{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Headroom.Ext.Haskell.HaddockSpec ( spec ) where import Headroom.Configuration.Types ( LicenseType(..) ) import Headroom.Data.TextExtra ( fromLines ) import Headroom.Embedded ( licenseTemplate ) import Headroom.Ext.Haskell.Haddock import Headroom.FileSystem ( loadFile ) import Headroom.FileType.Types ( FileType(..) ) import Headroom.Template ( Template(..) ) import Headroom.Template.Mustache ( Mustache(..) ) import Headroom.Types ( HaddockFieldOffsets(..) ) import RIO import RIO.FilePath ( (</>) ) import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do let codeSamples = "test-data" </> "code-samples" describe "extractFieldOffsets" $ do it "extract offsets for selected fields of module header" $ do template <- parseTemplate @Mustache Nothing $ licenseTemplate BSD3 Haskell let expected = HaddockFieldOffsets { hfoCopyright = Just 14 } extractFieldOffsets template `shouldBe` expected describe "extractModuleHeader" $ do it "extracts fields from Haddock module header" $ do let expected = HaddockModuleHeader { hmhCopyright = Just "(c) Some Guy, 2013\n Someone Else, 2014" , hmhLicense = Just "GPL-3" , hmhMaintainer = Just "sample@email.com" , hmhPortability = Just "POSIX" , hmhStability = Just "experimental" , hmhShortDesc = Just "Short description" , hmhLongDesc = Just "Here is a longer description of this module, containing some\n\ \commentary with @some markup@." } sample <- loadFile $ codeSamples </> "haskell" </> "header.hs" extractModuleHeader sample Nothing `shouldBe` expected describe "stripCommentSyntax" $ do it "strips single-line or block comment syntax from input" $ do let sample1 = fromLines ["{-|", "Hello1", "foo", "-}"] sample2 = fromLines ["{- |", "Hello2", "foo", "-}"] sample3 = fromLines ["-- | Hello3", "-- foo"] stripCommentSyntax sample1 `shouldBe` fromLines ["", "Hello1", "foo", ""] stripCommentSyntax sample2 `shouldBe` fromLines ["", "Hello2", "foo", ""] stripCommentSyntax sample3 `shouldBe` fromLines [" Hello3", " foo"] describe "indentField" $ do it "does nothing with single line text" $ do let sample = fromLines ["hello"] offset = Just 2 indentField offset sample `shouldBe` sample it "indents all but first line using given offset" $ do let sample = fromLines ["first", "second", "third"] expected = fromLines ["first", " second", " third"] offset = Just 2 indentField offset sample `shouldBe` expected it "intents correctly previously indented text" $ do let sample = fromLines ["first", "second", " third"] expected = fromLines ["first", " second", " third"] offset = Just 2 indentField offset sample `shouldBe` expected