{-| Module : MODULE_NAME Description : Extras for text manipulation Copyright : (c) 2019-2020 Vaclav Svejcar License : BSD-3 Maintainer : vaclav.svejcar@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Adds some extra functionality to the "Data.Text" module. -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Headroom.Text ( detectNewLine , showNewLine , lines' , unlines' ) where import Headroom.Types ( NewLine(..) ) import RIO import RIO.Text ( isInfixOf ) import qualified RIO.Text as T import qualified RIO.Text.Partial as TP -- | Detects which newline character is used in given text (if any). -- -- >>> detectNewLine "foo\nbar" -- Just LF detectNewLine :: Text -- ^ input text -> Maybe NewLine -- ^ detected newline character detectNewLine text | showNewLine CRLF `isInfixOf` text = Just CRLF | showNewLine CR `isInfixOf` text = Just CR | showNewLine LF `isInfixOf` text = Just LF | otherwise = Nothing -- | Renders appropriate newline character (e.g. @\n@) for given 'NewLine' -- representation. -- -- >>> showNewLine LF -- "\n" showNewLine :: NewLine -- ^ newline character to render -> Text -- ^ rendered character showNewLine = \case CR -> "\r" CRLF -> "\r\n" LF -> "\n" -- | Split text into lines, return lines and detected newline separator. -- -- >>> lines' "foo\nbar" -- (LF,["foo","bar"]) lines' :: Text -- ^ text to split -> (NewLine, [Text]) -- ^ detected newline separator and split lines lines' text = (newLine, chunks) where newLine = fromMaybe LF (detectNewLine text) chunks = TP.splitOn (showNewLine newLine) text -- | Join individual text lines into single text, using given newline separator. -- -- >>> unlines' LF ["foo", "bar"] -- "foo\nbar" unlines' :: NewLine -> [Text] -> Text unlines' newLine = T.intercalate $ showNewLine newLine