module Main where -- {{{ Imports import Hbro.Core import Hbro.Gui import Hbro.Types import Hbro.Util import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO) import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Display.Label import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Entry.Entry import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.GC import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Misc.Adjustment import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Scrolling.ScrolledWindow import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Download import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.NetworkRequest import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebNavigationAction import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebSettings import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window -- Remove this line in your custom hbro.hs import Paths_hbro import System.Environment import System.Glib.Attributes import System.Glib.Signals import System.Process import System.Posix.Process -- }}} main :: IO () main = do -- All lines containing "getDataFileName" won't compile -- in your custom configuration file, you must remove them uiFile <- getDataFileName "examples/ui.xml" bookmarksHandlerFile <- getDataFileName "examples/scripts/" configHome <- getEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" hbro Configuration { -- Do not change this mError = Nothing, -- Directory where 0MQ sockets will be created mSocketDir = socketDir, -- XML file defining UI (used by GtkBuilder) -- In your custom hbro.hs, remove the first line and use instead the second one mUIFile = uiFile, --mUIFile = configHome ++ "/hbro/ui.xml", -- URI to load at startup mHomePage = "", -- Custom keys -- All callbacks are fed with the GUI instance -- Note 1 : for modifiers, lists are used for convenience purposes, -- but are transformed into sets in hbro's internal machinery, -- so that order and repetition don't matter -- Note 3 : for printable characters accessed via the shift modifier, -- you do have to include Shift in modifiers list mKeyBindings = [ -- ((modifiers, key), callback) -- Browse (([], "<"), goBack), (([Shift], ">"), goForward), (([], "s"), stopLoading), (([], ""), reload True), (([Shift], ""), reload False), (([Control], "r"), reload True), (([Control, Shift], "R"), reload False), (([], "^"), horizontalHome), (([], "$"), horizontalEnd), (([], ""), verticalHome), (([], ""), verticalEnd), (([Control], ""), goHome), -- Display (([Control, Shift], "+"), zoomIn), (([Control], "-"), zoomOut), (([], ""), fullscreen), (([], ""), unfullscreen), (([], "t"), toggleStatusBar), (([Control], "u"), toggleSourceMode), -- Prompt (([], "o"), promptURL False), (([Shift], "O"), promptURL True), -- Search (([Shift], "/"), promptFind False True True), (([Shift], "?"), promptFind False False True), (([], "n"), findNext False True True), (([Shift], "N"), findNext False False True), -- Copy/paste (([], "y"), copyUri), (([Control], "y"), copyTitle), --(([], "p"), pasteUri), -- /!\ UNSTABLE, can't see why... -- Bookmarks (([Control], "d"), addToBookmarks bookmarksHandlerFile), (([Control, Shift], "D"), addAllInstancesToBookmarks bookmarksHandlerFile), (([Alt], "d"), deleteTagFromBookmarks bookmarksHandlerFile), (([Control], "l"), loadFromBookmarks bookmarksHandlerFile), (([Control, Shift], "L"), loadTagFromBookmarks bookmarksHandlerFile), -- Others (([Control], "i"), showWebInspector), (([Control], "p"), printPage), (([Control], "n"), newWindow) ], -- Various web settings -- Commented lines correspond to default values -- For more details, please refer to WebSettings documentation mWebSettings = do settings <- webSettingsNew set settings [ --SETTING DEFAULT VALUE --webSettingsCursiveFontFamily := "serif", --webSettingsDefaultFontFamily := "sans-serif", --webSettingsFantasyFontFamily := , --webSettingsMonospaceFontFamily := "monospace", --webSettingsSansFontFamily := "sans-serif", --webSettingsSerifFontFamily := "serif", --webSettingsDefaultFontSize := , --webSettingsDefaultMonospaceFontSize := 10, --webSettingsMinimumFontSize := 5, --webSettingsMinimumLogicalFontSize := 5, --webSettingsAutoLoadImages := True, --webSettingsAutoShrinkImages := True, --webSettingsDefaultEncoding := "iso-8859-1", --webSettingsEditingBehavior := EditingBehaviorWindows, --webSettingsEnableCaretBrowsing := , webSettingsEnableDeveloperExtras := True, webSettingsEnableHtml5Database := False, webSettingsEnableHtml5LocalStorage := False, webSettingsEnableOfflineWebApplicationCache := True, webSettingsEnablePlugins := True, webSettingsEnablePrivateBrowsing := False, webSettingsEnableScripts := True, webSettingsEnableSpellChecking := True, webSettingsEnableUniversalAccessFromFileUris := True, webSettingsEnableXssAuditor := True, --webSettingsEnableSiteSpecificQuirks := False, --webSettingsEnableDomPaste := False, --webSettingsEnableDefaultContextMenu := True, webSettingsEnablePageCache := True, --webSettingsEnableSpatialNavigation := False, --webSettingsEnforce96Dpi := , webSettingsJSCanOpenWindowAuto := True, --webSettingsPrintBackgrounds := True, --webSettingsResizableTextAreas := True, webSettingsSpellCheckingLang := Just "en_US", --webSettingsTabKeyCyclesThroughElements := True, webSettingsUserAgent := "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/4.0 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)" --webSettingsUserStylesheetUri := Nothing, --webSettingsZoomStep := 0.1 ] return settings, -- Custom callbacks mAtStartUp = \browser -> (let builder = mBuilder (mGUI browser) webView = mWebView (mGUI browser) scrollWindow = mScrollWindow (mGUI browser) window = mWindow (mGUI browser) in do progressLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "progress" uriLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "uri" scrollLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "scroll" keysLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "keys" -- Default background (for status bar) widgetModifyBg window StateNormal (Color 0 0 10000) -- Scroll position in status bar adjustment <- scrolledWindowGetVAdjustment scrollWindow _ <- onValueChanged adjustment $ do current <- adjustmentGetValue adjustment lower <- adjustmentGetLower adjustment upper <- adjustmentGetUpper adjustment page <- adjustmentGetPageSize adjustment case upper-lower-page of 0 -> labelSetMarkup scrollLabel "ALL" x -> labelSetMarkup scrollLabel $ show (round $ current/x*100) ++ "%" -- Pressed keys in statusbar _ <- after webView keyPressEvent $ do value <- eventKeyVal modifiers <- eventModifier let keyString = keyToString value case keyString of Just string -> liftIO $ labelSetMarkup keysLabel $ "" ++ show modifiers ++ escapeMarkup string ++ "" _ -> return () return False -- Page load _ <- on webView loadStarted $ \_ -> do labelSetMarkup progressLabel "0%" _ <- on webView loadCommitted $ \_ -> do getUri <- (webViewGetUri webView) case getUri of Just uri -> labelSetMarkup uriLabel $ "" ++ escapeMarkup uri ++ "" _ -> labelSetMarkup uriLabel "ERROR" _ <- on webView progressChanged $ \progress' -> labelSetMarkup progressLabel $ "" ++ show progress' ++ "%" _ <- on webView loadFinished $ \_ -> do labelSetMarkup progressLabel "100%" _ <- on webView loadError $ \_ _ _ -> do labelSetMarkup progressLabel "ERROR" return False _ <- on webView titleChanged $ \_ title -> set window [ windowTitle := ("hbro | " ++ title)] -- Special requests _ <- on webView downloadRequested $ \download -> do getUri <- downloadGetUri download _ <- case getUri of Just uri -> downloadHandler uri _ -> return () return True _ <- on webView mimeTypePolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request mimetype policyDecision -> do getUri <- networkRequestGetUri request case (getUri, mimetype) of --(Just uri, 'a':'p':'p':'l':'i':'c':'a':'t':'i':'o':'n':'/':_) -> downloadHandler uri (Just uri, _) -> putStrLn $ mimetype ++ ": " ++ uri _ -> putStrLn "FIXME" return False -- History handler _ <- on webView loadFinished $ \_ -> do getUri <- webViewGetUri webView getTitle <- webViewGetTitle webView case (getUri, getTitle) of (Just uri, Just title) -> historyHandler uri title _ -> return () -- On navigating to a new URI -- Return True to forbid navigation, False to allow _ <- on webView navigationPolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request action policyDecision -> do getUri <- networkRequestGetUri request reason <- webNavigationActionGetReason action mouseButton <- webNavigationActionGetButton action case getUri of Just ('m':'a':'i':'l':'t':'o':':':address) -> do putStrLn $ "Mailing to: " ++ address return True Just uri -> case mouseButton of 1 -> return False -- Left button 2 -> runExternalCommand ("hbro -u \"" ++ uri ++ "\"") >> return True -- Middle button 3 -> return False -- Right button _ -> return False -- No mouse button pressed _ -> return False -- On requesting new window _ <- on webView newWindowPolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request action policyDecision -> do getUri <- networkRequestGetUri request case getUri of Just uri -> runExternalCommand $ "hbro " ++ uri _ -> putStrLn "ERROR: wrong URI given, unable to open window." return True _ <- on webView hoveringOverLink $ \title hoveredUri -> do getUri <- (webViewGetUri webView) case (hoveredUri, getUri) of (Just u, _) -> labelSetMarkup uriLabel $ "" ++ escapeMarkup u ++ "" (_, Just u) -> labelSetMarkup uriLabel $ "" ++ escapeMarkup u ++ "" _ -> putStrLn "FIXME" -- Favicon --_ <- on webView iconLoaded $ \uri -> do something return () )} -- Definitions where -- Constants scriptsDir, socketDir :: String scriptsDir = "~/.config/hbro/scripts/" socketDir = "/tmp" toggleSourceMode :: Browser -> IO() toggleSourceMode browser = do currentMode <- webViewGetViewSourceMode (mWebView $ mGUI browser) webViewSetViewSourceMode (mWebView $ mGUI browser) (not currentMode) -- TODO toggleStatusBar :: Browser -> IO() toggleStatusBar browser = return() promptURL :: Bool -> Browser -> IO() promptURL False browser = prompt "Open URL" "" False browser (\b -> do uri <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI b) loadURL uri b) promptURL _ browser = do uri <- webViewGetUri (mWebView $ mGUI browser) case uri of Just url -> prompt "Open URL" url False browser (\b -> do u <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI b) loadURL u b) _ -> return () promptFind :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Browser -> IO () promptFind caseSensitive forward wrap browser = prompt "Search" "" True browser (\browser' -> do keyWord <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI browser') found <- webViewSearchText (mWebView $ mGUI browser) keyWord caseSensitive forward wrap return ()) findNext :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Browser -> IO () findNext caseSensitive forward wrap browser = do keyWord <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI browser) found <- webViewSearchText (mWebView $ mGUI browser) keyWord caseSensitive forward wrap return () newWindow :: Browser -> IO () newWindow browser = runExternalCommand ("hbro") -- Copy/paste copyUri, copyTitle, pasteUri :: Browser -> IO() copyUri browser = do getUri <- webViewGetUri (mWebView $ mGUI browser) case getUri of Just u -> runCommand ("echo -n " ++ u ++ " | xclip") >> return () _ -> return () copyTitle browser = do getTitle <- webViewGetTitle (mWebView $ mGUI browser) case getTitle of Just t -> runCommand ("echo -n " ++ t ++ " | xclip") >> return () _ -> return () pasteUri browser = do uri <- readProcess "xclip" ["-o"] [] loadURL uri browser -- Scrolling verticalHome, verticalEnd, horizontalHome, horizontalEnd :: Browser -> IO() verticalHome browser = do adjustment <- scrolledWindowGetVAdjustment (mScrollWindow $ mGUI browser) lower <- adjustmentGetLower adjustment adjustmentSetValue adjustment lower verticalEnd browser = do adjustment <- scrolledWindowGetVAdjustment (mScrollWindow $ mGUI browser) upper <- adjustmentGetUpper adjustment adjustmentSetValue adjustment upper horizontalHome browser = do adjustment <- scrolledWindowGetHAdjustment (mScrollWindow $ mGUI browser) lower <- adjustmentGetLower adjustment adjustmentSetValue adjustment lower horizontalEnd browser = do adjustment <- scrolledWindowGetHAdjustment (mScrollWindow $ mGUI browser) upper <- adjustmentGetUpper adjustment adjustmentSetValue adjustment upper -- Handlers downloadHandler :: String -> IO () downloadHandler uri = runExternalCommand $ "wget \"" ++ uri ++ "\"" historyHandler :: String -> String -> IO () historyHandler uri title = runCommand (scriptsDir ++ "/ \"" ++ uri ++ "\" \"" ++ title ++ "\"") >> return () -- Bookmarks addToBookmarks, addAllInstancesToBookmarks, loadFromBookmarks :: FilePath -> Browser -> IO() addToBookmarks handlerPath browser = do getUri <- webViewGetUri (mWebView $ mGUI browser) case getUri of Just uri -> prompt "Bookmark with tag:" "" False browser (\b -> do tags <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI b) runExternalCommand $ handlerPath ++ " add " ++ uri ++ " " ++ tags) --runExternalCommand $ scriptsDir ++ " add " ++ uri ++ " " ++ tags) _ -> return () addAllInstancesToBookmarks handlerPath browser = do prompt "Bookmark all instances with tag:" "" False browser (\b -> do tags <- entryGetText (mPromptEntry $ mGUI b) _ <- forkIO $ (runCommand (handlerPath ++ " add-all " ++ socketDir ++ " " ++ tags)) >> return () --_ <- forkIO $ (runCommand (scriptsDir ++ " add-all " ++ socketDir ++ " " ++ tags)) >> return () return()) loadFromBookmarks handlerPath browser = do pid <- getProcessID runExternalCommand $ handlerPath ++ " load \"" ++ socketDir ++ "/hbro." ++ show pid ++ "\"" --runExternalCommand $ scriptsDir ++ " load \"" ++ socketDir ++ "/hbro." ++ show pid ++ "\"" loadTagFromBookmarks handlerPath browser = do runExternalCommand $ handlerPath ++ " load-tag" --runExternalCommand $ scriptsDir ++ " load-tag" deleteTagFromBookmarks handlerPath browser = do runExternalCommand $ handlerPath ++ " delete-tag" --runExternalCommand $ scriptsDir ++ " delete-tag"