
{- |
   Module     : Database.HDBI.Parsers
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2006 John Goerzen
   License    : BSD3

   Maintainer : Aleksey Uymanov <s9gf4ult@gmail.com>
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable

module Database.HDBI.Parsers
-- | This module is for driver developers. Here is fast parsers, trying to parse
-- time and date in the most wide input formats.
-- * Parsers         
       , parseIsoZonedTime
       , parseIsoDay
       , parseIsoTimeOfDay
       , parseIsoLocalTime
       ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as P
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Time
import Data.Word
import Data.Monoid (getFirst, First(..), mconcat)
import qualified Data.Text as T

spaces :: P.Parser ()
spaces = P.takeWhile (\x -> x == ' ' || x == '\t') >> return ()

-- | Parse bit field literal in format ''b'00101011'''. Takes just last 64 bits
-- of input, other bits are ignored
parseBitField :: P.Parser Word64
parseBitField = do
  _ <- P.string "b'"
  d <- P.takeWhile $ \x -> x == '0' || x == '1'
  _ <- P.string "'"
  return $ toword d
    toword t = foldl setBit 0
               $ map snd
               $ filter fst
               $ zip (take wlen
                      $ reverse
                      $ map tobool
                      $ T.unpack t) [0..]
    wlen = bitSize (undefined :: Word64)
    tobool '1' = True
    tobool '0' = False
    tobool  _  = error "tobool got wrong value, error in the parser, please report a bug"

parseIsoZonedTime :: P.Parser ZonedTime
parseIsoZonedTime = zoned P.<?> "ZonedTime parser"
    zoned = do
      time          <- parseIsoLocalTime
      zn <- P.option Nothing $ Just <$> zone
      case zn of
        Nothing -> return $ ZonedTime time utc
        Just (addt, z) -> return $ if addt /= 0
                                   then utcToZonedTime z
                                        $ addUTCTime addt
                                        $ zonedTimeToUTC
                                        $ ZonedTime time z
                                   else ZonedTime time z
    zone = do
      sign <- P.option '+' (P.char '-' <|> P.char '+')
      (a, z) <- hhmmss <|> hhmm <|> hhhh
      return $ if sign == '+'
               then (fromIntegral a, minutesToTimeZone z)
               else (fromIntegral $ negate a, minutesToTimeZone $ negate z)

    fromh h = (0, 60 * h)
    fromhm h m = (0, m + (60 * h))
    fromhms h m s = (s, m + (60 * h))

    hhmmss = do
      hh <- P.decimal
      _ <- P.char ':'
      mm <- P.decimal
      _ <- P.char ':'
      ss <- P.decimal
      return $ fromhms hh mm ss

    hhmm = do
      hh <- P.decimal
      _ <- P.char ':'
      mm <- P.decimal
      return $ fromhm hh mm

    hhhh = do
      h <- P.takeWhile1 isDigit
      case T.length h of
        4 -> return $ fromhm (readd $ T.take 2 h) (readd $ T.drop 2 h) -- 0400 format
        6 -> return $ fromhms (readd $ T.take 2 h) (readd $ T.take 2 $ T.drop 2 h) (readd $ T.drop 4 h)
        _ -> return $ fromh $ readd h

    readd t = T.foldl' fld 0 t
        fld ac c = (fromEnum c - fromEnum '0') + (ac * 10)

parseIsoDay :: P.Parser Day
parseIsoDay = dayparse P.<?> "Day parser"
    dayparse = do
      yr <- P.decimal
      mn <- P.decimal
      dy <- P.decimal
      let err = getFirst $ mconcat
                [ First $ if mn > 12 || mn < 1
                          then Just $ "month is " ++ show mn ++ " must be in bounds from 1 to 12"
                          else Nothing
                , First $ if dy > 31 || dy < 1
                          then Just $ "day is " ++ show dy ++ " must be in bounds from 1 to 31"
                          else Nothing
      case err of
        Just e -> fail e
        Nothing -> case fromGregorianValid yr mn dy of
          Just ret -> return ret
          Nothing -> fail $ "could not convert year: " ++ show yr
                     ++ " month: " ++ show mn
                     ++ " day: " ++ show dy
                     ++ " to date"

    delim = do
      _ <- P.option Nothing $ Just <$> do
        _ <- P.char '-'
      return ()

parseIsoTimeOfDay :: P.Parser TimeOfDay
parseIsoTimeOfDay = timeparse P.<?> "TimeOfDay parser"
    timeparse = do
      hh <- P.decimal P.<?> "hours"
      mm <- P.decimal P.<?> "minutes"
      ss <- P.rational P.<?> "seconds"
      let err = getFirst $ mconcat
                [ First $ if hh > 23 || hh < 0
                          then Just $ "Hour is " ++ show hh ++ " must be in bounds from 0 to 23"
                          else Nothing
                , First $ if mm > 59 || hh < 0
                          then Just $ "Minute is " ++ show mm ++ " must be in bounds from 0 to 59"
                          else Nothing
                , First $ if ss > 60 || ss < 0
                          then Just $ "Seconds is " ++ show ss ++ " must be in bounds from 0 to 59"
                          else Nothing
      case err of
        Nothing -> return $ TimeOfDay hh mm ss
        Just e  -> fail e

    colon = do
      _ <- P.char ':'
      return ()

parseIsoLocalTime :: P.Parser LocalTime
parseIsoLocalTime = parsetime P.<?> "LocalTime parser"
    parsetime = do
      day <- parseIsoDay
      _ <- P.option Nothing $ Just <$> do
        _ <- P.char 'T'
      time <- parseIsoTimeOfDay
      return $ LocalTime day time