module Hasql.Pool ( Pool, Settings (..), acquire, release, UsageError (..), use, ) where import Hasql.Connection (Connection) import qualified Hasql.Connection as Connection import Hasql.Pool.Prelude import Hasql.Session (Session) import qualified Hasql.Session as Session -- | -- A pool of connections to DB. data Pool = Pool Connection.Settings -- ^ Connection settings. (TQueue ActiveConnection) -- ^ Queue of established connections. (TVar Int) -- ^ Slots available for establishing new connections. (TVar Bool) -- ^ Flag signaling whether pool's alive. data ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection { activeConnectionLastUseTimestamp :: Int, activeConnectionConnection :: Connection } loopCollectingGarbage :: Int -> TQueue ActiveConnection -> TVar Int -> TVar Bool -> IO () loopCollectingGarbage timeout establishedQueue slotsAvailVar aliveVar = decide where decide = do ts <- getMillisecondsSinceEpoch join $ atomically $ do alive <- readTVar aliveVar if alive then let tryToRelease = tryReadTQueue establishedQueue >>= \case -- The queue is empty. Just wait for changes in the state. Nothing -> retry Just entry@(ActiveConnection lastUseTs connection) -> let outdatingTs = lastUseTs + timeout in -- Check whether it's outdated. if outdatingTs < ts then -- Fetch the current value of available slots and -- release this one and other connections. do slotsAvail <- readTVar slotsAvailVar collectAndRelease slotsAvail [connection] outdatingTs else -- Return it to the front of the queue and -- wait until it's outdating time. do unGetTQueue establishedQueue entry return (sleep outdatingTs *> decide) collectAndRelease !slotsAvail !outdatedList outdatingTs = tryReadTQueue establishedQueue >>= \case Nothing -> finalizeAndRelease slotsAvail outdatedList outdatingTs Just entry@(ActiveConnection lastUseTs connection) -> let outdatingTs = lastUseTs + timeout in if outdatingTs < ts then do unGetTQueue establishedQueue entry finalizeAndRelease slotsAvail outdatedList outdatingTs else collectAndRelease (succ slotsAvail) (connection : outdatedList) outdatingTs finalizeAndRelease slotsAvail outdatedList outdatingTs = do writeTVar slotsAvailVar slotsAvail return (release outdatedList *> sleep outdatingTs *> decide) in tryToRelease else do list <- flushTQueue establishedQueue return (release (fmap activeConnectionConnection list)) sleep untilTs = do ts <- getMillisecondsSinceEpoch let diff = untilTs - ts in if diff > 0 then threadDelay (diff * 1000) else return () release = traverse_ Connection.release -- | -- Settings of the connection pool. Consist of: -- -- * Pool-size. -- -- * Timeout. -- An amount of time in milliseconds for which the unused connections are kept open. -- -- * Connection settings. type Settings = (Int, Int, Connection.Settings) -- | -- Given the pool-size, timeout and connection settings -- create a connection-pool. acquire :: Settings -> IO Pool acquire (size, timeout, connectionSettings) = do establishedQueue <- newTQueueIO slotsAvailVar <- newTVarIO size aliveVar <- newTVarIO (size > 0) forkIO $ loopCollectingGarbage timeout establishedQueue slotsAvailVar aliveVar return (Pool connectionSettings establishedQueue slotsAvailVar aliveVar) -- | -- Release the connection-pool. release :: Pool -> IO () release (Pool _ _ _ aliveVar) = atomically (writeTVar aliveVar False) -- | -- A union over the connection establishment error and the session error. data UsageError = -- | Error during an attempt to connect. ConnectionUsageError Connection.ConnectionError | -- | Error during session execution. SessionUsageError Session.QueryError | -- | Pool has been released and can no longer be used. PoolIsReleasedUsageError deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Use a connection from the pool to run a session and return the connection -- to the pool, when finished. If the session fails -- with 'Session.ClientError' the connection gets reestablished. use :: Pool -> Session.Session a -> IO (Either UsageError a) use (Pool connectionSettings establishedQueue slotsAvailVar aliveVar) session = join $ atomically $ do alive <- readTVar aliveVar if alive then tryReadTQueue establishedQueue >>= \case -- No established connection avail at the moment. Nothing -> do slotsAvail <- readTVar slotsAvailVar -- Do we have any slots left for establishing new connections? if slotsAvail > 0 then -- Reduce the available slots var and instruct to -- establish and use a new connection. do writeTVar slotsAvailVar $! pred slotsAvail return acquireConnectionThenUseThenPutItToQueue else -- Wait until the state changes and retry. retry Just (ActiveConnection _ connection) -> return (useConnectionThenPutItToQueue connection) else return (return (Left PoolIsReleasedUsageError)) where acquireConnectionThenUseThenPutItToQueue = do res <- Connection.acquire connectionSettings case res of -- Failed to acquire, so release an availability slot, -- returning the error details. Left acquisitionError -> do atomically $ modifyTVar' slotsAvailVar succ return (Left (ConnectionUsageError acquisitionError)) Right connection -> useConnectionThenPutItToQueue connection useConnectionThenPutItToQueue connection = do res <- session connection case res of Left queryError -> do -- Check whether the error is on client-side, -- and in that case release the connection. case queryError of Session.QueryError _ _ (Session.ClientError _) -> releaseConnection connection _ -> putConnectionToPool connection return (Left (SessionUsageError queryError)) Right res -> do putConnectionToPool connection return (Right res) putConnectionToPool connection = do ts <- getMillisecondsSinceEpoch atomically $ writeTQueue establishedQueue (ActiveConnection ts connection) releaseConnection connection = do atomically $ modifyTVar' slotsAvailVar succ Connection.release connection