module Language.Haskell.Tools.Rewrite.ElementTypes where import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST type AnnList node dom = AnnListG node dom SrcTemplateStage type AnnMaybe node dom = AnnMaybeG node dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Modules -- | The representation of a haskell module, that is a separate compilation unit. -- It may or may not have a header. type Module dom = Ann UModule dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Module declaration with name and (optional) exports type ModuleHead dom = Ann UModuleHead dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A list of export specifications surrounded by parentheses type ExportSpecs dom = Ann UExportSpecs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Export specifier type ExportSpec dom = Ann UExportSpec dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks a name to be imported or exported with related names (subspecifier) type IESpec dom = Ann UIESpec dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks how related names will be imported or exported with a given name type SubSpec dom = Ann USubSpec dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Pragmas that must be used after the module head type ModulePragma dom = Ann UModulePragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Pragmas that must be used before defining the module type FilePragma dom = Ann UFilePragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | An import declaration: @import Module.Name@ type ImportDecl dom = Ann UImportDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Restriction on the imported names type ImportSpec dom = Ann UImportSpec dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks the import as qualified: @qualified@ type ImportQualified dom = Ann UImportQualified dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks the import as source: @{-\# SOURCE \#-}@ type ImportSource dom = Ann UImportSource dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks the import as safe: @safe@ type ImportSafe dom = Ann UImportSafe dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marks an imported name to belong to the type namespace: @type@ type TypeNamespace dom = Ann UTypeNamespace dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Renaming imports (@ as A @) type ImportRenaming dom = Ann UImportRenaming dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The name of a module type ModuleName dom = Ann UModuleName dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The name of the enabled language extension, for example (@ LambdaCase @) type LanguageExtension dom = Ann ULanguageExtension dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Declarations -- | Haskell declaration type Decl dom = Ann UDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The list of declarations that can appear in a typeclass type ClassBody dom = Ann UClassBody dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Members of a class declaration type ClassElement dom = Ann UClassElement dom SrcTemplateStage -- The declared (possibly parameterized) type (@ A x :+: B y @). type DeclHead dom = Ann UDeclHead dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Instance body is the implementation of the class functions (@ where a x = 1; b x = 2 @) type InstBody dom = Ann UInstBody dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Declarations inside an instance declaration. type InstBodyDecl dom = Ann UInstBodyDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | GADT constructor declaration (@ D1 :: { val :: Int } -> T String @) type GadtConDecl dom = Ann UGadtConDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Type of GADT constructors (can be record types: @{ val :: Int }@) type GadtConType dom = Ann UGadtConType dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Marker for a field wildcard. Only needed to attach semantic information in a type-safe way. type FieldWildcard dom = Ann UFieldWildcard dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A list of functional dependencies: @ | a -> b, c -> d @ separated by commas type FunDeps dom = Ann UFunDeps dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A functional dependency, given on the form @l1 ... ln -> r1 ... rn@ type FunDep dom = Ann UFunDep dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A constructor declaration for a datatype type ConDecl dom = Ann UConDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The @data@ or the @newtype@ keyword to define ADTs. type DataOrNewtypeKeyword dom = Ann UDataOrNewtypeKeyword dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Field declaration (@ fld :: Int @) type FieldDecl dom = Ann UFieldDecl dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A deriving clause following a data type declaration. (@ deriving Show @ or @ deriving (Show, Eq) @) type Deriving dom = Ann UDeriving dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A deriving strategy (@stock@, @newtype@ or @anyclass@) type DeriveStrategy dom = Ann UDeriveStrategy dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The instance declaration rule, which is, roughly, the part of the instance declaration before the where keyword. type InstanceRule dom = Ann UInstanceRule dom SrcTemplateStage -- | The specification of the class instance declaration type InstanceHead dom = Ann UInstanceHead dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Specialize pragma (@ {-# SPECIALISE f :: Int -> b -> b #-} @) type SpecializePragma dom = Ann USpecializePragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Overlap pragmas. Can be applied to class declarations and class instance declarations. type OverlapPragma dom = Ann UOverlapPragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Type equations as found in closed type families (@ T A = S @) type TypeEqn dom = Ann UTypeEqn dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Top level pragmas type TopLevelPragma dom = Ann UTopLevelPragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A rewrite rule (@ "map/map" forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs @) type Rule dom = Ann URule dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A variable for a rewrite rule. With or without type signature. type RuleVar dom = Ann URuleVar dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Annotation allows you to connect an expression to any declaration. type AnnotationSubject dom = Ann UAnnotationSubject dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Formulas of minimal annotations declaring which functions should be defined. type MinimalFormula dom = Ann UMinimalFormula dom SrcTemplateStage -- | In-AST source ranges (for generated pragmas) type SourceRange dom = Ann USourceRange dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Open type and data families type TypeFamily dom = Ann UTypeFamily dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Type family specification with kinds specification and injectivity. type TypeFamilySpec dom = Ann UTypeFamilySpec dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Injectivity annotation for type families (@ = r | r -> a @) type InjectivityAnn dom = Ann UInjectivityAnn dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Pattern synonyms: @ pattern Arrow t1 t2 = App "->" [t1, t2] @ type PatternSynonym dom = Ann UPatternSynonym dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Right-hand side of pattern synonym type PatSynRhs dom = Ann UPatSynRhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Left hand side of a pattern synonym type PatSynLhs dom = Ann UPatSynLhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Where clause of pattern synonym (explicit expression direction) type PatSynWhere dom = Ann UPatSynWhere dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Pattern type signature declaration (@ pattern Succ :: Int -> Int @) type PatternSignature dom = Ann UPatternTypeSignature dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Role annotations for types type Role dom = Ann URole dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Call conventions of foreign functions type CallConv dom = Ann UCallConv dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Safety annotations for foreign calls type Safety dom = Ann USafety dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A @CONLIKE@ modifier for an @INLINE@ pragma. type ConlikeAnnot dom = Ann UConlikeAnnot dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Controls the activation of a rewrite rule (@ [1] @) type PhaseControl dom = Ann UPhaseControl dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Binds -- | Value binding for top-level and local bindings type ValueBind dom = Ann UValueBind dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Clause of function binding type Match dom = Ann UMatch dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Something on the left side of the match type MatchLhs dom = Ann UMatchLhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Right hand side of a value binding (possible with guards): (@ = 3 @ or @ | x == 1 = 3; | otherwise = 4 @) type Rhs dom = Ann URhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A guarded right-hand side of a value binding (@ | x > 3 = 2 @) type GuardedRhs dom = Ann UGuardedRhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Guards for value bindings and pattern matches (@ Just v <- x, v > 1 @) type RhsGuard dom = Ann URhsGuard dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Bindings that are enabled in local blocks (where or let). type LocalBind dom = Ann ULocalBind dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Local bindings attached to a declaration (@ where x = 42 @) type LocalBinds dom = Ann ULocalBinds dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A fixity signature (@ infixl 5 +, - @). type FixitySignature dom = Ann UFixitySignature dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A type signature (@ f :: Int -> Int @) type TypeSignature dom = Ann UTypeSignature dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Types -- | Haskell types type Type dom = Ann UType dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Type variable declarations (with possible kind annotation) type TyVar dom = Ann UTyVar dom SrcTemplateStage -- One or more assertions type Context dom = Ann UContext dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A single assertion in the context type Assertion dom = Ann UAssertion dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Kinds -- | Kind constraint (@ :: * -> * @) type KindConstraint dom = Ann UKindConstraint dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Haskell kinds type Kind dom = Ann UKind dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Values promoted to the kind level type PromotedKind dom = Ann (UPromoted UKind) dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Expressions -- | Haskell expressions type Expr dom = Ann UExpr dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Clause of case expression (@ Just x -> x + 1 @) type Alt dom = Ann UAlt dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Right hand side of a match (possible with guards): (@ -> 3 @ or @ | x == 1 -> 3; | otherwise -> 4 @) type CaseRhs dom = Ann UCaseRhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A guarded right-hand side of pattern matches binding (@ | x > 3 -> 2 @) type GuardedCaseRhs dom = Ann UGuardedCaseRhs dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Field update expressions type FieldUpdate dom = Ann UFieldUpdate dom SrcTemplateStage -- | An element of a tuple section that can be an expression or missing (indicating a value from a parameter) type TupSecElem dom = Ann UTupSecElem dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Pragmas that can be applied to expressions type ExprPragma dom = Ann UExprPragma dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Special expressions for arrows type Cmd dom = Ann UCmd dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Clause of case expression for commands type CmdAlt dom = Ann UCmdAlt dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Arrow directions type ArrowApp dom = Ann UArrowAppl dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Statements -- | A statement in a do-notation type Stmt dom = Ann UStmt dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Keywords @do@ or @mdo@ to start a do-block type DoKind dom = Ann UDoKind dom SrcTemplateStage -- | List comprehension statement type CompStmt dom = Ann UCompStmt dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Body of a list comprehension: (@ | x <- [1..10] @) type ListCompBody dom = Ann UListCompBody dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A do-notation for arrows type CmdStmt dom = Ann UCmdStmt dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Patterns -- | Representation of patterns for pattern bindings type Pattern dom = Ann UPattern dom SrcTemplateStage -- Field specification of a record pattern type PatternField dom = Ann UPatternField dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Template Haskell -- | A template haskell splice type Splice dom = Ann USplice dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Template Haskell bracket expressions type Bracket dom = Ann UBracket dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Template haskell quasi-quotation: @[quoter|str]@ type QuasiQuote dom = Ann UQuasiQuote dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Literals -- | Haskell literals type Literal dom = Ann ULiteral dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Names -- | A definition that functions as an operator type Operator dom = Ann UOperator dom SrcTemplateStage -- | A definition that functions as a name type Name dom = Ann UName dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Possible qualified names. Contains also implicit names. -- Linear implicit parameter: @%x@. Non-linear implicit parameter: @?x@. type QualifiedName dom = Ann UQualifiedName dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Parts of a qualified name. type NamePart dom = Ann UNamePart dom SrcTemplateStage -- | Program elements formatted as string literals (import packages, pragma texts) type StringNode dom = Ann UStringNode dom SrcTemplateStage -- * Optional AST elements type MaybeContext dom = AnnMaybe UContext dom type MaybeDeriving dom = AnnMaybe UDeriving dom type MaybeDeriveStrategy dom = AnnMaybe UDeriveStrategy dom type MaybeLocalBinds dom = AnnMaybe ULocalBinds dom type MaybeTypeFamilySpec dom = AnnMaybe UTypeFamilySpec dom type MaybeKindConstraint dom = AnnMaybe UKindConstraint dom type MaybeClassBody dom = AnnMaybe UClassBody dom type MaybeInstBody dom = AnnMaybe UInstBody dom type MaybeExpr dom = AnnMaybe UExpr dom type MaybeExportSpecs dom = AnnMaybe UExportSpecs dom type MaybeImportQualified dom = AnnMaybe UImportQualified dom type MaybeImportSource dom = AnnMaybe UImportSource dom type MaybeImportSafe dom = AnnMaybe UImportSafe dom type MaybeImportSpec dom = AnnMaybe UImportSpec dom type MaybeModuleHead dom = AnnMaybe UModuleHead dom type MaybeModulePragma dom = AnnMaybe UModulePragma dom type MaybeSubSpec dom = AnnMaybe USubSpec dom type MaybeStringNode dom = AnnMaybe UStringNode dom type MaybeImportRenaming dom = AnnMaybe UImportRenaming dom type MaybeSafety dom = AnnMaybe USafety dom type MaybePhaseControl dom = AnnMaybe UPhaseControl dom type MaybeConlikeAnnot dom = AnnMaybe UConlikeAnnot dom type MaybeFunDeps dom = AnnMaybe UFunDeps dom -- * AST elements with multiplicity type MatchList dom = AnnList UMatch dom type DeclList dom = AnnList UDecl dom type PatternList dom = AnnList UPattern dom type OperatorList dom = AnnList UOperator dom type NameList dom = AnnList UName dom type LocalBindList dom = AnnList ULocalBind dom type IESpecList dom = AnnList UIESpec dom type RhsGuardList dom = AnnList URhsGuard dom type GuardedRhsList dom = AnnList UGuardedRhs dom type GuardedCaseRhsList dom = AnnList UGuardedCaseRhs dom type ConDeclList dom = AnnList UConDecl dom type TypeEqnList dom = AnnList UTypeEqn dom type TypeList dom = AnnList UType dom type FieldDeclList dom = AnnList UFieldDecl dom type ExprList dom = AnnList UExpr dom type FieldUpdateList dom = AnnList UFieldUpdate dom type GadtConDeclList dom = AnnList UGadtConDecl dom type ClassElementList dom = AnnList UClassElement dom type InstBodyDeclList dom = AnnList UInstBodyDecl dom type InstanceHeadList dom = AnnList UInstanceHead dom type AltList dom = AnnList UAlt dom type StmtList dom = AnnList UStmt dom type KindList dom = AnnList UKind dom type TyVarList dom = AnnList UTyVar dom type ListCompBodyList dom = AnnList UListCompBody dom type ExportSpecList dom = AnnList UExportSpec dom type FilePragmaList dom = AnnList UFilePragma dom type ImportDeclList dom = AnnList UImportDecl dom type PatternFieldList dom = AnnList UPatternField dom type AssertionList dom = AnnList UAssertion dom type CompStmtList dom = AnnList UCompStmt dom type RuleList dom = AnnList URule dom type RuleVarList dom = AnnList URuleVar dom type RoleList dom = AnnList URole dom type MinimalFormulaList dom = AnnList UMinimalFormula dom type FunDepList dom = AnnList UFunDep dom type TupSecElemList dom = AnnList UTupSecElem dom type CmdList dom = AnnList UCmd dom type CmdAltList dom = AnnList UCmdAlt dom type CmdStmtList dom = AnnList UCmdStmt dom type LanguageExtensionList dom = AnnList ULanguageExtension dom type StringNodeList dom = AnnList UStringNode dom type NamePartList dom = AnnList UNamePart dom type DerivingList dom = AnnList UDeriving dom