz" f isJust "a" f isJust "bar/a" f isJust "/bar/a" where g ts p n = H.assertBool ("loading template " ++ n) $ p $ lookupTemplate (B.pack n) ts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderNoNameTest :: H.Assertion renderNoNameTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" either (error "Error loading templates") (\ts -> do t <- renderTemplate ts "" H.assertBool "renderNoName" $ isNothing t ) ets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ doctypeTest :: H.Assertion doctypeTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" let ts = either (error "Error loading templates") id ets Just (indexDoc, indexMIME) <- renderTemplate ts "index" H.assertBool "doctype test index" $ isJust $ X.docType $ fromRight $ (X.parseHTML "index") $ toByteString $ indexDoc Just (iocDoc, iocMIME) <- renderTemplate ts "ioc" H.assertBool "doctype test ioc" $ isJust $ X.docType $ fromRight $ (X.parseHTML "index") $ toByteString $ iocDoc where fromRight (Right x) = x fromRight (Left s) = error s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ attrSubstTest :: H.Assertion attrSubstTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" let ts = either (error "Error loading templates") id ets check (setTs "meaning_of_everything" ts) "pre_meaning_of_everything_post" check ts "pre__post" where setTs val = bindSplice "foo" (return [X.TextNode val]) check ts str = do Just (resDoc, resMIME) <- renderTemplate ts "attrs" H.assertBool ("attr subst " ++ (show str)) $ not $ B.null $ snd $ B.breakSubstring str $ toByteString $ resDoc H.assertBool ("attr subst foo") $ not $ B.null $ snd $ B.breakSubstring "${foo}" $ toByteString $ resDoc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bindAttrTest :: H.Assertion bindAttrTest = do ets <- loadT "templates" let ts = either (error "Error loading templates") id ets check ts "
ByteString -- ^ expected result -> H.Assertion renderTest templateName expectedResult = do ets <- loadT "templates" let ts = either (error "Error loading templates") id ets check ts expectedResult where check ts str = do Just (doc, _) <- renderTemplate ts templateName let result = B.filter (/= '\n') (toByteString doc) H.assertEqual ("Should match " ++ (show str)) str result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Expansion of a bound name inside a title-tag titleExpansion :: H.Assertion titleExpansion = renderTest "title_expansion" "foo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Expansion of a bound name inside a textarea-tag textareaExpansion :: H.Assertion textareaExpansion = renderTest "textarea_expansion" "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Expansion of a bound name inside a div-tag divExpansion :: H.Assertion divExpansion = renderTest "div_expansion" "
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Handling of and bound parameters in a bonud tag. bindParam :: H.Assertion bindParam = renderTest "bind_param" "
  • Hi there world
  • " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Markdown test on supplied text markdownTextTest :: H.Assertion markdownTextTest = do result <- evalTemplateMonad markdownSplice (X.TextNode "This *is* a test.") emptyTemplateState H.assertEqual "Markdown text" htmlExpected (B.filter (/= '\n') $ toByteString $ X.render (X.HtmlDocument X.UTF8 Nothing result)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ applyTest :: H.Assertion applyTest = do let es = emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO res <- evalTemplateMonad applyImpl (X.Element "apply" [("template", "nonexistant")] []) es H.assertEqual "apply nothing" [] res ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ignoreTest :: H.Assertion ignoreTest = do let es = emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO res <- evalTemplateMonad ignoreImpl (X.Element "ignore" [("tag", "ignorable")] [X.TextNode "This should be ignored"]) es H.assertEqual " tag" [] res --localTSTest :: H.Assertion --localTSTest = do -- let es = emptyTemplateState :: TemplateState IO lookupTemplateTest = do ts <- loadTS "templates" let k = do setContext ["foo"] getsTS $ lookupTemplate "/user/menu" res <- runTemplateMonad k (X.TextNode "") ts H.assertBool "lookup context test" $ isJust $ fst res ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utility functions isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool isLeft (Left _) = True isLeft (Right _) = False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loadT :: String -> IO (Either String (TemplateState IO)) loadT s = loadTemplates s emptyTemplateState ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loadTS :: FilePath -> IO (TemplateState IO) loadTS baseDir = do etm <- loadTemplates baseDir emptyTemplateState return $ either error id etm testTemplate tname = do ts <- loadTS "templates" Just (resDoc, _) <- renderTemplate ts tname return $ toByteString resDoc testTemplateEval tname = do ts <- loadTS "templates" evalTemplateMonad (evalWithHooks tname) (X.TextNode "") ts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ identStartChar :: [Char] identStartChar = ['a'..'z'] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ identChar :: [Char] identChar = '_' : identStartChar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ textGen :: Gen [Char] textGen = listOf $ elements ((replicate 5 ' ') ++ identStartChar) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ limitedDepth :: Int -> Gen X.Node limitedDepth 0 = liftM (X.TextNode . T.pack) textGen limitedDepth n = oneof [ liftM (X.TextNode . T.pack) textGen , liftM3 X.Element arbitrary (liftM (take 2) arbitrary) (liftM (take 3) $ listOf $ limitedDepth (n - 1)) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Returns the number of unique insertion points in the tree. -- If h = insertAt f n g", the following property holds: -- insSize h == (insSize f) + (insSize g) - 1 insSize :: [X.Node] -> Int insSize ns = 1 + (sum $ map nodeSize ns) where nodeSize (X.TextNode _) = 1 nodeSize (X.Element _ _ c) = 1 + (insSize c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ insertAt :: [X.Node] -> Int -> [X.Node] -> [X.Node] insertAt elems 0 ns = elems ++ ns insertAt elems _ [] = elems insertAt elems n list = maybe [] X.topNodes $ evalState (processNode elems $ fromJust $ X.fromNodes list) n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ move :: Insert () move = modify (\x -> x - 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ processNode :: [X.Node] -> X.Cursor -> Insert (Maybe X.Cursor) processNode elems loc = liftM2 mplus (move >> goDown loc) (move >> goRight loc) where goDown l = case X.current l of X.TextNode _ -> modify (+1) >> return Nothing X.Element _ _ _ -> doneCheck (X.insertManyFirstChild elems) X.firstChild l goRight = doneCheck (Just . X.insertManyRight elems) X.right doneCheck insertFunc next l = do s <- get if s == 0 then return $ insertFunc l else maybe (return Nothing) (processNode elems) $ next l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Reloads the templates from disk and renders the specified -- template. (Old convenience code.) quickRender :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) quickRender baseDir name = do ts <- loadTS baseDir res <- renderTemplate ts name return (fmap (toByteString . fst) res) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ newtype Name = Name { unName :: Text } deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary Name where arbitrary = do x <- elements identStartChar n <- choose (4,10) rest <- vectorOf n $ elements identChar return $ Name $ T.pack (x:rest) instance Arbitrary X.Node where arbitrary = limitedDepth 3 shrink (X.TextNode _) = [] shrink (X.Element _ [] []) = [] shrink (X.Element n [] (_:cs)) = [X.Element n [] cs] shrink (X.Element n (_:as) []) = [X.Element n as []] shrink (X.Element n as cs) = [X.Element n as (tail cs), X.Element n (tail as) cs] instance Arbitrary T.Text where arbitrary = liftM unName arbitrary -- -- Code for inserting nodes into any point of a tree -- type Insert a = State Int a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- tests -- Data type encapsulating the parameters for a bind operation data Bind = Bind { _bindElemName :: Name , _bindChildren :: [X.Node] , _bindDoc :: [X.Node] , _bindPos :: Int , _bindRefPos :: Int } -- deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary Bind where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary kids <- liftM (take 3) arbitrary doc <- liftM (take 5) arbitrary let s = insSize doc loc <- choose (0, s - 1) loc2 <- choose (0, s - loc - 1) return $ Bind name kids doc loc loc2 shrink (Bind e [c] (_:ds) p r) = [Bind e [c] ds p r] shrink (Bind e (_:cs) d p r) = [Bind e cs d p r] shrink _ = [] instance Show Bind where show b@(Bind e c d p r) = unlines [ "\n" , "Bind element name: " ++ (show e) , "Bind pos: " ++ (show p) , "Bind ref pos: " ++ (show r) , "Bind document:" , L.unpack $ L.concat $ map formatNode d , "Bind children:" , L.unpack $ L.concat $ map formatNode c , "Result:" , L.unpack $ L.concat $ map formatNode $ buildResult b , "Splice result:" , L.unpack $ L.concat $ map formatNode $ unsafePerformIO $ evalTemplateMonad (runNodeList $ buildBindTemplate b) (X.TextNode "") emptyTemplateState , "Template:" , L.unpack $ L.concat $ map formatNode $ buildBindTemplate b ] where formatNode n = toLazyByteString $ X.render $ X.HtmlDocument X.UTF8 Nothing [n] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buildNode :: Text -> Text -> Bind -> X.Node buildNode tag attr (Bind s c _ _ _) = X.Element tag [(attr, unName s)] c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buildBind :: Bind -> X.Node buildBind = buildNode "bind" "tag" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ empty :: Text -> X.Node empty n = X.Element n [] [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buildBindTemplate :: Bind -> [X.Node] buildBindTemplate s@(Bind n _ d b r) = insertAt [empty $ unName $ n] pos $ withBind where bind = [buildBind s] bindSize = insSize bind withBind = insertAt bind b d pos = b + bindSize - 1 + r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buildResult :: Bind -> [X.Node] buildResult (Bind _ c d b r) = insertAt c (b + r) d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- tests data Apply = Apply { _applyName :: Name , _applyCaller :: [X.Node] , _applyCallee :: Template , _applyChildren :: [X.Node] , _applyPos :: Int } deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary Apply where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary kids <- liftM (take 3) $ listOf $ limitedDepth 2 caller <- liftM (take 5) arbitrary callee <- liftM (take 1) $ listOf $ limitedDepth 3 let s = insSize caller loc <- choose (0, s - 1) return $ Apply name caller callee kids loc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buildApplyCaller :: Apply -> [X.Node] buildApplyCaller (Apply name caller _ kids pos) = insertAt [X.Element "apply" [("template", unName name)] kids] pos caller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ calcCorrect :: Apply -> [X.Node] calcCorrect (Apply _ caller callee _ pos) = insertAt callee pos caller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ calcResult :: (MonadIO m) => Apply -> m [X.Node] calcResult apply@(Apply name _ callee _ _) = evalTemplateMonad (runNodeList $ buildApplyCaller apply) (X.TextNode "") ts where ts = setTemplates (Map.singleton [T.encodeUtf8 $ unName name] (DocumentFile (X.HtmlDocument X.UTF8 Nothing callee) Nothing)) emptyTemplateState {- -- The beginning of some future tests for hook functions. p :: ByteString -> Node p t = X.Element "p" [] [X.Text t] hookG :: Monad m => ByteString -> Template -> m Template hookG str t = return $ (p str) : t onLoad = hookG "Inserted on load" preRun = hookG "Inserted on preRun" postRun = hookG "Inserted on postRun" ts :: IO (Either String (TemplateState IO)) ts = loadTemplates "test/templates" $ foldr ($) (emptyTemplateState ".") [setOnLoadHook onLoad ,setPreRunHook preRun ,setPostRunHook postRun ] r name etm = do let ts = either (error "Danger Will Robinson!") id etm ns <- runNodeList ts name return $ (Just . formatList') =<< ns -} {- - Convenience code for manual ghci experimentation -} --html :: [Node] -> Node --html c = X.Element "html" [] [hhead, body c] --hhead :: Node --hhead = X.Element "head" [] [title, X.Element "script" [] []] --title :: Node --title = X.Element "title" [] [X.Text "Test Page"] --body :: [Node] -> Node --body = X.Element "body" [] -- --para :: Int -> Node --para n = X.Element "p" [] [X.Text $ B.pack $ "This is paragraph " ++ show n] --para2 :: B.ByteString -> Node --para2 c = X.Element "p" [] [X.Text c] --para3 :: Node --para3 = X.Element "p" [] [X.Text "AHA!"] -- --foo :: Int -> [Node] --foo n = insertAt [X.Element "NEW" [] []] n [html [para 1, para 2]] -- --tdoc :: [Node] --tdoc = [para 1, para 2, para 3, para 4] -- --bindElem :: [Node] -> Int -> Int -> Bind --bindElem = Bind (Name "mytag") [para2 "bound paragraph"] -- --addBind :: Bind -> [Node] -> [Node] --addBind b = insertAt [buildBind b] 0 . insertAt [empty $ unName $ _bindElemName b] 2 -- --prn :: Node -> IO () --prn = L.putStrLn . formatNode --runTests :: IO () --runTests = defaultMain tests