:let g:hbb_executable_name = "hbb" " ghc options must be written in the same way they are passed to hbb which " means that each option must be prepended by '-g'. For example " let g:hbb_ghc_options = '-g -isrc -g -packageghc -g -XFlexibleInstances' :let g:hbb_ghc_options = "" " This function inlines the currently selected function or prints an error " message if inlining fails. " If any argument is passed then the file is saved after inlining. function! HBBInlineSelection( ... ) :let curline = getline('.') :let startpos = getpos( "'<" ) :let endpos = getpos( "'>" ) :let curfile = expand('%') :let commandstr = g:hbb_executable_name . " " . g:hbb_ghc_options . " inline --adapt-ind " . curfile . " " . startpos[1] . " " . startpos[2] . " " . endpos[1] . " " . (endpos[2] + 1) . " 2>./.vim-hbb.log" :let fun = system( commandstr ) :let errorreason = readfile( "./.vim-hbb.log" ) :call delete("./.vim-hbb.log") :if len( fun ) == 0 :let errorreason_copy = copy( errorreason ) :let errorreason_copy[0] = "Inlining failed: " . errorreason[0] :echo join( errorreason_copy , "\n" ) :else :let funnamelen = endpos[2] - startpos[2] + 1 :if startpos[2] < 2 :let curlineprefix = "" :else :let curlineprefix = curline[0:(startpos[2]-2)] :endif :let curlinesuffix = curline[startpos[2]+funnamelen-1:] :let content2insertAsList = split( fun , '\n' ) :let firstlineEnd = content2insertAsList[0] :let lastlineStart = content2insertAsList[-1] :if len( content2insertAsList ) >= 2 " This is a multiline entry... :call remove( content2insertAsList , 0 ) :call remove( content2insertAsList , len( content2insertAsList ) - 1 ) :call insert( content2insertAsList , curlineprefix . firstlineEnd ) :call add( content2insertAsList , lastlineStart . curlinesuffix ) :else " This is a single-line entry... :let content2insertAsList[0] = curlineprefix . content2insertAsList[0] . curlinesuffix :endif :call setline( '.' , content2insertAsList[0] ) :call append( line('.') , content2insertAsList[1:] ) :if len( a:000 ) != 0 :w :endif :endif :call setpos( '.' , startpos ) endfunction ":vmap i :call HBBInlineSelection() ":vmap I :call HBBInlineSelection( "with saving" )