# haskeme This compiler translates Scheme source code written with I-Expressions (indented expressions) into S-Expressions (symbolic expressions). ## Usage Haskeme can read and write files: haskeme --input "program.hss" --output "program.ss" Haskeme can also use `StdIn` and `StdOut`: cat "program.hss" | haskeme > "program.ss" ### Options - `-i` or `--input` to specify input file - `-o` or `--output` to specify output file ## I-Expressions I-Expressions are indented expressions and are translated by few simple rules: - a new line translates to a new S-Expression - same indentation as the expression above translates to a new S-Expression following the prior one - more indentation as the expression above translates to a new S-Expression as an argument to the prior one - less indentation as the expression above, but still more indentation as another expression above translates to a new S-Expression, while the prior and further indented block gets wrapped in extra parentheses (look at the `let`-example) - S-Expression can be mixed in while staying in a single line (look at the example for mixed expressions) ### Example - I-Expressions: ``` define f lambda x let y * x x + y 1 ``` - S-Expressions: ``` (define (f (lambda (x) (let ((y (* x x))) (+ y 1))))) ``` - mixed I- and S-Expressions: ``` define f lambda (x) let y (* x x) + y 1 ``` ## Install - install from [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskeme) with cabal: ``` cabal install haskeme ``` - clone from [GitHub](https://github.com/jumper149/haskeme) and compile with `cabal`: ``` git clone https://github.com/jumper149/haskeme.git cd haskeme cabal build ``` - clone from GitHub and compile with ghc (not recommended, use this [PKGBUILD](https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=haskeme) as a template) - install from [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/haskeme/) (only ArchLinux-Users) ### Dependencies - `ghc` (make) - `cabal` (opt. make)