{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hedgehog.Internal.Discovery (
  , readProperties
  , findProperties
  , readDeclaration

  , Pos(..)
  , Position(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))

import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Ord as Ord
import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))

import           Hedgehog.Internal.Property (PropertyName(..))
import           Hedgehog.Internal.Source (LineNo(..), ColumnNo(..))

-- Property Extraction

newtype PropertySource =
  PropertySource {
      propertySource :: Pos String
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

readProperties :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Map PropertyName PropertySource)
readProperties path = do
  findProperties path <$> liftIO (readFile path)

readDeclaration :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> LineNo -> m (Maybe (String, Pos String))
readDeclaration path line = do
  decls <- findDeclarations path <$> liftIO (readFile path)
  pure .
    takeHead .
    List.sortBy (Ord.comparing $ Ord.Down . posLine . posPostion . snd) .
    filter ((<= line) . posLine . posPostion . snd) $
    Map.toList decls

takeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
takeHead = \case
  [] ->
  x : _ ->
    Just x

findProperties :: FilePath -> String -> Map PropertyName PropertySource
findProperties path =
  Map.map PropertySource .
  Map.mapKeysMonotonic PropertyName .
  Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isProperty k) .
  findDeclarations path

findDeclarations :: FilePath -> String -> Map String (Pos String)
findDeclarations path =
  declarations .
  classified .
  positioned path

isProperty :: String -> Bool
isProperty =
  List.isPrefixOf "prop_"

-- Declaration Identification

declarations :: [Classified (Pos Char)] -> Map String (Pos String)
declarations =
    loop = \case
      [] ->
      x : xs ->
          (ys, zs) =
            break isDeclaration xs
          tagWithName (forget x $ trimEnd ys) : loop zs
    Map.fromListWith (<>) . loop . dropWhile (not . isDeclaration)

trimEnd :: [Classified (Pos Char)] -> [Classified (Pos Char)]
trimEnd xs =
    (space0, code) =
      span isWhitespace $ reverse xs

    (line_tail0, space) =
      span (\(Classified _ (Pos _ x)) -> x /= '\n') $
      reverse space0

    line_tail =
      case space of
        [] ->
        x : _ ->
          line_tail0 ++ [x]
    reverse code ++ line_tail

isWhitespace :: Classified (Pos Char) -> Bool
isWhitespace (Classified c (Pos _ x)) =
  c == Comment ||
  Char.isSpace x

tagWithName :: Pos String -> (String, Pos String)
tagWithName (Pos p x) =
  (takeName x, Pos p x)

takeName :: String -> String
takeName xs =
  case words xs of
    [] ->
    x : _ ->

forget :: Classified (Pos Char) -> [Classified (Pos Char)] -> Pos String
forget (Classified _ (Pos p x)) xs =
  Pos p $
    x : fmap (posValue . classifiedValue) xs

isDeclaration :: Classified (Pos Char) -> Bool
isDeclaration (Classified c (Pos p x)) =
  c == NotComment &&
  posColumn p == 1 &&
  (Char.isLower x || x == '_')

-- Comment Classification

data Class =
  | Comment
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Classified a =
  Classified {
      _classifiedClass :: !Class
    , classifiedValue :: !a
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

classified :: [Pos Char] -> [Classified (Pos Char)]
classified =
    ok =
      Classified NotComment

    ko =
      Classified Comment

    loop nesting in_line = \case
      [] ->

      x@(Pos _ '\n') : xs | in_line ->
        ok x : loop nesting False xs

      x : xs | in_line ->
        ko x : loop nesting in_line xs

      x@(Pos _ '{') : y@(Pos _ '-') : xs ->
        ko x : ko y : loop (nesting + 1) in_line xs

      x@(Pos _ '-') : y@(Pos _ '}') : xs | nesting > 0 ->
        ko x : ko y : loop (nesting - 1) in_line xs

      x : xs | nesting > 0 ->
        ko x : loop nesting in_line xs

      -- FIXME This is not technically correct, we should allow arbitrary runs
      -- FIXME of dashes followed by a symbol character. Here we have only
      -- FIXME allowed two.
      x@(Pos _ '-') : y@(Pos _ '-') : z@(Pos _ zz) : xs
        | not (Char.isSymbol zz)
          ko x : ko y : loop nesting True (z : xs)

      x : xs ->
        ok x : loop nesting in_line xs
    loop (0 :: Int) False

-- Character Positioning

data Position =
  Position {
      _posPath :: !FilePath
    , posLine :: !LineNo
    , posColumn :: !ColumnNo
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Pos a =
  Pos {
      posPostion :: !Position
    , posValue :: a
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Pos a) where
  (<>) (Pos p x) (Pos q y) =
    if p < q then
      Pos p (x <> y)
      Pos q (y <> x)

positioned :: FilePath -> [Char] -> [Pos Char]
positioned path =
    loop l c = \case
      [] ->

      '\n' : xs ->
        Pos (Position path l c) '\n' : loop (l + 1) 1 xs

      x : xs ->
        Pos (Position path l c) x : loop l (c + 1) xs
    loop 1 1