<a name="unreleased"></a>
## [Unreleased]

<a name=""></a>
## [] - 2022-06-17
### Chore
- drop deriving-aeson dependency
- adopt Stack lts-19.11 (and GHC902), add Nix Shell
- bump development version to
- **build:** specify dependency version ranges

### Refactor
- revisit Haspara.FxQuote module, add new definitions

### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#6](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/6) from telostat/chores-fixes-improvements
- Merge pull request [#7](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/7) from telostat/vst/ghc902

<a name=""></a>
## [] - 2022-03-03
### Chore
- bump development version to
- **dev:** add Weeder configuration
- **dev:** add HLint configuration
- **dev:** produce .hie files during compilation
- **docs:** update README.md, fix haddock warnings
- **release:**

### Refactor
- revisit Haspara.Accounting module and its submodules
- refactor and move definitions from Haspara.Money to Haspara.Monetary
- revisit Haspara.FxQuote module
- revisit Haspara.Quantity module
- revisit Haspara.Currency module
- adopt Haskell 2021 extensions
- move definitions from Haspara.Internal.* to Haspara.*
- remove Date type in favour of Day type
- remove Id type and related definitions

### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#5](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/5) from telostat/slim-down

<a name=""></a>
## [] - 2022-03-01
### Chore
- bump development version to
- **deps:** upgrade to lts-18.27
- **release:**

### Feat
- add rudimentary accounting functionality

### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#4](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/4) from telostat/upgrade-stack-lts
- Merge pull request [#3](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/3) from telostat/rudimentary-accounting

<a name=""></a>
## - 2022-03-01
### Chore
- integrate git-chglog
- init repository
- warn about unused packages during build
- add synopsis and category to package info
- update copyright notice
- init codebase
- **deps:** upgrade to lts-18.17
- **docs:** update README
- **release:**

### Feat
- add Aeson instances to Money data type

### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#2](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/2) from telostat/release-chores
- Merge pull request [#1](https://github.com/telostat/haspara/issues/1) from telostat/init

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/telostat/haspara/compare/
[]: https://github.com/telostat/haspara/compare/
[]: https://github.com/telostat/haspara/compare/
[]: https://github.com/telostat/haspara/compare/