{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Main where -- {{{ Imports import Hbro import qualified Hbro.Bookmarks as Bookmarks import qualified Hbro.Clipboard as Clipboard import qualified Hbro.Download as Download import qualified Hbro.Gui as GUI import qualified Hbro.History as History import Hbro.Keys as Key import Hbro.Misc import Hbro.Network import Hbro.Notification import qualified Hbro.Prompt as Prompt -- import Hbro.Session import Hbro.Settings import Hbro.StatusBar import qualified Hbro.Webkit.WebSettings as WS import Control.Conditional import Control.Lens hiding((??)) import Control.Monad hiding(forM_, mapM_) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Display.Label import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebSettings import Network.URI hiding(parseURI, parseURIReference) import Prelude hiding(mapM_) import System.Directory import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir import System.FilePath -- }}} myHomePage = URI "http:" (Just $ URIAuth "" "//www.google.com" "") "" "" "" -- Seriously ? -- Download to $HOME myDownloadHook :: URI -> String -> Int -> K () myDownloadHook uri filename _size = do destination <- io getHomeDirectory Download.aria destination uri filename myLoadFinishedHook :: K () myLoadFinishedHook = History.log =<< getUserDataDir "hbro" >/> "history" -- Setup (run at start-up) -- Note that keybindings are suited for an azerty keyboard. mySetup :: K () mySetup = do myHistoryFile <- getUserDataDir "hbro" >/> "history" myBookmarksFile <- getUserDataDir "hbro" >/> "bookmarks" -- Browse bind Key.Normal "C-" $ goBackList ["-l", "10"] >>= load bind Key.Normal "C-" $ goForwardList ["-l", "10"] >>= load bind Key.Normal "C-g" $ Prompt.read "DuckDuckGo search" "" (load <=< parseURIReference . ("http://duckduckgo.com/html?q=" ++) . escapeURIString isAllowedInURI) -- Bookmarks bind Key.Normal "C-d" $ Prompt.read "Bookmark with tags:" "" $ Bookmarks.add myBookmarksFile . words {- bind Key.Normal "C-D" $ Prompt.read "Bookmark all instances with tag:" "" $ \tags -> do uris <- mapM parseURI =<< sendCommandToAll "GET_URI" forM uris $ Bookmarks.addCustom myBookmarksFile . (`Bookmarks.Entry` words tags) void . Bookmarks.addCustom myBookmarksFile . (`Bookmarks.Entry` words tags) =<< getURI-} bind Key.Normal "M-d" $ Bookmarks.deleteWithTag myBookmarksFile ["-l", "10"] bind Key.Normal "C-l" $ Bookmarks.select myBookmarksFile ["-l", "10"] >>= load bind Key.Normal "C-L" $ Bookmarks.selectTag myBookmarksFile ["-l", "10"] >>= void . mapM (\uri -> io $ spawn "hbro" ["-u", (show uri)]) -- ("C-q"), webViewGetUri webView >>= maybe (return ()) (Queue.append), -- ("M-q"), \b -> do -- uri <- Queue.popFront -- load uri b), -- History bind Key.Normal "C-h" $ History.select myHistoryFile ["-l", "10"] >>= load . History.mURI -- Session --("M-l"), loadFromSession ["-l", "10"]) -- Settings bind Key.Normal "M-j" $ WS.toggle webSettingsEnableScripts >>= ((notify 5000 "Javascript disabled") ?? (notify 5000 "Javascript enabled")) bind Key.Normal "M-p" $ WS.toggle webSettingsEnablePlugins >>= ((notify 5000 "Plugins disabled") ?? (notify 5000 "Plugins enabled")) -- Web settings (cf Graphic.Gtk.WebKit.WebSettings) WS.modify webSettingsEnablePlugins $ const False WS.modify webSettingsEnableScripts $ const False WS.modify webSettingsEnablePageCache $ const True WS.modify webSettingsJSCanOpenWindowAuto $ const True WS.modify webSettingsUserAgent $ const firefoxUserAgent -- Scroll position in status bar setupScrollWidget =<< GUI.getObject castToLabel "scroll" -- Zoom level in status bar setupZoomWidget =<< GUI.getObject castToLabel "zoom" -- Load progress in status bar setupProgressWidget =<< GUI.getObject castToLabel "progress" -- Current URI in status bar setupURIWidget defaultURIColors defaultSecureURIColors =<< GUI.getObject castToLabel "uri" -- Keystrokes in status bar setupKeyStrokesWidget =<< GUI.getObject castToLabel "keys" -- Session manager --setupSession browser -- Favicon --_ <- on webView iconLoaded $ \uri -> do something return () myConfig :: Config K -> Config K myConfig = id . set homePage myHomePage . set onDownload myDownloadHook . set onLoadFinished myLoadFinishedHook -- Main function, expected to call 'hbro' main :: IO () main = hbro mySetup