module Wordify.Rules.FormedWord
) where
import Wordify.Rules.Pos
import Wordify.Rules.Square
import Wordify.Rules.Tile
import Wordify.Rules.Board
import Wordify.Rules.ScrabbleError
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
data FormedWords = FirstWord FormedWord | FormedWords {
main :: FormedWord
, otherWords :: [FormedWord]
, placed :: Map Pos Square
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type FormedWord = Seq (Pos, Square)
data Direction = Horizontal | Vertical deriving Eq
wordFormedFirstMove :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords
wordFormedFirstMove board tiles =
if starPos `Map.notMember` tiles
then Left DoesNotCoverTheStarTile
else placedSquares board tiles >>=
\squares -> (FirstWord . main) <$> wordsFormed board squares
wordsFormedMidGame :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords
wordsFormedMidGame board tiles = placedSquares board tiles >>=
\squares -> wordsFormed board squares >>= \formed ->
let FormedWords x xs _ = formed
in if Seq.length x > Map.size squares || not (Prelude.null xs)
then Right $ FormedWords x xs squares
else Left DoesNotConnectWithWord
mainWord :: FormedWords -> FormedWord
mainWord (FirstWord word) = word
mainWord formed = main formed
adjacentWords :: FormedWords -> [FormedWord]
adjacentWords (FirstWord _) = []
adjacentWords formed = otherWords formed
playerPlaced :: FormedWords -> [(Pos, Square)]
playerPlaced (FirstWord word) = Foldable.toList word
playerPlaced formed = Map.toList $ placed formed
wordsWithScores :: FormedWords -> (Int, [(String, Int)])
wordsWithScores (FirstWord firstWord) =
let score = scoreWord Seq.empty (fmap snd firstWord)
in (bingoBonus score (Seq.length firstWord), [(makeString firstWord, score)])
wordsWithScores (FormedWords mainW others played) =
(bingoBonus (Prelude.sum scores) (Map.size played), strings scores)
allWords = mainW : others
strings = makeString allWords
scores = (\formedWord -> let (notAlreadyPlaced, alreadyPlaced) = partitionPlaced formedWord
in scoreWord (fmap snd alreadyPlaced) (fmap snd notAlreadyPlaced) ) allWords
partitionPlaced = Seq.partition (\(pos, _) -> Map.member pos played)
bingoBonus :: Int -> Int -> Int
bingoBonus score playedLetters = if playedLetters < 7 then score else score + 50
bingoBonusApplied :: FormedWords -> Bool
bingoBonusApplied formed = Prelude.length (playerPlaced formed) == 7
wordStrings :: FormedWords -> [String]
wordStrings (FirstWord word) = [makeString word]
wordStrings formed = makeString $ main formed : otherWords formed
makeString :: FormedWord -> String
makeString word = M.mapMaybe (\(_, sq) -> tileIfOccupied sq >>= tileLetter) $ Foldable.toList word
placedSquares :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError (Map Pos Square)
placedSquares board tiles = squares
squares = Map.fromList <$> sequence ((\ (pos, tile) ->
posTileIfNotBlank (pos, tile) >>= squareIfUnoccupied) <$> mapAsList)
posTileIfNotBlank (pos,tile) =
if tile == Blank Nothing then Left (CannotPlaceBlankWithoutLetter pos) else Right (pos, tile)
squareIfUnoccupied (pos,tile) = maybe (Left (PlacedTileOnOccupiedSquare pos tile)) (\sq ->
Right (pos, putTileOn sq tile)) $ unoccupiedSquareAt board pos
mapAsList = Map.toList tiles
wordsFormed :: Board -> Map Pos Square -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords
wordsFormed board tiles
| Map.null tiles = Left NoTilesPlaced
| otherwise = formedWords >>= \formed ->
case formed of
x : xs -> Right $ FormedWords x xs tiles
[] -> Left NoTilesPlaced
formedWords = maybe (Left $ MisplacedLetter maxPos) (\direction ->
middleFirstWord direction >>= (\middle ->
let (midWord, _) = middle
in let mainLine = preceding direction minPos >< midWord >< after direction maxPos
in Right $ mainLine : adjacentToMain (swapDirection direction) ) ) getDirection
preceding direction pos = case direction of
Horizontal -> lettersLeft board pos
Vertical -> lettersBelow board pos
after direction pos = case direction of
Horizontal -> lettersRight board pos
Vertical -> lettersAbove board pos
(minPos, _) = Map.findMin tiles
(maxPos, _) = Map.findMax tiles
adjacentToMain direction = Prelude.filter (\word -> Seq.length word > 1) $ (\(pos, square) ->
(preceding direction pos |> (pos, square)) >< after direction pos) placedList
middleFirstWord direction =
case placedList of
x:[] -> Right (Seq.singleton x, minPos)
(x:xs) ->
foldM (\(word, lastPos) (pos, square) ->
if not $ stillOnPath lastPos pos direction
then Left $ MisplacedLetter pos
if isDirectlyAfter lastPos pos direction then Right (word |> (pos, square), pos) else
let between = after direction lastPos in
if expectedLettersInbetween direction lastPos pos between
then Right ( word >< ( between |> (pos,square) ), pos)
else Left $ MisplacedLetter pos
) (Seq.singleton x, minPos ) xs
[] -> Left NoTilesPlaced
placedList = Map.toAscList tiles
stillOnPath lastPos thisPos direction = staticDirectionGetter direction thisPos == staticDirectionGetter direction lastPos
expectedLettersInbetween direction lastPos currentPos between =
Seq.length between + 1 == movingDirectionGetter direction currentPos movingDirectionGetter direction lastPos
swapDirection direction = if direction == Horizontal then Vertical else Horizontal
| (minPos == maxPos) && (not (Seq.null (lettersLeft board minPos)) || not (Seq.null (lettersRight board minPos))) = Just Horizontal
| (minPos == maxPos) && (not (Seq.null (lettersBelow board minPos)) || not (Seq.null (lettersAbove board minPos))) = Just Vertical
| xPos minPos == xPos maxPos = Just Vertical
| yPos minPos == yPos maxPos = Just Horizontal
| otherwise = Nothing
staticDirectionGetter direction pos = if direction == Horizontal then yPos pos else xPos pos
movingDirectionGetter direction pos = if direction == Horizontal then xPos pos else yPos pos
isDirectlyAfter pos nextPos direction = movingDirectionGetter direction nextPos == movingDirectionGetter direction pos + 1