, DeriveDataTypeable
, OverloadedStrings

{- |
   Module     : Database.HDBI.PostgreSQL.Implementation
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005-2013 John Goerzen
   License    : BSD3

   Maintainer : Aleksey Uymanov <s9gf4ult@gmail.com>
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable

module Database.HDBI.PostgreSQL.Implementation
         -- * Types
       , PGStatementState(..)
       , PostgreStatement(..)
         -- * Connection functions
       , connectPostgreSQL
       , withPGConnection
         -- * Statement functions
       , pgAffectedRows
         -- * Data manipulating functions
       , sqlValueToNative
       , formatUTC
       , formatDay
       , formatT
       , formatDT
       , formatBits
       , o2b
       , nativeToSqlValue
       , parseT
       , parseDT
       , parseD
       , parseUTC
       , parseBit
         -- * Miscellaneous functions
       , throwErrorMessage
       , getPGResult
       , throwResultError
       , pgRun
       , pgRunRaw
       , pgRunMany
       , pgstGetResult
       ) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString (fromByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromLazyText, fromString)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import Database.HDBI
import Database.HDBI.DriverUtils
import Database.HDBI.Parsers
import Database.HDBI.PostgreSQL.Parser (buildSqlQuery)
import Safe
import System.IO
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as P
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.BuiltinTypes as PS

data PostgreConnection = PostgreConnection
                         { postNative     :: MVar (Maybe PQ.Connection) -- ^ LibPQ connection if established
                         , postStatements :: ChildList PostgreStatement -- ^ List of weak refs to statements to finalize on disconnect
                         , postConnString :: TL.Text                    -- ^ Original connection string
                         deriving (Typeable)

data PGStatementState =
  -- | Newly created or reseted statement
  -- | Just executed statement
  | STExecuted
    { pgstResult :: ! PQ.Result
    -- | Fetching rows is in progress
  | STFetching
    { pgstResult  :: ! PQ.Result -- ^ The result to fetch data from
    , pgstColumns :: ! PQ.Column -- ^ Columns count
    , pgstFormats :: ! [PQ.Format]
    , pgstTypes   :: ! [PQ.Oid]
    , pgstTuples  :: ! PQ.Row    -- ^ Tuples in result
    , pgstCurrent :: ! PQ.Row    -- ^ Row number waiting to fetch
    -- | Statement is finished, can still be reseted
  | STFinished

data PostgreStatement = PostgreStatement
                        { stQuery :: Query                  -- ^ Initial query
                        , stConnection :: PostgreConnection -- ^ Connection this statement working with
                        , stState :: MVar PGStatementState  -- ^ State of statement
                        deriving (Typeable)

instance Connection PostgreConnection where
  type ConnStatement PostgreConnection = PostgreStatement

  disconnect conn = modifyMVar_ (postNative conn) $ \con -> do
    case con of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just c -> do
        closeAllChildren $ postStatements conn
        PQ.finish c
        return Nothing

  begin conn = runRaw conn "BEGIN"
  commit conn = runRaw conn "COMMIT"
  rollback conn = runRaw conn "ROLLBACK"
  inTransaction conn = withPGConnection conn $ \con -> do
    st <- PQ.transactionStatus con
    case st of
      PQ.TransInTrans -> return True
      PQ.TransInError -> do
        hPutStrLn stderr "Transaction is in error status"
        return True
      PQ.TransUnknown -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError "Could not determine the transaction status (TransUnknown)"
      _ -> return False
  connStatus conn = withMVar (postNative conn) $ \con -> case con of
    Nothing -> return ConnDisconnected
    Just c -> do
      st <- PQ.status c
      case st of
        PQ.ConnectionOk -> return ConnOK

        PQ.ConnectionBad -> return ConnBad
        x -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "unexpected status code (" ++ show x ++ ")"

  prepare conn query = do
    st <- PostgreStatement
          <$> return query
          <*> return conn
          <*> newMVar STNew
    addChild (postStatements conn) st
    return st

  run conn query values = do
    res <- pgRun conn query values
    PQ.unsafeFreeResult res
    return ()

  runRaw conn query = do
    res <- pgRunRaw conn query
    PQ.unsafeFreeResult res
    return ()

  runMany = pgRunMany

  clone conn = connectPostgreSQL $ postConnString conn

  hdbiDriverName = const "postgresql"

  dbTransactionSupport = const True

instance Statement PostgreStatement where

  execute stmt values = modifyMVar_ (stState stmt)
                        $ \st -> withPGSTNew st $ do
    res <- pgRun (stConnection stmt) (stQuery stmt) values
    return $ STExecuted res

  executeMany stmt vals = withMVar (stState stmt)
                          $ \st -> withPGSTNew st
                          $ pgRunMany (stConnection stmt) (stQuery stmt) vals

  statementStatus stmt = withMVar (stState stmt)
                         $ \st -> case st of
    STNew         -> return StatementNew
    STExecuted {} -> return StatementExecuted
    STFetching { pgstCurrent = c
               , pgstTuples  = t} -> if c >= t
                                     then return StatementFetched
                                     else return StatementExecuted
    STFinished    -> return StatementFinished

  finish stmt = modifyMVar_ (stState stmt) doFinishStatement

  reset stmt = modifyMVar_ (stState stmt) $ \st -> do
    _ <- doFinishStatement st
    return STNew

  fetchRow stmt = modifyMVar (stState stmt) _fetchRow
      _fetchRow STExecuted {pgstResult = result} = do
        fields <- PQ.nfields result
        s <- STFetching
             <$> return result
             <*> return fields
             <*> forM [0..fields-1] (PQ.fformat result)
             <*> forM [0..fields-1] (PQ.ftype result)
             <*> PQ.ntuples result
             <*> (return $ PQ.toRow (0 :: Int))
        _fetchRow s

      _fetchRow x@(STFetching result cols formats oids tpls current) =
        if current >= tpls
        then return (x, Nothing)
        else do
          ret <- forM (zip3 [0..cols-1] formats oids) $ \(col, fmt, oid) -> do
            mval <- PQ.getvalue' result current col
            case mval of
              Nothing -> return SqlNull
              Just val -> nativeToSqlValue val fmt oid
          return (x {pgstCurrent = current + 1}, Just ret)

      _fetchRow x = throwIO
                    $ SqlDriverError
                    $ pgMsg $ "Statement is in wrong state (" ++ pgstName x ++ ") to fetch row"

  getColumnNames stmt = withMVar (stState stmt) $ \st -> do
    let res = pgstGetResult "Statement is in wrong state to get column names" st
    cols <- PQ.nfields res
    forM [0 .. cols-1] $ \col -> do
      mname <- PQ.fname res col
      case mname of
        Nothing   -> withPGConnection (stConnection stmt) throwErrorMessage
        Just name -> return $ decodeUTF8 name

  getColumnsCount stmt = withMVar (stState stmt) $ \st -> do
    let res = pgstGetResult "Statement is in wrong state to get columns count" st
    ret <- PQ.nfields res
    return $ toEnum $ fromEnum ret

  originalQuery = stQuery

-- | Throw `SqlDriverError` that connection is closed
throwConnectionClosed :: IO a
throwConnectionClosed = throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg "The connection is closed, can not operate"

-- | If connection is opened then execute an action, else throw an error.
withPGConnection :: PostgreConnection
                    -> (PQ.Connection -> IO a) -- ^ action to execute with native LibPQ connection
                    -> IO a
withPGConnection conn action = withMVar (postNative conn) $ \c -> case c of
  Nothing -> throwConnectionClosed
  Just con -> action con

-- | Convert SqlValue to native libPQ data representation
sqlValueToNative :: SqlValue -> Maybe (PQ.Oid, B.ByteString, PQ.Format)
sqlValueToNative SqlNull = Nothing
sqlValueToNative x = Just $ tonative x
    bshow :: (Show a) => a -> B.ByteString
    bshow = toByteString . fromString . show

    asText :: (Show a) => PS.BuiltinType -> a -> (PQ.Oid, B.ByteString, PQ.Format)
    asText t v = (PS.builtin2oid t, bshow v, PQ.Text)

    tonative :: SqlValue -> (PQ.Oid, B.ByteString, PQ.Format)
    tonative (SqlDecimal d)          = asText PS.Numeric d
    tonative (SqlInteger i)          = asText PS.Numeric i
    tonative (SqlDouble d)           = asText PS.Float8 d
    tonative (SqlText t)             = (PS.builtin2oid PS.Text, encodeUTF8 t, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlBlob b)             = (PS.builtin2oid PS.ByteA, b, PQ.Binary)
    tonative (SqlBool b)             = (PS.builtin2oid PS.Bool, if b then "t" else "f", PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlBitField b)         = (PS.builtin2oid PS.VarBit, formatBits $ unBitField b, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlUUID u)             = (PS.builtin2oid PS.UUID, toByteString $ fromString $ U.toString u, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlUTCTime ut)         = (PS.builtin2oid PS.TimestampTZ, formatUTC ut, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlLocalDate d)        = (PS.builtin2oid PS.Date, formatDay d, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlLocalTimeOfDay tod) = (PS.builtin2oid PS.Time, formatT tod, PQ.Text)
    tonative (SqlLocalTime t)        = (PS.builtin2oid PS.Timestamp, formatDT t, PQ.Text)
    tonative SqlNull                 = error "SqlNull is passed to 'tonative' internal function, this is a bug"

-- | format any formatable data
formatToBS :: (FormatTime a) => String -> a -> B.ByteString
formatToBS s d = toByteString $ fromString $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale s d

-- | Format UTCTime as ByteString
formatUTC :: UTCTime -> B.ByteString
formatUTC x = formatToBS "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Q%z" x

-- | Format Day as ByteString
formatDay :: Day -> B.ByteString
formatDay = formatToBS  "%Y-%m-%d"

-- | format TimeOfDay to ByteString
formatT :: TimeOfDay -> B.ByteString
formatT = formatToBS "%H:%M:%S%Q"

-- | format LocalTime as ByteString
formatDT :: LocalTime -> B.ByteString
formatDT = formatToBS "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Q"

-- | format Word64 as bit field (001010111)
formatBits :: Word64 -> B.ByteString
formatBits 0 = "0"
formatBits w = toByteString $ bits
    bits = mconcat $ map toBS $ truncFalse $ wbits

    wbits = map (testBit w) [bsz-1, bsz-2 .. 0]
    bsz = bitSize w

    truncFalse [] = []
    truncFalse (False:r) = truncFalse r
    truncFalse x@(True:_) = x

    toBS True = fromByteString "1"
    toBS False = fromByteString "0"

-- | convert `PQ.Oid` to `PS.BuiltinType` if not converted then throw an error
o2b :: PQ.Oid -> PS.BuiltinType
o2b fmt = case PS.oid2builtin fmt of
  Nothing -> throw $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Could not understand returned type, OID=" ++ show fmt
  Just r  -> r

-- | Try parse text with given parser. If parsing failed throw SqlError
parseFromNative :: String -> P.Parser a -> TL.Text -> a
parseFromNative m p t = case P.parse p t of
  P.Done _ r        -> r
  P.Fail _ cont msg -> throw $ SqlDriverError
                     $ "Could not parse "
                     ++ show t
                     ++ " as " ++ m
                     ++ " parser context is: " ++ (intercalate ", " cont)
                     ++ " message: " ++ msg

-- | convert native LibPQ data representation to `SqlValue`. Now support just
-- `PQ.Text` format completely. Maybe binary protocol will be added in future
-- versions.
nativeToSqlValue :: B.ByteString -> PQ.Format -> PQ.Oid -> IO SqlValue
nativeToSqlValue b PQ.Text f = fromNative (o2b f) b
    ftext x = SqlText $ decodeUTF8 x

    fromNative PS.Bool x = case x of
      "t" -> return $ SqlBool True
      "f" -> return $ SqlBool False
      _ -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "could not parse " ++ (TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 x) ++ " as Boolean"
    fromNative PS.ByteA x = do
      r <- PQ.unescapeBytea x
      case r of
        Nothing -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg "Could not unescape binary data, maybe format is wrong"
        Just ret -> return $ SqlBlob ret
    fromNative PS.Char x        = return $ ftext x
    fromNative PS.Int8 x        = return
                                  $ SqlInteger
                                  $ parseFromNative "Integer" (P.signed P.decimal)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Int4 x        = return
                                  $ SqlInteger
                                  $ parseFromNative "Integer" (P.signed P.decimal)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Int2 x        = return
                                  $ SqlInteger
                                  $ parseFromNative "Integer" (P.signed P.decimal)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Text x        = return $ ftext x
    fromNative PS.Xml  x        = return $ ftext x
    fromNative PS.Float4 x      = return
                                  $ SqlDouble
                                  $ parseFromNative "Double" (P.signed P.double)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Float8 x      = return
                                  $ SqlDouble
                                  $ parseFromNative "Double" (P.signed P.double)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.BpChar x      = return $ ftext x
    fromNative PS.VarChar x     = return $ ftext x
    fromNative PS.Date x        = return
                                  $ SqlLocalDate
                                  $ parseFromNative "Date" parseIsoDay
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Time x        = return
                                  $ SqlLocalTimeOfDay
                                  $ parseFromNative "TimeOfDay" parseIsoTimeOfDay
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Timestamp x   = return
                                  $ SqlLocalTime
                                  $ parseFromNative "LocalTime" parseIsoLocalTime
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.TimestampTZ x = return
                                  $ SqlUTCTime
                                  $ zonedTimeToUTC
                                  $ parseFromNative "UTCTime" parseIsoZonedTime
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Bit x         = return $ SqlBitField $ BitField $ parseBit x
    fromNative PS.VarBit x      = return $ SqlBitField $ BitField $ parseBit x
    fromNative PS.Numeric x     = return
                                  $ SqlDecimal
                                  $ parseFromNative "Decimal" (P.signed P.rational)
                                  $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative PS.Void _        = return $ SqlNull
    fromNative PS.UUID x        = SqlUUID <$> case U.fromString uval of
      Nothing -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "could not read " ++ uval ++ " as UUID"
      Just  r -> return r
        uval = TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 x
    fromNative _ x = return $ ftext x

nativeToSqlValue b PQ.Binary f = binFromNative (o2b f) b
    binFromNative PS.ByteA x = return $ SqlBlob x
    binFromNative x _ = throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Can not parse bytes (Binary result format) as " ++ show x

parseDTBytes :: (ParseTime a) => String -> B.ByteString -> a
parseDTBytes fmt dt = parseDTString fmt val
    val = TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 dt

parseDTString :: (ParseTime a) => String -> String -> a
parseDTString fmt val = case parseTime defaultTimeLocale fmt val of
  Nothing -> throw $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Could not parse " ++ val ++ " as Date/Time in format \"" ++ fmt ++ "\""
  Just r  -> r

-- | parse ByteString as `TimeOfDay`
parseT :: B.ByteString -> TimeOfDay
parseT = parseDTBytes "%H:%M:%S%Q"

-- | parse ByteString as `LocalTime`
parseDT :: B.ByteString -> LocalTime
parseDT = parseDTBytes "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Q"

-- | parse ByteString as `Day`
parseD :: B.ByteString -> Day
parseD = parseDTBytes "%Y-%m-%d"

-- | parse ByteString as `UTCTime`
parseUTC :: B.ByteString -> UTCTime
parseUTC u = parseDTString "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Q%z" val
    val = (TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 u) ++ "00" -- strange Postgre behaviour

-- | parse ByteString as 64 bit field (00101110) and convert to Word64
parseBit :: B.ByteString -> Word64
parseBit bt = foldl makeBit 0 $ zip [0..] $ take (bitSize (undefined :: Word64)) $ reverse val
    makeBit l (n, '1') = setBit l n
    makeBit l (_, '0') = l
    makeBit _ _ = throw $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Could not parse string \"" ++ val ++ "\" as bit field"
    val = TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 bt

-- | get last error code and error message from connection and throw proper
-- `SqlError`
throwErrorMessage :: PQ.Connection -> IO a
throwErrorMessage con = do
  errm <- throwNoMessage =<< PQ.errorMessage con
  throwIO $ SqlError "" $ TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 errm

-- | Throws appropriate SqlError when no `PQ.Result` is not given, or it is in
-- wrong status
getPGResult :: PQ.Connection -> Maybe PQ.Result -> IO PQ.Result
getPGResult _ (Just x) = do
  st <- PQ.resultStatus x
  case st of
    PQ.FatalError -> throwResultError x
    PQ.EmptyQuery -> throwResultError x
    PQ.BadResponse -> throwResultError x
    _ -> return x
getPGResult con Nothing = throwErrorMessage con

-- | if Nothing throws error about no message
throwNoMessage :: Maybe e -> IO e
throwNoMessage Nothing = throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg "Error has occured, but no error message received"
throwNoMessage (Just e) = return e

-- | Get error message from the result and throw it as 'SqlError'
throwResultError :: PQ.Result -> IO a
throwResultError res = do
  errm <- throwNoMessage =<< PQ.resultErrorMessage res
  ef <- throwNoMessage =<< PQ.resultErrorField res PQ.DiagSqlstate
  throwIO $ SqlError (TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 ef) (TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 errm)

-- | Get the count of rows affected by UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT query
pgAffectedRows :: PostgreStatement -> IO Integer
pgAffectedRows stmt = withMVar (stState stmt)
                      $ \st -> do
  let res = pgstGetResult "Statement is not executed or already finished" st
  tpls <- PQ.cmdTuples res
  case tpls of
    Nothing -> withPGConnection (stConnection stmt) throwErrorMessage
    Just "" -> return 0        -- when query was SELECT libPQ return empty string
    Just r  -> let rx = TL.unpack $ decodeUTF8 r
               in case readMay rx of
                 Just x -> return x
                 Nothing -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Could not read binding output as integer \"" ++ rx ++ "\""

-- | Establish new PostgreSQL connection
connectPostgreSQL :: TL.Text -- ^ Connection string according to the documentation
                  -> IO PostgreConnection
connectPostgreSQL constr = do
  con <- PQ.connectdb $ encodeUTF8 constr
  st <- PQ.status con
  case st of
    PQ.ConnectionOk -> do
      done <- PQ.setClientEncoding con "UTF8"
      when (not done) $ throwErrorMessage con
      ret <- PostgreConnection
             <$> (newMVar $ Just con)
             <*> newChildList
             <*> (return constr)
      runRaw ret "set timezone='utc'"
      return ret
    _ -> throwErrorMessage con

-- | encode `TL.Text` in UTF8 encoding
encodeUTF8 :: TL.Text -> B.ByteString
encodeUTF8 = toByteString . fromLazyText

decodeUTF8 :: B.ByteString -> TL.Text
decodeUTF8 x = TL.decodeUtf8 $ BL.fromChunks [x]

pgRun :: PostgreConnection -> Query -> [SqlValue] -> IO PQ.Result
pgRun conn query values = withPGConnection conn $ \con -> do
  r <- PQ.execParams con (buildSqlQuery query) binvals PQ.Text
  getPGResult con r     -- Throwing error if failed
    binvals = map sqlValueToNative values

pgRunRaw :: PostgreConnection -> Query -> IO PQ.Result
pgRunRaw conn query = withPGConnection conn $ \con -> do
    r <- PQ.exec con $ buildSqlQuery query
    getPGResult con r

pgRunMany :: PostgreConnection -> Query -> [[SqlValue]] -> IO ()
pgRunMany conn query values = withPGConnection conn $ \con -> do
  forM_ values $ \val -> do
    r <- PQ.execParams con binq (binv val) PQ.Text
    res <- getPGResult con r
    PQ.unsafeFreeResult res
    return ()
    binq = buildSqlQuery query
    binv = map sqlValueToNative

-- | add "hdbi-postgresql: " before an argument
pgMsg :: String -> String
pgMsg = ("hdbi-postgresql: " ++)

-- | return the name of `PGStatementState` constructor
pgstName :: PGStatementState -> String
pgstName STNew = "New"
pgstName (STExecuted {}) = "Executed"
pgstName (STFetching {}) = "Fetching state"
pgstName STFinished = "Finished"

withPGSTNew :: PGStatementState -> IO a -> IO a
withPGSTNew st action = case st of
  STNew -> action
  x -> throwIO $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ "Statement is not in new state (" ++ (pgstName x) ++ ")"

-- | get Result from `PGStatementState` if can. If can not throw an error with specified message
pgstGetResult :: String -> PGStatementState -> PQ.Result
pgstGetResult _ STExecuted { pgstResult = result } = result
pgstGetResult _ STFetching { pgstResult = result } = result
pgstGetResult msg st = throw $ SqlDriverError $ pgMsg $ msg ++ " (" ++ pgstName st ++ ")"

-- | Perform result finishing and return `STFinished`
doFinishStatement :: PGStatementState -> IO PGStatementState
doFinishStatement st = case st of
  STExecuted {pgstResult = r} -> _finish r
  STFetching {pgstResult = r} -> _finish r
  _ -> return STFinished
    _finish res = do
      PQ.unsafeFreeResult res
      return STFinished