{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Algorithms related to inserting key-value pairs in an impure B+-tree.
module Data.BTree.Impure.Insert where

import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Data.BTree.Alloc.Class
import Data.BTree.Impure.Overflow
import Data.BTree.Impure.Structures
import Data.BTree.Primitives.Exception
import Data.BTree.Primitives


-- | Split an index node.
-- This function is partial. It fails when the original index cannot be split,
-- because it does not contain enough elements (underflow).
splitIndex :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val) =>
   Height ('S height) ->
   Index key (NodeId height key val) ->
   m (Index key (Node ('S height) key val))
splitIndex h index = do
    m <- maxPageSize
    nodePageSize' <- nodePageSize
    let binPred n = nodePageSize' h n <= m
    case extendIndexPred binPred Idx index of
        Just extIndex -> return extIndex
        Nothing -> throw $ TreeAlgorithmError "splitIndex"
            "splitting failed, underflow"

-- | Split a leaf node.
-- This function is partial. It fails when the original leaf cannot be split,
-- because it does not contain enough elements (underflow).
splitLeaf :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val) =>
    LeafItems key val ->
    m (Index key (Node 'Z key val))
splitLeaf items = do
    m <- maxPageSize
    nodePageSize' <- nodePageSize
    let binPred n = nodePageSize' zeroHeight n <= m
    case splitLeafManyPred binPred Leaf items of
        Just v  -> return v
        Nothing -> throw $ TreeAlgorithmError "splitLeaf"
            "splitting failed, underflow"


insertRec :: forall m height key val. (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
    => key
    -> val
    -> Height height
    -> NodeId height key val
    -> m (Index key (NodeId height key val))
insertRec k v = fetch
    fetch :: forall hgt.
           Height hgt
        -> NodeId hgt key val
        -> m (Index key (NodeId hgt key val))
    fetch hgt nid = do
        node <- readNode hgt nid
        freeNode hgt nid
        case node of
            Idx children -> do
                let (ctx,childId) = valView k children
                newChildIdx <- fetch (decrHeight hgt) childId
                newChildren <- splitIndex hgt (putIdx ctx newChildIdx)
                traverse (allocNode hgt) newChildren
            Leaf items -> do
                case M.lookup k items of
                    Nothing                  -> return ()
                    Just (RawValue _)        -> return ()
                    Just (OverflowValue oid) -> freeOverflow oid

                v' <- toLeafValue v
                traverse (allocNode hgt) =<< splitLeaf (M.insert k v' items)

insertRecMany :: forall m height key val. (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
    => Height height
    -> Map key val
    -> NodeId height key val
    -> m (Index key (NodeId height key val))
insertRecMany h kvs nid
    | M.null kvs = return (singletonIndex nid)
    | otherwise = do
    n <- readNode h nid
    freeNode h nid
    case n of
        Idx idx -> do
            let dist = distribute kvs idx
            newIndex    <- dist `bindIndexM` uncurry (insertRecMany (decrHeight h))
            newChildren <- splitIndex h newIndex
            traverse (allocNode h) newChildren
        Leaf items -> do
            mapM_ (\k -> freeOverwrittenOverflowId $ M.lookup k items) $ M.keys kvs
            kvs' <- toLeafItems kvs
            traverse (allocNode h) =<< splitLeaf (M.union kvs' items)
    freeOverwrittenOverflowId :: (AllocM m)
                              => Maybe (LeafValue v)
                              -> m ()
    freeOverwrittenOverflowId = \case
        Nothing                  -> return ()
        Just (RawValue _)        -> return ()
        Just (OverflowValue oid) -> freeOverflow oid


-- | Insert a key-value pair in an impure B+-tree.
-- You are responsible to make sure the key is smaller than 'maxKeySize',
-- otherwise a 'KeyTooLargeError' can (but not always will) be thrown.
insertTree :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
    => key
    -> val
    -> Tree key val
    -> m (Tree key val)
insertTree key val tree
    | Tree
      { treeHeight = height
      , treeRootId = Just rootId
      } <- tree
    = do
          newRootIdx <- insertRec key val height rootId
          case fromSingletonIndex newRootIdx of
              Just newRootId ->
                  return $! Tree
                      { treeHeight = height
                      , treeRootId = Just newRootId
              Nothing -> do
                  -- Root got split, so allocate a new root node.
                  let newHeight = incrHeight height
                  newRootId <- allocNode newHeight Idx
                      { idxChildren = newRootIdx }
                  return $! Tree
                      { treeHeight = newHeight
                      , treeRootId = Just newRootId
    | Tree
      { treeRootId = Nothing
      } <- tree
    = do  -- Allocate new root node
          leafItems' <- toLeafItems $ M.singleton key val
          newRootId <- allocNode zeroHeight Leaf
              { leafItems = leafItems'
          return $! Tree
              { treeHeight = zeroHeight
              , treeRootId = Just newRootId

-- | Bulk insert a bunch of key-value pairs in an impure B+-tree.
-- You are responsible to make sure all keys is smaller than 'maxKeySize',
-- otherwise a 'KeyTooLargeError' can (but not always will) be thrown.
insertTreeMany :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
    => Map key val
    -> Tree key val
    -> m (Tree key val)
insertTreeMany kvs tree
    | Tree
      { treeHeight = height
      , treeRootId = Just rootId
      } <- tree
    = do
        newRootIdx <- insertRecMany height kvs rootId
        fixUp height newRootIdx
    | Tree { treeRootId = Nothing } <- tree
    = do
        kvs' <- toLeafItems kvs
        idx <- traverse (allocNode zeroHeight) =<< splitLeaf kvs'
        fixUp zeroHeight $! idx

-- | Fix up the root node of a tree.
-- Fix up the root node of a tree, where all other nodes are valid, but the
-- root node may contain more items than allowed. Do this by repeatedly
-- splitting up the root node.
fixUp :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
       => Height height
       -> Index key (NodeId height key val)
       -> m (Tree key val)
fixUp h idx = case fromSingletonIndex idx of
    Just newRootNid ->
        return $! Tree { treeHeight = h
                       , treeRootId = Just newRootNid }
    Nothing -> do
        let newHeight = incrHeight h
        children     <- splitIndex newHeight idx
        childrenNids <- traverse (allocNode newHeight) children
        fixUp newHeight $! childrenNids
