## HDO: A HAskell Digital Ocean Client ## [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/capital-match/hdo.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/capital-match/hdo) This is a [Digital Ocean](https://www.digitalocean.com/) client written in [Haskell](http://haskell.org). It can be used either as a library or as command-line utility. # Build *hdo* is built with [stack](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/), using [Stackage LTS-7.7](https://www.stackage.org/lts-7.7) dependencies. To build, follow the standard instructions: Install the correct GHC version: > stack setup Build and install the package locally, possibly making executable `docean` available from `PATH`: > stack install # Usage ## Command-line Tool Command-line tool is named `docean`. If it's been installed, it should be available in your PATH. Otherwise, you can run it from the source directory using `stack exec docean -- `. `docean` expects authentication token to be available from environment variable `AUTH_TOKEN`, see [Digital Ocean API](https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#authentication) for details on how to get that authentication token. > export AUTH_TOKEN=2342342341234eaf ## Available Commands **NOTE**: Not all the available APIs from DO are implemented (yet). ### Droplets #### Creating a Droplet This is the most complex command, as creating a droplet can use a lot of different options. ``` $ docean droplets create -r ams2 -s 1gb -i ubuntu-16-04-x64 -n deploy-test -k '[2436510]' waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 60s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 59s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 58s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 57s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 56s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 55s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 54s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 53s waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 52s 30876135 deploy-test [Active] ams2: Amsterdam 2 1024M/30G/1 cores IPv4 [Public] IPv6 ``` The available parameters are: * `-r|--region`: Sets the region where droplet is created, using the *region slug* * `-s|--size`: Sets the size of the droplet, from `512mb` to `96gb` * `-n|--name`: Name of the newly created droplet * `-i|--image`: Slug of the image to use as base image for droplet * `-k|--keys`: List (in the form readable by Haskell to convert to type `[Int]`) of keys to add for accessing the droplet * `-b|--background`: Create droplet in the background, returning only the identifier of action to be checked later. If not set, creation is *synchronous*: The client will check wait for droplet to be up for 60s. When successfully created, the main characteristics of the droplet are printed to the console. #### Other Droplet Operations Destroy an existing droplet: ``` $ droplets destroy 30876135 - ``` List all created droplets: ``` $ docean droplets list 21002433 droplet-01 [Active] sgp1: Singapore 1 1024M/30G/1 cores IPv4 [Public] IPv6 26082279 droplet-02 [Active] sgp1: Singapore 1 512M/20G/1 cores IPv4 [Public] IPv6 31114780 droplet-03 [Active] ams2: Amsterdam 2 2048M/40G/2 cores IPv4 [Public] IPv6 ``` Shutdown/startup a droplet: ``` $ docean droplets power_off 31166171 [163908062] 2016-11-01 21:08:46 UTC -> - 31166171 PowerOff: InProgress ``` ``` $ docean droplets power_on 31166171 [163908350] 2016-11-01 21:10:16 UTC -> - 31166171 PowerOn: InProgress ``` Retrieve status of an action initiated on the droplet (usually related to power on/off or snapshots): ``` $ docean droplets action 31166171 163908062 [163908062] 2016-11-01 21:08:46 UTC -> 2016-11-01 21:08:58 UTC 31166171 PowerOff: Completed ``` Take a snapshot of an existing droplet (must be powered off): ``` $ docean droplets snapshot 31166171 mysnapshot [163908530] 2016-11-01 21:11:19 UTC -> - 31166171 MakeSnapshot: InProgress ``` List existing snapshots for droplet: ``` $ docean droplets 31166171 snapshots 20648640 mysnapshot Ubuntu ``` Connect to the droplet through SSH (can be given a name or a droplet ID): ``` $ docean droplets ssh 31166171 The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 3f:16:4f:f4:25:85:85:77:1e:90:bd:8c:6b:90:48:eb. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage 0 packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates. The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. root@droplet:~# ``` ### Images ### Regions ### Keys ### Sizes ### Floating IPs ### Domains ## Library TBD