{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-| Equality-matching, implemented using a relational database (defined in 'Data.Equality.Matching.Database') according to the paper \"Relational E-Matching\" https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02290. -} module Data.Equality.Matching ( ematch , eGraphToDatabase , Match(..) , compileToQuery , module Data.Equality.Matching.Pattern ) where import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Containers.ListUtils import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.Equality.Graph import Data.Equality.Graph.Lens import Data.Equality.Matching.Database import Data.Equality.Matching.Pattern -- | Matching a pattern on an e-graph returns the e-class in which the pattern -- was matched and an e-class substitution for every 'VariablePattern' in the pattern. data Match = Match { matchSubst :: !Subst , matchClassId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ClassId } -- TODO: Perhaps e-graph could carry database and rebuild it on rebuild -- | Match a pattern against a 'Database', which can be gotten from an 'EGraph' with 'eGraphToDatabase' -- -- Returns a list of matches, one 'Match' for each set of valid substitutions -- for all variables and the equivalence class in which the pattern was matched. -- -- 'ematch' takes a 'Database' instead of an 'EGraph' because the 'Database' -- could be constructed only once and shared accross matching. ematch :: Language l => Database l -> Pattern l -> [Match] ematch db patr = let (q, root) = compileToQuery patr -- | Convert each substitution into a match by getting the class-id -- where we matched from the subst -- -- If the substitution is empty there is no match f :: Subst -> Maybe Match f s = if IM.null s then Nothing else case IM.lookup root s of Nothing -> error "how is root not in map?" Just found -> pure (Match s found) in mapMaybe f (genericJoin db q) -- | Convert an e-graph into a database eGraphToDatabase :: Language l => EGraph l -> Database l eGraphToDatabase egr = foldrWithKeyNM' addENodeToDB (DB mempty) (egr^._memo) where -- Add an enode in an e-graph, given its class, to a database addENodeToDB :: Language l => ENode l -> ClassId -> Database l -> Database l addENodeToDB enode classid (DB m) = -- ROMES:TODO map find -- Insert or create a relation R_f(i1,i2,...,in) for lang in which DB $ M.alter (Just . populate (classid:children enode)) (operator enode) m -- Populate or create a triemap given the population D_x (ClassIds) -- Insert remaining ids population doesn't exist, recursively merge tries with remaining ids populate :: [ClassId] -> Maybe IntTrie -> IntTrie -- If trie map entry doesn't exist yet, populate an empty map with the remaining ids populate [] Nothing = MkIntTrie mempty mempty populate (x:xs) Nothing = MkIntTrie (IS.singleton x) $ IM.singleton x (populate xs Nothing) -- If trie map entry already exists, populate the existing map with the remaining ids populate [] (Just it) = it populate (x:xs) (Just (MkIntTrie k m)) = MkIntTrie (x `IS.insert` k) $ IM.alter (Just . populate xs) x m {-# INLINABLE eGraphToDatabase #-} -- * Database related internals -- | Auxiliary result in 'compileToQuery' algorithm data AuxResult lang = {-# UNPACK #-} !Var :~ [Atom lang] -- | Compiles a 'Pattern' to a 'Query' and returns the query root variable with -- it. -- The root variable's substitutions are the e-classes where the pattern -- matched compileToQuery :: (Traversable lang) => Pattern lang -> (Query lang, Var) compileToQuery (VariablePattern x) = (SelectAllQuery x, x) compileToQuery pa@(NonVariablePattern _) = let root :~ atoms = evalState (aux pa) 0 in (Query (nubInt $ root:vars pa) atoms, root) where aux :: (Traversable lang) => Pattern lang -> State Int (AuxResult lang) aux (VariablePattern x) = return (x :~ []) -- from definition in relational e-matching paper (needed for as base case for recursion) aux (NonVariablePattern p) = do v <- get modify' (+1) (toList -> auxs) <- traverse aux p let boundVars = map (\(b :~ _) -> b) auxs atoms = join $ map (\(_ :~ a) -> a) auxs -- Number of bound vars should match number of children of this -- lang. We can traverse the pattern and replace sub-patterns with -- their corresponding bound variable p' = evalState (subPatsToVars p boundVars) 0 return (v :~ (Atom (CVar v) (fmap CVar p'):atoms)) where -- State keeps track of the index of the variable we're -- taking from the bound vars array subPatsToVars :: Traversable lang => lang (Pattern lang) -> [Var] -> State Int (lang Var) subPatsToVars p' boundVars = traverse (const $ (boundVars !!) <$> (get >>= \i -> modify' (+1) >> return i)) p' -- | Return distinct variables in a pattern vars :: Foldable lang => Pattern lang -> [Var] vars (VariablePattern x) = [x] vars (NonVariablePattern p) = nubInt $ join $ map vars $ toList p {-# INLINABLE compileToQuery #-}