{-| Module : Headroom.AppConfig Description : Application configuration Copyright : (c) 2019-2020 Vaclav Svejcar License : BSD-3 Maintainer : vaclav.svejcar@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module adds support for loading and parsing application configuration. Such configuration can be loaded either from /YAML/ config file, or from command line arguments. Provided 'Semigroup' and 'Monoid' instances allows to merge multiple loaded configurations into one. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Headroom.AppConfig ( AppConfig(..) , loadAppConfig , makePathsRelativeTo , parseAppConfig , parseVariables , prettyPrintAppConfig , validateAppConfig ) where import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON(parseJSON) , ToJSON(toJSON) , genericParseJSON , genericToJSON ) import Data.Validation import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import Data.Yaml.Pretty ( defConfig , encodePretty , setConfCompare ) import Headroom.Types ( AppConfigError(..) , HeadroomError(..) , RunMode(..) ) import Headroom.Types.Utils ( customOptions ) import RIO import qualified RIO.ByteString as B import RIO.FilePath ( takeDirectory , () ) import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM import qualified RIO.Text as T -- | Application configuration, loaded either from configuration file or command -- line options. data AppConfig = AppConfig { acRunMode :: RunMode -- ^ selected mode of /Run/ command , acSourcePaths :: [FilePath] -- ^ paths to source code files , acTemplatePaths :: [FilePath] -- ^ paths to template files , acVariables :: HashMap Text Text -- ^ variables to replace } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) -- | Support for reading configuration from /YAML/. instance FromJSON AppConfig where parseJSON = genericParseJSON customOptions -- | Support for writing configuration to /YAML/. instance ToJSON AppConfig where toJSON = genericToJSON customOptions instance Semigroup AppConfig where x <> y = AppConfig (acRunMode x) (acSourcePaths x <> acSourcePaths y) (acTemplatePaths x <> acTemplatePaths y) (acVariables x <> acVariables y) instance Monoid AppConfig where mempty = AppConfig Add [] [] HM.empty -- | Loads and parses application configuration from given file. loadAppConfig :: MonadIO m => FilePath -- ^ path to configuration file -> m AppConfig -- ^ parsed configuration loadAppConfig path = do appConfig <- liftIO $ B.readFile path >>= parseAppConfig pure $ makePathsRelativeTo (takeDirectory path) appConfig -- | Rewrites all file paths in 'AppConfig' to be relative to given file path. makePathsRelativeTo :: FilePath -- ^ file path to use -> AppConfig -- ^ input application configuration -> AppConfig -- ^ result with relativized file paths makePathsRelativeTo root appConfig = appConfig { acSourcePaths = processPaths . acSourcePaths $ appConfig , acTemplatePaths = processPaths . acTemplatePaths $ appConfig } where processPaths = fmap (root ) -- | Parses application configuration from given raw input. parseAppConfig :: MonadThrow m => B.ByteString -- ^ raw input to parse -> m AppConfig -- ^ parsed application configuration parseAppConfig = Y.decodeThrow -- | Parses variables from raw input in @key=value@ format. -- -- >>> parseVariables ["key1=value1"] -- fromList [("key1","value1")] parseVariables :: MonadThrow m => [Text] -- ^ list of raw variables -> m (HashMap Text Text) -- ^ parsed variables parseVariables variables = fmap HM.fromList (mapM parse variables) where parse input = case T.split (== '=') input of [key, value] -> pure (key, value) _ -> throwM $ InvalidVariable input -- | Writes the given 'AppConfig' to /YAML/ text, using the pretty printer. prettyPrintAppConfig :: AppConfig -- ^ application config to write to /YAML/ -> Text -- ^ pretty printed /YAML/ text prettyPrintAppConfig = decodeUtf8Lenient . encodePretty prettyConfig where prettyConfig = setConfCompare compare defConfig -- | Validates whether given 'AppConfig' contains valid data. validateAppConfig :: MonadThrow m => AppConfig -- ^ application config to validate -> m AppConfig -- ^ validated application config (or errors) validateAppConfig appConfig = case checked of Success ac' -> pure ac' Failure errors -> throwM $ InvalidAppConfig errors where checked = appConfig <$ checkSourcePaths <* checkTemplatePaths checkSourcePaths = if null (acSourcePaths appConfig) then _Failure # [EmptySourcePaths] else _Success # appConfig checkTemplatePaths = if null (acTemplatePaths appConfig) then _Failure # [EmptyTemplatePaths] else _Success # appConfig