{-| Our parsing strategy is to port the original Postgres parser as closely as possible. We're using the @gram.y@ Postgres source file, which is the closest thing we have to a Postgres syntax spec. Here's a link to it: https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/master/src/backend/parser/gram.y. Here's the essence of how the original parser is implemented, citing from [PostgreSQL Wiki](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Developer_FAQ): scan.l defines the lexer, i.e. the algorithm that splits a string (containing an SQL statement) into a stream of tokens. A token is usually a single word (i.e., doesn't contain spaces but is delimited by spaces), but can also be a whole single or double-quoted string for example. The lexer is basically defined in terms of regular expressions which describe the different token types. gram.y defines the grammar (the syntactical structure) of SQL statements, using the tokens generated by the lexer as basic building blocks. The grammar is defined in BNF notation. BNF resembles regular expressions but works on the level of tokens, not characters. Also, patterns (called rules or productions in BNF) are named, and may be recursive, i.e. use themselves as sub-patterns. -} module Hasql.TH.Syntax.Parsing where import Hasql.TH.Prelude hiding (expr, try, option, some, many, sortBy, filter, head, tail, bit, fromList) import HeadedMegaparsec hiding (string) import Control.Applicative.Combinators hiding (some) import Control.Applicative.Combinators.NonEmpty import Hasql.TH.Extras.HeadedMegaparsec hiding (run) import Hasql.TH.Syntax.Ast import Text.Megaparsec (Stream, Parsec) import qualified Hasql.TH.Extras.HeadedMegaparsec as Extras import qualified Hasql.TH.Extras.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MegaparsecChar import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as MegaparsecLexer import qualified Hasql.TH.Syntax.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Hasql.TH.Syntax.Predicate as Predicate import qualified Hasql.TH.Syntax.Validator as Validator import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Text.Builder as TextBuilder import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet {- $setup >>> testParser parser = either putStr print . run parser -} type Parser = HeadedParsec Void Text -- * Executors ------------------------- run :: Parser a -> Text -> Either String a run = Extras.run -- * Helpers ------------------------- commaSeparator :: Parser () commaSeparator = space *> char ',' *> endHead *> space dotSeparator :: Parser () dotSeparator = space *> char '.' *> endHead *> space inBrackets :: Parser a -> Parser a inBrackets p = char '[' *> space *> p <* endHead <* space <* char ']' inBracketsCont :: Parser a -> Parser (Parser a) inBracketsCont p = char '[' *> endHead *> pure (space *> p <* endHead <* space <* char ']') inParens :: Parser a -> Parser a inParens p = char '(' *> space *> p <* endHead <* space <* char ')' inParensCont :: Parser a -> Parser (Parser a) inParensCont p = char '(' *> endHead *> pure (space *> p <* endHead <* space <* char ')') inParensWithLabel :: (label -> content -> result) -> Parser label -> Parser content -> Parser result inParensWithLabel _result _labelParser _contentParser = do _label <- wrapToHead _labelParser space char '(' endHead space _content <- _contentParser space char ')' pure (_result _label _content) inParensWithClause :: Parser clause -> Parser content -> Parser content inParensWithClause = inParensWithLabel (const id) trueIfPresent :: Parser a -> Parser Bool trueIfPresent p = option False (True <$ p) {-| >>> testParser (quotedString '\'') "'abc''d'" "abc'd" -} quotedString :: Char -> Parser Text quotedString q = do char q endHead _tail <- parse $ let collectChunks !bdr = do chunk <- Megaparsec.takeWhileP Nothing (/= q) let bdr' = bdr <> TextBuilder.text chunk Megaparsec.try (consumeEscapedQuote bdr') <|> finish bdr' consumeEscapedQuote bdr = do MegaparsecChar.char q MegaparsecChar.char q collectChunks (bdr <> TextBuilder.char q) finish bdr = do MegaparsecChar.char q return (TextBuilder.run bdr) in collectChunks mempty return _tail quasiQuote :: Parser a -> Parser a quasiQuote p = space *> p <* endHead <* space <* eof -- * PreparableStmt ------------------------- preparableStmt = SelectPreparableStmt <$> selectStmt <|> InsertPreparableStmt <$> insertStmt <|> UpdatePreparableStmt <$> updateStmt <|> DeletePreparableStmt <$> deleteStmt -- * Insert ------------------------- insertStmt = do a <- optional (wrapToHead withClause <* space1) string' "insert" space1 endHead string' "into" space1 b <- insertTarget space1 c <- insertRest d <- optional (space1 *> onConflict) e <- optional (space1 *> returningClause) return (InsertStmt a b c d e) insertTarget = do a <- qualifiedName endHead b <- optional (space1 *> string' "as" *> space1 *> endHead *> colId) return (InsertTarget a b) insertRest = asum [ DefaultValuesInsertRest <$ (string' "default" *> space1 *> endHead *> string' "values") , do a <- optional (inParens insertColumnList <* space1) b <- optional $ do string' "overriding" space1 endHead b <- overrideKind space1 string' "value" space1 return b c <- selectStmt return (SelectInsertRest a b c) ] overrideKind = asum [ UserOverrideKind <$ string' "user", SystemOverrideKind <$ string' "system" ] insertColumnList = sep1 commaSeparator insertColumnItem insertColumnItem = do a <- colId endHead b <- optional (space1 *> indirection) return (InsertColumnItem a b) onConflict = do string' "on" space1 string' "conflict" space1 endHead a <- optional (confExpr <* space1) string' "do" space1 b <- onConflictDo return (OnConflict a b) confExpr = asum [ WhereConfExpr <$> inParens indexParams <*> optional (space *> whereClause) , ConstraintConfExpr <$> (string' "on" *> space1 *> string' "constraint" *> space1 *> endHead *> name) ] onConflictDo = asum [ NothingOnConflictDo <$ string' "nothing" , do string' "update" space1 endHead string' "set" space1 a <- setClauseList b <- optional (space1 *> whereClause) return (UpdateOnConflictDo a b) ] returningClause = do string' "returning" space1 endHead targetList -- * Update ------------------------- updateStmt = do a <- optional (wrapToHead withClause <* space1) string' "update" space1 endHead b <- relationExprOptAlias ["set"] space1 string' "set" space1 c <- setClauseList d <- optional (space1 *> fromClause) e <- optional (space1 *> whereOrCurrentClause) f <- optional (space1 *> returningClause) return (UpdateStmt a b c d e f) setClauseList = sep1 commaSeparator setClause setClause = asum [ do a <- inParens setTargetList space char '=' space b <- aExpr return (TargetListSetClause a b) , do a <- setTarget space char '=' space b <- aExpr return (TargetSetClause a b) ] setTarget = do a <- colId endHead b <- optional (space1 *> indirection) return (SetTarget a b) setTargetList = sep1 commaSeparator setTarget -- * Delete ------------------------- deleteStmt = do a <- optional (wrapToHead withClause <* space1) string' "delete" space1 endHead string' "from" space1 b <- relationExprOptAlias ["using", "where", "returning"] c <- optional (space1 *> usingClause) d <- optional (space1 *> whereOrCurrentClause) e <- optional (space1 *> returningClause) return (DeleteStmt a b c d e) usingClause = do string' "using" space1 fromList -- * Select ------------------------- {-| >>> test = testParser selectStmt >>> test "select id from as" ... | 1 | select id from as | ^ Reserved keyword "as" used as an identifier. If that's what you intend, you have to wrap it in double quotes. -} selectStmt = Left <$> selectNoParens <|> Right <$> selectWithParens selectWithParens = inParens (WithParensSelectWithParens <$> selectWithParens <|> NoParensSelectWithParens <$> selectNoParens) selectNoParens = withSelectNoParens <|> simpleSelectNoParens sharedSelectNoParens _with = do _select <- selectClause _sort <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) _limit <- optional (space1 *> selectLimit) _forLocking <- optional (space1 *> forLockingClause) return (SelectNoParens _with _select _sort _limit _forLocking) {-| The one that doesn't start with \"WITH\". -} {- | simple_select | select_clause sort_clause | select_clause opt_sort_clause for_locking_clause opt_select_limit | select_clause opt_sort_clause select_limit opt_for_locking_clause -} simpleSelectNoParens = sharedSelectNoParens Nothing withSelectNoParens = do _with <- wrapToHead withClause space1 sharedSelectNoParens (Just _with) selectClause = suffixRec base suffix where base = asum [ Right <$> selectWithParens, Left <$> baseSimpleSelect ] suffix a = Left <$> extensionSimpleSelect a baseSimpleSelect = asum [ do string' "select" notFollowedBy $ satisfy $ isAlphaNum endHead _targeting <- optional (space1 *> targeting) _intoClause <- optional (space1 *> string' "into" *> endHead *> space1 *> optTempTableName) _fromClause <- optional (space1 *> fromClause) _whereClause <- optional (space1 *> whereClause) _groupClause <- optional (space1 *> keyphrase "group by" *> endHead *> space1 *> sep1 commaSeparator groupByItem) _havingClause <- optional (space1 *> string' "having" *> endHead *> space1 *> aExpr) _windowClause <- optional (space1 *> string' "window" *> endHead *> space1 *> sep1 commaSeparator windowDefinition) return (NormalSimpleSelect _targeting _intoClause _fromClause _whereClause _groupClause _havingClause _windowClause) , do string' "table" space1 endHead TableSimpleSelect <$> relationExpr , ValuesSimpleSelect <$> valuesClause ] extensionSimpleSelect _headSelectClause = do _op <- space1 *> selectBinOp <* space1 endHead _allOrDistinct <- optional (allOrDistinct <* space1) _selectClause <- selectClause return (BinSimpleSelect _op _headSelectClause _allOrDistinct _selectClause) allOrDistinct = string' "all" $> False <|> string' "distinct" $> True selectBinOp = asum [ string' "union" $> UnionSelectBinOp, string' "intersect" $> IntersectSelectBinOp, string' "except" $> ExceptSelectBinOp ] valuesClause = do string' "values" space sep1 commaSeparator $ do char '(' endHead space _a <- sep1 commaSeparator aExpr space char ')' return _a withClause = label "with clause" $ do string' "with" space1 endHead _recursive <- option False (True <$ string' "recursive" <* space1) _cteList <- sep1 commaSeparator commonTableExpr return (WithClause _recursive _cteList) commonTableExpr = label "common table expression" $ do _name <- colId <* space <* endHead _nameList <- optional (inParens (sep1 commaSeparator colId) <* space1) string' "as" space1 _materialized <- optional (materialized <* space1) _stmt <- inParens preparableStmt return (CommonTableExpr _name _nameList _materialized _stmt) materialized = True <$ string' "materialized" <|> False <$ keyphrase "not materialized" targeting = distinct <|> allWithTargetList <|> all <|> normal where normal = NormalTargeting <$> targetList allWithTargetList = do string' "all" space1 AllTargeting <$> Just <$> targetList all = string' "all" $> AllTargeting Nothing distinct = do string' "distinct" space1 endHead _optOn <- optional (onExpressionsClause <* space1) _targetList <- targetList return (DistinctTargeting _optOn _targetList) targetList = sep1 commaSeparator targetEl {-| >>> testParser targetEl "a.b as c" AliasedExprTargetEl (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "a") (Just (AttrNameIndirectionEl (UnquotedIdent "b") :| []))))) (UnquotedIdent "c") -} targetEl = label "target" $ asum [ do _expr <- aExpr asum [ do space1 asum [ AliasedExprTargetEl _expr <$> (string' "as" *> space1 *> endHead *> colLabel) , ImplicitlyAliasedExprTargetEl _expr <$> ident ] , pure (ExprTargetEl _expr) ] , AsteriskTargetEl <$ char '*' ] onExpressionsClause = do string' "on" space1 endHead inParens (sep1 commaSeparator aExpr) -- * Into clause details ------------------------- {- OptTempTableName: | TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name | TEMP opt_table qualified_name | LOCAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name | LOCAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name | GLOBAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name | GLOBAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name | UNLOGGED opt_table qualified_name | TABLE qualified_name | qualified_name -} optTempTableName = asum [ do a <- asum [ TemporaryOptTempTableName <$ string' "temporary" <* space1, TempOptTempTableName <$ string' "temp" <* space1, LocalTemporaryOptTempTableName <$ string' "local temporary" <* space1, LocalTempOptTempTableName <$ string' "local temp" <* space1, GlobalTemporaryOptTempTableName <$ string' "global temporary" <* space1, GlobalTempOptTempTableName <$ string' "global temp" <* space1, UnloggedOptTempTableName <$ string' "unlogged" <* space1 ] b <- option False (True <$ string' "table" <* space1) c <- qualifiedName return (a b c) , do string' "table" space1 endHead TableOptTempTableName <$> qualifiedName , QualifedOptTempTableName <$> qualifiedName ] -- * Group by details ------------------------- groupByItem = asum [ EmptyGroupingSetGroupByItem <$ (char '(' *> space *> char ')'), RollupGroupByItem <$> (string' "rollup" *> endHead *> space *> inParens (sep1 commaSeparator aExpr)), CubeGroupByItem <$> (string' "cube" *> endHead *> space *> inParens (sep1 commaSeparator aExpr)), GroupingSetsGroupByItem <$> (keyphrase "grouping sets" *> endHead *> space *> inParens (sep1 commaSeparator groupByItem)), ExprGroupByItem <$> aExpr ] -- * Window clause details ------------------------- windowDefinition = WindowDefinition <$> (colId <* space1 <* string' "as" <* space1 <* endHead) <*> windowSpecification {- window_specification: | '(' opt_existing_window_name opt_partition_clause opt_sort_clause opt_frame_clause ')' -} windowSpecification = inParens $ asum [ do a <- frameClause return (WindowSpecification Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just a)) , do a <- sortClause b <- optional (space1 *> frameClause) return (WindowSpecification Nothing Nothing (Just a) b) , do a <- partitionByClause b <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) c <- optional (space1 *> frameClause) return (WindowSpecification Nothing (Just a) b c) , do a <- colId b <- optional (space1 *> partitionByClause) c <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) d <- optional (space1 *> frameClause) return (WindowSpecification (Just a) b c d) , pure (WindowSpecification Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) ] partitionByClause = keyphrase "partition by" *> space1 *> endHead *> sep1 commaSeparator aExpr {- opt_frame_clause: | RANGE frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause | ROWS frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause | GROUPS frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause | EMPTY -} frameClause = do a <- frameClauseMode <* space1 <* endHead b <- frameExtent c <- optional (space1 *> windowExclusionClause) return (FrameClause a b c) frameClauseMode = asum [ RangeFrameClauseMode <$ string' "range", RowsFrameClauseMode <$ string' "rows", GroupsFrameClauseMode <$ string' "groups" ] frameExtent = BetweenFrameExtent <$> (string' "between" *> space1 *> endHead *> frameBound <* space1 <* string' "and" <* space1) <*> frameBound <|> SingularFrameExtent <$> frameBound {- | UNBOUNDED PRECEDING | UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING | CURRENT_P ROW | a_expr PRECEDING | a_expr FOLLOWING -} frameBound = UnboundedPrecedingFrameBound <$ keyphrase "unbounded preceding" <|> UnboundedFollowingFrameBound <$ keyphrase "unbounded following" <|> CurrentRowFrameBound <$ keyphrase "current row" <|> do a <- aExpr space1 PrecedingFrameBound a <$ string' "preceding" <|> FollowingFrameBound a <$ string' "following" windowExclusionClause = CurrentRowWindowExclusionClause <$ keyphrase "exclude current row" <|> GroupWindowExclusionClause <$ keyphrase "exclude group" <|> TiesWindowExclusionClause <$ keyphrase "exclude ties" <|> NoOthersWindowExclusionClause <$ keyphrase "exclude no others" -- * Table refs ------------------------- fromList = sep1 commaSeparator tableRef fromClause = string' "from" *> endHead *> space1 *> fromList {-| >>> testParser tableRef "a left join b on (a.i = b.i)" JoinTableRef (MethJoinedTable (QualJoinMeth... -} tableRef = label "table reference" $ do _tr <- nonTrailingTableRef recur _tr where recur _tr = asum [ do _tr2 <- wrapToHead (space1 *> trailingTableRef _tr) endHead recur _tr2 , pure _tr ] nonTrailingTableRef = asum [ lateralTableRef <|> wrapToHead nonLateralTableRef <|> relationExprTableRef <|> joinedTableWithAliasTableRef <|> inParensJoinedTableTableRef ] where {- | relation_expr opt_alias_clause | relation_expr opt_alias_clause tablesample_clause -} relationExprTableRef = do _relationExpr <- relationExpr endHead _optAliasClause <- optional (space1 *> aliasClause) _optTablesampleClause <- optional (space1 *> tablesampleClause) return (RelationExprTableRef _relationExpr _optAliasClause _optTablesampleClause) {- | LATERAL_P func_table func_alias_clause | LATERAL_P xmltable opt_alias_clause | LATERAL_P select_with_parens opt_alias_clause TODO: add xmltable -} lateralTableRef = do string' "lateral" space1 endHead lateralableTableRef True nonLateralTableRef = lateralableTableRef False lateralableTableRef _lateral = asum [ do a <- funcTable b <- optional (space1 *> funcAliasClause) return (FuncTableRef _lateral a b) , do _select <- selectWithParens _optAliasClause <- optional $ space1 *> aliasClause return (SelectTableRef _lateral _select _optAliasClause) ] inParensJoinedTableTableRef = JoinTableRef <$> inParensJoinedTable <*> pure Nothing joinedTableWithAliasTableRef = do _joinedTable <- wrapToHead (inParens joinedTable) space1 _alias <- aliasClause return (JoinTableRef _joinedTable (Just _alias)) trailingTableRef _tableRef = JoinTableRef <$> trailingJoinedTable _tableRef <*> pure Nothing relationExpr = label "relation expression" $ asum [ do string' "only" space1 _name <- qualifiedName return (OnlyRelationExpr _name False) , inParensWithClause (string' "only") qualifiedName <&> \ a -> OnlyRelationExpr a True , do _name <- qualifiedName _asterisk <- asum [ True <$ (space1 *> char '*'), pure False ] return (SimpleRelationExpr _name _asterisk) ] relationExprOptAlias reservedKeywords = do a <- relationExpr b <- optional $ do space1 b <- trueIfPresent (string' "as" *> space1) c <- filteredColId reservedKeywords return (b, c) return (RelationExprOptAlias a b) tablesampleClause = do string' "tablesample" space1 endHead a <- funcName space b <- inParens exprList c <- optional (space *> repeatableClause) return (TablesampleClause a b c) repeatableClause = do string' "repeatable" space inParens (endHead *> aExpr) funcTable = asum [ do string' "rows" space1 string' "from" space a <- inParens (endHead *> rowsfromList) b <- trueIfPresent (space *> optOrdinality) return (RowsFromFuncTable a b) , do a <- funcExprWindowless b <- trueIfPresent (space1 *> optOrdinality) return (FuncExprFuncTable a b) ] rowsfromItem = do a <- funcExprWindowless endHead b <- optional (space1 *> colDefList) return (RowsfromItem a b) rowsfromList = sep1 commaSeparator rowsfromItem colDefList = string' "as" *> space *> inParens (endHead *> tableFuncElementList) optOrdinality = string' "with" *> space1 *> string' "ordinality" tableFuncElementList = sep1 commaSeparator tableFuncElement tableFuncElement = do a <- wrapToHead colId space1 b <- typename c <- optional (space1 *> collateClause) return (TableFuncElement a b c) collateClause = string' "collate" *> space1 *> endHead *> anyName funcAliasClause = asum [ do string' "as" asum [ do space inParens $ do endHead AsFuncAliasClause <$> tableFuncElementList , do space1 a <- colId asum [ do space inParens $ do endHead asum [ AsColIdFuncAliasClause a <$> wrapToHead tableFuncElementList, AliasFuncAliasClause <$> AliasClause True a <$> Just <$> nameList ] , pure (AliasFuncAliasClause (AliasClause True a Nothing)) ] ] , do a <- colId asum [ do space inParens $ do endHead asum [ ColIdFuncAliasClause a <$> wrapToHead tableFuncElementList, AliasFuncAliasClause <$> AliasClause False a <$> Just <$> nameList ] , pure (AliasFuncAliasClause (AliasClause False a Nothing)) ] ] joinedTable = head >>= tail where head = asum [ do _tr <- wrapToHead nonTrailingTableRef space1 trailingJoinedTable _tr , inParensJoinedTable ] tail _jt = asum [ do _jt2 <- wrapToHead (space1 *> trailingJoinedTable (JoinTableRef _jt Nothing)) endHead tail _jt2 , pure _jt ] {- | '(' joined_table ')' -} inParensJoinedTable = InParensJoinedTable <$> inParens joinedTable {- | table_ref CROSS JOIN table_ref | table_ref join_type JOIN table_ref join_qual | table_ref JOIN table_ref join_qual | table_ref NATURAL join_type JOIN table_ref | table_ref NATURAL JOIN table_ref -} trailingJoinedTable _tr1 = asum [ do keyphrase "cross join" endHead space1 _tr2 <- nonTrailingTableRef return (MethJoinedTable CrossJoinMeth _tr1 _tr2) , do _jt <- joinTypedJoin endHead space1 _tr2 <- tableRef space1 _jq <- joinQual return (MethJoinedTable (QualJoinMeth _jt _jq) _tr1 _tr2) , do string' "natural" endHead space1 _jt <- joinTypedJoin space1 _tr2 <- nonTrailingTableRef return (MethJoinedTable (NaturalJoinMeth _jt) _tr1 _tr2) ] where joinTypedJoin = Just <$> (joinType <* endHead <* space1 <* string' "join") <|> Nothing <$ string' "join" joinType = asum [ do string' "full" endHead _outer <- outerAfterSpace return (FullJoinType _outer) , do string' "left" endHead _outer <- outerAfterSpace return (LeftJoinType _outer) , do string' "right" endHead _outer <- outerAfterSpace return (RightJoinType _outer) , string' "inner" $> InnerJoinType ] where outerAfterSpace = (space1 *> string' "outer") $> True <|> pure False joinQual = asum [ string' "using" *> space1 *> inParens (sep1 commaSeparator colId) <&> UsingJoinQual , string' "on" *> space1 *> aExpr <&> OnJoinQual ] aliasClause = do (_as, _alias) <- (True,) <$> (string' "as" *> space1 *> endHead *> colId) <|> (False,) <$> colId _columnAliases <- optional (space1 *> inParens (sep1 commaSeparator colId)) return (AliasClause _as _alias _columnAliases) -- * Where ------------------------- whereClause = string' "where" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr whereOrCurrentClause = do string' "where" space1 endHead asum [ do string' "current" space1 string' "of" space1 endHead a <- cursorName return (CursorWhereOrCurrentClause a) , ExprWhereOrCurrentClause <$> aExpr ] -- * Sorting ------------------------- sortClause = do keyphrase "order by" endHead space1 a <- sep1 commaSeparator sortBy return a sortBy = do a <- filteredAExpr ["using", "asc", "desc", "nulls"] asum [ do space1 string' "using" space1 endHead b <- qualAllOp c <- optional (space1 *> nullsOrder) return (UsingSortBy a b c) , do b <- optional (space1 *> ascDesc) c <- optional (space1 *> nullsOrder) return (AscDescSortBy a b c) ] -- * Expressions ------------------------- exprList = sep1 commaSeparator aExpr exprListInParens = inParens exprList {-| Notice that the tree constructed by this parser does not reflect the precedence order of Postgres. For the purposes of this library it simply doesn't matter, so we're not bothering with that. Composite on the right: >>> testParser aExpr "a = b :: int4" SymbolicBinOpAExpr (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "a") Nothing))) (MathSymbolicExprBinOp EqualsMathOp) (TypecastAExpr (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "b") Nothing))) (TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 0 False)) Composite on the left: >>> testParser aExpr "a = b :: int4 and c" SymbolicBinOpAExpr (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "a") Nothing))) (MathSymbolicExprBinOp EqualsMathOp) (AndAExpr (TypecastAExpr (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "b") Nothing))) (TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 0 False)) (CExprAExpr (ColumnrefCExpr (Columnref (UnquotedIdent "c") Nothing)))) -} aExpr = customizedAExpr cExpr filteredAExpr = customizedAExpr . customizedCExpr . filteredColumnref customizedAExpr cExpr = suffixRec base suffix where aExpr = customizedAExpr cExpr base = asum [ DefaultAExpr <$ string' "default", UniqueAExpr <$> (string' "unique" *> space1 *> selectWithParens), OverlapsAExpr <$> wrapToHead row <*> (space1 *> string' "overlaps" *> space1 *> endHead *> row), qualOpExpr aExpr PrefixQualOpAExpr, PlusAExpr <$> plusedExpr aExpr, MinusAExpr <$> minusedExpr aExpr, NotAExpr <$> (string' "not" *> space1 *> aExpr), CExprAExpr <$> cExpr ] suffix a = asum [ do space1 b <- wrapToHead subqueryOp space1 c <- wrapToHead subType space d <- Left <$> wrapToHead selectWithParens <|> Right <$> inParens aExpr return (SubqueryAExpr a b c d) , typecastExpr a TypecastAExpr , CollateAExpr a <$> (space1 *> string' "collate" *> space1 *> endHead *> anyName) , AtTimeZoneAExpr a <$> (space1 *> keyphrase "at time zone" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr) , symbolicBinOpExpr a aExpr SymbolicBinOpAExpr , SuffixQualOpAExpr a <$> (space *> qualOp) , AndAExpr a <$> (space1 *> string' "and" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr) , OrAExpr a <$> (space1 *> string' "or" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr) , do space1 b <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) c <- asum [ LikeVerbalExprBinOp <$ string' "like", IlikeVerbalExprBinOp <$ string' "ilike", SimilarToVerbalExprBinOp <$ keyphrase "similar to" ] space1 endHead d <- aExpr e <- optional (space1 *> string' "escape" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr) return (VerbalExprBinOpAExpr a b c d e) , do space1 string' "is" space1 endHead b <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) c <- asum [ NullAExprReversableOp <$ string' "null", TrueAExprReversableOp <$ string' "true", FalseAExprReversableOp <$ string' "false", UnknownAExprReversableOp <$ string' "unknown", DistinctFromAExprReversableOp <$> (string' "distinct" *> space1 *> string' "from" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr), OfAExprReversableOp <$> (string' "of" *> space1 *> endHead *> inParens typeList), DocumentAExprReversableOp <$ string' "document" ] return (ReversableOpAExpr a b c) , do space1 b <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) string' "between" space1 endHead c <- asum [ BetweenSymmetricAExprReversableOp <$ (string' "symmetric" *> space1), BetweenAExprReversableOp True <$ (string' "asymmetric" *> space1), pure (BetweenAExprReversableOp False) ] d <- bExpr space1 string' "and" space1 e <- aExpr return (ReversableOpAExpr a b (c d e)) , do space1 b <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) string' "in" space c <- InAExprReversableOp <$> inExpr return (ReversableOpAExpr a b c) , IsnullAExpr a <$ (space1 *> string' "isnull") , NotnullAExpr a <$ (space1 *> string' "notnull") ] bExpr = customizedBExpr cExpr customizedBExpr cExpr = suffixRec base suffix where aExpr = customizedAExpr cExpr bExpr = customizedBExpr cExpr base = asum [ qualOpExpr bExpr QualOpBExpr, PlusBExpr <$> plusedExpr bExpr, MinusBExpr <$> minusedExpr bExpr, CExprBExpr <$> cExpr ] suffix a = asum [ typecastExpr a TypecastBExpr, symbolicBinOpExpr a bExpr SymbolicBinOpBExpr, do space1 string' "is" space1 endHead b <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) c <- asum [ DistinctFromBExprIsOp <$> (keyphrase "distinct from" *> space1 *> endHead *> bExpr), OfBExprIsOp <$> (string' "of" *> space1 *> endHead *> inParens typeList), DocumentBExprIsOp <$ string' "document" ] return (IsOpBExpr a b c) ] cExpr = customizedCExpr columnref customizedCExpr columnref = asum [ ParamCExpr <$> (char '$' *> decimal <* endHead) <*> optional (space *> indirection) , CaseCExpr <$> caseExpr , ImplicitRowCExpr <$> implicitRow , ExplicitRowCExpr <$> explicitRow , inParensWithClause (string' "grouping") (GroupingCExpr <$> sep1 commaSeparator aExpr) , string' "exists" *> space *> (ExistsCExpr <$> selectWithParens) , do string' "array" space join $ asum [ fmap (fmap (ArrayCExpr . Right)) arrayExprCont, fmap (fmap (ArrayCExpr . Left) . pure) selectWithParens ] , do a <- wrapToHead selectWithParens endHead b <- optional (space *> indirection) return (SelectWithParensCExpr a b) , InParensCExpr <$> (inParens aExpr <* endHead) <*> optional (space *> indirection) , AexprConstCExpr <$> wrapToHead aexprConst , FuncCExpr <$> funcExpr , ColumnrefCExpr <$> columnref ] -- * ------------------------- subqueryOp = asum [ AnySubqueryOp <$> (string' "operator" *> space *> endHead *> inParens anyOperator) , do a <- trueIfPresent (string' "not" *> space1) LikeSubqueryOp a <$ string' "like" <|> IlikeSubqueryOp a <$ string' "ilike" , AllSubqueryOp <$> allOp ] subType = asum [ AnySubType <$ string' "any", SomeSubType <$ string' "some", AllSubType <$ string' "all" ] inExpr = SelectInExpr <$> wrapToHead selectWithParens <|> ExprListInExpr <$> inParens exprList symbolicBinOpExpr _a _bParser _constr = do _binOp <- label "binary operator" (space *> wrapToHead symbolicExprBinOp <* space) _b <- _bParser return (_constr _a _binOp _b) typecastExpr _prefix _constr = do space string "::" endHead space _type <- typecastTypename return (_constr _prefix _type) plusedExpr expr = char '+' *> space *> expr minusedExpr expr = char '-' *> space *> expr qualOpExpr expr constr = constr <$> wrapToHead qualOp <*> (space *> expr) row = ExplicitRowRow <$> explicitRow <|> ImplicitRowRow <$> implicitRow explicitRow = string' "row" *> space *> inParens (optional exprList) implicitRow = inParens $ do a <- wrapToHead aExpr commaSeparator b <- exprList return $ case NonEmpty.consAndUnsnoc a b of (c, d) -> ImplicitRow c d arrayExprCont = inBracketsCont $ asum [ ArrayExprListArrayExpr <$> sep1 commaSeparator (join arrayExprCont), ExprListArrayExpr <$> exprList, pure EmptyArrayExpr ] caseExpr = label "case expression" $ do string' "case" space1 endHead _arg <- optional (aExpr <* space1) _whenClauses <- sep1 space1 whenClause space1 _default <- optional elseClause string' "end" pure $ CaseExpr _arg _whenClauses _default whenClause = do string' "when" space1 endHead _a <- aExpr space1 string' "then" space1 _b <- aExpr return (WhenClause _a _b) elseClause = do string' "else" space1 endHead a <- aExpr space1 return a funcExpr = asum [ SubexprFuncExpr <$> funcExprCommonSubexpr, do a <- funcApplication endHead b <- optional (space1 *> withinGroupClause) c <- optional (space1 *> filterClause) d <- optional (space1 *> overClause) return (ApplicationFuncExpr a b c d) ] funcExprWindowless = asum [ CommonSubexprFuncExprWindowless <$> funcExprCommonSubexpr, ApplicationFuncExprWindowless <$> funcApplication ] withinGroupClause = do keyphrase "within group" endHead space inParens sortClause filterClause = do string' "filter" endHead space inParens (string' "where" *> space1 *> aExpr) overClause = do string' "over" space1 endHead asum [ WindowOverClause <$> windowSpecification, ColIdOverClause <$> colId ] funcExprCommonSubexpr = asum [ CollationForFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> (inParensWithClause (keyphrase "collation for") aExpr) , CurrentDateFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "current_date" , CurrentTimestampFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> labeledIconst "current_timestamp" , CurrentTimeFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> labeledIconst "current_time" , LocalTimestampFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> labeledIconst "localtimestamp" , LocalTimeFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> labeledIconst "localtime" , CurrentRoleFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "current_role" , CurrentUserFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "current_user" , SessionUserFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "session_user" , UserFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "user" , CurrentCatalogFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "current_catalog" , CurrentSchemaFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$ string' "current_schema" , inParensWithClause (string' "cast") (CastFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> (space1 *> string' "as" *> space1 *> typename)) , inParensWithClause (string' "extract") (ExtractFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> optional extractList) , inParensWithClause (string' "overlay") (OverlayFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> overlayList) , inParensWithClause (string' "position") (PositionFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> optional positionList) , inParensWithClause (string' "substring") (SubstringFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> optional substrList) , inParensWithClause (string' "treat") (TreatFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> (space1 *> string' "as" *> space1 *> typename)) , inParensWithClause (string' "trim") (TrimFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> optional (trimModifier <* space1) <*> trimList) , inParensWithClause (string' "nullif") (NullIfFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> (commaSeparator *> aExpr)) , inParensWithClause (string' "coalesce") (CoalesceFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList) , inParensWithClause (string' "greatest") (GreatestFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList) , inParensWithClause (string' "least") (LeastFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList) ] where labeledIconst _label = string' _label *> endHead *> optional (space *> inParens iconst) extractList = ExtractList <$> extractArg <*> (space1 *> string' "FROM" *> space1 *> aExpr) extractArg = asum [ YearExtractArg <$ string' "year", MonthExtractArg <$ string' "month", DayExtractArg <$ string' "day", HourExtractArg <$ string' "hour", MinuteExtractArg <$ string' "minute", SecondExtractArg <$ string' "second", SconstExtractArg <$> sconst, IdentExtractArg <$> ident ] overlayList = do a <- aExpr space1 b <- overlayPlacing space1 c <- substrFrom d <- optional (space1 *> substrFor) return (OverlayList a b c d) overlayPlacing = string' "placing" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr positionList = PositionList <$> bExpr <*> (space1 *> string' "IN" *> space1 *> bExpr) substrList = asum [ ExprSubstrList <$> wrapToHead aExpr <*> (space1 *> substrListFromFor), ExprListSubstrList <$> exprList ] substrListFromFor = asum [ do a <- substrFrom asum [ do b <- space1 *> substrFor return (FromForSubstrListFromFor a b) , return (FromSubstrListFromFor a) ] , do a <- substrFor asum [ do b <- space1 *> substrFrom return (ForFromSubstrListFromFor a b) , return (ForSubstrListFromFor a) ] ] substrFrom = string' "from" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr substrFor = string' "for" *> space1 *> endHead *> aExpr trimModifier = BothTrimModifier <$ string' "both" <|> LeadingTrimModifier <$ string' "leading" <|> TrailingTrimModifier <$ string' "trailing" trimList = asum [ ExprFromExprListTrimList <$> wrapToHead aExpr <*> (space1 *> string' "from" *> space1 *> endHead *> exprList) , FromExprListTrimList <$> (string' "from" *> space1 *> endHead *> exprList) , ExprListTrimList <$> exprList ] funcApplication = inParensWithLabel FuncApplication funcName (optional funcApplicationParams) funcApplicationParams = asum [ starFuncApplicationParams, listVariadicFuncApplicationParams, singleVariadicFuncApplicationParams, normalFuncApplicationParams ] normalFuncApplicationParams = do _optAllOrDistinct <- optional (allOrDistinct <* space1) _argList <- sep1 commaSeparator funcArgExpr endHead _optSortClause <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) return (NormalFuncApplicationParams _optAllOrDistinct _argList _optSortClause) singleVariadicFuncApplicationParams = do string' "variadic" space1 endHead _arg <- funcArgExpr _optSortClause <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) return (VariadicFuncApplicationParams Nothing _arg _optSortClause) listVariadicFuncApplicationParams = do (_argList, _) <- wrapToHead $ sepEnd1 commaSeparator (string' "variadic" <* space1) funcArgExpr endHead _arg <- funcArgExpr _optSortClause <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) return (VariadicFuncApplicationParams (Just _argList) _arg _optSortClause) starFuncApplicationParams = space *> char '*' *> endHead *> space $> StarFuncApplicationParams {- func_arg_expr: | a_expr | param_name COLON_EQUALS a_expr | param_name EQUALS_GREATER a_expr param_name: | type_function_name -} funcArgExpr = asum [ do a <- wrapToHead typeFunctionName space asum [ do string ":=" endHead b <- space *> aExpr return (ColonEqualsFuncArgExpr a b) , do string "=>" endHead b <- space *> aExpr return (EqualsGreaterFuncArgExpr a b) ] , ExprFuncArgExpr <$> aExpr ] -- * Ops ------------------------- symbolicExprBinOp = QualSymbolicExprBinOp <$> qualOp <|> MathSymbolicExprBinOp <$> mathOp lexicalExprBinOp = asum $ fmap keyphrase $ ["and", "or", "is distinct from", "is not distinct from"] qualOp = asum [ OpQualOp <$> op, OperatorQualOp <$> inParensWithClause (string' "operator") anyOperator ] qualAllOp = asum [ AnyQualAllOp <$> (string' "operator" *> space *> inParens (endHead *> anyOperator)), AllQualAllOp <$> allOp ] op = do a <- takeWhile1P Nothing Predicate.opChar case Validator.op a of Nothing -> return a Just err -> fail (Text.unpack err) anyOperator = asum [ AllOpAnyOperator <$> allOp, QualifiedAnyOperator <$> colId <*> (space *> char '.' *> space *> anyOperator) ] allOp = asum [ OpAllOp <$> op, MathAllOp <$> mathOp ] mathOp = asum [ ArrowLeftArrowRightMathOp <$ string' "<>", GreaterEqualsMathOp <$ string' ">=", ExclamationEqualsMathOp <$ string' "!=", LessEqualsMathOp <$ string' "<=", PlusMathOp <$ char '+', MinusMathOp <$ char '-', AsteriskMathOp <$ char '*', SlashMathOp <$ char '/', PercentMathOp <$ char '%', ArrowUpMathOp <$ char '^', ArrowLeftMathOp <$ char '<', ArrowRightMathOp <$ char '>', EqualsMathOp <$ char '=' ] -- * Constants ------------------------- {-| >>> testParser aexprConst "32948023849023" IAexprConst 32948023849023 >>> testParser aexprConst "'abc''de'" SAexprConst "abc'de" >>> testParser aexprConst "23.43234" FAexprConst 23.43234 >>> testParser aexprConst "32423423.324324872" FAexprConst 3.2423423324324872e7 >>> testParser aexprConst "NULL" NullAexprConst -} {- AexprConst: Iconst | FCONST | Sconst | BCONST | XCONST | func_name Sconst | func_name '(' func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')' Sconst | ConstTypename Sconst | ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst | TRUE_P | FALSE_P | NULL_P -} aexprConst = asum [ do string' "interval" space1 endHead a <- asum [ do a <- sconst endHead b <- optional (space1 *> interval) return (StringIntervalAexprConst a b) , do a <- inParens iconst space1 endHead b <- sconst return (IntIntervalAexprConst a b) ] return a , do a <- constTypename space1 endHead b <- sconst return (ConstTypenameAexprConst a b) , BoolAexprConst True <$ string' "true" , BoolAexprConst False <$ string' "false" , NullAexprConst <$ string' "null" <* parse (Megaparsec.notFollowedBy MegaparsecChar.alphaNumChar) , either IAexprConst FAexprConst <$> iconstOrFconst , SAexprConst <$> sconst , label "bit literal" $ do string' "b'" endHead a <- takeWhile1P (Just "0 or 1") (\ b -> b == '0' || b == '1') char '\'' return (BAexprConst a) , label "hex literal" $ do string' "x'" endHead a <- takeWhile1P (Just "Hex digit") (Predicate.inSet HashSet.hexDigitChars) char '\'' return (XAexprConst a) , wrapToHead $ do a <- funcName space char '(' space b <- sep1 commaSeparator funcArgExpr c <- optional (space1 *> sortClause) space char ')' space1 d <- sconst return (FuncAexprConst a (Just (FuncConstArgs b c)) d) , FuncAexprConst <$> (wrapToHead funcName <* space1) <*> pure Nothing <*> sconst ] iconstOrFconst = Right <$> fconst <|> Left <$> iconst iconst = decimal fconst = float sconst = quotedString '\'' constTypename = asum [ NumericConstTypename <$> numeric, ConstBitConstTypename <$> constBit, ConstCharacterConstTypename <$> constCharacter, ConstDatetimeConstTypename <$> constDatetime ] numeric = asum [ IntegerNumeric <$ string' "integer", IntNumeric <$ string' "int", SmallintNumeric <$ string' "smallint", BigintNumeric <$ string' "bigint", RealNumeric <$ string' "real", FloatNumeric <$> (string' "float" *> endHead *> optional (space *> inParens iconst)), DoublePrecisionNumeric <$ keyphrase "double precision", DecimalNumeric <$> (string' "decimal" *> endHead *> optional (space *> exprListInParens)), DecNumeric <$> (string' "dec" *> endHead *> optional (space *> exprListInParens)), NumericNumeric <$> (string' "numeric" *> endHead *> optional (space *> exprListInParens)), BooleanNumeric <$ string' "boolean" ] bit = do string' "bit" a <- option False (True <$ space1 <* string' "varying") b <- optional (space1 *> exprListInParens) return (Bit a b) constBit = bit constCharacter = ConstCharacter <$> (character <* endHead) <*> optional (space *> inParens iconst) character = asum [ CharacterCharacter <$> (string' "character" *> optVaryingAfterSpace), CharCharacter <$> (string' "char" *> optVaryingAfterSpace), VarcharCharacter <$ string' "varchar", NationalCharacterCharacter <$> (keyphrase "national character" *> optVaryingAfterSpace), NationalCharCharacter <$> (keyphrase "national char" *> optVaryingAfterSpace), NcharCharacter <$> (string' "nchar" *> optVaryingAfterSpace) ] where optVaryingAfterSpace = True <$ space1 <* string' "varying" <|> pure False {- ConstDatetime: | TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone | TIME '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone | TIME opt_timezone -} constDatetime = asum [ do string' "timestamp" a <- optional (space1 *> inParens iconst) b <- optional (space1 *> timezone) return (TimestampConstDatetime a b) , do string' "time" a <- optional (space1 *> inParens iconst) b <- optional (space1 *> timezone) return (TimeConstDatetime a b) ] timezone = asum [ False <$ keyphrase "with time zone", True <$ keyphrase "without time zone" ] interval = asum [ YearToMonthInterval <$ keyphrase "year to month", DayToHourInterval <$ keyphrase "day to hour", DayToMinuteInterval <$ keyphrase "day to minute", DayToSecondInterval <$> (keyphrase "day to" *> space1 *> endHead *> intervalSecond), HourToMinuteInterval <$ keyphrase "hour to minute", HourToSecondInterval <$> (keyphrase "hour to" *> space1 *> endHead *> intervalSecond), MinuteToSecondInterval <$> (keyphrase "minute to" *> space1 *> endHead *> intervalSecond), YearInterval <$ string' "year", MonthInterval <$ string' "month", DayInterval <$ string' "day", HourInterval <$ string' "hour", MinuteInterval <$ string' "minute", SecondInterval <$> intervalSecond ] intervalSecond = do string' "second" a <- optional (space *> inParens iconst) return a -- * Types ------------------------- {-| >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 0 False >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4?" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") True 0 False >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4[]" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 1 False >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4[ ] []" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 2 False >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4[][]?" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") False 2 True >>> testParser typecastTypename "int4?[][]" TypecastTypename (UnquotedIdent "int4") True 2 False -} typecastTypename = label "type" $ do _baseName <- typecastTypenameBaseIdent endHead _baseNullable <- option False (True <$ space <* char '?') _arrayLevels <- fmap length $ many $ space *> char '[' *> endHead *> space *> char ']' _arrayNullable <- option False (True <$ space <* char '?') return (TypecastTypename _baseName _baseNullable _arrayLevels _arrayNullable) {-| A custom derivation from definition of SimpleTypename, wrapping up to a merger of "type_function_name" and "ConstInterval" and "ConstDatetime". >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "bool" UnquotedIdent "bool" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "int2" UnquotedIdent "int2" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "int4" UnquotedIdent "int4" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "int8" UnquotedIdent "int8" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "float4" UnquotedIdent "float4" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "float8" UnquotedIdent "float8" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "numeric" UnquotedIdent "numeric" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "char" UnquotedIdent "char" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "text" UnquotedIdent "text" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "bytea" UnquotedIdent "bytea" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "date" UnquotedIdent "date" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "timestamp" UnquotedIdent "timestamp" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "timestamptz" UnquotedIdent "timestamptz" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "time" UnquotedIdent "time" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "timetz" UnquotedIdent "timetz" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "interval" UnquotedIdent "interval" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "uuid" UnquotedIdent "uuid" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "inet" UnquotedIdent "inet" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "json" UnquotedIdent "json" >>> testParser typecastTypenameBaseIdent "jsonb" UnquotedIdent "jsonb" -} typecastTypenameBaseIdent = ident <|> keywordNameFromSet set where set = HashSet.unreservedKeyword <> HashSet.typeFuncNameKeyword <> -- From defs of "ConstInterval", "ConstDatetime" and others from "SimpleTypename": HashSet.fromList ["interval", "timestamp", "time", "numeric", "char"] -- * Clauses ------------------------- {- select_limit: | limit_clause offset_clause | offset_clause limit_clause | limit_clause | offset_clause -} selectLimit = asum [ do _a <- limitClause LimitOffsetSelectLimit _a <$> (space1 *> offsetClause) <|> pure (LimitSelectLimit _a) , do _a <- offsetClause OffsetLimitSelectLimit _a <$> (space1 *> limitClause) <|> pure (OffsetSelectLimit _a) ] {- limit_clause: | LIMIT select_limit_value | LIMIT select_limit_value ',' select_offset_value | FETCH first_or_next select_fetch_first_value row_or_rows ONLY | FETCH first_or_next row_or_rows ONLY -} limitClause = (do string' "limit" endHead space1 _a <- selectLimitValue _b <- optional $ do commaSeparator aExpr return (LimitLimitClause _a _b) ) <|> (do string' "fetch" endHead space1 _a <- firstOrNext space1 asum [ do _b <- rowOrRows space1 string' "only" return (FetchOnlyLimitClause _a Nothing _b) , do _b <- selectFetchFirstValue space1 _c <- rowOrRows space1 string' "only" return (FetchOnlyLimitClause _a (Just _b) _c) ] ) offsetClause = do string' "offset" endHead space1 offsetClauseParams offsetClauseParams = FetchFirstOffsetClause <$> wrapToHead selectFetchFirstValue <*> (space1 *> rowOrRows) <|> ExprOffsetClause <$> aExpr {- select_limit_value: | a_expr | ALL -} selectLimitValue = AllSelectLimitValue <$ string' "all" <|> ExprSelectLimitValue <$> aExpr rowOrRows = True <$ string' "rows" <|> False <$ string' "row" firstOrNext = False <$ string' "first" <|> True <$ string' "next" selectFetchFirstValue = ExprSelectFetchFirstValue <$> cExpr <|> NumSelectFetchFirstValue <$> (plusOrMinus <* endHead <* space) <*> iconstOrFconst plusOrMinus = False <$ char '+' <|> True <$ char '-' -- * For Locking ------------------------- {- for_locking_clause: | for_locking_items | FOR READ ONLY for_locking_items: | for_locking_item | for_locking_items for_locking_item -} forLockingClause = readOnly <|> items where readOnly = ReadOnlyForLockingClause <$ keyphrase "for read only" items = ItemsForLockingClause <$> sep1 space1 forLockingItem {- for_locking_item: | for_locking_strength locked_rels_list opt_nowait_or_skip locked_rels_list: | OF qualified_name_list | EMPTY opt_nowait_or_skip: | NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED | EMPTY -} forLockingItem = do _strength <- forLockingStrength _rels <- optional $ space1 *> string' "of" *> space1 *> endHead *> sep1 commaSeparator qualifiedName _nowaitOrSkip <- optional (space1 *> nowaitOrSkip) return (ForLockingItem _strength _rels _nowaitOrSkip) {- for_locking_strength: | FOR UPDATE | FOR NO KEY UPDATE | FOR SHARE | FOR KEY SHARE -} forLockingStrength = UpdateForLockingStrength <$ keyphrase "for update" <|> NoKeyUpdateForLockingStrength <$ keyphrase "for no key update" <|> ShareForLockingStrength <$ keyphrase "for share" <|> KeyForLockingStrength <$ keyphrase "for key share" nowaitOrSkip = False <$ string' "nowait" <|> True <$ keyphrase "skip locked" -- * References & Names ------------------------- quotedName = filter (const "Empty name") (not . Text.null) (quotedString '"') & fmap QuotedIdent {- ident_start [A-Za-z\200-\377_] ident_cont [A-Za-z\200-\377_0-9\$] identifier {ident_start}{ident_cont}* -} ident = quotedName <|> keywordNameByPredicate (not . Predicate.keyword) {- ColId: | IDENT | unreserved_keyword | col_name_keyword -} {-# NOINLINE colId #-} colId = label "identifier" $ ident <|> keywordNameFromSet (HashSet.unreservedKeyword <> HashSet.colNameKeyword) {-# NOINLINE filteredColId #-} filteredColId = let _originalSet = HashSet.unreservedKeyword <> HashSet.colNameKeyword _filteredSet = foldr HashSet.delete _originalSet in \ _reservedKeywords -> label "identifier" $ ident <|> keywordNameFromSet (_filteredSet _reservedKeywords) {- ColLabel: | IDENT | unreserved_keyword | col_name_keyword | type_func_name_keyword | reserved_keyword -} colLabel = label "column label" $ ident <|> keywordNameFromSet HashSet.keyword {-| >>> testParser qualifiedName "a.b" IndirectedQualifiedName (UnquotedIdent "a") (AttrNameIndirectionEl (UnquotedIdent "b") :| []) >>> testParser qualifiedName "a.-" ... expecting '*', column label, or white space -} {- qualified_name: | ColId | ColId indirection -} qualifiedName = IndirectedQualifiedName <$> wrapToHead colId <*> (space *> indirection) <|> SimpleQualifiedName <$> colId columnref = customizedColumnref colId filteredColumnref _keywords = customizedColumnref (filteredColId _keywords) customizedColumnref colId = do a <- wrapToHead colId endHead b <- optional (space *> indirection) return (Columnref a b) anyName = customizedAnyName colId filteredAnyName _keywords = customizedAnyName (filteredColId _keywords) customizedAnyName colId = do a <- wrapToHead colId endHead b <- optional (space *> attrs) return (AnyName a b) name = colId nameList = sep1 commaSeparator name cursorName = name {- func_name: | type_function_name | ColId indirection -} funcName = IndirectedFuncName <$> wrapToHead colId <*> (space *> indirection) <|> TypeFuncName <$> typeFunctionName {- type_function_name: | IDENT | unreserved_keyword | type_func_name_keyword -} typeFunctionName = ident <|> keywordNameFromSet (HashSet.unreservedKeyword <> HashSet.typeFuncNameKeyword) {- indirection: | indirection_el | indirection indirection_el -} indirection = some indirectionEl {- indirection_el: | '.' attr_name | '.' '*' | '[' a_expr ']' | '[' opt_slice_bound ':' opt_slice_bound ']' opt_slice_bound: | a_expr | EMPTY -} indirectionEl = asum [ do char '.' endHead space AllIndirectionEl <$ char '*' <|> AttrNameIndirectionEl <$> attrName , do char '[' endHead space _a <- asum [ do char ':' endHead space _b <- optional aExpr return (SliceIndirectionEl Nothing _b) , do _a <- aExpr asum [ do space char ':' space _b <- optional aExpr return (SliceIndirectionEl (Just _a) _b) , return (ExprIndirectionEl _a) ] ] space char ']' return _a ] {- attr_name: | ColLabel -} attrName = colLabel keywordNameFromSet _set = keywordNameByPredicate (Predicate.inSet _set) keywordNameByPredicate _predicate = fmap UnquotedIdent $ filter (\ a -> "Reserved keyword " <> show a <> " used as an identifier. If that's what you intend, you have to wrap it in double quotes.") _predicate keyword keyword = parse $ Megaparsec.label "keyword" $ do _firstChar <- Megaparsec.satisfy Predicate.firstIdentifierChar _remainder <- Megaparsec.takeWhileP Nothing Predicate.notFirstIdentifierChar return (Text.toLower (Text.cons _firstChar _remainder)) {-| Consume a keyphrase, ignoring case and types of spaces between words. -} keyphrase a = Text.words a & fmap (void . MegaparsecChar.string') & intersperse MegaparsecChar.space1 & sequence_ & fmap (const (Text.toUpper a)) & Megaparsec.label (show a) & parse -- * Typename ------------------------- typeList = sep1 commaSeparator typename typename = do a <- option False (string' "SETOF" *> space1 $> True) b <- simpleTypename endHead asum [ do space1 string' "ARRAY" c <- optional (space *> inBrackets iconst) return (ArrayDimTypename a b c) , do c <- optional (space1 *> arrayBounds) return (ArrayBoundsTypename a b c) ] arrayBounds = sep1 space (inBrackets (optional iconst)) simpleTypename = asum [ do string' "interval" endHead asum [ ConstIntervalSimpleTypename <$> Right <$> (space *> inParens iconst), ConstIntervalSimpleTypename <$> Left <$> optional (space *> interval) ], NumericSimpleTypename <$> numeric, BitSimpleTypename <$> bit, CharacterSimpleTypename <$> character, ConstDatetimeSimpleTypename <$> constDatetime, GenericTypeSimpleTypename <$> genericType ] genericType = do a <- typeFunctionName endHead b <- optional (space *> attrs) c <- optional (space1 *> typeModifiers) return (GenericType a b c) attrs = some (char '.' *> endHead *> space *> attrName) typeModifiers = inParens exprList -- * Indexes ------------------------- indexParams = sep1 commaSeparator indexElem indexElem = IndexElem <$> (indexElemDef <* endHead) <*> optional (space1 *> collate) <*> optional (space1 *> class_) <*> optional (space1 *> ascDesc) <*> optional (space1 *> nullsOrder) indexElemDef = ExprIndexElemDef <$> inParens aExpr <|> FuncIndexElemDef <$> funcExprWindowless <|> IdIndexElemDef <$> colId collate = string' "collate" *> space1 *> endHead *> anyName class_ = filteredAnyName ["asc", "desc", "nulls"] ascDesc = string' "asc" $> AscAscDesc <|> string' "desc" $> DescAscDesc nullsOrder = string' "nulls" *> space1 *> endHead *> (FirstNullsOrder <$ string' "first" <|> LastNullsOrder <$ string' "last")