# Changelog `hedgehog-classes` uses [PVP Versioning][1]. The changelog is available [on GitHub][2]. ======= * Bump upper bound on pretty-show from <1.10 to <1.11 0.2.5 ===== * Add MUVector laws * Update upper bounds on dependencies ======= * Fix error introduced by change of hedgehog's internal API between hedgehog-1.0.1 and hedgehog-1.0.2. * Re-add GHC 8.8.1 to cabal's tested-with field. 0.2.4 ===== * Semirings upper bound increased to 0.6. [0.2, 0.5) -> [0.2, 0.6) * Add `primLaws`. * Remove GHC 8.8.1 from cabal's tested-with field. * Add documentation to `comonadLaws`. 0.2.3 ===== * Semirings upper bound increased to 0.5. Lower bound not touched. [0.2, 0.4) -> [0.2, 0.5) * Add `comonadLaws`. 0.2.2 ===== * fix problem in storable set-get that caused attempt to index into 0-element malloc'd array * Test suite now tests almost all laws sans arrow/category (thanks @ag-eitilt!) * Correct tcName of `MonadPlus`. Was `Monad`, now it's `MonadPlus`. 0.2.1 ===== * fix problem where ordLaws failed for everything. there was some messed up logic used to check that transitivity held. Thanks very much to @ocharles for reporting this. ======= * improve reliability of hedgehog output filtering. 0.2 === * switch to hedgehog-1.0 * add `binaryLaws` * relax cabal-version to 2.2 * use randomly generated, not hard-coded functions, in bifoldable tests * significantly simplify pretty printing using `silently` package, and bad hack. * make several haddock improvements. 0.1.2 ===== * add `semiringLaws`, `ringLaws`, `starLaws` * fix bug in `foldableLaws` that could cause implementations of `foldMap` and `fold` that evaluate in weird orders to pass (rather than fail). 0.1.1 ===== * Initial (stable) hackage release. 0.0.0 ===== * Initially created. [1]: https://pvp.haskell.org [2]: https://github.com/chessai/hedgehog-classes/releases