{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

-- | Heterogeneous array: like a HList but indexed in O(1)
module Haskus.Utils.HArray
   ( HArray
   , HArrayIndex
   , HArrayIndexT
   , HArrayTryIndexT
   , emptyHArray
   , singleHArray
   , getHArrayN
   , getHArray0
   , setHArrayN
   , getHArrayT
   , setHArrayT
   , tryGetHArrayT
   , appendHArray
   , prependHArray
   , concatHArray
   , initHArray
   , tailHArray
   , HArrayT (..)
   , (>~:~>)

import Data.Vector as V
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Haskus.Utils.Types.List
import Haskus.Utils.Types
import Haskus.Utils.Flow

-- | heterogeneous array
data HArray (types :: [*]) = forall a. HArray (Vector a)

type role HArray representational

-- | Empty array
emptyHArray :: HArray '[]
emptyHArray = HArray V.empty

-- | Empty array
singleHArray :: a -> HArray '[a]
singleHArray = HArray . V.singleton

-- | The type `t` with index `n` is indexable in the array
type HArrayIndex (n :: Nat) t (ts :: [*]) =
   ( KnownNat n
   , t ~ Index n ts
   , KnownNat (Length ts)
   , CmpNat n (Length ts) ~ 'LT

-- | A type `t` is indexable in the array
type HArrayIndexT t (ts :: [*]) =
   ( IsMember t ts ~ 'True
   , HArrayIndex (IndexOf t ts) t ts

-- | A type `t` is maybe indexable in the array
type HArrayTryIndexT t (ts :: [*]) =
   ( HArrayIndex (MaybeIndexOf t ts) t (t ': ts)

-- | Get an element by index
getHArrayN :: forall (n :: Nat) (ts :: [*]) t.
   ( HArrayIndex n t ts) => HArray ts -> t
getHArrayN (HArray as) = unsafeCoerce (as ! natValue @n)

-- | Get first element
getHArray0 :: (HArrayIndex 0 t ts) => HArray ts -> t
getHArray0 = getHArrayN @0

-- | Set an element by index
setHArrayN :: forall (n :: Nat) (ts :: [*]) t.
   (HArrayIndex n t ts) => t -> HArray ts -> HArray ts
setHArrayN a (HArray as) = HArray (as V.// [(natValue @n,unsafeCoerce a)])

-- | Get an element by type (select the first one with this type)
getHArrayT :: forall t ts.
   (HArrayIndexT t ts) => HArray ts -> t
getHArrayT = getHArrayN @(IndexOf t ts)

-- | Set an element by type (select the first one with this type)
setHArrayT :: forall t ts.
   (HArrayIndexT t ts) => t -> HArray ts -> HArray ts
setHArrayT = setHArrayN @(IndexOf t ts)

-- | Get an element by type (select the first one with this type)
tryGetHArrayT :: forall t ts.
   (HArrayTryIndexT t ts) => HArray ts -> Maybe t
tryGetHArrayT as = if n == 0
      then Nothing
      else Just $ getHArrayN @(MaybeIndexOf t ts) as'
      n   = natValue' @(MaybeIndexOf t ts)
      as' :: HArray (t ': ts)
      as' = prependHArray undefined as

-- | Append a value to an array (O(n))
appendHArray :: HArray ts -> t -> HArray (Snoc ts t)
appendHArray (HArray as) a = HArray (V.snoc as (unsafeCoerce a))

-- | Prepend a value to an array (O(n))
prependHArray :: t -> HArray ts -> HArray (t ': ts)
prependHArray a (HArray as) = HArray (V.cons (unsafeCoerce a) as)

-- | Concat arrays
concatHArray :: HArray ts1 -> HArray ts2 -> HArray (Concat ts1 ts2)
concatHArray (HArray as1) (HArray as2) = HArray (V.concat [as1,unsafeCoerce as2])

-- | Drop the last element
initHArray :: HArray ts -> HArray (Init ts)
initHArray (HArray as) = HArray (V.init as)

-- | Drop the first element
tailHArray :: HArray ts -> HArray (Tail ts)
tailHArray (HArray as) = HArray (V.tail as)

newtype HArrayT m xs ys = HArrayT
   { runHArrayT :: HArray xs -> m (HArray ys)

-- | Compose HArrayT
(>~:~>) :: (Monad m) => HArrayT m xs ys -> HArrayT m ys zs -> HArrayT m xs zs
(>~:~>) (HArrayT f) (HArrayT g) = HArrayT (f >=> g)