{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, MultiWayIf, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Setting the package database to use when compiling modules. The daemon must have one single
-- package database that cannot be changed after a package is loaded using that package database.
-- Available package databases are the cabal global, the cabal sandbox, the stack or one that had
-- been explicitely set by a file path.
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.PackageDB (PackageDB(..), decidePkgDB, packageDBLoc, detectAutogen) where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.Exception (SomeException, try)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Generics (Generic(..))
import System.Directory
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath (FilePath, (</>))
import System.Process (shell, readCreateProcessWithExitCode)

-- | Possible package database configurations.
data PackageDB = DefaultDB -- ^ Use the global cabal package database (like when using ghc).
               | CabalSandboxDB -- ^ Use the sandboxed cabal package database.
               | StackDB -- ^ Use the stack package databases (local and snapshot).
               | ExplicitDB { packageDBPath :: [FilePath] } -- ^ Set the package database explicitely.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON PackageDB

-- | Decide which type of project we are dealing with based on the package folders.
-- Should only be invoked if the user did not select the project-type.
decidePkgDB :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe PackageDB)
decidePkgDB [] = return Nothing
decidePkgDB (firstRoot:packageRoots) = do
  fstRes <- decidePkgDB' firstRoot
  res <- mapM decidePkgDB' packageRoots
  if any (fstRes /=) res || (fstRes == CabalSandboxDB && not (null res))
    then return Nothing
    else return (Just fstRes)

decidePkgDB' :: FilePath -> IO PackageDB
decidePkgDB' root = do isSandbox <- checkSandbox
                       if isSandbox then return CabalSandboxDB
                                  else do isStack <- checkStack
                                          if isStack then return StackDB
                                                       else return DefaultDB
    checkStack =
      withCurrentDirectory root $ (fmap $ either (\(_ :: SomeException) -> False) id) $ try $ do
        projRoot <- runCommandExpectOK "stack path --allow-different-user --project-root"
        absPath <- canonicalizePath root
        -- we only accept stack projects where the packages are (direct or indirect) subdirectories of the project root
        return $ maybe False (`isPrefixOf` absPath) projRoot
    checkSandbox = do
      hasConfigFile <- doesFileExist (root </> "cabal.config")
      hasSandboxFile <- doesFileExist (root </> "cabal.sandbox.config")
      return $ hasConfigFile || hasSandboxFile

-- | Finds the location of the package database based on the configuration.
packageDBLoc :: PackageDB -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
packageDBLoc DefaultDB _ = do
  dbs <- runCommandExpectOK "ghc-pkg list base"
  return $ maybe [] (filter (\l -> not (null l) && not (" " `isPrefixOf` l)) . lines) dbs
packageDBLoc CabalSandboxDB path = do
  hasConfigFile <- doesFileExist (path </> "cabal.config")
  config <- if hasConfigFile then readFile (path </> "cabal.config")
              else readFile (path </> "cabal.sandbox.config")
  return $ map (drop (length "package-db: ")) $ filter ("package-db: " `isPrefixOf`) $ lines config
packageDBLoc StackDB path = withCurrentDirectory path $ do
   -- TODO: group the 3 calls into one for speed, split the output
   globalDB <- runCommandExpectOK "stack path --allow-different-user --global-pkg-db"
   snapshotDB <- runCommandExpectOK "stack path --allow-different-user --snapshot-pkg-db"
   localDB <- runCommandExpectOK "stack path --allow-different-user --local-pkg-db"
   return $ maybeToList localDB ++ maybeToList snapshotDB ++ maybeToList globalDB
packageDBLoc (ExplicitDB dirs) _ = return dirs

-- | Gets the (probable) location of autogen folder depending on which type of
-- build we are using.
detectAutogen :: FilePath -> PackageDB -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
detectAutogen root DefaultDB = ifExists (root </> "dist" </> "build" </> "autogen")
detectAutogen root (ExplicitDB _) = ifExists (root </> "dist" </> "build" </> "autogen")
detectAutogen root CabalSandboxDB = ifExists (root </> "dist" </> "build" </> "autogen")
detectAutogen root StackDB = (fmap $ either (\(_ :: SomeException) -> Nothing) id) $ try $ do
  dir <- withCurrentDirectory root $ do
    distDir <- runCommandExpectOK "stack path --allow-different-user --dist-dir"
    return $ trim (fromMaybe "" distDir)
  genExists <- doesDirectoryExist (root </> dir </> "build" </> "autogen")
  buildExists <- doesDirectoryExist (root </> dir </> "build")
  if | genExists -> return $ Just (root </> dir </> "build" </> "autogen")
     | buildExists -> do -- for some packages, the autogen folder is inside a folder named after the package
                         cont <- filterM doesDirectoryExist . map ((root </> dir </> "build") </>)
                                   =<< listDirectory (root </> dir </> "build")
                         existing <- mapM ifExists (map (</> "autogen") cont)
                         return $ choose existing
     | otherwise -> return Nothing

-- | Run a command and return its result if successful display an error message otherwise.
runCommandExpectOK :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
runCommandExpectOK cmd = do
  (exitCode, res, errs) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell cmd) ""
  case exitCode of ExitSuccess -> return (Just $ trim res)
                   ExitFailure code -> do putStrLn ("The command '" ++ cmd ++ "' exited with "
                                                      ++ show code ++ ":\n" ++ errs)
                                          return Nothing

trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f
   where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace

-- take the first nonempty
choose :: (Eq (f a), Alternative f) => [f a] -> f a
choose = fromMaybe empty . find (/= empty)

ifExists :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
ifExists fp = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
                 if exists then return (Just fp)
                           else return Nothing