## This is the configuration file for Headroom.
## See https://github.com/vaclavsvejcar/headroom for more details.

## Defines the behaviour how to handle license headers, possible options are:
##   - add     = (default) adds license header to files with no existing header
##               (same as '-a|--add-headers' command line argument)
##   - drop    = drops existing license header from without replacement
##               (same as '-d|--drop-headers' command line argument)
##   - replace = adds or replaces existing license header
##               (same as '-r|--replace-headers' command line argument)
run-mode: add

## Paths to source code files (either files or directories),
## same as '-s|--source-path=PATH' command line argument (can be used multiple
## times for more than one path).
source-paths: []

## Allows to define list of regular expressions that will be matched against
## 'source-paths' and such paths will be excluded from processing. Same as
## '-e|--excluded-path=REGEX' command line argument (can be used multiple times
## for more than one path).
excluded-paths: []

## Paths to template files (either files or directories),
## same as '-t|--template-path=PATH' command line argument (can be used multiple
## times for more than one path).
template-paths: []

## Variables (key-value) to replace in templates,
## same as '-v|--variable="KEY=VALUE"' command line argument (can be used
## multiple times for more than one path).
variables: {}