hasql-th- Template Haskell utilities for Hasql
Safe HaskellNone




Quasiquoters in this category produce Hasql Statements, checking the correctness of SQL at compile-time.

To extract the information about parameters and results of the statement, the quoter requires you to explicitly specify the Postgres types for placeholders and results.

Here's an example of how to use it:

selectUserDetails :: Statement Int32 (Maybe (Text, Text, Maybe Text))
selectUserDetails =
    select name :: text, email :: text, phone :: text?
    from "user"
    where id = $1 :: int4

As you can see, it completely eliminates the need to mess with codecs. The quasiquoters directly produce Statement, which you can then dimap over using its Profunctor instance to get to your domain types.

Type mappings


Following is a list of supported Postgres types and their according types on the Haskell end.


Array mappings are also supported. They are specified according to Postgres syntax: by appending one or more [] to the primitive type, depending on how many dimensions the array has. On the Haskell end array is mapped to generic Vector, allowing you to choose which particular vector implementation to map to.


As you might have noticed in the example, we introduce one change to the Postgres syntax in the way the typesignatures are parsed: we interpret question-marks in them as specification of nullability. Here's more examples of that:

>>> :t [singletonStatement| select a :: int4? |]
  :: Statement () (Maybe Int32)

You can use it to specify the nullability of array elements:

>>> :t [singletonStatement| select a :: int4?[] |]
  :: Data.Vector.Generic.Base.Vector v (Maybe Int32) =>
     Statement () (v (Maybe Int32))

And of arrays themselves:

>>> :t [singletonStatement| select a :: int4?[]? |]
  :: Data.Vector.Generic.Base.Vector v (Maybe Int32) =>
     Statement () (Maybe (v (Maybe Int32)))

Row-parsing statements

singletonStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Statement params row

Statement producing exactly one result row.

Will cause the running session to fail with the UnexpectedAmountOfRows error if it's any other.


>>> :t [singletonStatement|select 1 :: int2|]
... :: Statement () Int16
>>> :{
  :t [singletonStatement|
       insert into "user" (email, name)
       values ($1 :: text, $2 :: text)
       returning id :: int4
... :: Statement (Text, Text) Int32

Incorrect SQL:

>>> :t [singletonStatement|elect 1|]
1 | elect 1
  |      ^

maybeStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Statement params (Maybe row)

Statement producing one row or none.


>>> :t [maybeStatement|select 1 :: int2|]
... :: Statement () (Maybe Int16)

vectorStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Statement params (Vector row)

Statement producing a vector of rows.


>>> :t [vectorStatement|select 1 :: int2|]
... :: Statement () (Vector Int16)

foldStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Fold row folding -> Statement params folding

Function from Fold over rows to a statement producing the result of folding. Use this when you need to aggregate rows customly.


>>> :t [foldStatement|select 1 :: int2|]
... :: Fold Int16 b -> Statement () b

Row-ignoring statements

resultlessStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Statement params ()

Statement producing no results.


>>> :t [resultlessStatement|insert into "user" (name, email) values ($1 :: text, $2 :: text)|]
... :: Statement (Text, Text) ()

rowsAffectedStatement :: QuasiQuoter Source #

:: Statement params Int64

Statement counting the rows it affects.


>>> :t [rowsAffectedStatement|delete from "user" where password is null|]
... :: Statement () Int64

SQL ByteStrings

ByteString-producing quasiquoters.

For now they perform no compile-time checking.

uncheckedSql :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Quoter of a multiline Unicode SQL string, which gets converted into a format ready to be used for declaration of statements.

uncheckedSqlFile :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Read an SQL-file, containing multiple statements, and produce an expression of type ByteString.

Allows to store plain SQL in external files and read it at compile time.


migration1 :: Hasql.Session.Session ()
migration1 = Hasql.Session.sql [uncheckedSqlFile|migrations/1.sql|]