-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license,
-- found in the LICENSE file.

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax, OverloadedStrings #-}
module BatchTests (tests) where

import TestTypes
import TestUtils
import MockTAO

import Control.Applicative
import Test.HUnit

import Haxl.Core

import Prelude()
import Haxl.Prelude
import Data.IORef

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Test batching over multiple arguments in liftA2
batching1 = expectRounds 1 12 batching1_

batching1_ = do
  a <- id1
  b <- id2
  length <$> liftA2 (++) (friendsOf a) (friendsOf b)

-- Test batching in mapM (which is really traverse)
batching2 = expectRounds 1 12 batching2_

batching2_ = do
  a <- id1
  b <- id2
  fs <- mapM friendsOf [a,b]
  return (sum (map length fs))

-- Test batching when we have a monadic bind in each branch
batching3 = expectRounds 1 12 batching3_

batching3_ = do
  let a = id1 >>= friendsOf
      b = id2 >>= friendsOf
  length <$> a .++ b

-- Test batching over both arguments of (+)
batching4 = expectRounds 1 12 batching4_

batching4_ = do
  let a = length <$> (id1 >>= friendsOf)
      b = length <$> (id2 >>= friendsOf)
  a + b

-- Test batching over both arguments of (+)
batching5 = expectRounds 1 2 batching5_

batching5_ :: Haxl Int
batching5_ = if a .> b then 1 else 2
  a = length <$> (id1 >>= friendsOf)
  b = length <$> (id2 >>= friendsOf)

-- Test batching when we perform all batching tests together with sequence
batching6 = expectRounds 1 [12,12,12,12,2] batching6_

batching6_ = sequence [batching1_,batching2_,batching3_,batching4_,batching5_]

-- Ensure if/then/else and bool operators break batching
batching7 = expectRounds 2 12 batching7_

batching7_ :: Haxl Int
batching7_ = if a .> 0 then a+b else 0
  a = length <$> (id1 >>= friendsOf)
  b = length <$> (id2 >>= friendsOf)

-- We expect 3 rounds here due to boolean operators
batching8 = expectRounds 3 12 batching8_

batching8_ :: Haxl Int
batching8_ = if (c .== 0) .|| (a .> 0 .&& b .> 0) then a+b else 0
  a = length <$> (id1 >>= friendsOf)
  b = length <$> (id2 >>= friendsOf)
  c = length <$> (id3 >>= friendsOf)

-- (>>) should batch, so we expect one round
batching9 = expectRounds 1 6 batching9_

batching9_ :: Haxl Int
batching9_ = (id1 >>= friendsOf) >> (length <$> (id2 >>= friendsOf))

-- Test data caching, numFetches

-- simple (one cache hit)
caching1 = expectFetches 3 caching1_
caching1_ = nf id1 + nf id2 + nf id3 + nf id3
  nf id = length <$> (id >>= friendsOf)

-- simple, in rounds (no cache hits)
caching2 = expectFetches 3 caching2_
caching2_ = if nf id1 .> 0 then nf id2 + nf id3 else 0
  nf id = length <$> (id >>= friendsOf)

-- rounds (one cache hit)
caching3 = expectFetches 3 caching3_
caching3_ = if nf id1 .> 0 then nf id1 + nf id2 + nf id3 else 0
  nf id = length <$> (id >>= friendsOf)

-- Basic sanity check on data-cache re-use
cacheReuse future = do
  env <- makeTestEnv future
  expectRoundsWithEnv 2 12 batching7_ env

  -- make a new env
  tao <- MockTAO.initGlobalState future
  let st = stateSet tao stateEmpty
  env2 <- initEnvWithData st testinput (caches env)

  -- ensure no more data fetching rounds needed
  expectRoundsWithEnv 0 12 batching7_ env2

noCaching future = do
  env <- makeTestEnv future
  let env' = env{ flags = (flags env){caching = 0} }
  result <- runHaxl env' caching3_
  assertEqual "result" result 18
  stats <- readIORef (statsRef env)
  assertEqual "rounds" 2 (numRounds stats)
  assertEqual "fetches" 4 (numFetches stats)

exceptionTest1 = expectRounds 1 []
  $ withDefault [] $ friendsOf 101

exceptionTest2 = expectRounds 1 [7..12] $ liftA2 (++)
  (withDefault [] (friendsOf 101))
  (withDefault [] (friendsOf 2))

deterministicExceptions future = do
  env <- makeTestEnv future
  let haxl =
        sequence [ do _ <- friendsOf =<< id1; throw (NotFound "xxx")
                 , throw (NotFound "yyy")
  -- the first time, friendsOf should block, but we should still get the
  -- "xxx" exception.
  r <- runHaxl env $ try haxl
  assertBool "exceptionTest3" $
    case r of
     Left (NotFound "xxx") -> True
     _ -> False
  -- the second time, friendsOf will be cached, and we should get the "xxx"
  -- exception as before.
  r <- runHaxl env $ try haxl
  assertBool "exceptionTest3" $
    case r of
     Left (NotFound "xxx") -> True
     _ -> False

pOrTests future = do
  env <- makeTestEnv future

  -- Test semantics
  r <- runHaxl env $ do
        a <- return False `pOr` return False
        b <- return False `pOr` return True
        c <- return True `pOr` return False
        d <- return True `pOr` return True
        return (not a && b && c && d)
  assertBool "pOr0" r

  -- pOr is left-biased with respect to exceptions:
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $ return True `pOr` throw (NotFound "foo")
  assertBool "pOr1" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Right True -> True
      _ -> False
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $ throw (NotFound "foo") `pOr` return True
  assertBool "pOr2" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound "foo") -> True
      _ -> False

  -- pOr is non-deterministic (see also Note [tricky pOr/pAnd])
  let nondet = (do _ <- friendsOf 1; throw (NotFound "foo")) `pOr` return True
  r <- runHaxl env $ try nondet
  assertBool "pOr3" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Right True -> True
      _ -> False
  -- next we populate the cache
  _ <- runHaxl env $ friendsOf 1
  -- and now exactly the same pOr again will throw this time:
  r <- runHaxl env $ try nondet
  assertBool "pOr4" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound "foo") -> True
      _ -> False

  -- One more test: Blocked/False => Blocked
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $
    (do _ <- friendsOf 2; throw (NotFound "foo")) `pOr` return False
  assertBool "pOr5" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound _) -> True
      _ -> False

pAndTests future = do
  env <- makeTestEnv future

  -- Test semantics
  r <- runHaxl env $ do
        a <- return False `pAnd` return False
        b <- return False `pAnd` return True
        c <- return True `pAnd` return False
        d <- return True `pAnd` return True
        return (not a && not b && not c && d)
  assertBool "pAnd0" r

  -- pAnd is left-biased with respect to exceptions:
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $ return False `pAnd` throw (NotFound "foo")
  assertBool "pAnd1" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Right False -> True
      _ -> False
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $ throw (NotFound "foo") `pAnd` return False
  assertBool "pAnd2" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound "foo") -> True
      _ -> False

  -- pAnd is non-deterministic (see also Note [tricky pOr/pAnd])
  let nondet =
        (do _ <- friendsOf 1; throw (NotFound "foo")) `pAnd` return False
  r <- runHaxl env $ try nondet
  assertBool "pAnd3" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Right False -> True
      _ -> False
  -- next we populate the cache
  _ <- runHaxl env $ friendsOf 1
  -- and now exactly the same pAnd again will throw this time:
  r <- runHaxl env $ try nondet
  assertBool "pAnd4" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound "foo") -> True
      _ -> False

  -- One more test: Blocked/True => Blocked
  r <- runHaxl env $ try $
    (do _ <- friendsOf 2; throw (NotFound "foo")) `pAnd` return True
  assertBool "pAnd5" $
    case (r :: Either NotFound Bool) of
      Left (NotFound _) -> True
      _ -> False

tests :: Bool -> Test
tests future = TestList
  [ TestLabel "batching1" $ TestCase (batching1 future)
  , TestLabel "batching2" $ TestCase (batching2 future)
  , TestLabel "batching3" $ TestCase (batching3 future)
  , TestLabel "batching4" $ TestCase (batching4 future)
  , TestLabel "batching5" $ TestCase (batching5 future)
  , TestLabel "batching6" $ TestCase (batching6 future)
  , TestLabel "batching7" $ TestCase (batching7 future)
  , TestLabel "batching8" $ TestCase (batching8 future)
  , TestLabel "batching9" $ TestCase (batching9 future)
  , TestLabel "caching1" $ TestCase (caching1 future)
  , TestLabel "caching2" $ TestCase (caching2 future)
  , TestLabel "caching3" $ TestCase (caching3 future)
  , TestLabel "CacheReuse" $ TestCase (cacheReuse future)
  , TestLabel "NoCaching" $ TestCase (noCaching future)
  , TestLabel "exceptionTest1" $ TestCase (exceptionTest1 future)
  , TestLabel "exceptionTest2" $ TestCase (exceptionTest2 future)
  , TestLabel "deterministicExceptions" $
      TestCase (deterministicExceptions future)
  , TestLabel "pOrTest" $ TestCase (pOrTests future)
  , TestLabel "pAndTest" $ TestCase (pAndTests future)