Would you like to have nice, up-to-date license/copyright headers in your source code files but hate to manage them manually? Then __Headroom__ is the right tool for you. Define your license header as [Mustache][web:mustache] template, put any template variables into [YAML][wiki:yaml] configuarion file, and you're ready to go!

__Headroom__ also offers much more than just [adding, replacing or dropping][doc:running-headroom] license headers. It can also [update years in copyrights][doc:post-processing] for you, provides [extended functionality][doc:extended-functionality] for some source code file types, and much more!


## Main Features
- __License Header Management__ - [Add, replace or drop license headers][doc:running-headroom] in your source code files with a single command. What's more, contrary to many similar tools, _Headroom_ allows you to also replace/drop headers that weren't previously generated by _Headroom_, using smart header auto-detection.
- __Powerful Customization__ - Default [configuration][doc:configuration] should cover most use-cases, but if you need to put empty lines before/after generated header, use different comment style of headers, you can customize the configuration to match exactly your needs.
- __Built-in OSS License Headers__ - If you want to use license header for one of the popular OSS licenses, then __Headroom__ can [generate them for you][doc:running-headroom#gen-command] - no need to search for them on web.
- __Automatic Initialization for OSS Projects__ - Setting up external tools like _Headroom_ for your project can be boring. Fortunately, _Headroom_ can [initialize itself][doc:running-headroom#init-command] for your project, by generating configuration file and template files.
- __Extended Functionality__ - _Headroom_ supports [extended functionality][doc:extended-functionality] for selected types of source code files, such as extracting extra data from processed source code files.
- __Copyright Year Updater__ - _Headroom_ is good not only for basic license header management, but also for further processing of generated headers. Do you need to [update years in your copyrights][doc:post-processing]? No problem!

## Adopters
Here is the list of projects using _Headroom_. If you're using _Headroom_ and aren't on the list, feel free to [submit new issue][meta:new-issue] or [pull request][meta:pulls].

- [kowainik/hit-on](https://github.com/kowainik/hit-on) - Kowainik Git Workflow Helper Tool
- [kowainik/summoner](https://github.com/kowainik/summoner) - Tool for scaffolding batteries-included production-level Haskell projects
- [wireapp/wire-server](https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server) - Wire back-end services (https://wire.com)

## Documentation
* for end-user documentation, [official project microsite][web:headroom]
* for _Haskell API_ documentation, see [Headroom on Hackage][hackage:headroom]

[i25]: https://github.com/vaclavsvejcar/headroom/issues/25
[hackage:headroom]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/headroom
[meta:new-issue]: https://github.com/vaclavsvejcar/headroom/issues/new
[meta:pulls]: https://github.com/vaclavsvejcar/headroom/pulls
[web:headroom]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/
[doc:configuration]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/configuration/
[doc:extended-functionality]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/extended-functionality/
[doc:post-processing]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/post-processing/
[doc:running-headroom]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/running-headroom/
[doc:running-headroom#gen-command]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/running-headroom/#gen-command
[doc:running-headroom#init-command]: https://doc.norcane.com/headroom/latest/documentation/running-headroom/#init-command
[web:mustache]: https://mustache.github.io
[wiki:yaml]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML