module Hasql.TH where

import Hasql.TH.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Hasql.TH.Parsers as Parsers
import qualified Hasql.TH.Renderers as Renderers
import qualified Data.Text.IO

-- |
-- Read an SQL-file, containing multiple statements,
-- and produce a transaction expression.
-- Allows to store plain SQL in external files and read it at compile time.
-- E.g.,
-- >migration1 :: Transaction ()
-- >migration1 =
-- >  $(Hasql.TH.readFileAsTransaction "sql/migration-1.sql")
-- Note that so far this function uses a very simple parsing algorithm
-- to extract individual statements from the file.
-- The algorithm simply splits the contents by the semicolon.
-- So make sure that you only apply it to SQL,
-- which only uses the semicolon for statement-separation.
readFileAsTransaction :: String -> Q Exp
readFileAsTransaction path =
    contents <-
      runIO $ Data.Text.IO.readFile path
    statements <- 
      either (fail . showString ("Parsing failure: ")) return $ Parsers.statements contents
    return $
      Renderers.statementsTransactionExp statements