# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [] - 2020-11-17 - Add liftTyped methods for template-haskell 2.16 ## [] - 2020-03-21 - GHC 8.8 warnings fixed ## [] - 2019-09-29 ### Added - GHC 8.8 support ### Removed - GHC 8.0 (Stackage LTS < 11) aren't supported due to upstream changes. You can still find a package version combination that'll work for you. ### Changed - AST Parser `parseText` and EDN `decodeText` no longer rely on MonadFail and work in `Either String` instead. ## [] - 2019-02-18 ### Changed - `uuid` swapped for lighter `uuid-types` ### Added - `tintin`-generated documentation ## [] - 2019-01-18 ### Changed - Complete rewrite in Megaparsec. - Text types changed to, well, `Text` - Document with `prettyprinter` - Test suite changed to Hedgehog - Code repository moved to GitLab ### Removed - GHC < 8.0 (Stackage LTS < 7) aren't supported due to Semigroup-Monoid changes. ## [] - 2018-12-03 ### Changed - GHC 8.4 compatibility fixes ## [] - 2018-04-05 ### Fixed - `<` and `>` are valid for symbols and keywords. ## [] - 2016-05-14 ### Changed - Use compat wrappers to handle GHC from 7.4 to 8.0. ### Removed - Drop obsolete `developer` flag. ## [] - 2015-10-08 ### Fixed - Update dependencies, fix deprecations, time-1.5 compat. ## [] - 2013-11-29 ### Fixed - Use utf8-string parsing for unicode literals. []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/v0.3.0.2 []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/v0.3.0.1 []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/v0.3.0.0 []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/v0.2.0.1 []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/ []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/ []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/ []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/ []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/ []: https://gitlab.com/dpwiz/hedn/tree/